There are over 800 pages/files on this site [SITE INDEX],
and an equal number of hyperlinks to remote sites.
Reports of any failed links are appreciated.

Uncivilization and its Discontents
Fraud and Racketeering by Insurance Companies and HMOs.
Corruption of Governmental Regulatory Agencies
And of State and Federal Legislatures.
Destruction of the Medical Profession.
Castration of the Legal Profession Specializing in Tort Law.
FDA: Governmental Restriction of Your Personal Options.
United Nations = One World, One Order: One Neck, One Leash.
On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Robbie Robinson wrote:
One world, one web, one program. -- Microsoft Ad Campaign
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer. -- Nazi Ad Campaign
There is, of course, much more to life than Evils of the Insurance
Cartel and Governmental Corruption: SEE BELOW

        "We [the human race] do not have much time to prove that we are not
         the product of a lethal mutation."
                     -- Science 263: 181, 1994

Collected Words of Wisdom.

The Continuing Post 911 Research Bookmark File
Yes, is long, as of September 1, 2004 approaching 12,000 book marks, and over 1.6 MB; the insanity to document seems to increase daily. It will take several minutes to download. Good things come to he who waits.


Electronic Frontier Foundation [Support Internet Freedom] [Link]

Free Speech Online: The Blue Ribbon Campaign
Private Communications Online: The Golden Key Campaign
[ACLU State Censorship Page] [Link]
[Electronic Privacy Information Center] [Link]

 The National Rifle Association (NRA/ILA) [Link]

Our founding fathers had no trust in government, understanding that we must preserve our rights to protect ourselves from it. Any attempted infringement of this constitutional right must be defeated and shown for what it is, another step in the direction of enslavement and totalitarianism. We have allowed the steps of the Federal Government in this direction for far too long already. Let it be stopped - Now.

[Results in Australia]
[Some More History]
The buttholes are at it again:
Search http://www.senate.gov/"
for SB2099. This time it's through the IRS code! Let's *tax* the Second Amendment out of effective existence without actually raising the issue. This can be done so slowly that no one will notice. A National Database of all noncriminal handgun holders. I'm sure the criminals will line up to register their illegally gotten pieces. If you pass enough laws, you can make a criminal out of anybody - although it seems nowadays that you don't have to pass laws: illegal operations by governmental agencies that are directed by our boner president is enough to create criminals arbitrarily. How wonderfully efficient: rule crush maim and destroy by fiat! - No help from our pussywhipped corrupt judiciary.

The Good, The Bad, The GUN!
An extensive set of links on the facts


The Death of the Second Amendment
On the 2d Amendment and Gun Control [Link]
Lawyers Guns and Money [Link]
[A comment]

Reviving the Academies of the Muses [Link]
Only GOOD News! [Link] The Soros Foundation Network [Link]

                        General Reference Links

  1. Mountain Area Information Network: Home Page
  2. Electronic Information Resources: Ready Reference
  3. Dictionaries and Reference Works
    English Dictionaries | Foreign Language Dictionaries | Acronym Dictionaries | Biographical Dictionaries| | Computing Dictionaries | Legal Dictionaries | Scientific Dictionaries | Other Dictionaries |

You won't find any pretty pictures here. The prettiest pictures would be of the mountainous county in which I live. There are good pictures on the Graham Home Page The best and most artistic photographs of the beauty of Graham County cannot, to my mind, even begin to do it justice; but more on that elsewhere in essays. Why is it called "tourist season" if we can't shoot at them?

You will find a semiformal resume, for no particular purpose; some work that I've been doing over years, in fits and starts, on finitistic quantum theory and the nature of space and time; some related mathematical work; some poetry; some essays on life and the meaning thereof; some attempts at insight into piano technique and its acquisition; a chronology of original musical compositions; pages devoted to the musical works of my two musical composition teachers, Raoul Pleskow and Stefan Wolpe; some thoughts on mathematics in the composition of music, applications of Lie algebras and Lie groups and of music as language; a list of books that are or have been in some way important to me, a page of medical resources, a hierarchy of Internet related subjects and help files, and complaints of the inhuman behavior of insurance companies and government as well as some future philosophical musings thereon.

The latest addition is some recipes and musings on the structure of the history of various cuisines of the world by The Snotty Chef.

The Obligatory Copy Right Stuff

                          Mostly Original Stuff

  1. Curriculum Vitae, Loves, Passions, Hobbies and Interests
    (In short, about me)
  2. From The Snotty Chef
    The Snotty Chef discourses on food, history, biology, chemistry, evolution and techniques & recipes from around the world.
  3. Metayoga of the Internet
    (Internet History, Structure, Help; Resources, Howto, Things Technical, LISP, unix, shells, C Programming Language - examples - program source and functions)
  4. Philosophy Essays on various standard areas of philosophy.
    [New: September 26, 1998]
  5. Physics
    Some ongoing work and problems solved on the foundations of quantum mechanics & spacetime structure all loosely centered on the problem of quantum gravity.
  6. Mathematics
    Some work on the mathematics of a notion dynamical evolution in the context of noncentral time and a small collection of binomial coefficient formulae and relations.
  7. Biology
    A collection of links dealing with evolutionary biology, molecular biology and the protein folding problem.
  8. Medical Science: Resources and Databases
    A link collection to medical databases, centers, journals, research, information on medical specialties and special diseases; and also some essays on serious problems affecting the medical profession.
  9. Languages, Linguistics and Mythology
    A collection of links to lingustics resources and resources on specific languages in which I happen to have an interest.
  10. Poetry
    Some of my favorites of old, some by friends and some original.
  11. Essays
    Serious, whistful, whimsical and Comic, on a variety of subjects.
  12. Music
    Essay on Mathematical Applications, History and Theory; Music of Raoul Pleskow (Definitive Catalog), Anton von Webern and Stefan Wolpe, essays on listening and on comparing music to a human language. More References and Links.
  13. Favorite Books
  14. The Law Page
    A link collection
  15. Fraud and Torture by Insurance Companies, and Other Horrors
  16. Home Pages for Judy Morris MD, "judydoc" A complement and extension of my pages on the continuing criminality of the insurance industry in collusion with governmental regulatory agencies and the consent of Congress. Judydoc specifically homes in on the outrageous abuses of UNUM, now, heaven help us all, "UNUM/Provident/Paul-Revere"!
  17. Hammel v. State Farm
    The diary and documentation of our Pro Se RICO suit, formally as of August 11, 1999 against State Farm Insurance. I don't take abuse, I don't give abuse; I'm not in the abuse business.
  18. 911 Research (and sequelae) bookmark database


[Who do not necessarily agree with our views and opinions]
  1. Dr. Michael Leyton [Link]
  2. Dr. Stephen A. Fulling [Link]
  3. Howard Rovics [Link]
  4. Michael Somos [Link]
  5. Marty M. [Link]
  6. Laura Potter [Link]
  7. Eduardo Boechat's Home Page [Link]

                          People I Don't Know At All
                          With Interesting Websites

  1. Nita Sturiale Home Page (Art/Science)
  2. Ellis Cooper
  3. mitch @ The Hub (Mitchell Porter)
  4. Jim Finn Home Page
  5. Robert B. Jones Home (Peano Formulaire)
  6. Cosma Rohilla Shalizi
  7. Kooks Museum Lobby (Donna J. Kossy)
    Museum of Charlatans, Pseudoscience, Transcendental Stupidity,
    New Age Nonsense, and Post Modern Garbage. (My Description)
  8. Skeptic Hotline

                       Other Interesting Links

  1. Oceania: The Atlantis Project
  2. Nathaniel Brandon
  3. Objectivist Philosophy (and Ayn Rand)
  4. The Organon - Aristotle's Logic
  6. Locke - An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  7. TREATISE concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge - G. Berkeley
  8. Kant - Critique of Pure Reason - Contents
  9. Eric's Treasure Troves of Science [Link]

    An extract from The Linux Systems Administration Guide: :-)
     "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick
     to anger.  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy
     and taste good with ketchup.  Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for
     they are subtle, and will piss on your computer."
             anonymous - but surely with some apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien

Top of Page 

Contents of Home Page

Email me, Bill Hammel at 

            © August 1999 by Bill Hammel (bhammel@graham.main.nc.us).
            Permission to use for noncommercial, educational purposes.
            This copyright and permission notice must appear in all copies.
            Permission is also granted to refer to or describe these
            documents in commercial books, products, or online services.
            These documents may be freely reproduced, copied and disseminated
            by any electronic, digital or written means, but in no case may
            such copying or dissemination be charged for.  The idea is very
	    simple, no person or body has supported any of the original
	    works contained in this pages.  They are works of love given
	    freely.  I find repugnant the idea of someone expropriating,
	    for profit, what I give freely.  If you have a problem with
            this, ask; rules always have exceptions.

The URL for this document is:
Created: March 1997
Last Updated: January 3, 2002
Last Updated: April 6, 2002
Last Updated: May 25, 2002
Last Updated: May 31, 2002
Last Updated: September 1, 2004
Last Updated: November 19, 2005
Last Updated: December 7, 2005
Last Updated: April 12, 2008