Note that the page structure here will probably change and expand rapidly as more information and links are added.
ACHTUNG! ALLES LOOKENSPEEPERS! Das Internet is nicht fuer gefingerclicken und mittengrabben. Ist easy das packetdroppen der routers und overloaden der backbone mit der spammen, kreutzposten und der me-tooenposten. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumpkopfen. Das mussclicken sichtseeren keepen das bandweitspewin hants in die pocketen muss; relaxen und watchen das cursorblinken. (By Michael Driscoll, appearing here with grammatical and spelling corrections without his kind permission, only because I have no idea who he is. Based on a popular previous old incarnation.)
As everyone knows "yoga" is a Sanskrit word that means and from which is derived "yoke". The Internet is nothing if not a yoking together of computers and therefore their resources.
This set of pages is a yoking together, not of computers, but of information concerning the yoking of computers. The subject is the Yoga of the Internet, but we won't be doing it, just talking about it; we will therefore be doing metayoga, rather than yoga. The construction is the same as metamathematics which talks about the structure of mathematics and the same as the modern meaning of metaphysics. Physics talks about "nature"; metaphysics talks about the way we talk about nature. Now that this all perfectly clear. On with the subject.
Below, is a list of highest order links that will eventually branch out into various essays on internet related things, that will, with some luck, actually be useful. The material here should be not overly detailed and not bogged down in details. It should be answers to questions of the form: What is this stuff, and is it good for anyhow?