INGREDIENTS (to be prepared, in order and group of use):

	2    TBS usli ghee

	4     @  bay leaves, medium
	2     @  cloves
	8     @  black/green peppercorns

	1/2  tsp fenugreek seeds
	1/2  tsp cumino, ground

	1     @  onion, medium, chopped

	2     @  tomatoes chopped (or 2 cups canned diced tomatoes)
	1     @  lemon, large - the juice of
	1/2  tsp turmeric
	1/4  tsp Cayenne pepper, ground
	1/2  tsp salt

	2     @  green chili, chopped
	1    cup yoghurt beaten smooth with a fork
	3/4+ cup water

	4     @  eggs, jumbo

	1    TBS cilantro, chopped


	1. In a deep pan with tight cover, melt and heat the ghee.
	   Add the bay leaves peppercorns and cloves letting them fry
	   for 1-2 minutes, swirling them in the hot ghee.

	2. When the bay leaf begins to brown, quickly add the fenugreek
	   seeds.  These will burn easily, so swirl only two or three
	   times before adding the ground cumino.

	3. Immediately add the onions and fry, stirring constantly
	   until the onions are partially browned around the edges.

	4. Add the tomatoes, lemon juice, turmeric and salt; stir,
	   cooking for about 4 minutes until tomatoes are done.
	   With canned tomatoes, cook time is partically nothing;
	   simply bring the mixture up to a boiling temperature.
	5. Add the chopped chilis; stir them in.

	6. Add the yoghurt and stir that into the mixture, about
	   1 TBS at a time.

	   Lower the heat to a gentle simmer.  From here on the mixture
	   must neither boil nor sit around for very long.

	7. Add the water and stir that into the mixture, bringing
	   the mixture again to a gentle simmer.

	8. Gently break the eggs into the pan, a little away from each
	   other and without rupturing the yolk. Do not stir!

	9. Cover immediately and remove from heat, allowing to sit
	   for at least 3 minutes.

	10. Serve the poached eggs over a shallow layer of rice,
	    using a large spoon, with plenty of the poaching sauce.
	    Sprinkle chopped cilantro over the top just before serving.

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            © February 2006 by Bill Hammel (
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            This copyright and permission notice must appear in all copies.
            Permission is also granted to refer to or describe these
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            These documents may be freely reproduced, copied and disseminated
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Created: June 24, 2007
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