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I see these pages are listed by various internet directory pages and search engines as "alternative physics". In some sense I suppose that is true, since the materials are almost all about the construction of a fundamental physics that makes good sense of both quantum theory and relativistic theory - which, in orthodox physics, does not yet exist. That is certainly not from want of trying. A rather different conceptualization is most probably needed, and exactly what that difference is remains unclear.

In varying degrees, and in varying ways, that quantum theory and relativistic theory, generally, are incompatible has be known and understood by those paying attention, since about the 1920s. This 80+ year old fundamental incompatibility has been mostly ignored by the seemingly dominant government engineer type of physicist, and occasionaly cudgeled into renitent slime by those who care, proving again and again that the incompatibility will not disappear or become logically tractible.

The educational system has tended to sweep this fundamental logical dirt under the rug, which is, of course, absolutely unconscionable, but then the educational system has become merely a propagandistic arm of untenable government, so unconscionability is not exactly surprising. Welcome to The Age of Governmental (i.e., politicized) Science (and truth, which is to say nontruth), or Pseudoscience (same thing).

One might profitably consider the orthodoxy (since fundamental things are clearly wrong with it) to be the "alternative physics". Science is afterall, a process and not a "thing". A philosophical suggestion contained in these pages is that the ontological "thing" is not ultimately fundamental, and that the fundamental ultimate rests in process.

What exists here is based on the body of physics that has come before, and on the rigor of modern logic and mathematics. It is neither "conservative", nor wild eyed, but it is both mathematically and scientifically *prudent*.

           "There is no God, and Dirac is his prophet." -- W. Pauli

           "It is that the universe is comprehensible at all;
            that is the mystery."                       -- E. Wigner

           Epitaph seen: "Here lies Schroedinger's cat"

	The Anthropic Principle is the AntiPhysics.

	Time doesn't exist, a priori; it is generated by the sheer
	existence of energy, the sine qua non of existence.


As a function of scale, physical reality is, and physical theory should be, described by alternating regimes of chaos and order; at the lowest scale of physical existence, there is chaos and noncomputability. This is essential for the ontological alternations of chaos and order that do exist. Reality seems at all levels of complexity to require a randomizer of some sort. The fundamental level of reality must contain such a randomizer, and a "Quantum Principle" (Q) must be present as that randomizer. The fundamental level is small, local, and consistant with Q. All Q-type formalisms suggest Lie algebraic structures.

The Problem:
Define a local Q structure that is Lie algebraic in nature, that gives rise to both the the structure of QM embodied in the Heisenberg algebra, and also to the relational structure embodied in a "Relativistic Principle" R, of which we have two, Special Relativity (SR) and General Relativity (GR), the latter extending SR to include gravity.

These are articles dealing mostly with space, time, spacetime and its quantization, as related to a reconciliation of the Quantum Principle and the Relativistic Principle. They are printed here and most probably will never be submitted to a professional journal, simply because it is just too much bother.

The central object of interest here is a chain of algebras given in terms of nxn complex matricies that connect the Canonical Commutation Relations CCR for n unbounded with the Canonical Anticommutation Relations for n=2; hence Finite Canonical Commutation Relations or "FCCR". They happen, also, to pass through the unitary symmetries of particle physics contained in "the standard model".

The central idea is that these local algebraic structures can be patched together in a multiplicity of replication therough the idea of a connection, so that something like a manifold arises, yet one is not stuck with the notion of a physical continuum of GR, where SR exists outside of what would otherwise be a manifold, by existing in a tangent plane, making contact with the manifold at only one point in the continuous manifold. That this tangent plane relation is really physically unacceptable, I understood from Elihu Lubkin, many years ago. The nesting of Hilbert spaces should correspond to a nesting of subsets.

The second topic, as much mathematics as physics, is dimension as a dynamical and statistically determined construct. A model is presented, based on a statistical treatment of graphs whose lines all have equal lengths. The common length is associated with fundamental quantum of interaction energy.

The third topic is a theory of Quantized Set Theory based on FCCR and cast in terms of associated complex finite dimensional Clifford algebras, that should correspond to the quantized power set 2^S, for some finite set S. This is accompanied by an essay on the concept of quantum gravity.

The fourth topic is what was (for me, at least) an instructive working out, many years ago, of a solution to problem (2-6) in the Classical text on Feynman's path integral formulation of Quantum Mechanics. There are comments on the wording and meaning of the problem itself. There are also comments related to FCCR and the general discretation of space and time. The proof of an integral formula used, is included at the end.

With that there are also a number of pages of notes on various topics in mathematical physics.

The fifth topic is a reconsideration of De Broglie's paradox (it isn't usually called that) concerning periodic processes and both quantum and relativistic principles. Some notes on a conceptual bifurcation of classical, in fact, "classical quantum" time, into a dynamic and refractory time, both contributing to an observed time. There are relations to aspects of FCCR, with its discrete concepts of time.

An abiding topic is the nature and teaching of physics, and what that has to do with the rest of human existence.

  1. Graphs and Dynamical Dimension (In progress)
  2. Quantum Set Theory Introduction
  3. Set Theory, Quantum Set Theory & Clifford Algebras (In progress)
  4. FCCR (Almost there)
    Finite Canonical Commutation Relations that have all the properties of standard CCR of quantum mechanics, and in addition, a time operator.
  5. Classical Geometry & Physics Redux
  6. Origins of The Species of Time
  7. An Essay on the Quantum Theoretical Origins of Newtonian Time
  8. FCCR and Random Flight
  9. An Essay on the Concept of Quantum Gravity (In progress)
  10. The Quantum Universe as Algebra (In progress)
  11. Notes On Noncommutative Geometry (In progress)
  12. CCR And The (2m+1) Dimensional Heisenberg (Lie) Algebras (In progress)
  13. On The Simple Harmonic Oscillator (In progress)
  14. Notes On The Lax Equation
  15. Laplace Transforms & Formulas
  16. Contexts for Simple Spinor Algebra
  17. On The Meaning of 'Tensor'
  18. Notes on Simplicial Homology (In progress)
  19. Relativistic Feynman Path Integrals: Verbose solution with commentary of Problem (2-6) in the Feynman and Hibbs text book.
  20. De Broglie Paradox Revisited (In progress)
  21. Felix Klein's Geometric Abstraction by Groups
  22. The Planck Units
  23. Interpreting the Planck Mass
  24. Notes on Alphabets, Languages & Automata (In progress)
  25. Algebra Valued Fields on Noncommutative Spaces Defined by C*-Algebras (In progress)
  26. Regimes of Physical Theory
  27. On The Teaching of Physics
  28. Mathematics Pages

  1. The Math Forum Home Page (forum.swarthmore.edu)
    A mindwarpingly huge, and organized high level entrance to all things mathematical; applications to various fields.
  2. http://www.mannlib.cornell.edu/gateway.html [CORNELL] INSPEC
    Scientific Literature Search
  3. http://xxx.lanl.gov
    Los Alamos National Laboratories Mathematics & Physics Preprint Archive
  4. http://www.msri.org/preprints/archive.html
    Duke University Mathematical Preprint Archive
  5. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/
    University of Texas Mathematical Physics Archive
  6. http://www.aip.org/
    The American Institute of Physics
  7. http://www.intelli-net.com/personal/tsmith/TShome.html
    Tony Smith's Home Pages
  8. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/
    Home Page for Dave Rusin
  9. http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/README.html
    John Baez's Papers
  10. http://www.math.latech.edu/mailserv/home.html
  11. [Other Physics and Mathematics Links - with no particular organization]


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Created: 1997
Last Updated: August 6, 2002
Last Updated: August 18, 2002
Last Updated: August 28, 2002
Last Updated: November 17, 2002
Last Updated: May 27, 2004
Last Updated: June 8, 2004
Last Updated: September 30, 2004
Last Updated: December 29, 2004
Last Updated: July 21, 2005
Last Updated: September 27, 2005
Last Updated: November 6, 2005
Last Updated: December 17, 2005