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List Volume 14
- The US and the Middle East: A "Grand Settlement" Versus the Jewish Lobby - Signs of the Times - Mon, 04 Dec, 2006
- Zionism: Pitting the West Against Islam - Signs of the Times - Mon, 04 Dec, 2006
- Signs Economic Commentary for 4 December 2006 - Signs of the Times - Mon, 04 Dec, 2006
- He (Bush) is The Worst Ever (READ)
- Government blacks out whole response to ethics watchdog's FOIA request
- Follow the Polonium (to guess where?)
- Welcome to the Airport. You Seen These Guys? (US corpagov on par with slime mold)
- Fed court to hear 'landmark torture case' against Rumsfeld (You already know the results)
- U.S. "Theft" of Mexican Territory (Purpose of all gov is theft)
- Bush DID KNOW that Webb's son was almost killed!
- Former Senator James Abourezk on Chomsky and the Israel Lobby in the US (READ - then figure out who owns US Federal Reserve)
- The price of silence (about the truths of 9/11)
- Pentagon carrying Al Jazeera English (But US people are not allowed to see and hear)
- Gingrich Lies To Assault Free Speech Again (He's been a very sick man for a very long time)
- Praise for Gibson Film, Quandary for Oscar Voters
- How to end AP's "60 Minutes Moment" on Iraqi Sources (READ)
- The White House Can't Put Out the Mideast Fires It Ignited (norhas it ever wanted to)
- U.S. Envoy Khalilzad to Leave Iraq, Officials Say
- Quick history of Russia school wouldn't teach you (READ)
- Call upon Hillary Clinton to cancel meeting with Lieberman (The "Rotten One" doesn't give a rat's ass about what you say, know or think)
- Census Counts 100,000 Contractors in Iraq (i.e., mercenary army replacing US volunteer cannon fodder and victims of DU)
- John Bolton's Greatest Hits (READ)
- A vote for more cooked intelligence? (to back up corpagov lies thatcover its looting of the nation)
- Israel is an Antisemitic State ("antisemitic" is itself a looted word)
- US Seeks Near-Total Isolation for Gitmo (and has for years)
- YouTube - President Carter, Mearsheimer and WaIt and The Israel Lobby
- YouTube - President Carter talks about AIPAC and Israel on C-SPAN
- House Demolitions in the West Bank (It goes well with genocide)
- Video reveals harsh treatment of terror suspect
- Ties to Israel nothing new for Senate's next majority leader
- Bush loses another ally as UN ambassador Bolton resigns in face of Senate hostility (He will go on to greater evil; wait and watch)
- C-SPAN caller bashes former President Carter as 'racist, bigot, anti-Semite' (Almost funny)
- Another Bloodbath in Lebanon? (Israel is already designing it)
- Antarctica's amazing disappearing, reappearing ice shelf (The problem isthat "researchers" DON'T think, and get interpreted by turd like journalists and understood by moron sheeple)
- It's Our Net (It is a corpagov, remember, remember)
- Lebanon opposition buries slain Shi'ite protester
- Denver housing market in free-fall as foreclosures eclipse record (Are we finally paying attention?)
- ADS -- The Newest Weapon From Our Overlords (The genocidal corpagov)
- US Sailor Spied for Israel (despite current howling denials)
- Israeli Officials Using Madison Avenue PR Companies To RE-Brand Country's Imag (They lie because they are guilty)
- IRAQ IS BROKE -- MAYBE WE WILL BE, TOO (Um - we already are, numbnuts)
- Taxation of Virtual Assets in Online Gaming Is "Inevitable" (Beyond Insanity)
- Letter from James Abourezk, former US Senator from South Dakota to Jeff Blankfort on the Israel Lobby :: from www.uruknet.inf
- We Are All Tortures Now!
- New York Bans Artificial Trans Fats At Restaurants (Next week, it's onions!)
- Richest 2% own 'half the wealth' (Are we paying ANY attention to the thefts that arrange this?)
- Homeland Security Extends Comment Time (Better it should die an ugly death - filthy fiction that it is)
- Afghanistan investigates kidnap of German reporter (or not)
- British soldier killed in battle with Taliban (This is news?)
- Pentagon resists pleas for help in Afghan opium fight (What a joke! This is CIA megaincome!)
- Iraq: ICRC strongly condemns attacks against civilians (You should hear what Donald Duck has to say)
- Iraqi Troops Respond to Explosion Near Baghdad (They went the other way?)
- US not winning in Iraq-Pentagon nominee Gates (Another genius master of the obvious)
- Gates OK'd for Defense by Senate Panel (of genetic defectives)
- Beijing prepares the army to repress domestic unrest (How Amerikan!)
- Australian Labor Party's "fresh face" masks a pro-war, corporate agenda (What did you expect?!)
- Why the Canadian Liberals elected Stéphane Dion as new leader (She's cute?)
- Secret US database on international travelers exposed
- Video reveals US torture of "enemy combatant" José Padilla
- Media Consensus, Stay in Iraq! (Saying what they are told to say)
- Joe Bageant: Somewhere a Banker Smiles (Relax Joe; yes, it's true, and has everything to do with zionism and 9/11. Wake up and use your noodle - no, not that one)
- The New Washington Consensus: Blame the Victims in Iraq (It seems the obvious must be repeated incessantly)
- Nearly as Many Contractors as Soldiers in Iraq
- Lame-Duck Congress May Be Lamest Ever (Not lame, just treasonous)
- Iraq's Death Squads: An Instrument Of The Occupation (Of course)
- Russia Holds Israeli Prisoners Hostage, Seeks to Swap Them for Wanted Tycoon - eport
- Azeri Newspaper Faces Criminal Probe for Insulting Prophet Muhammad (Get a grip)
- Russian Orthodox Church Wants Presentation in Schools on Par With Darwins Theory (of the flying spaghetti monster theory? We're surrounded by cretins!)
- Israeli PM Calls Russian Jews to Pack Bags and Go Home (There goes half the population)
- Russian Security Services Study Turin Shroud, Say Christ Was Crucified (Oh, I'm just so relieved!)
- Russian Orthodox Church Seeking Closer Relations with Anti-Gay Parishes in U.S. ("Mosnews" is giant joke page!)
- NYC Has New Emergency Center (and continuing 9/11 contrafactual mythology)
- Suit: Anti-Terror Unit Filled With Hate (is actually an instrument of State Terrorism)
- Israel, Iran Holding Debt Talks (Israel owes Iran tens of millions of dollars for oil)
- Top Democrat Wants More Troops In Iraq (Silvestre Reyes)
- Wired News: Israel's Ethnic Weapon? (Too stupid for words)
- Alps Are Warmest in 1,300 Years (or not)
- Fijians express anger, resignation at fourth coup in 20 years
- suspect in poisoning case is hospitalized
- Extradition ruled out over spy case
- Arms Control Association: Arms Control Today: Security Council Deadlocks on Iran
- House Postpones Offshore Drilling Bill
- A few filthy rich own half the world: study (READ)
- US drops plan to open up airlines
- Stents safe in Canada, MD says
- Turkey Faces Setback in European Union Bid
- Iraq Study Group: Situation 'grave and deteriorating (as it was meant to be)
- Audit says FEMA squandering Katrina aid (Utterly corrupt and criminal governments should not be allowed to persist)
- Fine Print in Defense Bill Opens Door to Martial Law
- 9/11 film focuses on conspiracy theories
- Ellsberg Says Bush Plans to Nuke Iran
- IS ENGLAND A "DEAD LOSS?" (Yes, next question?)
- CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Jesse Jackson :: Congress must insist Bush isn't above law
- Ex-Agent: CIA Seed Money Helped Launch Google
- An Open Letter to the New Congress - Investing in Hate: America's Support of Israel
- There is much more at stake for America than Iraq
- Analysts [in whimworld]: Bin Laden alive but hamstrung - Nation/Politic
- Israeli minister seeks school textbook changes (and could suffer an unfortunate accident thereby)
- Study could acquit Israel of war crimes (LMFAO!)
- Neocons Move to Preempt Baker Report
- Israeli violence against children and youth in custody
- The Taliban Gets Closer to Kabul
- Ten Reasons To Impeach The President (only 10 out of how many?!)
- Carter plays Hardball with israel
- FDA rejects new limits on mercury in vaccines
- History be dammed (The Aswan dilemma revisited in Iran)
- Britons to attend Iran's Holocaust conference (Robert Tait still insists on misquoting Ahmadinejad)
- President Bush's policy in Iraq "is not working" (Understatement by the bemused)
- False Arar testimony likely to cost RCMP boss his job (That's it?!)
- Georgia foreclosures jump 99%; rate is nation's 3rd highest
- FBI Taps Cell Phone Microphones in Mafia Case (Abandon cell phones)
- Making the Connection Between Iraq and Israel (neither bushco nor handlers want out of Iraq)
- Israel to raze 42,000 Palestinian homes (How perfectly Israel)
- 911 'No-Planes' Conspirators Seek To Sabotage Truth
- Flirting With Fascism on CNN Headline News (READ)
- Awesome auto does 1,000,000 miles, retires (Not US made)
- Actor James Brolin Latest Celebrity To Publicly Doubt 9/11
- David Lynch Goes Public With 9/11 Questions
- Canada: Suspect Tortured Despite Warning
- Arctic ice field could melt by 2080: European research (or not)
- The Iraq Study Group Report
- Text of letter from Iraq panel co-chairs
- Iraq Study Group urges troop withdrawal
- Panel's Hamilton: Iraq war costs could top $1 trillion
- Civil Libertarians Protest Privacy Policy
- Senators Rap FBI Over Domestic Spying
- Radiation found in British embassy
- Robert Gates confirmed as secretary of defense (Of course)
- A Christmas disaster for Illinois households Illinois Democratic Party allows January 1 power rate increase
- Britain is video surveillance capital of the world
- Opposition parties fail to oust Taiwanese president
- Social polarization in American academia Pay for US university presidents soars(and the decay from which it stems)
- Fijian government ousted in military coup
- Death toll continues to rise as Iraq war grinds on
- Senate committee votes unanimously to confirm Bush nominee for Pentagon chief
- Richard W. Behan: The Surreal Politics of Premeditated War (READ - but it is Counterpunch, the corpagov hoax of 9/11 is AGAIN repeated as real)
- The New Conventional Wisdom: Prosecute Individuals, Not Corporations (READ)
- The Boomerang Effect: When Will the First IED Strike Cincy? (The State has long prepared for wrath of the people that it has induced)
- Robert Bryce: Omitting the Obvious with James Baker
- Smuggling, Theft, Bribery at Homeland Security Agency (a high point of corpagov)
- Al-Maliki to Call for Regional Meeting
- Paris Talks Can't Reach Iran Deal (and they will not)
- Thomas D. Williams | Democrats Launch Series of Strategy Sessions on Iraq War (Don't hold your breath with farces)
- Iraq Panel: War a Catastrophe, Pullout by '08 (urges another year+ of it)
- Fiji Imposes State of Emergency
- Elder Bush Cries
- Witness to checkpoint abuse "punished" by Israeli Army
- Ramzy Baroud: Ethnic Cleansing and Israel's Racist Discourse
- Israel Laments Loss Of Bolton At U.N. (ROTFL - loss of its Israeli ambassador)
- Clark And Edwards Still Owe Hundreds Of Thousands From Previous Campaigns (READ)
- Former army head says government is failing soldiers in time of war(quite deliberately)
- CENTAF releases airpower summary for Dec. 6
- Key issue of Iran's nuclear ambition is ignored
- Death of Litvinenko now treated as murder
- US charges son of ex-Liberian leader with torture (I thought torture was now a good thing?!)
- Massive study debunks link between cell phones, cancer (or not)
- Cheney's Halliburton Ties Remain
- Closer to the Abyss
- Extra -11;-11;600m earmarked for Iraq and Afghanistan
- Captured Israel Soldiers Suffer Injuries (but are not IDF shredded women and children)
- Congo needs a new kind of leader
- Kabila inaugurated as DRC president
- Dam Breaks On 9/11 Truth (a slight exaggeration :-)
- Israel destroying homes of Palestinian Bedouins
- Forget shopping, this could turn into a crash (READ)
- The Pavlovian State (You're the Dog) (READ)
- TomPaine.com - Thank You, Jimmy Carter
- The Dismal History of Phony Money (READ)
- Swiftboating in Forest Lake
- In Iraq, as in Vietnam, war's exit strategy begins at home
- Bush could bypass new torture ban (There is no ban: that bypass was built in)
- Ex-CIA official: WMD evidence ignored
- Case of the Dwindling Docket Mystifies the Supreme Court (How about, too many people know it's a corrupt crock of shit?)
- White House rules out one-on-one talks with Iran (It wants only to bomb and invade)
- No touchscreen voting without paper (READ)
- U.S. Criminal Probe Rattles $2 Trillion Municipal Bond Market (Something very artificial about this)
- Israelis piqued by Gates nuclear "confirmation" (only because it shows them as bald faced liars)
- Democratic Party Denies Democracy" We will not cut off funding for the troops" (READ)
- Brown-bag crackdown: Protecting the U.S. from lunch meat, soup (The insanity, the whole insanity and nothing but the insanity)
- Israel brushes off Iraq report, no to Syria talks (The usual arrogance)
- Khiam bomb crater tests positive for uranium
- Khiam bomb crater tests positive for uranium
- FLASHBACK: President Authorized Abu Ghraib Torture, FBI Email Says
- Gates Confirmed - Doormats Of The World, Unite!
- The Secret Plan To Stay In Iraq (READ)
- U.S. Holocaust Memorial Distances Itself From Right-Wing Pundit
- None Dare Call It Reason (READ)
- Iran plans to reduce use of dollar in trade
- Somalia on edge as Islamists warn of wider conflict after UN vote
- Venezuela's Opposition Concedes: Chavez Is Here to Stay (READ)
- Congress votes to preserve World War Two internment camps
- Israel rejects Iraq study ideas (because it wants only complete genocide, as it has always wanted, saying so explicitly)
- Student sues over 10-day suspension (US "educational system" as fascist mafia)
- Warning over spiralling Iraq refugee crisis
- Fannie Mae Final Tally: $6.3 Billion Overstated
- Trouble in the Ivory Tower (READ the comments)
- One Third Of Jailed Journalists Are Bloggers
- Cracks appear between Bush and Blair over need for talks with Iran and Syria (or not)
- Infected blood threatens fresh outbreak of vCJD (or not)
- GOP hands WalMart a $1bn 'incentive'
- EAC Unit Recommends E-Voting Software Independence (and development by the corrupt and lying NIST)
- Report: Businessman in coma from poisoning (He would HAVE to have been separately poisoned)
- Death by Dust (READ)
- Senate approves Burr's bioterrorism bill (READ - and be yet again terrorized by your unelected corpagov)
- Dubai Ports participating in U.S. security plan (State terrorism by fairy tales)
- Privacy groups rip terrorist risk-rating plan (With what efficacy?)
- U.S.: Padilla's Time in Brig Irrelevant (Good, let's jail the entire US corpagov for 50 years and deem it irrelevant)
- Guantanamo Detainees Going to New Prison (with more torture toys)
- U.S. troops suffer heavy toll (That's why they're sent there)
- Soldiers on front line short of equipment, MPs warn (For how many YEARS has it been the case?)
- 'Overstretch' putting UK troops at risk, says general (It was planned that way)
- No withdrawal from Iraq, Howard insists (Poodle piping up)
- Powell on Iraq: 'It looks like, smells like and ... is a civil war' (Whylisten to a proven liar and war criminal?)
- The Roman Empire is falling - so it turns to Iran and Syria
- Bush: No early Iran-Syria talks (No talking, just bombing and genocide)
- Oil for Sale: Iraq Study Group Recommends Privatization (THERE is the purpose of the "study group"; the rest is irrelevant)
- An appeal to the Orange Revolution's paymaster Ukraine's president writes in the Washington Post(Destroyer of Ukrainia)
- Sharp reversal for Social Democrats in Dutch elections (Dutch like USians: damned if they do, and damned if they don't)
- Rafael Correa declared new president of Ecuador (a maybe)
- Vietnam signs up to World Trade Organisation (mistake)
- Massive US prison population continues to grow
- Iraq Study Group report highlights crisis of US imperialism in Iraq and at home (and then recommends even worse things)
- NYPD's Death Squads: From Diallo to Sean Bell
- Drug Pushers, Inc.: Power and Profit in the Legal Drug Trade
- Alex Friedman: Rev. Phelps' Hate-Fueled Fanatics (More national lunaticsrunning our asylum)
- EPA May Drop Lead Air Pollution Limits
- 12 Million Suburbanites Live in Poverty (Try 150 million citizens live in poverty)
- Iraq Spiraling Into World's Biggest Refugee Crisis (Wait for US refugees)
- Legislators May Reconsider Suspending Detainee Habeas Corpus (i.e., may consider restoring a small piece of the Constitution)
- Matt Renner and Jason Leopold | Baker Report: The Democratic Reaction
- UN Chief: Darfur Is in Free Fall
- Guantanamo, a Thriving Development (as it is intended for the entire US)
- Senators [Squirrel Brains] Question Iraq Panel's Blueprint
- The Four Myths (READ)
- The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict (READ)
- The "Jewish Character" Syndrom (and a bit of corrective history - READ)
- What purpose do these numerous committees serve?
- Alive in Baghdad: first-hand accounts (READ)
- Afghans 'running out of patience' (most likely at the show being staged)
- IRAQ: Fighters welcome report that advises withdrawal of US troop
- 'Protests will bring down Lebanon government'
- India PM warns US legislators against 'problematic' provisions in nuclear dea
- Nuke deal: Text of final Bill made public
- Pols: US Can Ship Nuclear Fuel To India
- 'Forward' - Bush's New Favorite Word? (Has he left "fabulous"?)
- Litvinenko's associate 'in a coma' as spy murder mystery deepens (The problem with "intelligence" is that it isn't)
- Russia poisoning inquiry widens (Where is Sherlock when you need him?)
- Tribal chiefs frustrate new Fiji regime
- Sharansky to get US Presidential Medal of Freedom (WHAT?!)
- Congress Close to Reaching Deal on Tax and Trade Package (How about axing the Patriot Act?)
- US to Expand Cargo Scans to Detect Nuclear Material (Anything to waste money)
- Report says state, local agencies must fill port security gap
- EPA to start final 9-11 cleanup (Um - start, NOW?!)
- Apocalypse now: 79 recommendations and a President forced into a corner
- A damning indictment of a President and his policy
- Bush and Blair refuse to move over Iraq (Is the panaramic "why" beyond its long time obviousness yet?)
- Bush 'Privacy Board' Just a Gag
- Crackdown on flying with liquids (AU) (Howard the fascist poodle)
- Enough of the 9/11 Conspiracies, Already - Matthew Rothschild (It's OK - he's just wonderfully ognorant, and mildly stupid)
- Dishonest "Debunking" of 9/11 Conspiracy Questioners (READ)
- Setting the stage for an eventual invasion of Saudi Arabia?
- Saudis reportedly funding Iraqi Sunnis (so can we invade them now too?)
- Prime minister to visit Israel for talks in final push for peace (and to get his instructions)
- Iranian Holocaust Conference Will Showcase Deniers and Anti-Semites From Around the World; ADL Urges European Leaders to Speak Out (The usual sickening ADK whining)
- U.S. town may encourage firearms (Some wacko from outside will screw them good)
- Setting the limits of invasion journalism (READ)
- Comment is free: The Holocaust happened (Why are these people so TERRIFIED?)
- Iranian conference attendees under attack (I'm surprised zionists haven't murdered them)
- Productivity slows as factory orders drop
- U.S. construction activity plunges
- Rare TV NEWS report about WTC bombing FBI Foreknowledge (VIDEO)
- Beilinson doctors published data from nonexistent trials
- The Decline and Fall of American Conservatism
- Former GOP Official Faces Felony Charges
- Israel frets over Iraq report, dispatches FM to Washington
- FBI investigating reports of misleading calls to Va. voters (The corrupt FBI is on the case!)
- Dual missile test fails off Hawaii (It never will work - but it will keep costing)
- They Told You So (and you are still not listening)
- Rumsfeld Wants Torture Case Dismissed (LOL -)
- New Orleans to Raze Public Housing
- Iraqis, U.S. dispute 20 deaths in raid
- Republic Takes Another Hit at Gates Hearing (READ)
- Meese of Arabia and the Baker Group's Grab for Black Gold (READ)
- Send the Neocons to Iraq (Aby Ghraib in particular)
- US subprime loans face trouble (Are we paying attention yet?)
- THe US housing market is different this time - it's worse
- Warm weather in Europe cause for concern (No it isn't)
- Allstate [Racketeer] Calls A Halt (that with luck will destroy these criminals one and for all)
- 'Elections' are over: Regulators Approve 7.7 Percent Increase For CL&P Customers (Conn)
- Renowned cancer scientist was paid by chemical firm for 20 years (It's been global CORPAGOV PSEUDOSCIENCE for DECADES, wussies!)
- Keep the E.P.A. Libraries Open (More Corpagov Nonscience)
- U.S. House approves tax, energy, health care bill (Kafkaesque reportin, beyond insanity)
- Wall Street sees wave of U.S. public asset sales(Public Assets do NOT belong to, and are not for the FUCKING CORPAGOV to sell to the FUCKING CORPATERRORISTS)
- Foley Panel: GOP Didn't Protect Pages (Tiddlywinks)
- D.C. Argues Gun Rights Only For Militias (D.C. is full of shit. Read the GD history!)
- Scope of 2nd Amendment Is Questioned (by those who need to be shot?)
- Man arrested in alleged Illinois terrorism plot (How many volts of convincing did he need?)
- Egypt deports 'terror suspects' (MSM standard garbage)
- Americans skeptical on use of force: poll (Wow! An adult moment?!)
- Families face huge bills for soldiers' inquests (Criminal corpagov)
- Senators want Army mental health inquiry (Wonderful! Yet another useless "inquiry" for a useless corpagov to pretend it is useful)
- 22,000 US Troops Injured (That's not the half of it)
- General accuses Reid over Afghanistan (They're all liars)
- Freed Iraq hostages forgive captors (No, it's not Helsinki Syndrome)
- Iraq insurgents' bombmaking gets more lethal (Practice makes perfect - except for the US corpagov)
- Basra raid may trigger revenge attacks against Danish forces (Well - there it is: actions have consequences - du-uh!)
- Iraqi Police, Officials: U.S. Raid Killed 32, Including 6 Children (What else are USUKIL raids for? Genocide forever!)
- 35 Bodies Found Around Baghdad Thursday (and every other day as well)
- Reuters AlertNet - U.S., Iraqi troops seal off Haditha - residents (More genocide in the making)
- GOP senator criticizes Iraq war in emotional speech (Senator, shut up and do something. This shit has been going on for 6 fucking years!)
- Are Troops Dying for Oil Profits? (Yes, next question?)
- Top Democrat questions Blackwater deals in Iraq (Aren't we enranged yet?)
- Poll: Approval of Bush's handling of Iraq war at new low of 27 percent (all dead: their silence gives consent)
- Bush Backs Away From 2 Key Ideas of Panel on Iraq (only 2?)
- W.House won't accept all proposals from Baker group (or much of anything else until the ghost Sharon past allows him)
- Ex-Detainees Seek to Sue U.S. Officials (Pile it on guys)
- Lieberman, Collins Propose Iraq Strategy Group (Lieberbush needs a kick hard enough to send him to Israel)
- McKinney introduces bill to impeach Bush (Sic 'em, my dear! Fuck Repto Pelosi)
- Inquiry finds Australian soldier's death in Iraq an "accident" (a lie, as usual)
- Fijian military regime moves to suppress any opposition
- Report documents extreme levels of global wealth inequality (This is not news, just a fact destructive of global economy)
- Bush rejects Iraq Study Group report (We reject him, and the USSC that he rode in on)
- The Lost John Lennon Interview
- Senate Democrats Give Gates a Free Pass
- Mr. Lieberman Comes to Washington: Brookings Hosts an Ethnic Cleanser
- The Media Lynching of Jimmy Carter
- 11 US Troops, Scores of Iraqis Killed Wednesday
- EPA Scrubbing Library Web Site to Make Reports Unavailable (Criminal corpagov)
- Sweeping Changes Expected in Voting by 2008 Election (Believe it when you see it: governments lie, all the time)
- ACLU Lawsuit Begins, Claims Rumsfeld Ordered Torture
- Jailed Media Worldwide Hits Record
- Analysts: US at Root of Effort to Topple Lebanese Government (READ)
- Pearl Harbor - A Lesson Lost On The People Of The World - Signs of the Times - Fri, 08 Dec, 2006
- Double Standards (READ)
- US and Israel targeting DNA in Gaza? Part 3 of 3: The DIME bomb, yet another genotoxic weapon - Signs of the Times - Fri, 08 Dec, 2006
- Bogged too deep for a clean exit (Never intended exit - ever)
- Puzzled? A brief guide to the polonium saga
- Hundreds of UK troops seize Iraqi militants (This will surely go over well)
- Commonwealth suspends Fiji over coup (Does anyone actually care?)
- Panel Blasts Hastert in Foley Scandal (and next week it will be overridden by the pseudocrisis de jour)
- US House extends tax breaks for automakers, businesses (They are not long for this world anyhow)
- Feds: Man planned to blow up Illinois shopping mall (Oh, um, yeah, - sure he did)
- Malaria aids the Spread of AIDS
- Radical Muslims must integrate, says Blair
- Adopt our values or stay away, Blair tells migrants
- How do you pass the Blair test?
- Active-Duty Military Personnel Will Protest War in Iraq on Wednesday
- Israeli Nuclear Weapons Whistleblower Speaks Out
- A Weaker Dollar and a Receding US Influence
- Kremlin control of natural gas routes to Europe stokes Western unease
- New pro-Israel lobby as alternative to AIPAC
- Israel's Olmert calls for dramatic measures against Iran (He's just another in the line of vicious thugs)
- U.S. Denies Liability in Torture Case (Guilt would be ridiculous)
- Tillman's father not expecting answers
- Rockford man charged in alleged terror plot (because corpagov needs another staged circus)
- Israel drags heels on Tutu visit (They don't like having their criminal nature exposed)
- Olmert declines to rule out military action against Iran (Their criminality knows no limits)
- UN arms trade bill: US casts sole no vote against (The nadir of criminal governments)
- Toxic Tower to Come Down (Deutsche Bank NYC)
- Why is Iran Everyone Elses Problem?
- New Orleans approves project demolition
- Afghanistan war nears 'tipping point' (It was impossible to begin with - except to an idiot)
- Ranger alleges war crimes (READ)
- U.S., Iraqi troops seal off Haditha - residents (in its ongoing genocide)
- Bush Brought Down to Size in Cartoon Satire
- Words Even an Ex-President Can't Say in America The Media Lynching of Jimmy Carter (READ)
- Conspiracies Behind Haim Sabans Closed Doors (READ)
- Avigdor Lieberman: Lovable Man! By Uri Avnery
- Corruption, crime inside Homeland Security (part of criminal corpagov)
- Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Bush, In Congress (Impeach Pelos on her first day)
- Cancer expert was paid by chemical companies
- It's still about oil in Iraq (about, but near all about)
- Speaking frankly about Israel and Palestine by Jimmy Carter (who still thinks Israeli law is democratic and not racist)
- Pearl Harbor: The Latest Wave (READ)
- Courage to Refuse (In case you thought all Israelis are monsters)
- Holocaust up for debate, says Iran leader (Why? Because governments always lie, all the time)
- Israel Warns of Al Qaeda Attack on Lebanon Peacekeepers (another IL black ops with costunes)
- Democrats New Intelligence Chairman Needs a Crash Course on al Qaeda (The Peter Principle)
- Judge weighs torture claim vs. Rumsfeld (You KNOW Rummy can't be touched)
- Britain: Asylum seekers protest treatment at detention centres
- Australian Wheat Board inquiry: a threadbare whitewash
- German Green Party congress: "Peace" from the barrel of a gun
- US jobs report: More factory and construction jobs lost (More, and more, and more and...)
- Sri Lankan president reimposes anti-terror laws in preparation for intensified war
- Iraq Study Group: a bipartisan coverup of Washington's war crimes (READ)
- Robert Gold: Impunity in Colombia (i.e., State Terrorism)
- Hugh Sansom: Smearing Jimmy Carter (READ)
- John V. Whitbeck: Recommendation No. 80 (READ)
- McKinney and Karpinsky: Silenced for Telling the Truth
- Mike Whitney: James Baker Versus the Lobby (READ: Just remember the imperial bankers that back US-UK-IL, the "axis of world terror")
- Robert Gates and Venezuela: Another Saber Rattler in Latin America
- A Congress of Hucksters and Pipsqueaks (but mostly of genetic defectives)
- Phyllis Bennis and Erik Leaver: A Bi-Partisan Occupation (READ)
- The Donkey and the Date: Iran's Upcoming Municipal Elections
- The Man from NAM: John Engler's Trail of Destruction (READ)
- The Vietnamization of Iraq: Inside the Military Training Program
- Jeane Kirkpatrick, Mid-Wife of the Neo-Cons
- Top Democrat: Halliburton Violated Multibillion Dollar Iraq Contract
- Suspected E. coli outbreak sickens 19 in Iowa (Wait! Is this being done on purpose?)
- US bugged Diana's phone on night of death crash (Doesn't it just figure?)
- Desperately Seeking Ethics (Cart before the Horse NYT)
- The Buck Just Stops (Criminal corpagove is immune to any law)
- Senate Approves Anti-Pretexting Bill (babbling)
- Halting of foreign aid to Palestinians a crime: Carter (Indeed it is criminal, but that is USUKIL)
- Wounded to get millions in compensation (Don't hold your breath)
- White House Debating Strategy, Including More Troops (Illegal, unelected dictatorship)
- New poll shows 71 percent of Americans disapprove of war policy
- Photos confirm US raid child deaths
- Iraq police academy set to implode: Advisers: Crumbling campus symbolizes law-and-order woes
- Secret American talks with insurgents break down
- CIA is undermining British war effort, say military chiefs
- Police to get 'dirty bomb hoods' in terror alert
- Rumsfeld says goodbye to Iraq (better to the world)
- Bush seeks political cooperation on new Iraq plan (of continued genocide)
- Officials Hear Conflicting Reports on Stent Safety (All lies)
- German police find more radiation (Merkelium Scheiss)
- Fire kills at least 45 women in locked hospital (political dissidents?)
- Abbas threat: A vote on Hamas (More BS than you can deal with)
- Tax-Cut and Trade Bills (Criminal Congressional BS: you're screwed!)
- Jefferson wins Louisiana runoff (Stolen election by fraud)
- Source: Leaders failed to protect teenage pages (How old are they?! How about protecting all of us from the goddamn criminal government?)
- Ending poverty in our lifetime (Poverty is by corpagov design; get used to it!)
- Congress passes bill to send money to fallen firefighters' kin (Don't hold your breath)
- Legislators Stop IRS From Taxing Fire Donations (or not)
- NASA: Moon Base Cost Won't Be Sky High (LMFAO!)
- Don't colonize the moon (Don't be ridiculous: the empire rules!)
- HIV and Malaria Boost Each Other In Africa (CDC is ecstatic!)
- Both Houses of Congress approve Indo-US N-deal (How fucking wonderful!)
- Staticide, Not Civil War in Iraq (not to mention genocide)
- Police may use CCTV for eavesdropping (UK, nation already under heaviest survaillance)
- Christmas terror attack 'highly likely' (Purported "news" as form of State Terrorism)
- Embattled dynasty comes out fighting after predators attack New York Times (NYT needs desperately to be attacked)
- Promotions, pay rises honours - how the key players in the Kelly scandal (murder) were rewarded
- Frank Rich Hits Iraq Study Group and Its 'Bogus' Proposals
- The Election Threat / Abbas can dismiss only himself
- What will the House Democratic Caucus do about Rep. Bill Jefferson?
- Prominent Western news agency [CNN] omits Palestinians condemnation of Israels massacre from its report on US vetoing of UN resolution
- Rep. McKinney's floor statement on the impeachment of George W. Bush
- Rwanda accuses France of hiding late Habyarimana`s plane black box
- Clues To How the NSA Spies on Americans and Possible Immunity for Telecoms for helping Gov Spy
- Expensive Ignorance (READ)
- The character assassination of Jimmy Carter
- Cow 'emissions' more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars (Cows are not the only other farting animal; then there are ants, cockroaches and termites!)
- Israeli PM says Bush won't change stance on Syria, Iran (because he was TOLD not to)
- Iran drops Dollar for Euro (READ)
- Taliban reject Pakistan, Afghanistan peace councils
- John Bolton's gift: Making enemies out of allies. (and sows' ears from silk purses, shit from gold)
- GAO: The status quo is unsustainable (That's why it was created)
- Droves say goodbye to Golden State
- Next battleground will be a familiar one, Israelis say / In Golan Heights, tensions with Syria are on the increase (Israel is now going to attack Syria - again - knowing Iran has promised to defend)
- Syria preparing its army for war with Israel
- Secret American talks with insurgents break down
- Taliban will fight through the winter, warns British commander
- Cornered US Military Takes to Desperate Tactics in Iraq (Only effective tactic would be dying)
- Israel delays UN mission to Beit Hanun (Leave our genocide be!)
- 1,100 [doomed] troops from Arizona leaving for Afghanistan
- George Will: The problem with Iraq is that they're all savages (The mouth with no brain speaks)
- Amnesty - 'israel should be disarmed' (Step One)
- Couple goes AWOL (Good for them)
- Conyers Betrayal (A GOPer in DEM's clothing)
- Christmas trees removed at Sea-Tac (Why USians increasingly despise Jews)
- Impeachment rallies held coast to coast (Congress, fingers in ears will be humming very loudly)
- Two Spy Cops 'Radioactive' (Idiots: exposure to radiation does NOT make you radioactive)
- Nobel Winner Warns of Dangers of Globalization (Somebody with a brain, at last)
- Making the Highways Less Safe
- As Trucking Rules Are Eased, a Debate on Safety Intensifies
- Billions Later, Plan to Remake the Coast Guard Fleet Stumble
- Records reveal major lobbying campaign at HUD by Abramoff
- Are you nuts if you think the machine flipped your vote on Nov. 7?
- General Augusto Pinochet dies
- Beirut rally: Death to Israel, US (Now, I wonder why they might feel that way?)
- Beirut rally piles pressure on U.S.-backed govt (The govt that did nothing while Israel raped their country and murdered them - the govt)
- Baker ideas an insult to Iraq: Talaban
- Black-Market Weapon Prices Surge in Iraq Chaos
- Iraq police academy set to implode: Advisers: Crumbling campus symbolizes law-and-order woes
- Nobel Peace Prize Winner Calls On World To Help Poor
- OPEC Nations Trying To Control World Oil Market To Increase Prices (Greatly interfering with USUKIL Putsch for global imperium)
- Rumsfeld On Unannounced Iraq Visit (in yet another display of his dee sociopathy)
- Familiar Hoover Vacuum Brand Being Sold To Hong Kong Company
- Men Can Halve Their Risk Of An Enlarged Prostrate (Um - that's "Prostate")
- Al Jazeera: Six-nation Arab coalition to go nuclear (READ)
- Brits dumping 'war on terror' phrase (It is stupid, and a lie to begin with)
- Hezbollah chief gives "positive response" to Arab plan
- Top Air Force Lawyer Had Been Disbarred (Bizarre)
- Plans to construct legal compound at Guant-11;-11;namo halted (How about an illegal compund?)
- Iraq rejects suggestion of US troops leaving by early 2008 as 'an insult'
- Augusto Pinochet, 91, Chilean Dictator - December 11, 2006 - The New York Sun(Almost hilariously warped nonsense)
- Profile: Former Chilean president Pinochet
- Clashes follow death of Pinochet
- Pinochet death 'saddens' Thatcher (Yes, it would, wouldn't it, bitch?)
- [Operation] Condor legacy haunts South America
- Readers' Comments No state funeral for Pinochet
- Tatas raise Corus takeover bid to $9.2 bn
- Tata Steel raises Corus bid by 10 percen
- Ex-spy's widow blames Russian officials
- Russian businessman named as radiation source in murder case (Dimitry Kovtun)
- Talabani lashes out at 'dangerous' Baker report on US role in Iraq
- US broadcasters plan YouTube clone: report (This should be fun)
- Food getting safer - for the most part (On what planet?)
- South Korea confirms bird flu outbreak (or not)
- TV: Diana's driver truly was drunk (or this is just being made up to divert from the CIA hanky panky)
- Excommunicated cleric installs married men as bishops (and it allstranger than that)
- DiCaprio versus De Beers on Blood Diamonds (Take the movie, the diamonds, the websites and shove them all up De Beers Ass)
- Tinker Bell, Pinochet and The Fairy Tale Miracle of Chile Greg Palast (READ)
- A rogue 51st state (that sees only military solutons to every problem)
- A Conversation With Senator Harry Reid (We shall see)
- Three Palestinian Children Killed in Gaza Shooting (and these "gunmen" are?)
- Oil producers shun dollar (READ)
- Government refuses to authenticate bin Laden "confession video" (Of course, it was indeed a fabrication)
- Russia backs Iran sanctions, will continue Bushehr NPP (i.e., sanctions are vacuous)
- The U.S. government hates democracy (That's been obvious for over 150 years)
- Israel First McCain Pushing Attack on Iran for Israel (Our national corpagov slimebucket)
- As Crowd Demands Change, Lebanese Premier Is Puzzled (READ)
- Bushs Torture Ticking Time Bomb: Sins of Commission
- Dont let your media fool you about Beirut demonstration
- Lieberman: The unfaithful cannot be citizens (of this already doomed nation)
- Talks under way to replace Iraq PM (and just who is doing the replacing?)
- Israel 'blocks Tutu Gaza mission' (only genocide will do)
- Rush Limbaugh Crosses the Line (He's always been a few sandwiches short of a picnic)
- The Blind Aping the Blind (READ)
- Where did the Shoah money go? (where such things always go)
- A generation is all they need (READ)
- The US Empire - Beginning Of The End Game
- Seeking Iran Intelligence, U.S. Tries Google (IAEA used Google to show US corpagov as liars)
- U.S. dollar facing imminent collapse? (Probably not exactly imminent, but the end approacheth)
- Airport Hustlers (READ)
- Anti Torture, Anti Military Commissions Act Action : Indybay
- Peace Provocateur (READ)
- The 'Greatest Humilation Ever' for Sitting American Leader
- 1 in 7 Mexican workers employed in the U.S.: report
- Annan raps US in farewell speech (appropriately)
- Roosevelt's Revenge? (READ twice)
- All along the watch tower
- Big Oil stiffs US billions in royalties
- Taliban and Allies Tighten Grip in North of Pakistan
- Former Rep. DeLay, indicted on state campaign finance charges, begins new 'career' as blogger (LOL)
- Apocalypto: The Most Powerful Film Of All Time (wellll)
- Dare to Differ - Holocaust Deniers Unite (READ)
- DaimlerChrysler warns of North American layoffs
- Threat of Palestinian Civil War Looms (as organized by Israel)
- Congress must call for a re-vote in Florida
- Let People Defend Themselves, Second Amendment Group Says
- Iran defends Holocaust conference (Why?!)
- Dairy Industry Crushed Innovator Who Bested Price-Control System (Criminal Congress)
- GOP Pushes Tax Bill Through Congress (Criminal Congress)
- Vote does not compute County logs 1,500 complaints on machines
- Next battleground will be a familiar one, Israelis say (They have chosen their next genocidal aggression)
- McCain Warns of Iran In New York City Visit (He is a sick and evil man)
- Unions oppose 'draft' of federal workers to Iraq
- Nepali Maoists to lay down arms and enter the government
- Former detainees argue right to sue Rumsfeld over torture
- Blair's Washington summit: What next for Britain in Iraq? (Obeying Israel, of course)
- Pinochet, Chile's former US-backed dictator, dead at 91
- The Disappeared of Oaxaca: a Message from One of the Actors in Apocalypto
- Mary McGrane: Burning Books at Harvard Law (Deshowitz v. Carter)
- Gideon Levy: The Cruel Line into Gaza
- Death of a Pig: Poetic Justice for Pinochet (No, there was no real justice)
- Lebanon on the Brink
- Col. Douglas MacGregor: There's Only One Option Left, Leave (Then it is no option; take it or die there. READ)
- The Condor Model: the Atrocities of Pinochet and the US (READ)
- Virginia Tilley: Banning Mandela (The unbearable power of Jewish Ukase)
- Cindy Sheehan on Trial for Protest at UN Mission
- Hundreds of Thousands Jam Beirut to Urge Government's Ouster
- Military Officers Star in Promotional Evangelical Video
- Sara Daniel | How to Escape a Nightmare (The Hell of Iraq, designed andinstigated by the US with malice aforethought)
- Iraqi Exodus Could Test Bush Policy
- Sheehan Among Four Convicted of Trespassing
- Exclusive: Murdered spy worked for UK security firm
- Big fines soon to hit Swift Boat Vets, other 527 groups
- Swiss Spy in a War of Words (READ)
- PM puts Israel on nuclear list for first time (Ooops!)
- PM: Iran aspires to have nuclear arms like Israel (Soooo?)
- Clain that Iran is blocking YouTube may be false
- FLASHBACK: Israels Failed Assassination Attempt on U.S. Ambassador Documented)
- FLASHBACK: American Ambassador Recalls Israeli Assassination Attempt With U.S. Weapons
- Arctic's summer sea ice 'could disappear completely by 2040' (Or, it could grow back again just as the Antarctic sheets are now, in fact, doing: these people are lying idiots, and no idea what they are talking about)
- Greenspan sees more declines in dollar (He should know: he was in on their design)
- US to double emergency equipment stored in Israel (that IL ca, in fact use, as it did in recent rape of LB)
- The Americans don't see how unwelcome they are, or that Iraq is now beyond repair
- Rice warns Syria and Iran over Lebanon protests (NOYB Puta)
- Abduction of Women on the Rise (READ)
- Trees Being Returned to SeaTac Airport (Fuck the GD Rabbi)
- Group seeks probe of evangelical military video
- Baghdad robbers grab $1m in cash (Gunmen can be anybody - but who are they?)
- Israeli official 'not sorry' Tutu's probe into Beit Hanun strike canceled (never even sorry for their righteous genocides)
- AP cameraman killed by Iraq insurgents (i.e., USUKIL death squad)
- Baghdad blasts kill 57
- Iraq as a Living Hell
- The "Iraq Memorial" should go on the White House Lawn (Yes)
- Olmert's nuclear slip stirs uproar in Israel
- $20bn gas project seized by Russia
- The vultures are circling (Beyond time to leave destroyed Afghanistan alone to nurse its justified hatreds)
- CNN.com leaves out Annan's plea for US accountability
- Teacher calls Muslim student 'terrorist' (A nation out of control)
- In video, military Christianists say they'd rather study the Bible than do their jobs (as if they were actually caoable of reading it?!)
- IDF must be ready to stop Iran (Israel has always been deranged and out of control)
- CIA staged several assassination attempts on Tito (Assassination, wrecking nations, economies etc is what it lives for)
- Saudi Ambassador Abruptly Resigns, Leaves Washingto
- Shares drop for products made in U.S.
- Government Spying Goes Global (Global USUKIL State Terrorism)
- The US is finished - kaput (But its controlling banks are NOT!)
- A Call to Arms Is Made Here By McCain (He still needs a lobotomy)
- How low can you go? The Anatomy of a Zionist Smear Campaign (READ)
- Fred Barnes hopes the "lame Duck" Bush bombs Iran on the way
- They were targeting the children (Guess who?)
- Bush's sinking ship of fools - The Boston Globe
- Soldier killed three days after returning armour
- America's Shame: Brought Low By a Gang of Cretins
- Iran Opens Conference on Holocaust (Doncha love the NYT zionist reporting of it? LOL)
- Save the USA -11;-11; What We The People Should Do (Sounds good to me)
- 7/7 Witness: Bus Was Diverted To Tavistock Sq. By Two Unmarked Cars (READ)
- Have a look at this photo. (DO LOOK)
- [Deranged nation is now terrified by the hug of a 4 year old child]
- Lebanon's Army captures Israeli Mossad 'Terrorist Ring' (PLEASE REPEAT THAT - and let us finally understand what Israel does - all the time)
- Bush Iraq Update May Be After New Year (Babbling)
- 90149: Pakistan Aid Cutoff: U.S. Nonproliferation and Foreign Policy Considerations (NOW - in the light of Olmert's recent nuclear admissions, ...)
- Calls for Olmert to resign after nuclear gaffe (US law forbids any further aid to Israel)
- Airport Security Nixes Heisman Trophy (Berserker Nation)
- Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth
- Australian rallies demand release of David Hicks from Guant-11;-11;namo Bay
- Britain: Blair stirs up Islamophobia
- West Bengal's Left Front regime suppresses protests against land seizures
- Italian right wing mobilizes against Prodi government (Did you expect the motherfuckers to die?)
- Jeane Kirkpatrick: from "social democrat" to champion of death squads (Sick bitch from a deranged nation)
- 60 million Americans living on less than $7 a day US income figures show staggering rise in social inequality (Now we're starting to get real about the US as a starvation concentration camp)
- From the archives of Marxism: lessons of the 1973 coup in Chile
- Democrats vow to continue funding Iraq [genocidal] war
- Is the USA the Center of the World? (Define "center")
- Our Perverse Farm Plan: Where Christmas Comes Every Five Years
- The 35-Year Long Scream: Torture, Impeachment and a Vietnam Vet's Tears
- Convicted for Our Convictions: Trespassing for Truth at the UN
- Uri Avnery: Baker's Cake
- Abusive Interrogations
- America's Injustice System is Criminal (US is a completely crminal enterprise)
- Fernando A. Torres: The Last Man of the Junta (READ)
- Ohio Rep. Kucinich to run for president (Go for it!)
- Sarah Olson | Iraq Report: "A Giant Step Sideways"
- Washington Looks to "Blame Iraqis and Run"
- GOP Congressman's Ex-Aides Allege Abuse of Power (Gary Miller)
- The Problem with Israel (READ)
- The Occult Technology of Power (READ)
- Int'l conference on Holocaust opens in Tehran
- Hitler of Germany also killed millions of non-Jews, conference say
- Zionist regime endless threat to region - Ahmadinejad
- Professor advises formation of int'l committee to study holocaus
- Primates needed for medical tests, say scientists (Can we donate the US government?)
- Propaganda: "Revisionist fringe gathers for Iran's Holocaust denial jamboree" (Lunatic journalist puts forth argument for his massive doses of Thorazine)
- European Speakers Deny Holocaust At Conference
- Is George Bush "The Manchurian Candidate?"
- Dennis Kucinich-11;-11;-11;s Showdown With the Democratic Leadership
- Big Pharma Juggernaut Rolls To Victory - Health Freedom Reels
- Gore Vidal Breaks US Blockade on Cuba
- German gamers face jail for acts of virtual violence (Another government needing to be locked away)
- Leftist leader joins Oaxaca protest
- US slams Iranian Holocaust conf.
- No jail now for former Enron chief Skilling
- Wolfowitz in firing line as World Bank faces mass exodus (READ)
- Russia Cancels Talks on Iran Sanctions After U.S. Raises Belarus Problem(LOL)
- Bush to unveil Iraq strategy early next year (Uh-huh - that ought to be really funny deciding)
- 'Olmert's comments may prove harmful' (ROTFL - yes, they very well may, especially by US law on foreign aid - what a stupid putz!)
- Lieberman advocates aid to Palestinians (No - no - no --- he's just lying)
- Gunmen shoot dead Hamas judge in Gaza (Aha! More "unidentified" gunmen - like anonymous sources - willo'the'wisp witnesses)
- Move to bring genocide case against Ahmadinejad as Iran president repeats call to wipe out Israel (Bonkers Bolton! Hasn't he died yet?! Almost as sick a joke as he is; big A. should have fun with this one)
- PM will meet Abbas 'anywhere, anytime' (Wow! Olmert's as butch as bushlet)
- Israel Court Allows Some Suits by Palestinians Hurt by Army (Wow! Damn white of it!)
- Olmert: No change in nuclear stand (Now, he's going to deny that he meant what he said rather precisely)
- Outrage directed at Tehran meeting (Maybe they'll die of apoplexy?)
- Israeli PM dismisses nuclear row (Did he have his fingers crossed behind his back?)
- World Bank fears US house crash
- Israel will disappear like USSR Iran
- Pentagon eyes victory in forming strategy (You're joking, right?)
- Bush Decides Direction of Iraq Policy (deciding not to tell - sshhhhh)
- Mengistu found guilty of genocide
- New CAPS Ads Warn That House Speaker Pelosi Will Push For Mass Increases In Immigration
- The Ends and the Means (READ)
- Blair: Iran is major threat (Bullocks!)
- History will not treat us kindly
- KKTV | NORAD and NORTHCOM Exercises (Cover for another 9/11, just as before?)
- The US Army is broke. (So is the US)
- Rumsfeld visits Iraq with Fox News host (LOL)
- We'll stick by the US, Downer vows (Asslicking poodle)
- Israel, Alone - by Justin Raimondo (READ)
- A Jewish Hitler? - by Justin Raimondo
- Olmert's nuclear blunder leads to Gulf states' call for sanctions
- UK 'plot' terror charge dropped (i.e., as usual, it was fabricated crock of State Terrorism to start with)
- Pentagon's plan: More U.S. troops in Iraq (What's the opposite of brilliant?)
- Democrat Rodriguez ousts Bonilla from House seat
- Nuclear hypocrisy at work in Israel (READ)
- Israeli nuclear whistleblower demands freedom (Mordechai Vanunu)
- TSA Approves Scanner That Will Let Fliers Who Pay Keep Their Shoes On (REFUSE TO FLY ANYPLACE)
- Gates beats Olmert to the nuclear punch (Never a secret: it was an ignored fact - like WTC towers brought down by demolitions)
- Army, Marine Corps To Ask for More Troops (or pork sausage)
- Rogers: Sell U.S. dollar, buy real and yuan
- The New Middle East Cold War: Saudi/Israel/Lebanon v. Iran/Syria/Iraq/Hizbullah (READ)
- Computers 'could store entire life by 2026' (This is worthy of being done?)
- Shit Hits Fan! Saudis to Back Sunni Insurgency in Iraq
- Dumb answers of intelligence chief (Intelligence has nothing to do with "Intelligence")
- Victory for anti-war protesters (Little things mean a lot?)
- Israel's Lieberman Calls for Tougher Stance on Israeli Arabs (Yet another signing of Israel's Death Warrant)
- Latest Letter from Imprisoned Free Speech Advocate Ernst Zundel
- A Fraudulently Financed War
- The Unraveling of the Moral Fabric in the American Empire
- Isn't Germany sick of the Holocaust? (The indoctrination, badgering, flagellation, humiliation and "reparations" have been viciously endless; most still bow to the fraudulent simplicity)
- Zionism: Pitting the West against Islam
- US Army Going Broke (Broke and bankrupt in all senses, as is the US in its entirety)
- Apartheid declared legal in Israel (It always has been)
- Analysts: Dollar collapse would result in 'amero' (It would have to as designed in the Rhodes-Keynes nightmare)
- Routine and Systematic Torture Is at the Heart of America's War on Terror
- Blacklisted Russian Tied to Iraq Deals
- Israel - the state of perpetual denial
- Sun Tzu - Why supporting the troops means you have to oppose the War in Iraq
- The madness of King George: Are you going to take this sitting down?
- Army Targets Truthout for Subpoenas in Watada Case (READ)
- US staying the course for Big Oil in Iraq (not to mention empire)
- Democrat dilemma over Iran (will be unbalanced by Olmert's admission)
- The Maps Tell The Story (READ)
- Pinochet death renews calls for U.S. to release secret Chile files on covert CIA role
- 2,000 killed in Afghanistan since Sept.
- Newly Released FBI Documents Disclose Grave Deficiencies in the War on Terrorism (All moot since the WoT is a total fabrication and fraud)
- ACLU Challenges Government Attempt to Seize "Secret" Document
- General foresees 50 to 100 years fight against terrorism (General Karnak the Magnificent?)
- Defense Employees Set For Another Suit to Halt Mandatory Anthrax Shots
- Bird flu bill passed unanimously (NZ - big mistake with fraud of birdflu)
- Federal judge invokes Military Commissions Act to reject Guantanamo habeas petition (READ)
- Bush's anti-terrorism law upheld
- South Dakota Sen. Johnson suffers possible stroke (possibly deliberately induced)
- Britain: an acute social divide in housing
- Mourning for Pinochet -11;-11;-11; US establishment shows its affinity for fascism
- Opposition in Baghdad among Kurdish, Shiite parties to Iraq Study Group
- Debra Eschmeyer: Corporations Control Your Dinner
- Iraq is Beyond Repair (So is the US)
- Judge: White House Handling of Katrina Housing "Legal Disaster"
- Israeli TV catches Olmert "coaching" Italy's Prodi (LOL)
- Diana Met inquiry findings due
- Dianas lovers dad calls crash investigation a joke
- IAEA says Israel's nuclear status none of its concern (Investigation or truth of Israel's nukes is as forbidden as and questioning of the holy details of the purported Holocaust)
- Holocaust meeting stirs passions (READ)
- Israeli PM [Nazi Genocidalist] compares Iran with Nazi Germany (That figures)
- Howls of protest over gathering (Just so you know who's pulling their strings)
- Undeniably offensive (but the 4-fold ongoing genocides of USUKIL are not)
- Hicks' dad 'disgusted' by US decision
- Judge Sets Back Guant-11;-11;namo Detainees (Now, that's really outrageous)
- OPEC May Delay Production Cut as Oil Holds Above $61 a Barrel
- Oil prices rise after data shows decline in US crude stocks
- Circumcision Reduces HIV Rates, US Studies Confirm (or not)
- Late Mortgage Payments and Foreclosures Rise
- Oregon senator prepares universal health coverage plan
- S.D. Democrat hospitalized, did not suffer stroke (what then?)
- 'Conspiracy theorists' press case on Diana's death
- Israelis accused of vandalising airport
- Less than 25 pct back Bush's Iraq strategy-US poll
- We'll arm Sunni insurgents in Iraq, say Saudis
- Joint Chiefs Advise Change In War 'Strategy' (Babbling)
- Security cameras raise rights worry in NY: report
- Death penalty dropped against soldier charged with rape, murder (Pfc. Jesse V. Spielman)
- '04 Pentagon Report Cited Detention Concerns (READ)
- Bush to seek $100 bln more war funds: House report (That's MORE)
- S.D. Sen. Tim Johnson Undergoing Surgery (For what?)
- Former CNN News Chief To Launch 'IraqSlogger' Site (as alternative reality)
- Banned for a George Bush T-shirt (London -Melboutne, and then again in AU)
- Personal information of thousands of Boeing workers stolen
- Antidepressants a Suicide Risk for Young Adults (Known for years)
- Why Israel maintains nuclear ambiguity (There was no ambiguity: it was always a lie)
- U.S. Subpoena Is Seen as Bid to Stop Leaks (No, to impose absolute rule)
- Regional War May Loom in Africa
- EU wants Olmert to clarify nuclear slip (Give the weasel a chance to reassert the lie? That's all this is)
- Is James Baker a Match for AIPAC? - by Paul Craig Roberts
- New Publishing Rules Restrict Scientists (Finally, formally: Welcome to GOVERNMENT SCIENCE)
- Mossad Death Squads (READ)
- Israeli Top Court backs "targeted killings" (Murder: pursuit of diplomacy by other means)
- Israel court backs targeted kills
- Israeli soldiers tell of indiscriminate killings by army and a culture of impunity
- Government Seeks New Ruling in Cheney Case (to hide Big Dick's sordid and treasonous connections)
- UNICEF: 2006 One of The Worst Years for Palestine Children
- '04 Pentagon Report Cited Detention Concerns
- Study: Wall forced 17% of Jerusalem families out of the city
- IOL: Gulf poised to equal nuclear Iran (READ)
- The War on Journalism
- War Without End
- US scientists reject interference (It doesn't matter: your corpagov voted)
- Holocaust Revisionism in One Easy Lesson (READ)
- Bush v. The Two Majorities
- Mint bans melting coins now worth more as liquid than loot (It costs to melt coins)
- Saudi Arabia tests potential for unlocking heavy-oil reserves
- Israel court refuses to outlaw targeted killings (Defining a rogue nation)
- News - Full speed ahead, with menace (US & Israel, the most frightening things on earth READ)
- Insurgents attack Iraqi president's convoy (Who are these "unknown insurgent gunmen"?)
- Boston Air Traffic Controller Says 9/11 An Inside Job (READ)
- Neil Cavuto Giddy That Democrat Tim Johnson Had a Stroke
- Alleged Liquid Bomb Plot Credibility Crumbles (It's far beyond time since it was patently stupid from the start)
- The Economy: Not Looking Like Christmas (Understatement of the year)
- Iran seizes on Israeli PMs atomic 'confession' (Why not?)
- Terrorists may target satellite systems, Bush administration says (Lunatic)
- Israeli 9/11 Hijacker Believed Planes Were Being Landed By Remote Control (READ)
- 111,000 US immigration files lost (US corpagov loses everything!)
- Inquest hears astrophysicist may have been poisoned ([sigh])
- Arabs want action on Israel nukes (Packaged mendacity, arrogance and stupidity catches up with you eventually)
- TWA 800: 'Zoom climb' scenario falling apart
- Google to "consider" removing "offensive material" from Google Earth (Offensive to whom? How about, I find all area photos of Iran to be sacraligeous?)
- Uncle Sam's lucky finds (Yes, [sigh] we have known about about these lucky fabrications for years! Nice of you to catch up with reality)
- An untold story of 9/11 (Untold becauase it's a load of shit)
- Website for the Holocaust Conference in Iran (READ)
- Federal judge issues split decision on new Military Commissions Act
- Fall in love only with Jews (Ah - IL democracy!)
- Germany's Steinmeier to Testify on CIA Abduction Case
- Army link to stolen weaponry
- Gunmen kidnap dozens in Baghdad (Gov Op)
- Democrats Expected to Increase U.S. Military Spending (Of course)
- US senator urges more Iraq troops
- Senator Tim Johnson Has Brain Surgery, Doctor Says (Do we believe anything without verifiable proof?)
- Key US Sen. Johnson in critical condition (Wellstoned?)
- Senator's illness could spark US political upheaval
- US Democrats may lose control of Senate (The CONVENIENCE of it all!)
- Sen. Johnson responsive after brain surgery
- 10,000 US researchers sign statement protesting political interference in scientific process (Good science was corpagoved ages ago)
- New York State commission demands hospital closings (Expected)
- US immigration agents arrest 1,282 in raids at six meatpacking plants
- Millions to join one-day, all-India general strike
- Bush administration conspires to replace Iraqi government
- Israel and the US threaten Iran and Syria
- That Embezzled Anti-Castro Money
- An Interview with Jimmy Carter
- Jonathan Cook: The Recognition Trap (READ)
- Bush Administration Uses Subpoenas to Suppress Critics
- White House Seeks New Ruling to Keep Cheney Visitors Secret
- Senator Tim Johnson Is in Critical Condition (Post Op)
- DOJ Eases Oversight Rules on Corporate America (It's corpagov!)
- Democrats Say They're Inheriting a Financial Mess (as if it was a surprise)
- Thomas D. Williams | Soldiers Sue Military Over Mandatory Anthrax Inoculations
- Chris Floyd | Tears of Rage; Tears of Grief
- Pentagon: Navy May Have Violated Detention Standards in South Carolina
- Judge: Immigrant Detainees' Treatment Unconstitutional
- Israel orders Gaza-Egypt border closed to stop Palestinian PM
- Christians and Zionists: apocalypse row in Jerusalem
- Candid TV footage shows Olmert coaching Prodi
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce: The Right Wing's Right Hand in D.C.
- Hollowcaust Hullabaloo (READ)
- Omissions In the Iraq Study Group Report
- The Protocols of Zion Protocol (READ)
- Truth Is Public Property (Um - but, not in the UK, and not in US where corpas have monopolies on printing "the law", charging whatever they please)
- Robert Fisk: Who's running Lebanon?
- Pentagon eyes new role in Africa
- US warns UAE on trade with Iran, Syria (Well - that should go over wonderfully)
- Kazakhstan, Iran regard possibility of building grain terminal in Amirabad
- FT.com / In depth - Palestinian PM found with $35m in cash (Gaza: large Israeli death camp)
- Lebanon for stronger relations with Syria, expects Russian help
- Senators' Trips Seen[By US Dictator] As Unhelpful to Mideast Progres
- Britain stops weapons probe to save Saudi deal (Um - "Law" means what exactly?)
- Israel warns UNIFIL of al-Qaida attack (i.e., the Al-Mossada contingent)
- The US counter-terror nerve centre (useless, and expensive piece of shit)
- McCain: Fine sites for 'illegal comments' (Why is this thing a senator?)
- GOP sen. 'never said no' to Abramoff (Thad Cochran)
- McCain to Iraq PM: Break with cleric (Genetic defective has even more to say)
- Shadowy figure tied to Atta 'was in CIA'
- Premier Haniya's convoy attacked, bodyguard killed
- Diana crash inquiry rules out plot (and there it is, just another extremely convenient death, like David Kelly and Sen. Wellstone)
- Ban Ki-moon sworn in as UN chief (Now, I'm going to have to remember his name)
- White House decries senators' visits to Syria
- OPEC plans to cut output again to keep oil prices up
- Oil remains above $62 a barrel
- More Americans hungry, homeless in 2006: mayors
- Groups push probe of mining mercury emissions, Nev. fisheries
- Criminal Inquiries Look at U.S. Oil-Gas Unit (Making the most of State Terrorism)
- Blair questioned by police on day of 'burying bad news'
- Proposed curbs on Freedom of Information (UK)
- Official: Germany did not help CIA (He, personally, may not have known)
- Army link to stolen weaponry (AU)
- U.S. Rejects Enlisting Iran, Syria (That's why they offered!)
- Bush's reaction alarms Iraq panelist
- Insurgents attack Iraqi president's convoy (or whomever, attacking)
- General Says Army Will Need to Grow (or not)
- Military Considers Sending as Many as 35,000 More U.S. Troops to Iraq, McCain Says(Lunatic)
- Report: U.K. case for war 'torn apart'
- Diplomat's suppressed document lays bare the lies behind Iraq war (READ)
- Has Britain caved in to Saudi Blackmail, and breaking an international convention against bribery? (YES)
- Anti-tree move sparks debate (It IS a terrible waste of a perfectly good tree)
- Bidders unready for jobs in Iraq
- Pelosi adds two Jewish lawmakers to appropriations (AIPAC told her to)
- Egypt Releases Name Of American - Grey Warren - Arrested In Terror Investigation (Bunk!)
- FLASHBACK: Israeli Professor: 'We Could Destroy All European Capitals' (with nuclear missles)
- US Government Biological Weapons Legislator Says 2001 Anthrax Attacks Part Of Government Bio-warfare Program (READ)
- Putin reported 'furious' over US payment for Lebanon war, CIA Egypt terror ring (READ)
- Homeland Security chief defends Real ID plant (Chertoff Superweasel)
- Even if they're off, cellphones allow FBI to listen in (The Games one could play!)
- No release for Guantanamo detainees (How is US different from USSR?)
- Iraqi Red Crescent accuses U.S. forces of attacks
- American senator puts onus on Iraqis to end slide into chaos (Shit! It's McCain, a national genetic defective again!)
- Netanyahu wants Iran president tried for genocide (when it's N who should be tried, convicted and executed)
- U.S., China Clash on Currency (Guess who wins?)
- Argentina and Brazil move away from the Dollar (Smart)
- Don't Let Iran Become Nuclear Power, Nobel Laureate [Eli Wiesel] Urges - by Eva Cohen (A little played down zionost bias here?)
- Puppet On A String: Hamas Dances To Israels Tune (Big Mistake!)
- Take This War and Shove It
- Rice hints Baker report to be snubbed (Speaking of genetic defectives)
- Soldiers Call for Iraq Withdrawal (Boy are they getting pissed)
- In St. Paul, Ford workers say their goodbyes (US sliding into toilet)
- Brent Budowsky: Senate Control Should NEVER Change Hands by a Governor Disregarding The Will Of His People
- Israel First [Treasoner] McCain Pushing Attack on Iran for Israel
- Carter says Mearsheimer and Walt were right (He could be Wellstoned for that)
- The Bloodbath We Created
- Bushs Mad-dash to Historys Dustbin (isn't fast enough. Impeach them all!)
- Tony Blair's speech (A liar's liar lies, lies and lies about lying)
- A bitter struggle for power in Iran (READ)
- McCain Bill Is Lethal Injection For Internet Freedom (McCain is lethal poison)
- New Zealand opposition leader quits
- Obituary: Naguib Mahfouz, novelist of Egypt and humanity
- German top banker and Mannesmann executives buy themselves free
- US Supreme Court sloughs off right to fair trial in a murder case (Crimal Court)
- Antiwar candidate boosts illusions in a pro-war party Kucinich runs again for Democratic presidential nomination (He needs to go independent)
- Australian lawyers launch court bid to secure David Hicks's release from Guant-11;-11;namo
- Bush administration preparing to boost US troop strength in Iraq
- Sunsara Taylor: As American as Shopping and Torture
- Dave Lindorff: Sen. Tim Johnson Death Watch
- Dennis Kucinich's Strange Mission: Can You Be a Real Anti-War Candidate in a Pro-War Party? (He needs NOT to be attached to the bipartisan War Party)
- Mike Ferner: Roll Call For the Choir
- Virginia Tilley: What Are You Going to Do Now, Israel? (Somebody else understands the inevitable self destruction of Israel)
- Fitzgerald Mum on Cheney in Leak Case
- Hamas, Fatah Clash in Deepening Violence
- The Haman Syndrome or Why do Jews answer a question with a question?(READ)
- Ch-11;-11;vez's Citizen Diplomacy - Signs of the Times - Fri, 15 Dec, 2006
- Marina Hyde: Blair has never been ashamed of anything (being shamelessly evil)
- Rice plans to boost funding for Abbas forces (Oh, really?)
- US general says Iraq could 'break' army (Maybe it needs to be broken?)
- Removing The Punchbowl (A corpagov too corrupt and criminal to live)
- Are There Troubles in the House of Saud? (Speaking of corruption)
- UAE 'surprised' at US warning on Syria-Iran (Surprised in not the word)
- John Kampfner: Blair has shamefully flouted the law to protect the arms industry's bungs
- Iran institute is isolated over meeting on Holocaust (by Israel's whining poodles)
- Heavy turnout in Iran's local council elections
- Satmars slam Shoah talks attendees (Does anybody living in reality actually care?)
- U.N. unit to review Israeli barrier damage claims
- Hezbollah disarmament Lebanon's internal problem - premier
- Syria and Armenia to Enhance Cooperation
- German Saxonia State Minister of Culure Arrives in Damascus
- Scientists angered after Dobson 'misrepresents' work on gays
- President Bush: Gay Cheney daughter 'will make fine mom' (looking like deer caught in headlights)
- Paper ties Notorious B.I.G. murder to LAPD sex scandal
- Think Progress -11;-11; EXCLUSIVE: White House Forbids Publication Of Op-Ed On Iran By Former Bush Official
- Reid knocked for late night add to bill
- Fed agents linked to Mexico gang killing
- Fact-Check, Anyone? (READ)
- Mother in Gaza: 'Enough is enough' (Enough was too much 60 years ago)
- Johnson Shows Signs of Surgery Recovery (Chimpo is crying and screaming)
- Oil extends rise above $62 a barrel
- Cheney calls Rumsfeld 'finest US defence secretary' (Both aren't even amusing circus animals)
- US prices steady on cheaper fuel (and I have this bridge in Brooklyn to sell you)
- Currency policy tops US mission to China (US is in no position to bargain - but its controlling banks are)
- Congress Members Visiting the Enemy
- Rapid slum growth breeds crime, terrorism says UN (Why is there a rapid slum growth?)
- Hicks will not get fair trial, says Rudd (Kangaroo, if at all)
- Hicks to wait two years for his trial
- Military Taking a Tougher Line With Detainees (Outrageous)
- Guantanamo detainees to be held indefinitely even without charges: US official (Should draw global sanctions against the US government)
- Guantanamo detainees to be held indefinitely
- U.S. military publishes manual to fight insurgents (genocide isn't enough?)
- Rumsfeld Retires Amid Pomp, Ceremony (for a war criminal)
- Options Weighed for Surge in G.I.'s to 'Stabilize' Iraq (i.e., liquidate)
- Clashes deepen Palestinian despair
- Diana: the truth, the whole truth and conspiracy theories (Anybody believing corpagov prattle, hasn't read history, and has all his screws loose)
- Recalibrating Iraq Policy (for cheaper genocide)
- Inflation is dead ... for now (LMAO!)
- U.S. to Armor-Plate Iraqi Police Vehicles (Like Halliburton armoring US troops? Good luck guys!)
- Incoming Chairmen Ready to Investigate (Another Criminal Congressional "investigation"?!)
- Canadian general says reinforcements in Afghanistan would shorten conflict (Asshole)
- $468.9 bln budget for fiscal 2008
- Gaza: a prison again (and yet - complete with daily tortures)
- White House sends clear signal voters no longer matter (actually they never did)
- General foresees 'generational war' against terrorism (Self fulfilling Prophecy)
- Reporter Summoned to Testify Against War Resister (Outrage of Dictatorship)
- 'We're Going to Win' (Utterly meaningless corpagov garbage)
- A Currency in Decline: How Dangerous is the Dollar Drop? (How high is the moon?)
- Come 2008, Will Kucinich and the New Democrats Fool Us Again? (He must abandone the purported Party)
- Most Gitmo detainees freed after transfer (Were I any of them, I would be vengeance incarnate)
- GAO Rep[ort shows increasing attacks in Iraq (PDF format)
- Yellowstone domes rising at 'really pronounced' pace (Maybe it's time for the US to be annihilated another way)
- An email from Bernanke (Another of the deliberately ireparable damages)
- CHINA TO DUMP ONE TRILLION IN U.S. RESERVES!!!! (Maybe, and that would have interesting consequences)
- We are there! (Yes)
- 66% Think U.S. Spies on Its Citizens (It has already SAID it does, so 34% aren't even listening)
- U.S. Theatrical Maneuvering Mostly Fails to Budge Chinese (READ between the lines)
- North American Union leader (Pastor, a CFR boy) says merger just crisis away
- Academic to be Tried for Attending Holocaust Conference (Zionist French government needs a good shot to the jaw - and it will happen)
- Engelhard: Carters Book is Mein Kampf, Protocols (E. wriggles on K. Nimmo's lance)
- MI5 chief quits as full story of July 7 is about to emerge (Babbling)
- FrontPage magazine.com :: Jimmy Carter: Jew-Hater, Genocide-Enabler, Liar by David Horowitz(Maybe DH will choke to death on his own venom)
- Up to 50,000 Troops May Soon Be Sent to Iraq
- White House Won't Allow Former Official to Publish Iran Column
- UK Officials Fail to Silence Iraq War Whistleblower
- New Documents Reveal Scope of CIA Secret Prison Program
- Democratic Leaders Set to Probe Pre-War Intel, Wiretaps (and other fairytales)
- Kucinich Says He Can "Save Presidency for Democratic Party" (Won't vote for ANY Republicrat; they should all die of bird flu, or something, anything)
- White House OKs Massive Pentagon Budget Increase (Was this somehow in doubt?!)
- Hussein-Era Soldiers Invited to Return (Now, why would they?)
- Gunmen raid camp of force loyal to Abbas, kill 1-source (unidentified gunmen? A lot of them going around)
- Phone call lifts hope for ailing Presidente (Castro)
- Ex-spy killed for dossier on Kremlin boss
- Key Witness Denies Part in Spy Poisoning (Lugovoi)
- Russians Say Their Radiation Exposure Occurred During Earlier Trip to London
- Oleg Gordievsky - Russia's Killing Ways
- Blocking Justice (READ)
- Paulson ups pressure on yuan; China unwilling to budge
- Botched killing puts Death Row on hold (Those Bushes REALLY like killing people)
- Raybon Kan: Who killed Diana? (READ)
- Why are we so hooked on conspiracies? (Because fools like Nick Cohen haven't firgured out that governments are natural murderers and proven guaranteed liars: they lie about everything)
- New U.S. military manual critiques own Iraq tactics
- Israels Nuclear Admission Clouds UN Meeting on Iran
- US accused of using aid to sway UN votes (Bully to the world)
- Neocons: We expected Israel to attack Syria (Trying to weasel out)
- France to withdraw special forces from Afghanistan
- Happy Hanukah - Now, PAY up! (READ)
- Groups Mute Criticism of Iraq Report (Who controls whom?)
- ePassports 'at risk' from cloning (READ)
- Israeli PM brushes off Assad's call for talks (as always)
- Time magazine's "Person of the Year" is You (Moi? - aww shucks; I just keep track of what's real and what isn't)
- A war in which no one wins and everyone loses (That covers almost all of them)
- Despite a $168B budget, Army faces cash crunch (Are there lessons here?)
- Flynt Leverett Blasts White House National Security Council Censorship of Former White House Officials Critical of Bush Policies (Convenient lies always trump inconvenient truth)
- Israel First McCain Pushing Attack on Iran for Israel
- WPN Peace Proposal for the resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict (Israel will NEVER allow resolution, except by genocide)
- PM aides deny 'shambles' memo link (Facts are, of course, inconvenient irrelevancies)
- Knives are out for Lord Levy as Blair rift grows (This might be fun)
- No. 10 secret memo: We are seen as a shambles (Sometimes appearances are true)
- Eli Lilly Said to Play Down Risk of Top Pill
- The final, ghastly days of Blair (Governments ALWAYS lie: they must because they are criminal by nature)
- The Truth About The Tehran Holocaust Conference - By One Who Was There (READ the sooth)
- Enthusiasm for president waning among Greenwich Republicans (Not near enough. Where is the outrage? The recurring question)
- Do-It-Yourself Impeachment...
- Ex-soldiers break `silence' on Israeli excesses
- Donald Rumsfeld's legacy (The world may not survive it)
- Former President Carter blames media's 'pro-Israel bias' on AIPAC and 'Christians like me'
- Michael Dickinson: Kingdom of Fear (The second sentence gave away the answer)
- Nadia Hijab: An AIPAC Shot Across Baker's Bow? (READ how US aids and abets Israel's genocide of Palestinians)
- The Democrats and Social Security: Watch What the Party Says and Does (Always, because they are liars)
- A Catastrophic Failure: Foundations, Nonprofits and the Second Looting of New Orleans
- Stephan Gowans: Tehran's Holocaust Conference (READ)
- The Puppet and the Puppeteer: Pinochet and Kissinger
- The US Occupation of Iraq: Act III of a Tragedy of Many Parts
- Vijay Prashad: A Perilous Way to Socialism
- Edwards Set to Launch '08 Bid; Bayh Out (The hell with Edwards)
- Jon Tester: A New Kind of Populist (who could wind up Wellstoned)
- Rich: Gay-baiting may do harm to politicians
- Military recruiters ran cocaine in Arizona (CIA agents in disguise?)
- Gingrich defends free speech curb (Let's curb his stupid mouth)
- Officials: Edwards to run in 2008 (Nazi War hawk)
- More Americans abroad giving up citizenship for lower taxes(READ)
- DeLong: 'Unreliable' WSJ economist (i.e., Alan Reynolds)
- Carmakers fight global warming suit (Hoisted on a lance of stupidity)
- Bush Seen As Likely To Veto Democratic Legislation (surprising?)
- Fragile ceasefire takes hold in Gaza (or not)
- US church splits over sexuality
- France tries to gain China nuclear foothold
- US-based Westinghouse to Build 4 Chinese Nuclear Plants
- Eli Lilly says New York Times' Zyprexa article short on facts (It wouldn't be the first time)
- Report: Lilly Hid Info On Zyprexa
- Low-fat diets may prevent return of breast cancer (or maybe this is crock of shit)
- U.S. Is Proposing to Cut Medicaid's Drug Payments
- Mexico, USA Opposition to Secret Toxic Landfill
- Interior Dept. foregoes collecting $900 million in oil company royalties
- US Army might break Goodyear strike (On US soil?!)
- Ex-judge questions terrorism legislation (AU)
- U.S. senator criticizes Afghanistan for producing illicit drugs (McCain? Again? Idiocy is catching up with chimpy)
- Troops in Iraq to get fire-resistant uniforms (But they don't stop bullets)
- U.S. to triple number of military trainers in Iraq (Trainers?)
- Dem. leader backs temporary rise in troops in Iraq (Told ya!)
- UK troops to stay in Iraq until job done: Blair
- U.S. Military Rehearses Terror Hearings (Like any circus)
- Air Force looks to outsource casket duty
- Group: 'Near miss' at Pantex could have set off nuke
- Nuclear Weapon Nearly Detonated in the United States
- FDA to discuss Navy request to test use of cow blood on trauma victims without their consent
- The Voice of Reason, NewsTalk 1270 is Off the Air
- TCIA approved Iran report but White House blocks former official's Op-Ed based on it
- Rafsanjani's landslide confirmed in Iran assembly elections
- Real U.S. shortfall: $4.6 trillion in red (The point of no return is now even officially past)
- Bush has lost battle for U.S. hearts, minds (No Matter, his mission of US destruction is accomplished)
- Dollar Falls on Concern About Widening U.S. Current-Account Gap
- Army subpoenas journalists over officer's quotes (READ)
- EU to Israel: Stop violating int'l law (IL to all: Fuck You!)
- Israel's Balance of Payments Surplus - New Record (US aid has created that)
- Israeli hires a PR firm to bolster its image (from the criminal image it correctly has)
- George Will on Bloggers: Busy Writing Their Diaries As Though Everyone Ought to Care (feeling that someone actually cares about what he allegedly thinks)
- Addendum to Clausewitz
- Iran to replace dollar with euro (in the works for some time)
- Powell Says U.S. Losing in Iraq, Calls for Drawdown by Mid-2007 (Too late, turdwaffle)
- Torture Is Now Part of the American Soul
- Report: Federal deficit would be higher (if accounting was reality based)
- U.N. peacekeepers accused of rape
- Gingrich defends free speech curbs (as well as rape and genocide)
- Former U.S. Detainee in Iraq Recalls Torment
- Former U.S. Detainee in Iraq Recalls Torment
- Air war costs NATO Afghan supporters (Air wars don't work; new "old lesson")
- Cubans come ashore Longboat (Hello?)
- Nieman Watchdog > Commentary > Six brutal truths about Iraq (READ)
- Blood and Money (Economic babbling amounting to a lie)
- Olmert orders raise in defense budget to record NIS 52.4 billion (No weapon is gotten without intent to use it)
- US Could Face Catastrophic Military Defeat In Iraq (It's inevitable)
- Security guards soon could carry stun guns (which they WILL intend to use)
- Iran to use euro instead of US dollar in next year's budget
- Prof. Steven Jones Quits Scholars for 911 (READ)
- Reconciliation conference ends with failure (Iraq)
- Assault of talk show host Jack Blood by police (The Police State)
- US Dollar can fall a lot further. Isn't it time for the US Federal Reserve to be Nationalized? (LOL Fat load of luck!)
- Revisiting The Horrors Of The Holocaust (Maybe not such a good idea)
- Iranian Revolution ends Holocult (READ twice)
- The coming Sunni-Shi'ite showdown
- THE UNITED STATES IS INSOLVENT (and has been for several years, and cannot escape its insolvency)
- Evacuation of settlement outpost in West Bank delayed (for a few decades?)
- More Evidence That Mearsheimer and Walt Are Largely Right
- Glitzy Las Vegas Battles Over Homeless (Go away; you don't exist!)
- Iran to replace dollar with euro in foreign deals
- Last Warning! Three-Pronged Collapse ... Stocks, Bonds and Real Estate
- US robberies, murders on the rise (Should one believe the FBI in any matter?)
- Britain: Still no compensation one year after Buncefield explosion (corpagov)
- Oregon lawyer wins lawsuit over false arrest for Madrid bombings
- Evidence surfaces that Indonesian military executed "Balibo Five" Australian newsmen in 1975
- The German chancellor and the Baker-Hamilton report
- Abbas attempts a political coup on behalf of Washington
- Bush administration elaborates plans for (genocidal) bloodbath in Iraq
- Talking Surge: Let's Kill Some More Before We Go (The rest will starve and rot from DU poisoning)
- So What's the Big Deal If Wal-Mart Makes a Mistake?
- The United States of Punishment
- Iran's Elections: The World Isn't Florida and Bush Isn't Its Supreme Leader
- Afghanistan: Bush's Other War Unravels (too slowly)
- More Troops, More Body Bags
- Washington Refuses to End the War: Powell, Baker, Hamilton--Thanks for Nothing!
- Lebanon: War Without a Plan
- Luis J. Rodriguez: Chicanos, Mayans and Mel Gibson (READ)
- Talk of Satellite Defense Raises Fears of Space War(Babbling)
- Navy Veteran Detained and Tormented in Iraq by US Military (Understand this, and you understand all)
- Democratic Senators Divided on Troop Increase (WHY?! The purpose of their existence has been made CRYSTAL CLEAR to them)
- US Special Forces Operating in Europe (Following in Mossad Footstomps)
- Senator Clinton Opposes Troop Surge in Iraq (What the hell does she know?!)
- Iran: Ahmadinejad Opponents Leading Elections (A pity to lose him)
- Ex-Iraqi Minister Escapes Police Custody
- Gates: Iraq Failure Would Be "Calamity" (Define failure)
- Congress extends Israel loan guarantees (How sweet)
- Signs Economic Commentary for 18 December 2006 (READ)
- Objections mount at Texas university to Bush 43 library
- White House blocking op-ed that has 'no classified info'
- Israeli Member of Knesset: US will attack Iran and Israel must dismantle Palestinian Authority (That's just in case US didn't hear clearly enough the command that has been being shrieked in its ears)
- Olmert, Blair stress backing for Abbas (for he must then be in their pockets, and not to be trusted)
- Scotsman.com News - International - Gunfights shatter ceasefire charade as Blair urges world to back Abbas (Are we paying attention?)
- Oil falls more than $1 as mild weather prevails (1 fucking, useless $US - wow! holy guanos, Batman! - Get a life!)
- 'Sad and lonely' suspect told reporters that he expected to be arrested(Wanna bet that as usual, the "geniuses" have the wrong guy?)
- Berlin police protect Mozart opera (Just another excuse for Police State)
- Violence in Iraq rises dramatically: Pentagon report (as a result of their minds and hearts being won through torture and genocide)
- New US defence chief sworn in with Iraq his priority (to continue the genocide)
- Pentagon's new chief pledges to find solutions in Iraq (A "final solution" for Israel)
- New Pentagon chief warns of Baghdad calamity (US is the world's calamity)
- Virginia Episcopal diocese says it aims to keep parish property It WILL lose)
- Former Senator Ford Indicted On More Charges (Throughly Criminal Congress as it is always)
- Owens Fined For Spitting Incident (These infants need to grow up)
- Rupe personally axed Regan - report )Rupe is craven fuck, so what do you expect?)
- Anti-Semitic remarks led to publisher's ouster (I'm surprised it wasnt assassination)
- How Well Can You Smell? (I know what shit smells like: not much different from "news")
- Carbon Monoxide Poisons 100 in Northwest (They never learned HS chemistry, much less common sense)
- Bush Must Sell India Atomic Deal to World After Washington Win (like he gives a fuck)
- Bush signs nuke Bill (or Condi signs it for him)
- MSNBC's Olbermann Seeks Big Raise
- Federal investigation of Rep. Tim Murphy started, report says
- New Al Qaeda Message Expected As Terror Anxieties Already High in Europe (CIAMI6Mossad still playing games of state terrorism)
- Pentagon holds contest for the perfect 'spyware'
- U.S. seeks to rein in its military spy teams
- Inquiry Falters on Civilians Accused of Detainee Abuse (i.e., mercenary torturers)
- Report: Attacks In Iraq At 2-Year High (Success of USUKIL death squads)
- Iran Article Is Blocked Amid Dispute on Cause
- US to warn Iran with naval buildup in Gulf- CBS (may not turn out as US would suppose)
- Only an end to sanctions can halt Palestine's crisis (and IL is not having it)
- Defiant DPRK wants all sanctions removed
- Japan's Bonds Advance After Central Bank Leaves Rates Unchanged
- Yen rises before comments from BOJ's Fukui
- Sorry, no Hil apology on Iraq war vote (Her elevator has never gone to the top floor)
- Hillary Clinton, War Goddess (Don't dignify it: it's just another vicious bitch)
- Hillary Clinton: No regret on Iraq vote
- CNN Poll: Only 11% Back Call to Send More Troops to Iraq
- Witness: New Orleans cops shot man in back as he ran away
- McVeigh Video Destroys OKC Bombing Official Story (READ)
- Anti-Semitism Label Confines Open Debate (READ - screw your head on straight)
- American Woman beaten on Jerusalem bus for refusing to move to rear seat (Sound familiar?)
- USA gives piece of counterproductive advice to Palestinians Complicit in Israeli genocide)
- Hawaii to tourists: Can the cigarettes (secondhand smoke dangers do not exist, except in "Government Nonscience")
- Inflation roars back with 2 percent wholesale price jump (Ooops: somebody forgot to lie)
- Fierce fighting in Gaza leaves truce in tatters (what truce? Israel never recognized a truce)
- "Leave Us Alone", Iranian Reformers Say
- Our Own Nuremberg Trials (cannot happen fast enough)
- U.S. warns time is running out for North Korea (Time is already run out for US)
- Publisher allegedly cited 'Jewish cabal' (pulling the proof down upon her head)
- The Arabs on the outside
- Cops Caught Stealing Protestors' Cameras
- NYC violated Constitution by jailing protesters (Huge reparations are in order)
- White House, Joint chiefs split on more troops (Never though I would hope for a military coup in the US)
- Worse Than Apartheid (The terrorising and torture comes for free)
- How Syria dodged a neo-con bullet
- It's Either Occupation or Education (another aspect of the total genocide planned)
- San Francisco 9/11 Truth Tea Party Dumps Official Whitewash in the Bay
- Netanyahu to ambassadors: It's 1938 again, stop Iran (Netanyahu is a gross psychopathic liar besides being a genocidalist himself, but that's not news)
- White House Now Grows Skittish Over Iranian Demarche of 2003 (READ)
- The FBI campaign against John Lennon shows how far the state can go to deal with stars who refuse to toe the line (READ)
- Hate crimes up, study says (With the most hateful corpagov ever, what to expect: the fish stinks from the head)
- 9-11 Boston Tea Party in Milwaukee
- There's the Big Lie, and then there's the Really Big Lie (READ)
- The Highwaymen (READ)
- Iraq on brink of collapse: report - (That is what was wanted and engineered by US)
- The E Coli Outbreaks Are Not Random And ......... The Government Knows This (READ)
- Think Progress -11;-11; 60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002 (READ)
- Sean Penn Accepts 'First Amendment Award' -- Hits Media, Calls for Impeachment
- US soldiers' suicide rate in Iraq doubles in 2005
- A clear-cut outrage
- Prosecutors Drop A.C.L.U. Subpoena in Document Fight
- Second suspect held in slaying of British prostitutes (Bet he's not the one either)
- Sending more troops will only fuel violence (Yes, but that's the general idea)
- Study: Vitamin D protects against MS (or not)
- Bush backs plans for military expansion (of course: follow the plan)
- Court frees David Irving (who should NEVER been incarcerated)
- israel speeds up building in Golan (with intent to attack Syria)
- 13 companies with the worst record for supporting Israels policies (READ)
- U.S. Not Winning War in Iraq, Bush Says for 1st Time (so we need to murder more people of all sorts)
- FBI releases last pages from Lennon file
- U.S. Cancels Order for 75 Million Doses of Anthrax Vaccine (Somebody's figured the fraud?!)
- Iraqi soldiers eat frogs, rabbit at handover ceremony (Savage symbolism in the midst of nothing)
- News Hounds: Fox Guest Says Joy Behar, Matt Damon & Keith Olbermann Should Be Rounded Up And Put In A Detention Center Because They're Traitors
- This is where George Bush gets dangerous (no, lethal)
- Bush can't kick habit of military might
- No money to treat 9/11 workers, $3 billion a week to fight Iraq? (That's how it works - no money to treat wounded troops either)
- New Report Says Iraq Attacks Hit Record High (How high the sky?)
- If it is broke, don't fix it (Bushco is logical; you just can't accept their goal)
- Military Role in U.S. Embassies Creates Strains, Report Says (READ: you can put an end to this you know)
- US Senate clearing way for action on China (Whining weenie US says everything is China's fault)
- Morgan's 9/11 Excuse Falls Flat (READ)
- Blair labels Iran as main foe (Another town is missing it's idiot)
- Parole board member says FBI tried to intimidate him
- U.S. Snaps Back at Assad, Calls for Syrian-Lebanese Diplomatic Ties (creating a weird nonreality)
- US Ponders "Show Of Force Against Iran" (a true nadir of idiocy)
- Surging To Defeat In Iraq
- Israeli freed by Hezbollah in 2004 admits [being a] drug deal[er]
- Holy Warriors Set Sights on Iran - by Bill Berkowitz
- Marijuana top U.S. cash crop, policy analyst says (We HAVE cash crops?!)
- Bush backs away from 'absolutely winning' statement (LOL)
- Napoleon in the White House - by Justin Raimondo
- Landowner Asks Supreme Court to Hear Eminent Domain 'Extortion' Case
- Disbelief at israeli snub of Syrian offer (Why? Your goal is NOT their goal)
- The Mortgage Bust Goes On
- Long-rumored shuffle of generals expected (READ - and weep)
- Who stole Jesus' foreskin? (What planet DO we live on?)
- UK report says robots will have rights (I'm thrilled for them)
- Physical details of all residents to be held on ID database (UK) (and, they'll do it to)
- US Coast Guardsman jailed over Ku Klux Klan fliers
- Victory for widow as MoD held to account over death of soldier (A small win, but at least a win)
- Gen. Abizaid to Retire in Early 2007
- Bush wants to add troops on two fronts (a descending nadir of insanity)
- Bush 'brainwashed' Blair on Iraq pullout - Iraq VP threatened would be more like it)
- Australia: High Court clears way for expansion of federal power
- Argentina: landowners withhold meat supplies from country's population
- US-China "strategic economic dialogue" underscores sharpening trade tensions
- Darfur: Bush and Blair plan no-fly zone and consider air strikes against Sudan (Shades of Iraq)
- Deep divisions dominate European Union summit (Good)
- Canada: The Arar Affair and the RCMP Commissioner's resignation--the cover-up continues
- Sellout at Brussels Volkswagen plant Trade unions agree to mass dismissals
- Blair's Middle East tour: "Jaw, Jaw" in furtherance of "War, War"
- Pentagon report paints grim picture for US in Iraq (The grimness is a secret?)
- Carlos Villarreal: Victory Requires an Immediate Pull-Out (READ!)
- Laura Carlsen: Latin America's Pink Tide?
- Going Postal
- Innocents Abroad: Cracking Down on Gitmo Detainees Despite Overwhelming Evidence Most are Not Terrorists
- Sean Penn: Georgie, There's a Crowd Downstairs (READ)
- Globalized Gulag: Palestinian Refugees and Children Held in Hutto, TX Jail
- Jonathan Cook: End of the Strongmen (READ)
- Democrats Prepare to Fund Longer War (They should all go fight it - personally!)
- Dave Jansson: Divided We Stand, United We Fall (READ secession is in the air)
- Dave Lindorff: Democrats Walk Into Bush Trap on Iraq (It was no trap: they knew perfectly well)
- Saree Makdisi: Israel, Apartheid and Jimmy Carter (READ)
- Tariq Ali: The War is Lost (There was never a war to win)
- The Pentagon Measures the Chaos in Iraq (never enough to please until all are dead)
- Gabriel Kolko: Rumsfeld and the American Way of War (Even Kolko is in denial of the goal, it being too horrible and evil to allow)
- Cheney to Be Defense Witness in CIA Leak Case (He will lie and get away with it)
- France Is Withdrawing Its Special Forces From Afghanistan
- Iran: Ahmadinejad Loses as Political Rivals Win Key Seats (I hape they make him UN ambassador)
- Darfur: Genocide Without Borders (It's not just Darfur: genocide everywhere!)
- Bush Admits US Is Losing War (When will he admit that he lies - all the time?)
- Study Warns of Hunger Among Hispanics (How about the rest of the US?!)
- Chris Floyd | Assault on Red Crescent an Escalation in Iraq
- Pentagon Wants $99.7 Billion More for Wars (Hey! it's just $US, and their worth can only be measured in negative numbers)
- Top NY Republican Is Subject of FBI Inquiry (Utterly criminal corpagov; kill it)
- Bush "Developing Illegal Bioterror Weapons" (Remember, remember the 1918 flu)
- Khaleej Times Online - US hands Shia holy city to Iraqi forces (or not - frogs heads and rabbit hearts notwithstanding)
- French counterterror forces on high alert (Withdrawing troops from Afghanistan has provoked USUKIL to punishment?)
- Bush warns of new sacrifices in Iraq (let him and and his whole goddamned family be tortured to death in publis - on TV!)
- NATO bombs Taliban convoy in Kandahar (for which all will suffer, grievously)
- Govt says HRW report erroneous (Funnt, since HRW is a gov't front)
- Bush vows to support embattled Lebanese PM (So we know he's fucked)
- Britain predicts vote on Iran sanctions Friday(Who really gives a rat's ass?!)
- 'Mass purges' at Iran universities (Believe nothing)
- Israel may release tax funds to Abbas: sources(Believe nothing, especially when it comes from Israel and isn't threatening)
- Now Blair must appeal to Iran's moderate (or die, and spare us all his stupidity and psychopathology)
- IDF: Hizbullah almost back to full combat strength (and ready to kick you shitholes again if need be)
- Mottaki: Adopting anti-Iran resolution to further complicate statu )Why can't we have an antiIsrael resolution?)
- New US defense chief weighs reinforcements on Iraq visit (He'll do as he's damn well told)
- Olmert envoy meets with Syrian ambassador to US (probably to spit on him)
- Have you no shame, Mr. Rumsfeld? (No, next question)
- FDA Calls for Tougher Warnings on OTC Painkillers (wants more use of themore dangerous and expensive pharma poisons)
- Al-Qa'eda calls for jihad to aid Hamas (Which one? Al-CIAda or Al-MOSSADa?)
- Zawahri (living fiction like ObL) threatens to target West if Muslims under attack
- Holocaust denier Irving freed early from prison (Only the author of this piece of shit is discredited)
- Holocaust denier Irving is freed from jail early (Why? Do you bother asking that question, moron?)
- Irving wins appeal on Holocaust denial in Austria (That's why!)
- Jennings finalizes election contest for House filing
- Congress Asked to Intervene in Fla. Race (Lots of luck with the criminal congress)
- US must tighten port security - panel (Better to tighten the loose screws of politicians)
- Security At US Ports Still Worthless (US is worthless. Who would bother with it?)
- Wise men testify to dragon's virgin birth (Hmmmm)
- The Lennon Files: The FBI and the Beatle
- FBI Comes Clean on Lennon Files (FBI never comes clean)
- Survey of overweight children 'worse than useless' (Government science, which is all useless)
- Child obesity initiative in 'difficulties' (More of same)
- Gym will fix it in any number of ways (or not)
- Couple guilty of giving cannabis to MS patients (whom it may well help)
- Iran stands in the way of Mideast peace: Blair (who needs a swift kick in the nuts, several thousand of them, actually)
- MADD (and insurance cartel front) Dumps Miss Teen USA; Donald Stews at Rosie
- Detained father of girl shot dead by IDF blocked from her funeral (Israel delenda est)
- US economic growth revised downward (The level of lying isn't sustainable)
- Pentagon Wants $99.7B More for Wars (The "wants" come so fast, I never know whether they are new wants of old wants repeated: gimme, gimme!)
- U.S. trips to Canada plummet
- U.N. adopts treaty banning countries from secretly abducting perceived enemies (This is a joke, right? A bit or irony? Sarcasm?)
- Freightliner plans Mexico factory despite layoffs elsewhere (Maybe those laid off should move to Mexico?)
- The Urge to Surge - by Jim Lobe
- Americans Would Begin Iraq Withdrawal in 2007 (What options were these adults given? Was yesterday an option?)
- Iraq Vets Falling Through Health-Care Cracks (exactly as designed)
- U.S. army officer who refused to deploy to Iraq rallies support in Hawaii before his military tria
- The $2 Trillion Dollar War
- Is Bethlehem Dying? (READ)
- Israelis never were interested in Peace (Perfectly true)
- News Hounds: O'Reilly denies allegations of White House/FOX symbiosis in one segment, thanks CIA-linked private airline for lift to Iraq in another
- Europeans bail out of Iran sanctions (Better late than never)
- Bush Is A One Word Oxymoron (READ)
- Syria in Bush's Cross Hairs (They have nukulah bombs? Speak a funny language?)
- Mexican Soldiers Freelancing for Drug Cartels on US Soil (Maybe USians can get some of those jobs too?)
- U.S. to declassify secrets aged 25 and older (Do you you believe this will happen?!)
- An Ivory Tower Editor's Attack On Blogs (We could take up a collection for his lobotomy)
- Israel, Syria and Bushs Veto (Olmert as antijewish & antiisrael - why takes a little figuring out, but you can do it)
- Uncle Sam Wants You to Shop at His Web Site (of stolen goods)
- Plan Unveiled to Scrap A Sarbanes-Oxley Rule (READ)
- Magic mushrooms can relieve symptoms of severe obsessive compulsive disorder (or not)
- Secret US Mass Graves of Green Card Hopefuls.. a scoop in progress
- Bush "Developing Illegal Bioterror Weapons" for Offensive Use (He's an offensive kinda guy)
- N.J. gov. signs gay civil unions law
- United Technologies Pricing Data Sought by Air Force ([sigh] same old shit)
- Minister denies 'secret' CIA flight allegations (so you know it's true)
- Rice Seeks U.S. Probe of Why Canada's Arar Still on Watch List (like she gives a rat's ass)
- Bar investigating lawyer with possible link to CIA (Criminal government)
- Court won't free detainee in time to mourn daughter killed by IDF (You know Israel is)
- U.S. and Britain to Add Ships to Persian Gulf in Signal to Iran (Oooo - more sitting ducks!)
- Chronic drought conditions create hardship in Australian rural areas (Corpagov looks the other way)
- US: Hundreds sickened by contaminated food (not to mention contaminated government)
- US breast cancer decrease tied to drop in hormone replacement therapy use (or not)
- Britain: High Court rejects Jean Charles de Menezes family appeal (You know how Britain is)
- Britain's establishment mourns Chilean dictator Pinochet (They are very sick puppies)
- Judge in Padilla case orders mental evaluation (or prosecutors?)
- Year-end press conference Bush sets stage for major escalation in Iraq (The genocide must go on)
- Denying Disaster: Katrina and the Case for Impeachment
- Paris Reidhead: Something's Fishy in Your Good Humor Bar (The toxic agrishit department of your criminal multinational corpagov READ)
- John V. Whitbeck: On Israel's Right to Exist (READ)
- Jimmy Carter in Austin: Time to Come Clean on the Shoot Down of That Itavia DC-9 (READ)
- Poppies Rising: Afghanistan's Drug Catastrophe (CIA's delight!)
- Arundhati Roy: Breaking the News (and law: global judicial corruption)
- Rosa Mariam Elizalde: An Interview with Gore Vidal (READ)
- NOW | A Historic Hoax: Iraq War Intelligence Failures
- US Commanders Wary of Gates Proposal
- Bush's Signing Statement on India Nuke Deal Raises Concerns
- Watada States His Case in Hawaii
- Study: Long US Work Hours Are Bad for the Environment
- Housing Bust Slows Economic Growth to Two Percent (What growth?)
- Saudi Royals Snub Bush, Fund Opposition to US Troops (Tensions rise further)
- 5-year-old accused of sex harassment (5 years old? Get a grip, people!)
- McCain adds 'blog sockpuppet' to staff
- Did GOP Rep. say 'Christianity in Iraq will end violence'?
- The Donald vs. Rosie: Trump threatens to sue 'fat slob'
- Vermont activists pushing for impeachment of Bush
- Our Poisonous Democracy (READ)
- The Death of an Eccentric Dictator (Turkmenistan)
- Turkmenistan's 'iron ruler' dies
- After a Tyrant, What Next?
- TIme's up for Turkmenistan's dictator
- marine faces 13 counts of murdering Iraqis
- Eight US Marines charged with murdering Iraqi civilians
- Lawmaker Stands Firm on Quran Criticism
- Ellison: Lawmaker has 'a lot to learn about Islam'
- World Death Toll Of a Flu Pandemic Would Be 62 Million (and neocons are drooling to release the resurrected 1918 virus)
- Bird flu 'to slay 62million' (Bird flu my ass!)
- UN poised to pass Iran sanctions despite threat (If so, the consequences will be hilarious, and US will look just as stupid as ever)
- SMU emerges as likely site for Bush's 'Pet Goat' (Nobody else wants his library)
- Study Suggests Incentives on Oil Barely Help U.S.
- Lieberman Quits Co-Chairing Snowe-11;-11;-11;s Centrist Group, Teams With Alexand
- A.P. Headquarters Target of White Powder Scare (White powder has already gotten stale)
- Hudson River Tunnels Seen as Fragile (Of course, they haven't been properly maintained)
- Hypersonic Cruise Missile: America's New Global Strike Weapon (Do we believe in Popular Mechanics?)
- Harper says Canada won't talk to Hamas, Hezbollah, calling groups 'genocidal' (Hello-o? WHO is genocidal?!)
- Al-Manar: Plane came to Beirut from Tel Aviv on day of Gemayel assassination (READ)
- Report: Portuguese foreign minister withheld information on secret CIA flights (READ)
- Report Says TSA Violated Federal Law (READ)
- U.S. Deaths in Iraq Could Top 9/11 Toll On Christmas
- CIA exercise reveals consequences of defeat (CIA warns of al-CIAda dmage: fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you)
- Selective Service to Test Military Draft Machinery (Hmmm - right!)
- WorldNetDaily: Soy is making kids 'gay' (Research? Where? By whom? Paid for by whom?)
- No escape for Palestinians locked in Gaza violence
- 'NY Times' Finally Publishes Op-Ed 'Redacted' by C.I.A. (READ)
- 21 Arrested In Central Fla. Sex Predator Sting (Your government at work for you)
- International airline to allow cell phone chatter on planes (Another reason not to fly)
- North Korea Talks Stall Over U.S. Financial Sanctions (Boring babble)
- Report Foresees 2.2 Million Families Foreclosed (What?! In a booming economy?)
- New guidelines allow troops with traumatic stress disorders to redeploy (Fear of fragging?)
- Will the Democrats Save our Civil Liberties? (NO! Next question?)
- FDA consolidation plan could close federal food and drug labs (and stop the farce of its sick existence?)
- Lieberman Officially Endores Escalation in Iraq (Don't zionists always do that?)
- Let It Come Down: Forcing the Constitutional Crisis of Liberty (READ)
- Rep: 'Everything depends' on bringing Christianity to Iraq (Too many lobotomies, so little time)
- UN to impose nuclear embargo on Iran (Haven't they something useful to do?)
- Eye on Iraq: The other Iraq report (Techniques of "let them do it" genocide)
- The Great Game on a razor's edge (READ)
- Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall December 22, 2006 12:00 AM(What your government trolls really do)
- Global economy faces a dangerous year (as designed)
- Indiadaily.com - No Hillary, no Barack Obama, no McCain, no Giuliani it is time for an Internet candidate the surprise of 2008 Presidential election (READ: a genuinely interesting idea in the progression of net influences)
- A Limit to Bloggers' Power? (READ)
- Beware the Fake Media Watchdog (READ)
- Scarborough Panel Discusses Impeachment of -11;-11;-11;Isolated-11;-11;-11; -11;-11;-11;Delusional-11;-11;-11; Presiden
- Blair issues terror plot warning (The other Blair fascist)
- The Nightmare before Christmas (READ)
- SKorea says traces of toxic chemical found in US beef (FDA purpose is what, exactly?)
- The BBC On The Haditha Massacre (READ)
- Israeli think tank says only military strike will stop Iran (from acting in its own sovereign interests)
- Condi's Albright Moment (Death, destruction & genocide is called an INVESTMENT! In what, other than more death, destruction & genocide?)
- Lawmaker (who thinks he's Judge Dred) Fears Election of 'More Muslims' (Virgil Goode)
- Time Person of the Year ignored poll results
- Rape charges dropped in Duke case (Why was this case not dismissed long ago?)
- Iran turns from dollar to euro in oil sales
- Theatre scraps play on Mideast 'martyr' (Threatened by zionists)
- FLASHBACK: CIA agent blows his own legs off faking terrorism in the Philippines(Extreme US black ops)
- Designer monsters (Black ops, right in front of your face)
- Records detail missing TSA badges, uniforms (I'm from your government, and I'm here to help you)
- Air America Station to Stay in Madison (Hmmm - Interesting)
- Court Cuts Valdez Judgment Against Exxon (wrongly)
- Troop Levels Unknown (READ)
- Bashir cleared of Bali bombings
- Israeli made C4 explosive used in Bali bombing
- Bashir slams Australia, US for 'engineering' his jailing
- U.S. to maintain long presence in Gulf region: Gates (Puppeteering for war and profit)
- U.S. to pay $4.6 billion for translators in Iraq (to DynaCorp/GLS)
- DynCorp Disgrace (READ)
- Qaeda-backed group offers U.S. safe Iraq exit: Web (ROTFL)
- Berlin Senate adopts new austerity measures
- Former Australian military chiefs challenge government over Iraq war
- Report exposes European complicity in CIA torture flights
- Christmas cheer for Wall Street executives Goldman Sachs boss gets $53.4 million bonus (Does "obscene" come to mind?)
- Power struggle in Saudi Arabia: a sign of regional instability
- The Secrets of His Success: Fired Pfizer CEO Walks Away with $198 Million (another obscenity?)
- Provoking Civil War in the Occupied Territories (READ)
- Dennis Kucinich: Maverick or Stalking Horse? (Good question, unless he abandons Dems)
- Political Sell-Outs in Black and White
- When the Secret is the Question: Secret Prisons, Top Secret Interrogations
- Bush's Foreign Sex Policy: Imperialism's Second Front
- Congress Closes With a Pork-Filled Flourish
- Chris Floyd | War Profits Trump the Rule of Law
- Raul Castro Urges Students to Debate "Fearlessly" (READ)
- Bush Issues 16 Pardons (READ)
- Bush Signs Law Blocking Aid to Hamas
- Inside Venezuela's Controversial Revolution
- Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007
- Jimmy Carter's Apartheid Charge Rings True
- RAW STORY decodes censored New York Times op-ed
- 'Bomb could flood NY tunnels' (So could large meteorite - or Bush)
- Murdoch extends News Corp control (in order to deliver yet more lying swill)
- Rice backs 'worthwhile' Iraq war (Let's sacifice the all USUKILAU governments, and their families to to this worthwhile cause)
- US policy in the Horn of Africa may aid al-Qaida, experts warn (LOL)
- I'm no fan of the man, but I do love Blair's Britain (Hmmm - but then also ...)
- Iran defies United Nations with pledge of 'going nuclear within weeks' (Even altering the present, the headline lies)
- Did American fire on Iraqis for sport?
- US tests call-up system but denies return to conscription (Just for sport?)
- U.S. commanders in Iraq recommend a 'surge' (or this is also a lie)
- ASIO enlisted to join search for stolen army rockets
- Flu Pandemic Could Kill 62m With Poorer Countries Most Affected (That would be the design, anyhow)
- Rice Says U.S. Ready For Black President (Good, let's have Jesse Jackson)
- Ethiopia edges closer to Somalia invasion
- Defiant Iranian president mocks Bush (Hooray! for him damnit!)
- Congress Asked to Intervene in Fla. Race (Results will be telling)
- Truth about Iran | Letters to the Editor (Yes, I lie is being repeated to make it truth)
- Source says 'outsider' Gates prepped for confirmation by Cheney's office (outsider?! LOL)
- U.N. approves Iran sanctions - Focus on Iran
- Iran ordered to pay U.S. terror victims (Imagine what Israel owns the Palestinians and Lebanese!)
- Al Qaeda offers US 'truce' (Is that al-CIAda, al-MI6a or al-Mossada?)
- A Bad Year for Empire - by Jim Lobe
- Condi's Diplomatic Triumph - by Gordon Prather (READ)
- CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS: Scientist sentenced to two years probation for illegal deal with Pfizer; Pfizer stock down 40%. CEO gets $180,000,000 package. (But, of course)
- Poll: Bush not trustworthy, doesn't share values, no longer inspires (Didn't ask the right questions)
- Pentagon says bomb test safe for downwind Utahns (and cows are purple)
- Bush Says Victory in Iraq Is Still Possible (Like proverbial broken record - or parrot)
- Gates denies naval buildup in Gulf is meant as threat to Iran (Another parrot)
- The "Hoax" That Wasn't: The July 23 Qana Ambulance Attack: The Hoax that wasn-11;-11;-11;t: Human Rights Watch-11;-11;-11;s in-depth investigat(READ)
- The Horn of Africa teeters on the cusp of all-out war
- Real U.S. shortfall: $4.6 trillion in red (Tell Dov Zackhein to give back the 3 Trillion $US)
- Iran warns U.N. to expect reaction over sanctions (READ)
- War Profits Trump the Rule of Law (Nothing new about that)
- The Warmonger's Brigade (Hey! This was my idea, long ago!)
- President Carter Says U.S. 'Prime Culprit' in Nuclear Proliferation
- Police 'sorry' for moral quizzing (A mountain of stolen concepts)
- Israel's thugs sink deeper into the cesspit of defamation, denigration and denial (READ)
- US 'Nazi guard' faces deportation (on no legal graounds at all)
- 6 area children with flu on life support (1918 released?)
- Ballistic Missile Defense: U.S. on collision course with Russia
- Religion does more harm than good - poll
- All I Want For Christmas is...the Truth (Verily!)
- Anthrax Attacks on U.S. Congress Were Inside Job
- FBI WARNS OF A UK ATTACK (Has al-CIAda promised one?)
- French claim US command held them back from catching Osama (more ridiculous by the day)
- Ten years later the price is still worth it (The price is grnocide, but then that's goal)
- Homeland Security admits it did not follow privacy law (It's none of you beeswax, and we don't care, see!)
- CIA Instructions to Media Assets re: Assassination of President Kennedy (READ)
- Holocaust Jew accused of war crimes (This is now game of fabrications works)
- Macy's pulls hooded jackets amid dog fur complaints (Oh, give me a break!)
- CNN Exposed Review: Mainstream journalist defends western bias
- World's biggest ecstasy dealer nabbed in Rio (and who might that be?)
- Cloned meat OK to eat, FDA scientists say (We love FDA, don't we dear!)
- MiamiHerald.com | 12/21/2006 | Jennings to Congress: Vote machines `malfunctioned'
- Ex-Abu Ghraib detainee recounts atrocities committed by US forces
- U.N. votes for trade sanctions on Iran's nuclear work
- Iran condemns U.N. resolution as illegal
- Anglican Leader Blasts War in Iraq
- Britain: Conservative Party feigns concern for the poor-the better to oppose welfare state benefits
- German Social Democratic Party chairman badmouths the unemployed
- Iran's Holocaust conference and the dead end of bourgeois nationalism
- Cop Assaults Activists at Lockheed Protest
- Seth Sandronsky: Fiscally Imperiled Social Security? (It isn't, but the Devil will see it crushed in his looting of it)
- Azmi Bishara: Ways of Denial (A strange and tortured writing)
- Dave Lindorff: Crime of the Century (READ: attacking Iran)
- An Islamic Civil War: Chaos by Design? (almost worthless in content, alas)
- Greg Moses: This War Can't be Made Right by Winning (There IS purpose: taking out Iraqi oil production and genocide of the Iraqi people - both going apace, thankyou)
- William Loren Katz: The First US Foreign Invasion
- Diane Christian: The Rape of Iraq (READ)
- The Capital of Salvadoran Memory: El Mozote After 25 Years
- Marjorie Cohn: What's Going On? (We were asking that question 6 years ago!)
- The Race for Iraq's Resources
- E-Voting Machine Probe Ends, Company Sold
- FEMA Not Required to Restore Aid to Evacuees, Court Rules (Criminal corpagov, all around us)
- Iraqi Hopes Dim Through Worst Year of Occupation (Just wait!)
- UN Imposes First Sanctions on Iran's Nuclear Program (The response will be interesting, and well calculated)
- Bush Further Outlaws Hamas (with 0 jurisdiction - as in who the hell cares what it allegedly thinks?)
- Some In The GOP Worried About McCain's "Move To The Right" (He's always been a corpapig)
- Pelosi Taps Rep. Van Hollen To Head The DCCC (Circus of backslapping politician morons)
- Sen. Clinton Hints It's Time For A Mom To Be In The White House (Not yo, Nazi Bitch!)
- President Bush Signs New Postal Law (that will only benefit the criminal federal government)
- Report: U.S. Working To Bring Down Assad (Ah CIA as it has always been: that is what it really does)
- New Low For The President's Approval Rating On The War In Iraq
- Hillary Clinton Says She Would Have Never Voted For The War In Iraq (Lying bitch!)
- Sen. Tim Johnson "Going To Be Just Fine" (bringing tears to GOP eyes)
- UN imposes nuclear sanctions on angry Iran (Yeah, right [yawn])
- Gates, Bush discuss Iraq ("discuss" is not in W's vocab.)
- NY Requires Health Insurance Coverage for Mental Health Patients (Insurers will just have excuse to whine for increased costs and up their racketeering schemes)
- Israeli and Palestinian Leaders Meet, With Hints of Slight Gains (Don't waste you time reading kaka)
- International Middle East Media Center - Abbas: Five years truce, temporal borders, deception to the people (Abbas is a charlatan pimp for USUKIL)
- Bin Laden's "close associate" killed in southern Afghanistan (Get real, and get a life)
- Our National Mental Health is Suspect (Mine Too) (All too true, and it isn't new, just palpably worse)
- Require HPV vaccine for students (Totalitarian Outrage)
- Row over cancer jab plan for all schoolgirls
- Iraq town has little faith in US trial of Marines (Why should it?)
- After the gilded -11;-11;50m burial, a tyrannical void (Can you believe it?)
- Turkmenistan to bury leader, succession undecided
- Central Asia braces for a power struggle in Turkmenistan
- Ethiopia moves tanks into Somalia war zone
- Holocaust Jew accused of war crimes (Would you like fries with you Israeli perpetrated holocausts?)
- The Raw Story | NYT: Selective Service plays down test reports but says must be ready for 'totally unforeseen'(meaning US criminal corpagov is prepared for yet another attack on the US people)
- Are Bush and Cheney Planning an Early Attack on Iran? (Late or early is just a POV. The question is simply dare they?)
- 'What would happen if the Virgin Mary came to Bethlehem today?' (It would be lied about?)
- No 10 'in panic' as Yard extends 'cash for honours' inquiry (Panic?! Only when the dynasty's lives are forfeit, which may yet be)
- Disappearing world: Global warming claims tropical island (Wait to see how real this is)
- Frankenwine? Wines made with GMO yeast hit the market this year (Killer wine?)
- Cloned meat OK to eat, FDA scientists say (Only morons would trust FDA)
- Jennings to Congress: Vote machines `malfunctioned' (Can we pronounce, "will be ignored"?)
- Election Challenge For Florida District Is Taken to the House (We expect from criminal congress?)
- Court says FEMA can end Katrina housing (We can expect what from criminal US courts?)
- Airport delays start of controversial scanner (Governments should be afraid of their people)
- Italian who met Litvinenko arrested (More circus)
- Ex-Abu Ghraib detainee recounts atrocities committed by US forces (In case you forgot what US forces do)
- U.N. votes for trade sanctions on Iran's nuclear work (which means, in practical terms, exactly nothing)
- Iran condemns U.N. resolution as illegal (Of course it is. How long has that been obvious?)
- Four U.S. military personnel killed in Iraq (That what US is sending them for)
- Suicide bomber kills 7 police in Iraq (Expect more of this)
- Anglican Leader Blasts War in Iraq (It's taken the SOB entirely too long)
- Commander Is Called Open to Troop Surge (What were the threats made?)
- Bush ponders -11;-11;10bn New Deal to create jobs in Iraq (LOL "ponder" is not a W property)
- 'Sky high' terror threat to Tunnel (Threats only from al-CIAMI6MOSSADA)
- Channel tunnel is terror target (Hoseshit - unless Tony needs it)
- E-Voting Machine Probe Ends, Company Sold (That's the fix that is in)
- FEMA Not Required to Restore Aid to Evacuees, Court Rules
- Iraqi Hopes Dim Through Worst Year of Occupation (by genocidal racketeering US criminal corpagov)
- Report Says TSA Violated Privacy Law (What law? US corpagov of occupation abides by no law)
- Bush May Boost Iraq Troops by 20,000 (Mercenaries (expensive) that is)
- Lawmakers Say Bush Using "Shadow Budget" to Fund War (US criminal corpagov abides by no law)
- Election Challenge for Florida District Is Taken to the House (Lots of luck)
- US Says Key Taliban Leader Killed but Militants Disagree (US corpagov of occupation is accredited liar)
- Probes of Bush Policies in the Works (Yeah - sure - once abbeting criminal "investigates" another)
- Congressman: Would You Send Your Relative to Iraq? (Obvious question that will just be ignored)
- The Rise of "Revolving-Door" Consultants (We're upt to our fucking eyeballs in this racketeering scheme)
- Pope issues Christmas call to protect children (from priests like the Nazi pope molesting them)
- Pope Benedict XVI recalls plight of children as he marks Jesus' ... (Maybe, I'll just vomit over the corpses of children murdered by Holy Mother Church)
- Pope offers wish for peace on X'mas (Mealy mouthed son of a bitch, bastard)
- Iran dismisses United Nations resolution imposing sanctions (Ooops - LOL- so much for the mendacious mainstream "media")
- Bird Flu Infects Three Family Members In Egypt (or not)
- Olmert's Connection to 9/11
- Shiites resist isolating Sadr
- Bush may boost Iraq troops by 20,000 (so that more may die)
- Medi-Cal pays for over 100,000 births by undocumented women
- The opinionated Fox News Channel is giving ground to increasingly noisy competitors (READ)
- U.S. says U.N. Iran resolution not enough (Tough!)
- Return of the American Jedi (READ all of it)
- Ethiopia launches airstrikes in Somalia
- U.S. Military Officials: Bush Trying To Bribe Us To Support Iraq Escalation
- And So This Is Christmas: In Search of Peace with Cindy Sheehan
- Wolfowitz owes us an explanation
- George Orwell Was Right: Spy Cameras See Britons' Every Move
- Is there a law that requires Americans to pay direct unapportioned tax? (Nobody is able to find it)
- The United States is Insolvent (still)
- Iran: What about Zionists' nukes?
- Jewish terrorist commits suicide in jail (Hmmmm?)
- Eight US Marines charged in 21 Iraqi murders, cover-up
- Iran sanctions very good for israel (READ)
- Hindsight is 20/20 - how israel duped US into fighting their wars
- Watada states his case in Moiliili (READ)
- Cheney Says Dems Can't Stop Bush's War With Iran(READ)
- Congress rebukes Okla. City probe (Just a little late, doncha think?)
- Flashback- Bush: God told me to invade Iraq (That's reassuring)
- Hundreds join Minneapolis protest to "send an anti-war message for the holidays, U.S. out of Iraq!
- Sen. Dodd Argues for Iraq Withdrawal
- 6 U.S. Troops Die in Bloody Iraq Weekend
- British forces storm Iraq police station
- Iraq: 12,000 police killed since 2003
- Audits Fault Pentagon and Interior Department
- U.S. Is Detaining Iranians Caught in Raids in Iraq
- China approves local incorporation plans of 9 foreign banks (READ)
- China to let 9 foreign banks incorporate, in step toward retail business(Chinese mistake)
- New rules to expand credit in rural areas (Big mistake)
- Surprise Gaza talks raise hope for peace (Don't be ridiculous)
- Italian in poison case arrested
- Ethiopia bombs Mogadishu airport
- Pelosi says no to C-SPAN request on floor proceedings (But spying on real people is always OK? Eat shit Pelosi)
- Many choose family over military service (Mercenaries to the rescue)
- Was Libya framed by US and Britain for Lockerbie to make Libya toe the line? (Yes, next question?)
- Troop 'surge' in Iraq would be another mistake (That depends on what your real goal is)
- 10 myths -- and 10 truths -- about atheism (Interesting READ)
- Banality and barefaced lies
- Es-Ka-LAY-Shun
- Lights of Hope Shine Out in Bethlehem, Thanks to Hamas
- Ecuador Bonds Tumble as Patino Signals Possibility of Default
- Crime about to rise and swamp prisons, warns Blair team (More terrortwaddle)
- Blair's aides call in their own lawyers
- ladyjayne's blog: Shock and Awe: The Politics of Redaction (READ)
- US fears Castro death will trigger exodus (Fears, because US is primal cause of Cuba's misery)
- Iran summons US representative over detention of diplomats
- Fake Terror article in Spanish
- Abuse could push Katrina costs to $2 billion
- Israeli army ordered to dismantle checkpoints (until tomorrow)
- UK Intelligence Using Text Messages in Psy-Ops Warfare
- Republicans harrassed tens of thousands of Americans
- Baghdad Residents Hit By Robo Calls
- Poor record-keeping plagues Bush AIDS effort
- Ethiopia action in Somalia backed
- U.S. arrest of Iranians reportedly upsets Iraqi president
- Panic waning, but so is a sense of urgency about bird flu dangers(Fearmongering horseshit)
- God not redundant, Pope tells the world (Well, there it is then)
- Iranian diplomats arrested by US forces (But US can and will do anything it fucking well pleases - just ask 'em)
- US troops detain 2 Iranians in Iraq (in clear violation of international law - when has that stopped US?)
- IDF against ease of restrictions on Palestinians (IDF will contrive its rectitude)
- Obama erases Hil lead in NH (He should go to hell with her)
- UK newspaper: Jesus was a Palestinian (an interesting idea)
- China says it will keep currency at stable level
- Central bank to keep foot on brake
- China says to keep yuan stable, rein in investment
- Chemical may stop alcohol craving (but may cause strokes and heart attacks?)
- Christmas is no holiday for Jehovah's Witnesses (He happens to be scripturally right)
- Tony Hendra: Time Out From Atheists and Evangelicals: Putting the Real Christ back Into Christma (READ - even if you are an atheist)
- Another "Boxing Day" Quake
- The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse (READ)
- World's `Worst' Visa System Scares Business Away From the U.S.
- Military considers recruiting foreigners (i.e., mercenary individuals)
- Heady Days for Makers of Weapons
- Gates visited Baghdad to quell US soldiers mutiny in Anbar, US imminent attack on Ramadi soon
- Courts Side With NSA On Wiretaps (Criminal Judiciary)
- Scandal Could Derail New York Comptroller
- Iran backed dangerously into a corner
- Bush's 'Global War on Radicals'
- Why Condemning Israel and the Zionist Lobby is so Important
- Why Condemning Israel and the Zionist Lobby is so Important (READ)
- Question: Why doesn't the US condemn Ethiopian invasion and occupation of Somalia?
- Corrie' canceled in Canada (Censored by Israel's Lobby)
- Ethiopian troops advance on Mogadishu
- Iran: U.N. Ignoring Israeli Nuke Program
- FBI Considered "It's A Wonderful Life" Communist Propaganda (LOL)
- Quietly Admitted on Xmas: Americans not told whole truth about OK City Bombing
- Former Bush Official: CIA Censored Op-Ed Because It Was Forced To Bow To The White House
- US soldier who disputed Iraq war legality released early from military prison (Ricky Clousing)
- OK City bombing: Feds failed to follow bombing evidence
- Israel approves new West Bank settlement
- Alleged Liquid Bomb Plot Credibility Crumbles. (of its own stupidity)
- The Spirit of Christmas: Bush banned from birthplace of Jesus Christ
- FLASHBACK: Nichols Implicates FBI (READ)
- FLASHBACK: Judge implicates FBI agents in the Oklahoma City bombing (READ)
- FLASHBACK: Declassified FBI memo reveals twists in probe
- King Abdullah: Israel not as strong as we thought
- U.S. officials send minister out of Iraq - sources
- Iraqi appeals court upholds Hussein death sentence (in farcical trial)
- Iraq 'court' says Hussein should hang within 30 days
- Pressed in Iraq, U.S. Army turns out interrogators
- Michael Dickinson: Deny Santa If You Wish, But You Can't Deny This (READ)
- Patrick Lang and Ray McGovern: To Surge or Not to Surge?
- Saul Landau: A Jeep Trip with Fidel
- The Golem: a Conversation with Marc Estrin
- Reza Fiyouzat: Why Santa Was Hot in China This Year
- Dershowitz vs. Carter in Beantown: Peace Movement AWOL, Again
- Cowboys Differ on Iran Attack: Cheney/Bush vs. the Baker Commission
- Tito Tricot: Chile, the Ghosts of Torture
- Lawmakers Say Bush Using "Shadow Budget" to Fund War
- The Rise of "Revolving-Door" Consultants
- Immigrants Go From Farms to Jails
- In Gaza, Christmas Is a Casualty of Factional Fighting
- Inhabited Island Disappears Beneath Rising Seas
- Troop "Surge" Plan for Iraq Meets Growing Opposition in US
- Thomas D. Williams | Generals Promote Christianity Inside the Pentagon
- British Soldiers Storm Iraqi Jail, Citing Torture (Irony)
- Hundreds Disappear Into the Black Hole of the Kurdish Prison System in Iraq
- Iran's Oil Revenue Running Dry, Analysis Shows (All part of the genocide)
- Biden Vows to Fight Any Iraq Troop Boost (We'll see)
- Novak: Conservatives to resign if DeLay hired as lobbyist?
- Leaked NRA graphic novel called a hoax, but it's real
- France joins UK on 'high terror alert' (Get a grip, people)
- British PM Tony Blair in plane scare (He would be no loss)
- 3 Sides Prepare for Battle in Somalia
- Security flaw found in Microsoft's Vista (as always)
- Stores Seek Shoppers, Slash Prices Again
- FDA set to OK sale of milk, meat from cloned animals
- Israel breaks promise to U.S. with settlement (What did you expect?)
- U.S. ready to send 3,500 troops for Iraq: sources
- Hezbollah rises from ruins of Beirut home
- Ethiopian raids on Somalia get US support
- Saddam lawyer is not surprised
- Hundreds burned alive in Lagos pipeline blaze
- Nigeria mourns pipeline victims
- Will Ford, Toyota team up?
- 2 More Die as Bird Flu Continues Spreading to Humans in Egypt (or not)
- Taliban Figure Killed in Airstrike, US Says
- Wrong Taliban commander killed?
- Former President Ford dies
- FBI, FEMA move some jobs outside 'blast zone' (Not any more)
- Gerald Ford's Role in the JFK Assassination Cover-up (READ)
- Reservist Due for Iraq Is Killed in Standoff With Police
- FLASHBACK: US Endorsed Indonesia's East Timor Invasion
- US tries to assure allies that extraordinary renditions are over (But - governments LIE - all the time: just so you can figure out the truth?)
- Iraq prepares for rapid Saddam execution (Imagine how many US ruling class should properly be executed?)
- Monterey County Herald | 12/27/2006 | Lawyer falls to death at hotel (READ Hmmm)
- Dollar Declines on Speculation U.S. Consumer Confidence Dropped (That's no speculation)
- Bring back Saddam Hussein
- Dozens Of Pieces Of Lost Luggage Dumped In Trash (They fell through a wormhole?)
- U.S. Says Captured Iranians Can Be Linked to Attacks (Therefore, they cannot)
- Worst newspaper in US destroys value
- FBI Says Files In Leak Cases Are Missing (i.e., as in the Spanish "desaparecidos")
- Israel has chosen the path to endless war instead of accepting an Arab peace/surrender plan
- Homeowners' losses are others' gains (READ)
- Gambling to save face on Iraq (Creating a black hole into which to thow the troops, and extend the genocide of Iraqis)
- The Raw Story | Ex-Hussein political adviser claims Iraq accepted Bush's ultimatum before invasion
- FLASHBACK: Star Witness on Iraq Said Weapons Were Destroyed
- Will Bush Explain Why War Continues? (No!)
- Rumsfeld denies making claims Iraq had WMDs (LMAO! He's joking, right?)
- Israel seeks pipeline for Iraqi oil | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited (Remember?)
- Pentagon chief signs order sending 82nd Airborne brigade to Kuwait
- Goldman Sachs Says 'Star Tribune' Sale a Troubling Signal for Industry (GS, who is one of the owners of the US Fed. Reserve)
- Will the dam break in 2007? (Are they ready to precipitate it?)
- Iraq prepares for rapid Saddam execution
- We're the incredible shrinking party, says Labour contender (wonder why?)
- Nikolas Kozloff: Saving Caracas
- Journey to Vietnam: Dare We Not Say Genocide? (READ)
- Burning EPA's Books: What They Don't Want You to Read Might Save Your Life
- Faruq Ziada: Is There a Sunni Majority in Iraq?
- Bush Hires Lawyers to Prepare for Congressional Probes
- Hussein Execution: Baath Party Threatens to Retaliate
- SEC Gives Holiday Present to Corporate America
- Ford Pardon Sealed Watergate Shut (as well the Warren Commission)
- Killing children is no longer a big deal (READ)
- Court won't force Massachusetts gay marriage vote
- Katrina insurance suit moved to state court
- Dollar Slides; U.A.E. Says Selling U.S. Currency, Buying Euros
- U.S. stocks swept higher; Dow sets new record (What a fucking joke)
- Snow falls over Negev desert, Jerusalem (but Gaza and Palestinians are not important)
- US Government pressurises banks to stop dealing with Iran
- VP: Iranian experts can work in Libyan development plans
- New Guantanamo Court to Have Restaurants (What, no theater and concert hall?!)
- Ford Disagreed With Bush About Invading Iraq
- Ford disagreed with Bush over Iraq invasion -WPost
- U.S. Air Force Explores Options for 'Prompt Global Strike'
- Iran's parliament asks government to revise ties with UN
- Iran to reconsider ties with IAEA
- Iran MPs direct government to review IAEA cooperation
- Three views on Iran, one of them dubious (READ)
- Iran fury at Blair 'tirade of allegations'
- US increases pressure on Iran (specifically to worsen the fabricated situation, exactly as it did with Iraq)
- Iran's parliament signals less cooperation likely
- Ohio Gov. Taft reprimanded over ethics
- Outgoing Ohio Governor "Pleased" Ethics Matter Is Concluded (i.e., he's getting away with it)
- Litvinenko case linked to Yukos probe - Russian prosecutors
- Spacecraft to scan heavens for another Earth (Not made in USA, might be noted)
- Bird Flu Spreads In Egypt As Tenth Person Dies (How many wolf cries before 1918 is released?)
- Bush to huddle with top advisers on Iraq strategy ("How do we justify bombing them?)
- Russia fingers Israeli fugitive in radiation poison probe
- Euro notes cash in to overtake dollar
- Hunt for CIA 'black site' in Poland
- More Prison Time for Khodorkovsky?
- Dollar May Drop Versus Yen Before U.S. Consumer, Housing Data
- 'This is no longer America's war in Iraq,' says U.S. commander of Iraqi military training unit (As US intended to make it in furtherance of genocide)
- Islamic forces abandon Somalia's capital, clan militias begin taking control
- Blast in downtown Acapulco injures 10
- Israel to Renew Attacks on Palestine (THAT'S no surprise)
- Smokers, Obese and alcoholics may be denied care under proposed changes in UK health system
- Immigration to Israel falls to 18 year low (That's a good sign)
- Israel Survey Results Shock (Yikes! Another good sign regarding the mistake that is Israel)
- Israel admits it may have hit ambulance
- Broke N Korea sells gold
- China to use foreign reserves to build up strategic resource base, vice premoer says
- Europe will not escape the impact of dollar depreciation
- In Somalia, a reckless U.S. proxy war
- Florida doctor pleads guilty in $1 billion fraud
- More Dangerous Than Smoking? Death by Soda
- Bush Could Usher in a Very Dangerous New Year (That's already assured)
- Bush's Great Leap Forward (READ)
- Bombs rock Baghdad as Saddam judgement published
- Looking Back at History, from 2026 (A sunny scenario next to what is possible)
- Will Iraq be better off with Saddam hanged? (No, but would clearly be better off with entire governments of USUKIL hanged)
- How a spy was caught and why he still stands to profit (Pollard)
- U.S. Embassy Is Warning Beijing on Iran Gas Deal (Now sanction China - or just bomb it?)
- If You're Going to Boycott Israel, Do It Right (Good logic: But, when Germany was cultural and scientific center of the world, we still grip because they killed a few Jews. How come? Boy! Microsoft-Israel explains "blue screen"?)
- Boomeranging Sanctions on Iran (READ and understand)
- Gerald Ford's other contribution to American history: The single bullet theory
- U.S. manufacturing expected to take hit (How many thousand of them can it take?!)
- Why John Edwards Changes Everything (Edwards is a cheap, mealymouthed, cowardly opportunist Nazi, and needs to go back to sleep)
- Saddam lawyer asks world for help
- 'Fortress America' visa system scaring businesses away
- What freedom of information? (UK - an unlawful government)
- AP: Ex-Guantanamo detainee held again (Pakistani State Terrorism)
- Thousands of Iraqis flee homes
- Third time's the harm
- S.E.C. Changes Reporting Rule on Bosses' Pay (Racketeering Government)
- The Blood Trail of Luis Posada Carriles, Washington's Preferred Terrorist
- Palestinian Immigrant Jailings in Texas
- I'm Going to Stay Right Here: Story of a Oaxacan Prisoner
- John Ross: Gateway to the Next Mexican Revolution? (READ)
- Highway Robbery: Privatizing New Jersey's Toll Roads (READ)
- The Ludicrous Attacks on Jimmy Carter's Book
- Euro to Overtake US Dollar
- Former Bush Interior Secretary Takes Job as Attorney for Shell (Revolving corpagov door)
- Many Soldiers Call Troop Surge a Bad Idea (Gee, I wonder why?)
- Ex-Maine Lawmaker Plans Anti-War Offensive
- US criticism on exports is rejected
- 'NATO starting to take interest in Iran's nuclear program'(Zionists are all aggigle)
- Crash kills Iran justice minister (Hmmm)
- Bush making "good progress" on new Iraq plan (Babbling)
- Saddam may not hang within month: Iraqi officials
- Iran expands links with Syrians
- CHALLENGES 2006-2007: Bush Iraq Policy Murky on the Real Enemy
- Britain to make its final payment on World War II loan from U.S
- NATO troops kill another civilian
- Briefly: Environmental agency suspects data falsified
- Egypt sends weapons to Abbas, Israelis say (Who would trust Israelis?!)
- Israeli leader reaches out to neighbors (ROTFL - with gun or knife?)
- B'Tselem: Israeli security forces killed 660 Palestinians during 200
- Egypt sent arms to Fatah with Israel's help (Hmmm - arming both sides)
- Olmert ready to respond to 'any murmur of peace' (With bombs?)
- Mottaki: UNSC should be a venue for peace making for nations
- CBS News: U.S.: Hussein to Be Executed By Sunday (With equal justice then, let us have executed the entire USUKIL genocidal governments - all of them and all their spawn)
- Hussein Lawyer Seeks to Prevent Handover (No one will even listen)
- Big Easy to Big Empty: The Untold Story of the Drowning of New Orleans WH also murdered New Orleans and its citizens)
- Activist Lawyer Who Even Challenged the White House Press Secretary that Rove committed treason allegedly committed suicide by jumping from a California hotel 12/28/2006
- "The Age of Republican Extremism is Not Over"
- US expects Saddam's hanging to trigger reprisals. Just the way Bush likes it: chaos and death 12/28/2006
- Lieberman takes money from video game industry he rails against 12/27
- John Edwards makes it official (that he's a lying opportunist?)
- Lebanon sees more than 1,000 war deaths
- Seven New Orleans officers indicted in post-Katrina killings
- N.C. Bar Files Charges Against Duke D.A.
- Populist Edwards Announces Presidential Bid in New Orleans (Edwards is NO POPULIST)
- Rice Told Lieberman: -11;-11;Choke Hamas-11;-11;
- This 'victory' could mean a return to anarchy (Somalia)
- U.S. Reserves returning to Iraq
- People's Revolt in Lebanon (READ - they also have not forgotten who did and didn't defend them when IL attacked)
- End of Another Year (in Iraq)
- Palestinians taken to Israeli prison hospital are not given medical treatment (Genocide must be consistent)
- Convicted ex-Ill. gov. sues for pension (LOL)
- The vaccine to prevent every strain of flu (or not)
- 'Frankenstein farming' fears (are very genuine)
- New Orleans officers charged with murder
- Reyes: U.S. intelligence 'manipulated' (But (?), we knew this years ago!)
- US set to import record amount of steel (We no longer really make it)
- Park Service inanity: they won't tell us how old the Grand Canyon is (Corpagov Insanity)
- Households: Worst Financial Shape Since WWII
- I Witness the Israel Lobby in Action
- Hollywood Movies I Would Love To See
- Saddam asks U.S. to block execution
- Palestinian militants fire at convey of German diplomats (Who fires?!)
- Hussein execution imminent, sources say (To no good end)
- IRS Issues Rules for Telephone Excise Tax Refunds on 2006 Returns (READ)
- Scarlett, author of the Iraq war dossier, is knighted (Anazing! - maybe not)
- A dictator created then destroyed by America (READ)
- Saddam Hussein's execution: Your views
- Saddam Hussein hanged, says Al Hurra TV station
- Ramsey Clark denounces planned execution of Saddam Hussein
- The Enduring Legacy of Gerald R. Ford (READ)
- Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq, has been assassinated. (READ)
- Saddam Hussein 'executed in Iraq' (As if the trial were legitimate)
- Saddam Hussein hanged at dawn
- Dec. the deadliest month for U.S. troops
- World Responds to Palestinian Family's Jailing Despite Media Blackout
- Norman Finkelstein: The Dershowitz Treatment
- Cindy Sheehan to Ramp Up "Peace Surge" After Arrest Thursday
- Former Bush Interior Secretary Takes Job as Attorney for Shell (The revolving door)
- Chaos Reigns in Haiti
- Living in America's Fringe Economy
- AT&T Yields to Neutrality, Paves Path to Congress (READ)
- Disputed Florida Election to Spill Onto House Floor
- Cloned food ruling sparks debate
- Car bomb explodes at Madrid airport
- Israeli Fifth Column, Fourth Estate, Religious Subversion, and Incitements to Illegal Aggreassive War and Genocide
- Social Security Agreement With Mexico Released After 3 1/2 Year Freedom of Information Act Battle (READ)
- Top Ten Ways the US Enabled Saddam Hussein
- The FDA wants to hear from you about Animal Cloning (That's what thhey say anyhow)
- The Disrespect for Truth has Brought a New Dark Age (It sure has)
- DNI Awards $2 Million in Hush-Hush Money (More of his death squads?)
- Hanging Saddam
- The execution of Saddam Hussein
- End Double Standards on Nukes: Egypt
- What to do with Iran? (The clear bloodlust of lying zionized Jews of the US exposes itself)
- Where Were the Mass Graves? (Why is S. Hussein dead?)
- FLASHBACK: Saddam may not hang soon (Was S. Hussein formally murdered?)
- Saddam's Accomplices
- And the Empire Mourned. (Remembering Gerald Ford)
- U.S. opens another battlefront in the Muslim world
- Would You "Support the Troops" in Bolivia?
- How I Was Kidnapped by the CIA
- World laughing at US: Mahathir
- Iraq Expels 2 Iranian 'Agents' Captured in U.S. Operation (fabrication)
- U.S. Urges Vigilance Against Terrorism (All eyes are on DC, and we see what you're doing)
- A dictator created then destroyed by America
- Why Saddam Hussein should not hang
- The execution of the president (READ)
- The Rush to Hang Saddam Hussein
- Saddam trial verdict tarnished by Iraqi court's failings
- Rooney Blasts Caltagirone for Betraying Pennsyvania Voters
- Urgent message from PA Democratic Party Chairman, T.J. Rooney
- U.S. nuclear energy expands in 2007
- U.S. Official Overseeing Oil Program Faces Inquiry (It's corpagov!)
- Interior Officials' Ties to Oil Probed
- Car bomb explodes at Madrid airport
- Iris scan database forms in Galveston (Unending Orwellization that needs to be stopped dead)
- US presence in Afghanistan source of instability
- Appeals Court Rejects Brief Submitted by Ex-Judges
- Opponents of Law on Detainees Rebuffed
- Imperialist interests over-ride the "rule of law" Blair government cancels British Aerospace-Saudi arms inquiry Part two
- Government report concedes India's Muslims are a socially deprived, victimised minority
- Maryland Reservist killed by police after refusing deployment to Iraq (THIS is what the US really is)
- Ethiopian troops occupy Mogadishu
- More US troops to Kuwait, as Bush moves to escalate the war in Iraq
- The execution of Saddam Hussein
- Did Sharon Order the Assassination of Arafat? The Revelations of Uri Dan (READ)
- Injustice in Black and White: the Duke Non-Rape Case (READ - It stank from the very beginning)
- The New Iraq Policy: Escalation
- At the End of My Rope: Hanging With Saddam
- Paul Craig Roberts: The New Dark Age: Official Lies, Dogma and Unaccountable Power
- Tariq Ali: Saddam at the End of a Rope
- Paul Wolf: Dying for Our Sins (READ)
- Iraq 2006: a Nation Soaked in Blood Tears Itself Apart
- Curfews Imposed After Saddam's Execution
- Officially, Israel keeps a low profile on execution (But the obscene giggling is unmistakable)
- Saudi criticises Iraq over Saddam execution
- Saddam hanged but no let-up in Iraq violence (Expect increase)
- Saparmurat Niyazov (READ)
- World leaders welcome, condemn Saddam's execution
- Saddam's enemies rejoice, many Arabs angry
- World sheds few tears for Saddam, but anger over death penalty
- Alarmist assessments of Iran's nuclear program lack key component: Zari
- MK Tibi denounces 'sadistic' execution
- CHALLENGES 2006-2007: The Year of Living Dangerously in the Middle East (READ)
- Saddam Hussein - obituary
- Abbas: Olmert broke his promise (He does that)
- Fisk devotes a separate chapter to Armenian Genocide in latest book
- Think Again: Ehud who? (READ)
- World leaders divided on Saddam execution
- Saddam lawyers decry 'political assassination' in statement
- Saddam lawyer condemns execution as 'aggressor's injustice'
- The US and the Execution of Saddam Hussein: No Respect for Law
- The Haditha Double Standard
- Gerald Ford Dead at 93: President Bush Mourns Loss of Innovative Bestower of Felony-Erasing Pardons - Signs of the Times - Fri, 29 Dec, 2006(It could be funnier)
- A Bad Year for US Empire
- Lawyer Ends Up Dead After Taking On Rove (As before, keep an eye on this one)
- Study: Adults living with children eat more fat (or not)
- Italy Stresses Opposition To Death Penalty After Saddam Execution
- Cheney Hails Ford's Pardon of Nixon (LMAOROTFL - and hopes for same pardon!)
- Edwards Wraps Up Early Campaign Blitz (Don't trust the weasel)
- Posthumous candor (Gerald Ford)
- Ford: Bush made 'big mistake' on Iraq justifications
- Now we know: Canada melt down (Actually, you don't know shit about anything)
- Vietnam reports first suspected bird flu cases in humans in a year (or not)
- Eta ends ceasefire with Madrid airport bomb (or not)
- Saddams execution condemned as travesty of justice (which, or course,it all was from the beginning)
- Hillary falls to earth in poll race (Good riddance, but who wants any of these?)
- Hold these grotesque executioners to account (READ)
- Scoop: Bush Gang Swore Saddam Was Behind 9/11 In Lawsuit
- CNN, US media disregard condemnation of Saddam execution
- In Search of a Criminal: Donald Rumsfeld's Name Tops the List of Accused of War Crimes
- Canada pulled reporters from Afghanistan after Aust complaints
- Typical violent day in Iraq after Hussein's death
- Cheney Hails Ford's Pardon of Nixon (Hoping for the same)
- Vast ice shelf collapses in the Arctic (and - um - what else is going on?)
- Ford in Sync with Microsoft's technology? (Good reason to kill Ford Motor)
- Indiana Jones cracks his whip once more (cheeez - who's even older than *I* am?!)
- Spaniard, 67, becomes world oldest mum with twins
- Hussein's Death Ends Saga with Bush Family (Just wait!)
- A brutal chapter is closed (Several hundred more need to be closed desperately)
- Violent life ends on gallows (Now - about Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, ...)
- AP ESSAY: Saddam Made Perfect Villain (Just made to be)
- Guantanamo detainee review boards: 'Often fallen short'
- Bush's Nightmare May Be Only Just Beginning (READ)
- "Book: Israel, Lobby Pushing Iran War" (Scott Ritter)
- Press fears over Saddam execution
- Timing of Saddam execution risks Arab backlash: analysts
- 'Surge' Protectors (READ)
- Europeans denounce Hussein's execution
- The Food We Eat (READ)
- The case for Iran
- 2006: year of bloodshed in Afghanistan
- Former Longtime Confidant Accuses Ariel Sharon of Assassinating Yasser Arafat
- Herbicide-Resistant Superweed Spreading Among Genetically Engineered Cotton Fields in the U.S.(READ)
- Herbicide-Resistant Weed Worries Farmers (READ the perfectly predictabl)
- Democrat gives GOP Pa. House majority
- FBI is inside every recent cellphone (READ! Another reason I will never have one)
- Morales says Cuban doctors top U.S. medical aid
- Feds to use crack UK police skills
- Bush resolute on terrorism battle (He needs to create or fake more terrorism)
- 'Higher levels of fighting' upcoming in Afghanistan, top U.S. general says
- Five Years and Counting in Cuba
- Outrageous (READ - but even here the kurd gassing that didn't happen is asserted)
- Edwards Opposes More U.S. Troops in Iraq (Opportunistic Nazi Fuck)
- Lugar Warns Bush Agaisnt More Troops in Iraq
- U.S. military deaths in Iraq reach 3,000 (and how many scarred and maimed in pain for life?)
- A Grim Milestone in Iraq: 3,000 American Deaths
- US will be defeated in Afghanistan: Former CIA official (That doesn't take a crystal ball)
- US 'licence to snoop' on British air travellers
- Dick J. Reavis: Bush's MLK Day Speech (Some people actually sat and listened to this chimpshit)
- Martha Rosenberg: New Year's Resolutions for Big Pharma (READ - It's corpagov as corpagov does!)
- Psychiatrist: Impeach Bush for Good of Country
- Defend Illegal Immigrants: Help Them! Harbor Them! (READ)
- In Harm's Way: How Our National Coward Describes War
- The Third Degree: an Interview with AC Thompson on the Origins of the CIA's Secret Rendition Flights
- The War on Terror Hits Africa
- Who Owns Ikea?: the Opaque Legacy of Ingvar Kamprad
- Dying for Our Sins: A Lawyer for Saddam Describes How His Execution on the First of Eid May Turm Hin into a Martyr
- On the Gallows, Curses for US and "Traitors"
- 2007 - Year of Madness
- Bush Silences a Dangerous Witness (by having S. Hussein murdered)
- U.S. buries truth: Saddam's execution eliminates main witness against accomplices
- Night Light: Overlooked Stories of 2006: Scientists Prove That Homosexuality Is Natural (except in the US)
- Slum Planet, Schr-11;-11;dinger's 'You,' and Other Underreported Stories of 200
- Hong Kong bans cigarettes (Imagine the revenue in licenses!)
- Americans want a rapid exit from Iraq but elected leaders arent even considering it
- Israel wont release Palestinian detainees
- Saddam 'not hanged for revenge' (But to kill a witness)
- WP: Bush has tripled aid to Africa (with what money we wonder)
- US Buries the Truth
- George Bush is my hero (Ed Koch has either lost his marbles or getting paid a lot)
- The US and the Execution of Saddam Hussein: No Respect for Law
- Series of bombs in Bangkok kill two and injure at least 30
- Cattle genetically engineered to avoid mad cow disease (Uh-oh!)
- Romanians and Bulgarians wake up as EU citizens
- Olmert: Hamas demands disproportionate (which is what he will always claim)
- Federal 'Hate Law' Could Be Introduced This Week (Corpagov is who hates our freedoms - and has taken them away - here goes freedom of speech)
- Behind Colin Powell's Legend
- Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons / Program was touted publicly, then came official gag order
- Iraq braced for unhappy New Year
- U.S. Questioned Iraq on the Rush to Hang Hussein (Nonsense: US set this date)
- A Lynching... "America's biggest accomplishment in Iraq"
- How one mobile phone made Saddam's hanging a very public execution
- Execution Video Meant to Cause Shia-Sunni Conflict
- Iran Seeks Condemnation of Israeli Nukes (Lots of luck)
- Former Saddam judge says execution violates Iraqi law
- Several heavy explosions hit Baghdad
- In US, rallies against Saddam's execution
- Anti-Aging Molecule Discovered (or not)
- Send 500,000 impeachment letters to Pelosi by her first day as speaker Jan. 3
- Australia has betrayed Hicks, says Fraser
- Iraq govt to probe filming of Hussein hanging (BFD)
- Prisoners clash with guards in Iraq jail
- US peace groups rally after 3,000th soldier killed
- Reuters AlertNet - ANALYSIS-Iraqis see U.S. push against Sadr's Mehdi Army
- Eliot Spitzer's Constitutional Hang Up: Architect of New York's Patriot Act
- Iron Man, Tin God: the Meaning of Saddam Hussein
- GOP Lawmakers Divided About "Surge" in Troops (?? There's no winnig; go home, asholes)
- Will Democratic-led Congress deliver, or dispute? (or continue to fuck the US)
- US mourns President Ford (Some could not care less)
- Microsoft hangs self out to dry
- Howard voted 'most embarrassing Aussie' (They got that right!)
- Cows Engineered to Lack Mad Cow Disease (Who know what these Thieving Fucks are doing)
- Older men with stress disorder prone to heart attack risk (No shit?!)
- Study: War trauma may raise heart risk (No?! Really?)
- Hypertension, alcohol can mix just a little (It's ancient pseudonews, and why don't you just fuck off)
- Brazil's Lula pledges to help poor, rein in gang-related violence (His atting average hasn't been very good in that)
- Iraqi officials report 16,273 deaths (Do only deaths count?!)
- CNN apologizes for Obama gaffe in Bin Laden graphic
- Think tank: Israel could attack Iran's nukes program on its own
- Next big test of power to seize property? | csmonitor.com
- Iraqis who aided U.S. find closed doors
- Lieberman: Israel Should Join NATO and the EU (Maybe NATO isn't quite that stupid)
- Police Roadblock Harassment Caught on Tape (Keep up the good work)
- Secret U.S. plan to overthrow Syrian government (Iraqization?)
- The Court-Martial of Ehren Watada Begins
- US unit works quietly to counter Iran's sway
- Olmert's secretary under investigation
- israel desperately seeks war with Iran (READ)
- How to Start a Civil War
- The Sago Mine Disaster -- One Year Later
- America's Holy Warriors (READ)
- An all-consuming 'war on terror' (READ)
- Hamas accepts Israeli offer of 450 Palestinian prisoners for Shalit (Reduced from 1,000)
- Israel to test installation to monitor Iran's nuclear activity (That will say what they want it to say)
- Anger over Saddam hanging spills into streets (as planned and desired)
- Now it's Time to Hang the Rest of Them. (READ)
- More fuel on Iraq's spreading flames
- Israel says it can do Iran on it's own (The usual combined arrogance and stupidity)
- 'War trauma may lead to future heart disease' (unsurprising)
- Betrayal of the Big Easy (Corpagov interests are not your interests)
- WaPo: Private Security Guards given Police Powers ?!
- Televangelist sued over 'God can heal' claim
- Ethiopian helicopters miss Somali target, bomb Kenyan border post
- Lieberman asks new UN chief to revoke Iran's membership (Tantrum of a mental midget)
- America Freedom to Fascism Authorized version (Video)
- Con man the star of Fijian political sting
- Anti-War Protestors Arrested on Golden Gate Bridge
- Philadelphia Inquirer to lay off 68
- Missing: Ambassador Glaspies Comments (READ!)
- Iraq [Puppet Government] orders shutdown of Baghdad office of TV station
- Bush 'to reveal Iraq troop boost'
- New Jersey Panel Urges End to Death Penalty
- After 200 years, D.C. residents may get a vote in Congress (READ)
- 100 Years Later, the Food Industry Is Still 'The Jungle' (READ)
- Central Banks Tiptoeing Away From the Dollar
- TSA Nears Decision on Contract for Government ID Cards
- Robertson Predicts Terror Attack On U.S. With 'Mass Killing' (God told him! A God named Chimpy perhaps?)
- Shocked by Hussein, Italy seeks UN death penalty ban (What about USUKIL assassinations?)
- Olbermann: Special comment about 'sacrifice'
- FBI: Workers saw prisoner abuse at Guantanamo
- Australia: A bleak outlook for jobs despite official figures (It's not just Australia)
- Japan's "education reform" to indoctrinate nationalism
- Ford's funeral: the hollow pomp of a corrupt and crisis-ridden establishment
- Saddam Hussein execution: A sectarian lynching
- John Stanton: Appetites for Destruction
- Peter Rost: The Saddam Hussein Execution Video
- Al Krebs: Global Food Security, a Call to Action (READ)
- The Tyrant is Dead! Long Live ... ?
- James Brooks: Pushing the Wedge in Palestine (READ)
- Return of the Warlords: Death and Destruction for Somalis
- Michael Watts: Oil Inferno (READ - Nigeria)
- History of Bushes and Hussein Is Hard to Ignore (READ)
- DOJ Probes Interior Officials' Ties to Oil Program
- House Democrats Object to Florida Election Outcome
- Iraq Civilian Deaths Hit New Record
- Bush May Oust Top Commander for Backing Troop Withdrawal (Another hellava job done)
- Coroner: Mayor-elect's death was suicide (Suicide?)
- Ethiopian troops to leave Somalia 'within weeks'
- Kenya forces Somali refugees home
- Execution footage leads to criticism (Why should it be hidden?)
- Back to the constitution (EU)
- Merkel Seeks Closer US-EU Economic Cooperation
- Saddam Dead, Mission Accomplished The Bush Dynasty May Sleep in Peace
- 'Tony Blair is a liar', says dead soldier's fiancee (Very big)
- We've lost battle for Baghdad, US admits
- Bush considers firing senior US commander in Ira
- Hussein -- terrorist or terrorized?
- Soldiers and Imperial Presidents
- FBI files detail Guant-11;-11;namo torture tactics
- CEOs have already made a mint this year
- Bush declares war on Democratic Congress (A terrorist Congress isn't far from the truth)
- The President is Sealing His Fate (has sealed)
- Voice of the White House January 1, 2007 (READ)
- The Franklin Coverup Scandal: The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse
- CYA For The USA - The Coverup Of Complicity Continues
- Saddam hanging nearly halted over jeers-prosecutor Reuters
- US Hypocrisy Reaches All Time High (in the trial Ltn. Ehren Watada)
- Israeli general suggests to use Azerbaijan's airbases in strike against Iran (Who controls whom?)
- Contrary To Pentagon Claims, Gen. Casey Still Warning Against Troop Escalation In Iraq
- Hidden History: Why did the Jews flee Iraq? (READ)
- Bush prepares for [Zionist] Congress battle over Iraq
- Israel no longer civilized (Whe, exactly WAS it civilized?)
- UN staff accused of raping children in Sudan
- AIPAC blows hole in Dem lobbying reform bill Who has bought whom?)
- Saddam Hussein becomes an Arab folk hero
- Missing votes in Ohio call races into question
- Israel seeks operational link with U.S. missile defense system (You bet!)
- US will lose in Afghanistan: ex-CIA hand
- Putin Cleans House
- Topics to Discuss Over Breakfast
- Mexico offers satnav to illegals crossing into the US (!!)
- How To: Disable Your Passport's RFID Chip (READ)
- America's Red Ink (Make the corpagov cough it all up!)
- Guards did not even allow Saddam to sleep
- US told to stop spoiling israel (The Bad Seed)
- Mission Accomplished - by Justin Raimondo (READ - Justin finally has figured as I did years ago the mission is TOTAL DESTRUCTION by all means possible)
- Journalist Receives Death Threat for Talking About Israel (Video)
- Ellison will Take Oath on Thomas Jefferson's Copy of the Koran (Such poetry!)
- Keane/Kagan Plan Means More Bloodshed (READ)
- Fox News reporter says Bush admitted using cocaine, then retreats, citing, 'questions'
- Doubling Down on the Imperial Mission in 2007 (Get ready for it)
- US to launch campaign to isolate Iran financially (Only genetically defective would try to conjure that)
- Student held in shooting death of classmate (Psych. state of too many USians induced by corpagov)
- Washington family disputes suicide findings
- Evidence from Prosecutor: Americans allowed the mobile video of the hanging
- Call to Action Feb. 5, Lt. Watada Military Court Martial
- Saddam hanging threatens al-Maliki government's neck
- ASIO 'tricked on Hawke plot' (By way of deception ....)
- FBI cites cruelty to detainees
- Eschewing its own reporting, ABC News relied solely on Drudge to report Alleged NYT Story
- Protesters disrupt press conference on lobbying reform
- Electronic voting led to errors, report says (Oh, really? LMAO)
- Negroponte [War Criminal] Resigns from Intelligence Post (to do more damage as deputy secratary of state)
- White House Won't Condemn Hussein Taunts (He had it coming?)
- BREAKING NEWS From the Italian daily Corriere della Sera Moqtada al-Sadr would have been among the the executioners of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
- Nicola Nasser: Somalia, New Hotbed of Anti-Americanism (I wonder why?)
- Dispatch from the Chinese Landfill
- Ireland's Slavish Hostility Toward Cuba
- Trita Parsi: A Lose-Lose Situation With Iran (Loss and destruction is what USUKIL desires)
- Paul Craig Roberts: Bush Cuts and Runs from Reason (Paul doesn't understand the premises)
- Feds: Crisis Communications Sub-Par in US (That's necessary)
- Democrats Finalize New Ethics Rules (BFD)
- Activists Seek Bolder Approach to War, Spying (We'll see)
- Hussein Execution Videographer Arrested
- Study Indicates Electronic Voting Systematically Flawed (Known for 6 years!)
- Iraq Prime Minister Wishes to Quit
- Stupid Is as Stupid Does (There is still method in their madness)
- The Aesthetics of Execution
- Russia fingers Israeli fugitive in radiation poison probe
- School Cameras Spy On Kids In Toilets
- Wild Bees Reject Genetically Engineered Crop (Hmmmm)
- On the Eve of the New America, The Edge of Madness Returns
- This is how America now treats people who make plans to go to Busch Gardens (READ)
- Toyota creating alcohol detection system (First idiot idea of the year?)
- FEMA: Calif. Levees Worse Than Thought
- U.S. Bars Lab From Testing Electronic Voting (What else needs to be said?)
- Iraq ready to hang Hussein's co-defendants
- Bush's spy chief quits to support Iraq 'surge' (and there's why)
- Second U.S. carrier group to deploy to Gulf: sources
- 20,000 mall security guards to receive anti-terrorism training (from whom you will NOT be safe)
- The Rapid City Journal - Justices Take Selves Off Case (Almost too funny to believe)
- New UN chief Israel at the heart of the problem
- Israelis blast past others in bid to own moon (On what grounds? Just stupid)
- Iran leader: I believe Israel will soon collapse (The sooner the better)
- Israeli Experts Say Middle East Was Safer With Saddam in Iraq (Same experts who badgered for US invasion?)
- U.S. Contractors Cited in Human Trafficking Report (This you privatised army per war criminal Rumsfeld's construction)
- Sex slavery taints Wilberforce anniversary
- Senate's First Day Sure To Shock Bush (You mean the Congress ISN'T bought?!)
- Passed Over by Pelosi, Harman Doesn't Get Even. She Gets Mad. (Infighting among the zionist reptos)
- Pentagon Prepares For Iraq Troop Surge (Pentagon preparation is an oxymoron)
- Bush says feds can open mail without warrant (Simon says, "You are scum under my boots; get used to it!")
- 'Why the US should be worried' (In which order would you like this infinite list?)
- Mullah Omar says hasn't seen bin Laden for years (Because he's dead; this isn't a riddle)
- Big Brother sugars the surveillance pill (England Prevails! - as its own worst nightmare)
- Tyrant or martyr? (S. Hussein, of course - READ)
- Saddam: From monster to martyr?
- TOP 11 REASONS YOU SHOULD FIGHT HATE LAWS (and only top 11! READ, damnit!)
- Anti-War Protesters Disrupt Capitol Hill News Conference
- Oklahoma City Bombing: An al-Qaeda Connection? (Right, as in al-CIAda)
- Iraq Vets Come Home Physically, Mentally Butchered (to be tortured by their own corpagov)
- Midas Ears (READ, several times)
- Conscientious Rejector? (Entire corpagov needs to be jailed along with their families, for life of all)
- THE TRIAL OF EHREN WATADA (by a government of occupation)
- Miers Resigns As White House Counsel (Frightened?)
- Fox News Belittles Most Powerful Woman in Politics (Pelosi is an opportunistic zionist, and for one Faux news got it right)
- Is the IMF about to go bankrupt? (Ah, Wolfowitz! That would be pretty funny. Did he hire Dov Zackheim, or did he do it himself?)
- Keep on Tracking With GPS Shoes (Oh, feel more secure!)
- Bush replaces top general in Middle East who opposed troop surge
- New federal rules require companies to audit IMs (Monopole of evil: US corpagov of occupation)
- Ramallah provocation (Osrael only wants peace through genocide)
- Why Indian Country Is Becoming America's Waste Dump (READ)
- Bush shuffles top Iraq aides ahead of overhaul (I'm sorry my projectile vomitting is short on range)
- US warships guard Somali coast ("guard"? Is that the word?)
- In Somalia, a reckless U.S. proxy war
- Blumenthal Files Lawsuit Over Federal Electricity Surcharge (Not a trivial matter)
- Crude settles at lowest level since 2005 (for today; but, instability is the watchword)
- Rangel Evicts Cheney From Choice Capitol Digs (His satisfaction is easily understood; imagine the snarling returns)
- Democrats Set Homeland Security Changes (Nothing short of killing it is acceptable)
- Nuclear security director forced to resign over lapses (incompetence is no excuse for crime)
- US activists plan Guantanamo jail protest in Cuba
- Australian Lawmakers Want to Visit Hicks at Guantanamo Bay
- Iraq envoy expected to be tapped for U.N. post (He must have been good bonkers boy)
- MoveOn.org to crash McCain, Lieberman speeches (at AEI - an axis of evil unto itself)
- Key US Democrat might consider troop boost in Iraq (No surprise that Levin is Jewish)
- France indicts president of Rwanda (Interresting)
- NDP rallies to the defence of Canadian imperialism
- The Bush administration's committee for regime change in Iran (A committee somehow makes this legal?)
- White House, US military respond to outrage over Hussein's execution (with customary "fuck you" inappropriateness)
- Brookings Institution preview of the Democratic Congress: Snapshot of an establishment in crisis (or a corpagov and edge of collapse)
- Democrats take control of Congress with pledge to work with Bush (Of course! The Congress of whores has been bought)
- Can Eli Lilly be Held Criminally Liable for Zyprexa? (Yes, next question?)
- Hail the Hangman, Jail the Cameraman!
- George Bisharat: Carter's Truths (READ)
- The Rain of Riches: Bonuses, Then and Now
- Report from Oaxaca
- Can the US Legally Kill Iraqi Children?: a Challenge to the Supreme Court (READ)
- So This is Plan B? The US Attack on Saleh Al-Mutlaq's Headquarters
- Has Regime Change Boomeranged? (Has genocide boomeranged?)
- A Guide to Earmarks: Will the Democrats' Reforms Do Anything to Curb Pork Barrel Spending? (No, next question?)
- The Martyrdom of Saddam Hussein
- Peace Protesters Disrupt Press Conference on Lobbying Reform
- US Troops Deployed Near Somalia
- Top Spy Negroponte to Become Rice's Deputy (A criminal duo)
- In Padilla Wiretaps, Murky View of "Jihad" Case
- Democrats Divided on War Remedy (Only the witless and procured could be divided)
- But It's Thomas Jefferson's Koran! (Must enrage the fundy neocrazies)
- Pelosi Becomes Speaker, Preparing to Confront Bush (The wicked witch of the West will sink to her knees and do unspeakable things, none of which in volve confrontation)
- Bush Signing Statement Claims Power To Open Americans' Mail (and anything else he feels like. "It's just a goddamn scrap of paper!")
- Fox: 'Infamous Sheehan takes break from stalking Bush' (But infamous illegal WH resident takes no break in murdering US citizens)
- Bush: No peace with Iran arming (Key sign W is lying: his lips move)
- Bush 'rewrites' law to peek at US mail
- Libya plans Saddam gallows statue (grotesque)
- Iraq denies Saddam was 'humiliated' (so, you know it's true)
- Rumsfeld to land in court (He needs to be with S. Hussein, having murdered far more)
- Democrats, Pelosi take charge in House (Oh, rapture!)
- Ugly Dynamic in Somalia: US Backs Reactionary Invasion by Ethiopia (READ)
- Fiji coup leader sworn in as premier
- Behind Negroponte's Move (His death squad artistry)
- Negroponte to Leave Intelligence Post for US State Department (He a murderer, not an intellect)
- First Muslim Elected To US House Takes Oath With Hand on Quran
- Patrick sworn in as state's first black governor (MA)
- Patrick takes historic oath of office
- Expect chilly retail sales data (Indeed)
- FTC fines marketers of weight loss pills (and those truly cheated will get nothing in pay back)
- Ashley the pillow angel: love or madness? (truly grotesque)
- New WHO chief to focus on women, Africa (Focusing on truth would be nice)
- WHO Chief Warns Bird Flu Threat Has Not Gone Away (speaking of which)
- More Rhode Island Schools Closed in Disease Outbreak
- Merkel promotes Tafta with Bush (for which we we all suffer while orpas prosper)
- Saddam execution: SP observes Black Day
- Bush to seek billions, 20,000 more troops for Iraq (In whose interests?)
- LegalNewsline | Campaign-funding probes popping up in election aftermath (SD)
- White House Postponing Loss of Iraq, Biden Says
- The Next Top Spy (The revolving door)
- Olmert says sorry for civilian death in West Bank (but doesn't give a rat's ass)
- Conduct charges might help Watada's defense (A trial whose existence is a crime)
- U.S. to give Abbas forces $86 mln amid power struggle (That's Fatah, not Hamas; it's for Fatah to buy votes)
- US, Iraqi forces launch major offensive targeting insurgent haven (Is everybody dead now?)
- The Real Cost of the Iraq War: 50,000 U.S. Casualties
- 'My crime was to protest at Israeli assassinations'
- U.S. Army war resister's lawyer says Army is attempting to silence his defens
- Peanuts Kill More Americans Than Terrorists
- House Dems move to change budget rules
- US says its pursuit of Somali "al-Qaeda terrorists" a right (under what authority?)
- Stop-Gap Cop Measure: Hire 'Illegals' (Corpagov private police force & private army for occupation of US)
- The Surge to Nowhere
- Dutch border police detain man at Schiphol with nine passports (What nationality would they dare not reveal?)
- Cointelpro to the Patriot Act: A Legacy of Torture
- Bombing Iran for Israel (READ)
- Bush: No peace with Iran [allegedly] developing nuclear arms
- Lack of passport could ground you
- Global Hawk Spy Drone Makes First Official Air Combat Command Flight Across USA
- Finally, Israel admits Hezbollah-11;-11;s victory in Lebanon
- Chinese imports bruise tire maker (Think of all the blowouts and accidents)
- U.S. civilian contractor said kidnapped in Iraq (These are the guys to get)
- Confronting the Empire - by Justin Raimondo
- Failure Personified: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice - by Doug Bandow
- Iraq Vets Left in Physical and Mental Agony
- Sacrifice Translates into More Dead People
- 'This is BS': Matthews Mad Dems Not Moving To End War (The Dems are bought!)
- Ellsberg Surprises Panel on Prosecuting Leaks (READ)
- Nuclear plant target for stolen rocket launchers, police allege (Ratcheting up the fear lever of the sheeple)
- Foxman And The ADL Must be Stopped!
- Flour in Condoms Sent Her to Jail (Wacko nation)
- Liberty Dollars and the Royal Hawaiian Mint (READ)
- Prosecutors: Ney at Center of Conspiracy
- In an instant, retirement savings vanish (Modern Magick)
- The Spirit of Tom Paine
- Military Tells Bush It Has Only 9,000 Troops Available For Surge
- New WHO chief issues bird flu warning (Paid stooge of the international corpagov banks)
- Democrats rename 5 House committees (5 card monte?)
- Prosecutors Cite More Favors by Lawmaker (Progress, or the usual corpagov garbage)
- 146 'High Risk' Threats Against Pataki (LOL - Pataki is NOT that important to bother killing: they're making this shit up)
- Search continues for other missing weapons (Get a life!)
- Nuclear plant target for stolen rocket launchers, police allege (Get a grip, guys! You ARE guys, aren't you?)
- Counter-IED systems jam tactical comms in Iraq (Scalpels in the hands of infants)
- Critics Slam Possible Iraq Troop Boost (with entirely too little enthusiasm)
- Screaming Eagle to lead Bush's Iraq surge (The treacly drama of idiots is more than I can stand)
- McCain: Iraq troop surge must be 'significant and sustained' (Just give him lots of thorizine, and he'll become tolerable)
- Adm. Fallon to lead U.S. war in Iraq (He has to be a senile asshole to say yes)
- Chirac: Iraq War Destabilized Mideast *Understatement of the year)
- Experts describe UK as world's "first onshore tax haven" (USUKAUIL: world's first criminal corpagov haven)
- Howard government unveils new "Australian values" citizenship test (Question #1: how did this sick, evil poodle asshole Howard get to PM?!)
- Behind the New Year's Eve bombings in Thailand (READ)
- Romania and Bulgaria join the European Union
- Volkswagen workers in Brussels speak to the WSWS: the unions' role is "shameful"
- Bush purges Iraq command to prepare military escalation
- Lucinda Marshall: 3003 Funerals
- Americans Voted for Peace: Has the New Congress Already Let Them Down? (Yes, next question?)
- Travis Sharpe: No More New Nukes, Please (So, what's the purpose of armsescalation? Economic destruction, and terrorizing all you dummies into accepting, nay, demanding globalized enslavement)
- The Great Relaxer: Bush and Federal Regulations
- John Walsh: Clash of the Elites (READ - the general sooth in relatively few words)
- Growing the Military: Who Will Serve? (Slaves and Mercenaries)
- Waxman Launches New Committee to Monitor Bush Administration
- Pelosi Delivers "Toughest Congressional Ethics Reform in History" (or not)
- US Launches Major Assault in Diyala Province, Iraq (Why?)
- Bush to Replace Generals Who Opposed Escalation of War
- New UN Chief Calls for Resignations of 30 UN Officials
- Democrats Attack as Bush Alters Iraq Plan (or not)
- Soldiers and Imperial Presidents
- Executing Saddam Hussein was an Act of Vandalism -R. Dawkins
- White House uses secret memo to fight court order
- It's up to us to stop this war
- Banking groups urge Pentagon to narrowly apply law (How your money is sucked from your pockets)
- Army asks dead to sign up for another hitch
- The Mossad in the CIA (READ & REMEMBER)
- The Privacy Office
- What's wrong with Israelis
- Iraq PM warns over Saddam hanging (That sounds SO Israeli!)
- Prominent Palestinian cleric shot dead (by whom?)
- Surge Protection Plan (NEGROPONTE War Criminal)
- The whole bloody thing was obscene (The lynching of Saddam Hussein)
- Blair still silent on Saddam
- They have made a killing (READ)
- 'Madame Speaker,' The Honeymoon Is Over
- Israel's Bad Influence
- The Surge to Nowhere: Traveling the Planet Neocon Road to Baghdad (Again)
- Bush purges Iraq command to prepare military escalation
- Another batch of fake "Al Qaeda?" (We have batches that haven't even been used)
- Thoughts on Carter's book
- Senate Regrets the Vote to Enter Iraq (almong with the several thousand other crimes?)
- Hicks' father sceptical of possible new charges
- At least six months before Hicks is given a hearing (They were barely potty trained)
- New Guantanamo charges seen by February (Sic [sic] Circus)
- Lawmaker: U.S. catching, releasing top terror targets
- Blood and oil: How the West will profit from Iraq's most precious commodity
- Future of Iraq: The spoils of war (may be much less than anticipated)
- Israeli general suggests to use Azerbaijan's airbases in strike against Iran (I think not)
- Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran (and is prepared, ergo, for its annihilation)
- Confronting Recruiters: the Story of the Bush Street Raiders
- Beyond Chavistas and Anti-Chavistas: Deepening the Bolivaran Revolution
- Gary Leupp: Impeach the President!
- A State Restored? Somalia and 4GW
- Crimes Against Humanity from Ford to Saddam
- From Cointelpro to the Patriot Act: a Legacy of Torture
- Fidel Castro in the Fields
- Uri Avnery: The Kiss of Death (READ)
- Brian Cloughley: We Do What We Like (READ)
- The Needle and the Damage Done: Tortured in the Death Chamber
- Globalization in Retreat? (One can only hope)
- Paul Craig Roberts: The Urge to Surge
- Franklin C. Spinney: Stalingrad on the Tigris
- Democrats Attack as Bush Alters Iraq Plan (Irrelevant?)
- In Iraq New General, New Escalation
- Images of Hanging Make Hussein a Martyr to Many
- Public Prohibited From Viewing White House Visitor Logs
- GOP Senator Confronts Bush on Opening Mail
- Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Makes the Case for Impeachment (Brava!)
- Pelosi, Reid Urge Bush to Begin Iraq Pullout
- Will Jimmy Carter's Book Liberate the Palestinians?
- The "Demonization" of Muslims and the Battle for Oil
- Israeli 'traitor' vilified in press freed after two years in jail (Another loverly place to live)
- Hamas: U.S. is funding a 'revolt' against our gov't
- Fischer: Israeli Banks exploit the poor and undercharge the wealthy
- Rattling the Cage: A bigot called Bibi (READ)
- The Raw Story | Frank Rich: Surge is a sham; Forces that killed Sheehan's son now run Iraq
- Surge backers demand 18-24 months of buildup (Of course - maybe you'll have another crises by then?)
- Bush to add up to 30,000 more in Iraq (The number is rising)
- Dark cloud over good works of Gates Foundation (Principle of unintended consequences never sleeps)
- Global warming brings malaria to Italy (or not)
- Anti-War Movement's Impact On New Congress
- December employment growth strong (A minor bubble not matched by retail sales)
- 2006 ends with strong job growth (What an utterly stupid thing to say)
- The Black affair: Conrad's last stand
- Israel denies planning attack on Iran's nuclear facilities (They also have this brisge in Brooklyn to sell)
- U.S. puts squeeze on Iran's oil fields (US is delusional)
- Pelosi plays politics with the lives of our soldiers (Israel first rich bitch, and little else)
- Sheehan in Cuba to protest Gitmo prison (AP people: take courses in semiotics!)
- Blair faces new challenge over Saudi arms deal (This should be fun - but not for the asslicking poodle)
- ISRAEL PLANS NUCLEAR STRIKE ON IRAN (and therefore plans tro die)
- Chavez cancels opposition (Al-CIAMI6Mossada) TV station's license
- The Unmentionable Hypocrisy: Hussein Hanged, Bush and Blair Remain in Power (Indeed)
- Iraq poised to end drought for thirsting oil giants (US hanky-panky willgenerate MANY murders)
- Haditha - worse than we were told (As if it weren't bad enough)
- Sudan orders air strikes on Darfur before arrival of UN peacekeepers
- UK Taxman to get bugging and phone-tap powers (Fascism blooms all over)
- Saddam's 'snuff video' signals the end of editorial control (Fuck MSM!)
- Who Will Try Bush? (Possibly, no one will have to)
- 71 bodies found as Iraqi PM announces security crackdown
- Dallas-based food chain to accept Mexican pesos (The farce of $US will play to large audiences)
- The Gates cash that keeps people healthy but makes them sick (M$ is stil a racketeering operation)
- Revenge over justice (US controlled hanging of president Huussein)
- State in a coma (When a leader is evil, I am allowed to be evil)
- The Imperial Presidency 2.0 (will become worse yet; he still has 2 more YEARS!)
- Bush and the Neocon's 'Surge' to Nowhere
- Britons to be scanned for FBI database (Hey everyone! Stay home! The heir to the kingdom of all evil rules here)
- Polish archbishop quits amid row (Why should his collusion be so surprising?)
- Why would Britons want to visit the US when they will be treated as crminals?
- Israeli Soldiers who Shot Unarmed Palestinian in Back not Indicted by Chief Military Prosecutor (It was only a Palestinian for heaven's sake!)
- Rogue State of Israel Threatens Nuke Strikes on Iran
- The Gaelic Starover: TELL ISRAEL, "NO!!!!!" (READ)
- Detroit may shut up to 52 schools (lacking any inventiveness)
- Hoyer and Dems Set Stage for Iran Attack (VERY bad idea, guys)
- Iraqi Girl tells of US Attack in Haditha
- israel denies the obvious yet again (Accepting government lies is part of politics and diplomacy)
- Pelosi hints at denying Bush Iraq funds (Pelosi belongs in a sewer)
- Genetic Engineering of Foods: Is Fish Protein In Your Ice Cream? (That's the least of horrors)
- Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran
- Bird flu drug carries a lethal threat (That's what it was designed for anyhow)
- House approves changes to budget rules (a small start)
- Volunteers 'with heat' to support National Guard
- UK troops 'to guard power plants'
- Tape Linked to Al-Qaeda Urges Fight to 'Martyrdom' From Al-CIAda Productions Inc.)
- U.S. Navy Prevents Islamic Fighters From Fleeing By Sea (Were they given a religious quiz?)
- U.S. Selecting Hybrid Design for Nuclear Warheads
- Army Eyes Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (Watch them drool, dreaming of all the corpses!)
- An unholy alliance threatening catastrophe (READ)
- Democrats: Nuclear Iran unacceptable (Democrats are equally unacceptable)
- Israel denies plan to hit Iran enrichment plant with tactical nukes (so you know it's true)
- UK's Brown: Saddam was hanged in 'deplorable' way (Who would have thought he could possibly notice)
- Blair critical of hanging scenes (who has no business criticizing anything)
- UN calls for halt to Iraq executions
- Democrats vow intense scrutiny of Bush Iraq plan (Pelosi has just become a military strategist - lying bitch)
- Bush meets security team in advance of Iraq speech (Butchman pseuprez and HIS team - wow! cool!)
- New U.S. Iraq commander says may need three years (give or take a century)
- Leahy Introduces Bills to Combat War Profiteering, Public Corruption (You can try anyhow)
- Hussein lawyers claim his body was abused (Rumsfeld made a secret trip for that?)
- In Days Before Hanging, a Push for Revenge and a Push Back From the U.S. (Criminals arguing about who is MORE guilty)
- Bush goes on the hunt for a good lawyer (Send him, his entire gang and Kissinger to the Hague, to rot waiting without any habeus corpus shit)
- Dems to Hold 11 Separate Hearings on Iraq War (all will disolve in shit)
- Pelosi, Reid Urge Bush to Begin Iraq Pullout (Pelosi sucks dead syphillitic bears!)
- CNN Presents air disaster misinformation (That's CNN's job)
- Experts Suggest the CIA, Not Kim Jong-il, is Counterfeiting Dollars (For Al-CIAda, this would be supremely in form and probable)
- Israel Divulges Plan to Nuke Iran (Illegal for US to aid IL with nukes)
- If Caught, Deny Everything
- Doing nothing over Iran risks leaving Israel to act (and to die quickly)
- Media Critic's Blog Shuttered After Disney Complains (READ)
- Military strike is only way to stop Iran, says top Israeli strategist (and annihilation is the only way to stop Israel's genocides)
- Iran Issues Warning to Israel Over Reported Nuke Threat
- Bush attacked over 'rolling surge' of 20,000 more troops for Iraq (He needs to be arrested quickly)
- Guantanamo man 'losing his sanity'
- Charles's fear over Diana interviews
- Canadian victim of CIA brainwashing seeks class-action against government
- Bush goes on the hunt for a good lawyer (who would also have to be pure slime)
- When failure's worth $200M, something's out of whack (How many years has this shit been going on?)
- VW unit sales rise 9.3% to record 5.73 mln in 2006
- Brown to end Blair's terror strategy (Really?)
- Cold weather in Europe "could bring bird flu to UK," says vet official (or not - it's allegedly there anyhow)
- Sen. Biden announces intent to seek presidency (Stay Home!)
- Illinois House Votes To Freeze Electric Rates
- Illinois House Votes To Freeze Electric Rates (No Shit!)
- Pentagon to train a sharper eye on Africa (More people to murder!)
- More heroin from Afghanistan pouring into U.S. cities (Through Al-CIAda)
- Marines' Photos Provide Graphic Evidence in Haditha Probe
- They have made a killing (speaking of obscene)
- War's Toll on Iraqis Put at 22,950 in '06 (Now multiply by 10 to get destroyed, but quite killed yet)
- Bush to offer $1bn in 'aid' and 20,000 troops to Iraq (Not surging now, merely pushing?)
- Bush to announce new Iraq plan Wednesday [yawn]
- Bush picks Reagan attorney as replacement for Harriet Miers (Is he sleazy enough?)
- Bush Senior Early CIA Ties Revealed
- Rell Questions Arrest of Political Activist At Inaugural Parade
- State Called Man 'Threat'
- MI5 launches instant terror alerts by email (all to be deleted as SPAM - freaking brilliant!)
- NTSB investigates D.C. subway derailment (Infrastucture is not being maintained)
- Gas-Like Odor Permeates Parts of New York City
- NYC gas smell shuts trains, forces evacuations (When you force evacuations, you get odors)
- NY area hit by gas smell, 7 hospitalized (Everyone was so relieved when Bloomber said it was OK)
- Bird Deaths Shut Down Downtown Austin (Crumbling infrastructure)
- Downtown Austin reopens after dead birds found (State terrorism, however, is easy to maintain)
- Charges Dropped in Miami Port Scare (Another fizzled state terrorism attempt)
- Plastic Explosives Detected at Miami (or no - and you'll never hear about this again: police destroyed the evidence)
- Chemical Cloud in Texas: Sugar Land Plume Causes Lockdown (Rotting infrastructure provides more state terrorism)
- Bushs War Heating UpAttack on Iran Imminent (READ)
- Di inquest 'to quash theories' (Is especially will not)
- Bush leans to phasing in new Iraq troops (Will be repeated, day after day until you can't stand it, then ....)
- Big Lies, Small Lies and False Flags Waving
- Digital gold and a flawed global order (READ)
- Condis Savage War on the Palestinians (Wicked Witch of the East)
- America's new puppet (Ethiopia!)
- War with Iran is imminent (Watch that very large dot over Israel)
- South America: Toward An Alternative Future (READ)
- '40 per cent of the Democratic Partys campaign contribution comes from the (The tail OWNS the dog)
- Death to Ehren Watada (READ)
- IDF soldiers say ordered to 'shoot to kill' at Gaza post where Palestinian girl died (Genocide is rarely accidental)
- Mayor: Mystery gas-like smell 'is not dangerous' (But, the mayor is)
- No-goodniks and the Palestinian shootout (READ!)
- 'Surge' in Iraq backed by new batch of neocons
- George Bush should come under the same scrutiny as Saddam Hussein (Justice is just a bad joke)
- Bush $1bn jobs plan to draw Iraqis into fold (Another insalubriousness)
- Time to Lift Iran's Sanctions (READ)
- Drug mafia, CIA blamed for sacking of Afghan governor (READ)
- George Bush, snooper in chief
- Tax Cuts Offer Most for Very Rich, Study Says (Still)
- Cheney Is Going Hunting Again Today (So hide your children and pets from ole Deadeye)
- Evidence shows Milan CIA chief opposed cleric's kidnapping
- Troops at Girit outpost: We were ordered to shoot to kill (Genocide is deliberate)
- Bloodless nonsense (READ: realigned but unchanged Hegelian hoax of it all.)
- Court Drops Charges Against Saddam (For good reasons)
- Selective Amnesia (Punditos pendejos son mentirosos)
- More Layoffs, This Time in Ad Department, Hit Philly Papers
- Hang em high (Corpagov-MSM lies defeated)
- Iraq War Bush Surge Policy and Why the Administration Cannot Admit Defeat and Failure
- We're Losing the Infowar (The truth is taking care of itself rather well)
- Texas Prison Camp Future American Gulag? (Yes, next question?)
- Iraq War Hearings Start Tomorrow (Constructed quagmire #2)
- Officials believe White House chose new Intelligence chief in effort to darken Iran Intelligence Estimate, broaden domestic surveillance
- Pelosi: Dems will not cut off Iraq funding (Get a brain, bitch!)
- FLASHBACK: Israel 'faked al-Qaeda presence' (as they fake myriad things)
- Newly released FBI files document widespread torture at Guant-11;-11;namo (Is this some kind of surprise?!)
- David Hicks enters his sixth year of detention at Guantánamo Bay (For every month he deserves to take the life of one US corpagover)
- German chancellor Merkel snuggles up to Bush (Does have hives yet?)
- Observations on the opening of the 110th US Congress
- Israel has plans for nuclear attack on Iran (This is not news, I hope!)
- Dr. Susan Block: Baghdad Cockfight Ends in Snuff Film (READ: a damn good overview)
- Syndicated Error: George Will and the Minimum Wage
- The Democrats' First Day: Same As It Ever Was (Yea, verily - bought!)
- The Party of Invertebrates Reverts to Form
- Israeli Apartheid: Sorry, This Road is For Jews Only
- Paul Craig Roberts: Nuking Iran (READ!)
- Jeff Leys: The Occupation Project (READ)
- Feds Want Your Internet Records (Your criminal corpagov of occupation wants you terrified and destitute - fucked to the wall 7 ways from sunday you miscreant!)
- Negroponte Replacement Outsourced Intelligence to Private Firms (Corpaeverything accountable to no one - they are the law, and you are scum under their jackboots)
- Saddam Aides "to Die This Week" (Kill ALL the witnesses)
- Iraqi Prime Minister Reveals US Crackdown (READ)
- Democrats Vow to Resist Buildup (If the vow, you know they're lying)
- New Oil Law Means Victory in Iraq for Bush
- War Could Last Years, Commander Says (If the plan works)
- Attack of the Bots - The New Internet Mafia, Latest Threat to the 'Net (READ)
- US Submarine Hits Japanese Tanker in Arabian Sea (Corpagov forced ignorance has its conseuquences)
- US submarine, Japanese ship collide (When fundies navigate?)
- Most oppose troop increase (It doesn't matter: chimpo decided)
- Democrats Split Over Their Approach to Iraq (Bought and More Bought)
- 9/11 Associate Sentenced in Germany to 15 Years (Another crock of shit)
- US moves against Al-Qaida suspects in Somalia (Speaking of shitcrocks)
- US targets terror suspects in Somalia (i.e., US terrorrizes Somalia)
- US attacks suspected al Qaeda targets (fabrication and divirsion)
- NYC Seeking Source of Foul Smell; No Gas Leak Found (Fundament of Corpagov)
- Del. airman killed in Iraq (If she was so smart, what was she doing in Iraq?!)
- Belarus cuts off Russian oil to Europe
- Chavez: Will Nationalize Telecoms, Power (READ)
- Californias Governor Seeks Universal Care (Do we believe one word of this?)
- Girls Most Likely to Gain Weight as Pre-Teens (pseudoscience)
- Camera van reads all license plates around it
- -11;-11; UK Government Manipulating 9/11 Petition Data?
- No Honor among Murderers
- US airstrikes target suspected al-Qaeda operations in Somalia (Oh, really?)
- Bush and Abramoff have met. Here is the photo. | Citizens Blogging for Responsibility and Ethics In Washington
- Bush Plans Big Push on Hill to Sell Iraq Plan
- New Bush Iraq Plan Presented by Neocon Think-Tank Friday. Troop Boost will be "Long and Lasting," not a "Surge
- Citizen soldiers may be the key to Iraq buildup
- U.S. cautions China over reported multibillion dollar gas deal with Iran(US is fairly stupid, and laughed at regularly: Global Clown)
- Managing Escalation: Negroponte and Bush's New Iraq Team (READ)
- More Subpoenas Come Down in Watada Case
- Five years on, no end to the horror that is Guantanamo
- Nigerian Terror Threat: $6 a Gallon Gasoline
- Blood Oil: Politics & Power (You would think US economy wasn't already in the cesspool)
- Bush's Rush to Armageddon (READ)
- Privacy Rights Advocates Wary of Justice Departments Online Surveillance Plans
- The "Surge" to screw Iraq out of its oil
- American Passports Found on Bodies of Al Qaeda Fighters in Somalia. (Who uses false passports all the time?)
- New Oil Law Means Victory in Iraq for Bush
- Bush 'surge' crafted by aide who wanted to nuke North Korea in 1995
- The Democrats' First Day (Useless because also bought)
- U.S. airstrikes in Somalia targets [mirages of] embassy bombers
- Heavy Fighting Erupts in Baghdad Streets
- Most say no to Iraq buildup
- FLASHBACK: FBI Investigation of AIPAC Reportedly Has Been Expanded (Look under your bed for it?)
- The United States Of [Calculatedly Induced] Hysteria
- You Can't Square an Iraqi Circle
- Who Is Planning Our Next War? ("Israel's war", says Bibi, "must be sold as America's war" - write that 1000 times on your blackboard)
- Special Forces clash with the CIA (Is ANYTHING right with this picture?)
- BEACH IMPEACH (Cute - useless)
- U.S., Iraqi forces fight insurgents in heart of Baghdad (Why is this day different?)
- Israel erases the green line (Maps will not matter to an annihilated Israel)
- New Oil Law Means Victory in Iraq for Bush
- US airstrike on Somalian village kills host of people (What US does best- and not very well at that)
- Pentagon confirms US nuclear submarine collides with Japanese commercialship (See what I mean - or is this merely a dastardly diversion?)
- Danish PM to Bush: Denmark to reduce Iraq force
- U.S. says Somalia must not become terror haven (Heaven forfend!)
- "Jewish Groups To Challenge Ethics Reform (Precisely because they are unethical)
- Many More Sons Will Die While the Democrats Do Nothing to Stop the War (and why is that exactly the truth?)
- Kilmeade: OK to Threaten to Shoot Man in Traffic Stop (A new nadir of the US)
- Stopping the surge (To Ted: Dallas is out, so also planes)
- US tries to pick a fight with Iran (since HOW log ago?)
- Who will defend US from Israel? The Israeli Spy-Ring and 9/11
- Major loophole in Democrats' ethics bill will benefit controversial lobbying Groups (Getting the picture yet?)
- OLD NEWS: Whose War? (Whose Whore?)
- Senate to debate resolution opposing Iraq war (Excedrin headache #5061)
- Indeed there is Apartheid in Israel (READ)
- VP at Election Giant ES&S Threatens to Sue MadCowMorningNews (READ)
- Chairman of Barred Election Testing Lab Dumped Stock Two Weeks Ago
- "Terrorists" captured in Somalia 'are British' (MI6, or Mossad with fake passports?)
- Chavez Urged by U.S. to Compensate American Companies (Fuck US corpas: they've stolen quite enough already)
- Britain's Channel 4 TV puts Tony Blair on trial (That should be fun, and maybe cathartic)
- US twists civilian arms to fill Fortress Baghdad (READ, just READ, and wonder why they all aren't secured in institutions for the criminally insane)
- Greenhouse Gases Linked to Record Warmth (which doesn't mean ANY causality is present)
- Connecticut Bolstering Levees After Pressure From Army Corps
- Canada tells Pakistan fence, don't mine Afghan border
- UN rejects landmines along Afghanistan border (NOW, you know it's a good idea)
- UNICEF worker shot dead in Baghdad (Mere US collateral damage)
- Iraqi, US forces "kill 50" in Baghdad battle (Pretty soon, no terrorists left - nor anybody else)
- One in eight of Iraqis have left their homes (For the other 7 in eight, their homes have left THEM?)
- Blair refuses to match US troop 'surge' in Iraq (For today, he refuses)
- Kennedy Calls Iraq Bush's 'Vietnam' (Really NOT a good metaphor, Ted)
- Number of Guantanamo Bay hunger strikers double
- Italian, U.S. Agents Urge CIA Trial Be Stopped (LMAO! Al Capone tried that too)
- Official: First wave of troops to Iraq by Jan. 31 (or not)
- Medical research and big business: The case of Sir Richard Doll (Hello-o!? Correlation, which is all anybody is capable of showing, does *NOT* imply causality! If author was not an ignorant shithead, it might have merit)
- As takeaway contract is imposed on workers New York City's new transit boss gets $40,000 raise (Contracting the wealth distribution by theft even further)
- Taiwan earthquake triggers a "digital tsunami" in Asia
- Growing energy conflicts across Eurasia: Gazprom wrests control of Sakhalin-2 gas project from Shell
- The pathetic end of the French "anti-capitalist left"
- Washington think tank bars WSWS reporter An incident that says much about the US capital
- Democrats criticize Iraq "surge", but won't cut war funds (BECAUSE they are bought, bought, bought, ..., and the genocide is good for Israel)
- When the Truth Doesn't Matter: 30 Years of FBI Harassment and Misconduct (Truth is merely an enforced construct of criminal governments)
- "Lasciate Ogne Speranza, Voi Ch'Intrate": The Hell That is Iraq
- Joe Allen: Justice for the Omaha Two! (READ: Christianity takes its racism from the OT, in case you haven't paid attention)
- Sen. Russell Feingold: So Now You Want to Snoop Through Our Mail (The unconstitutionality of it - it's never stopped him before)
- The Headless Horseman of the Apocalypse (True, but useless literary garbage)
- The Democrats and Iran: More Bellicose Than Bush (Not Bush, but the entire US corpagov is the greatest danger to all life on this planet)
- Israel's Purging of Palestinian Christians
- R. T. Naylor: The Somalia Labyrinth
- Congress to Open Second Stem Cell Showdown (in order to APPEAR sane)
- Conservatives Decry Terror Laws' Impact on Refugees (But, all citizens are the enemy, criminals and security threats, right?)
- Bush Iraq Plan Faces Democratic Challenge (Yeah - right!)
- US Launches Two Airstrikes in Somalia (Corpagov small, useful but diversionary target)
- Guard and Reserve May Bear the Brunt of Surge (But, that's exactly the point)
- California Plan for Health Care Would Cover All (Political hot air)
- House Democrats Push Bill to Implement 9/11 Commission Reforms (show themselves to be the whores that they are)
- Why the Bush "Surge" Won't Work (Is this multiple choice?)
- Murtha Takes Aim at Abu Ghraib (Speaking of useless)
- Oliver North: Like Vietnam (speaking again of useless)
- FORMER REAGAN AIDE COMPARES BUSH TO HITLER (Hitler revived, not destroyed his nations economy)
- Santorum founds 'America's Enemies' (He would be near the top of the list)
- Bush: More US troops, more Iraqi responsibility (More dead!)
- US gunships swoop on militants ("Kill the all! God will know his own!")
- Kabul municipality removes venders from city (Economic genius!)
- Israel pressing for beefed-up sanctions against Iran (as it also pressesUS to attack in Israel's alleged interests)
- In China, Israel's Olmert eyes Iran nuke sanctions (He will be told politely to fuck off)
- IDF: New Qassams could reach north of Ashkelon (One could hope)
- Dahlan to Haaretz: We proved to Hamas that Gaza is not theirs (It is Israel's by genocide, as has been planed for over 100 years)
- Report: 12,400 new settlers in 2006 (New phase of old continuous manouver)
- Analysis: Israel's numerous war wounds (are not even near enough)
- Power & Politics: Memo to Mrs. Merkel - think trusteeship(Israel will NOT have a 2 state solution, and that's THAT)
- Rice to tackle Mideast peace, Iraq on trip (Stupid arrogant bitch)
- Captured Israeli Soldier Reported OK (Only USUKIL axis of crime tortures prisoners)
- Olmert to discuss Iran with China (Speaking of stupid arrogant bitches)
- US imposes sanctions on Iran bank
- Israeli intelligence says al-Qaida seeking expansion in Middle East (Babbling)
- UN launches $60 million for Iraqi refugees (which will be stolen by whom?)
- Shin Bet confirms [illegal] arrest of former imam deported by U.S
- Questions fill the air as Bush speaks on Iraq (Babbling)
- California Eyes Health Insurance for All (A sure scam, if at all)
- Venezuela's Chavez Rattles Markets (So do cow farts)
- House resumes stem cell research debate (outside its competence and jurisdiction)
- Blood test predicts heart attack (Really stupid babbling)
- U.S. sends stealth fighter planes to South Korea
- CIA gets the go-ahead to take on Hizbollah (Almost amusing)
- S.M.U. Faculty Complains About Bush Library (The very phrase is almost comical)
- Democrats Plan Symbolic Votes Against Bush's Iraq Troop Plan (Um - symbolic?!)
- U.S. launches new air strike on Somalia (Is this going to be like "IDF shoots children dead", a daily event?)
- New Orleans Police to Establish Checkpoints (The totalitarian state has to start in earnest someplace, and that place has been created for it)
- Snow Falsely Claims That Bush Said Just The Opposite Of Mission Accomplished (LOL - and what did that big sign say?)
- Democrats Beef Police State With 9/11 Commission Bill
- Congressional Democrats hate the surge, but they don't dare try to stop it.(Bought or blackmailed)
- Daniel Ellsberg: Bush is Dangerous. He has to Go!
- The Ostroy Report: Bush's War Machine Revs Up. How Many Soldiers Have to Die Before this Dangerous Fool Realizes That It's Over?
- ABC shut down blogger who criticized violent rhetoric on one of its radio stations
- Taking the Vietnam out of Iraq (is not going to happen)
- Daily Kos: Will Democratic Lobby Reform Go Far Enough: AIPAC and the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006(READ)
- Gitmo Hunger Strikers Increase -- Tuesday, Jan. 09, 2007
- Harring Report: The National Young Mens Meat Grinder (READ: gov'ts ALWAYS lie about EVERYTHING)
- Pro-Israel PAC Contributions to 2006 Congressional Candidates (READ)
- Somalia Strike: What this means for a region consumed by war and chaos
- Navy: Speed of tanker sucked sub up to surface (i.e., sub was hiding behind tanker)
- Distracting Congress from the Real War Plan: Iran - by Paul Craig Roberts
- The Headless Horseman of the Apocalypse - by Norman Solomon
- They Never Learn - by Justin Raimondo
- New 24 Season Showcases Mass Terror, Concentration Camps (READ)
- Cocaine on '100% of Irish euros' (False on the face of it)
- Uranium 'killing Italian troops' (Bosnia & Kosovo)
- Pentagon braces for Bush Iraq plan (There is no contention here)
- Pentagon, students settle privacy case (Accomplishing little, if anything)
- Transmitting Canadian coins found in U.S. (Hi Tech espionage on the rise)
- US kill 'Brit Al-Qaeda suspects' (i.e., maybe US killed a fair number of unknown civilians)
- Death In A Garbage Dump (READ)
- Baghdad street becomes new Fallujah
- Exactly how much does israel cost US? (READ - this is just the money part)
- U.S. Set to Control Iraq's Oil for the Next 30 Years!
- Violence engulfs Somali capital
- Democrats Feel Liberals' Antiwar Heat (Pay attention or be dismissed)
- US attack in Somalia killed innocents-Arab League (That what USUKIL does)
- U.S. behind reign of terror sweeping Philippines (THAT'S nothing new)
- Bush To Try To Bring The Public Back To The War (Boom! -- Boom! --- BOOMBOOM BOOM!!!)
- Israel Has Lost (How many times has it signed its own death warrant?)
- Somalia terror 'funded in Britain' (READ!)
- Study: 744,000 homeless people in U.S. (and counting furiously)
- Are the dead porpoises on Scottish beaches more evidence of global warming? (More likely, navy boys playing with the superduper sonar)
- House Votes to Boost Minimum Wage to $7.25 an Hour
- Supreme Court passes on e-voting paper trail suit (Supremely Criminal Court)
- NSA helped Microsoft make Vista secure (Another secret backdoor?)
- Grim picture of Iraq from US government watchdog
- barrylando.com -11;-11; Blog Archive -11;-11; Surging in Iraq-11;-11;-11;the count-11;-11;-11;s 100,000(READ)
- Bush to defy army chiefs in Iraq push (Defy? He is after all the genocidalist-in-chief)
- Bush to order 21,500 more troops to Iraq (which ever thousands this batch is)
- Australia: Murdoch media attacks 1976 Lebanese refugee intake
- Bush asserts expanded surveillance powers over US mail
- On eve of London bombings: MPs told Britain faced no imminent threat (It doesn't except from its government of occupation)
- US military asks deceased officers to re-enlist
- Air strikes on Somalia: A new stage in Washington's illegal "terror" war
- In defiance of 2006 vote, Bush will escalate Iraq war (Who expected otherwise? I sure didn't)
- Revolting Students! (READ)
- Mike Ferner: If Not Now, When? (READ)
- Coalition of the Lunatics: Trying to Create the Next World War
- How the FDA Protects Big Pharma
- Col. Dan Smith: Why U.S. Policy is Failing (READ: it works despite some naive assumptions about realities & history)
- Why Troop Escalation Won't Bring Peace to Iraq (So many reasons)
- Punishing Deserters: Prosecution or Persecution?
- A Walk in Oaxaca
- Two Peace Activists Subpoenaed in Watada Case
- With Iraq Speech, Bush to Pull Away From His Generals (He must be gotten rid of)
- Ex-Interior Deputy a Target in Abramoff Probe
- The Fed-11;-11;-11;s role in the Housing Crash of -11;-11;-11;07 (READ)
- Crisis - Mutiny Ahead? Dubya has run Amok (READ)
- UK Couple Face Smoking Probe In Their Own House
- Is Bush's War Winding Down or Heating Up? - by Paul Craig Roberts
- Democrats reject Bush escalation in Iraq (until tomorrow)
- Some in GOP join Democrats in bashing plan
- The 'surge' author (Fredrick Kagan at AEI - READ)
- ABC News: Bush Accepts Responsibility for Mistakes, Outlines the Way Forward (Why not? He doesn't expect ever to have to pay for his purported "mistakes")
- Protest rally against border fencing (Afghanistan)
- Iran: Former Officials, Reformists Criticize Government's Nuclear Policy
- Olmert to discuss Iran with Hu (Olmert needs his lights punched out)
- Mideast peace bid faces many obstacles (but mainly, Israel)
- China 'reassures' Olmert on Iran (LOL)
- Bush: Iran, Syria must help stabilize ME (Not with him destroying everything but Israel)
- Netanyahu to address Britain on Iran (Speaking of needing lights punched out)
- Uganda: Investments Shoot to Sh3 Trillion
- Watching Borat in Beirut
- History will not forgive a failure to match words with deeds (Depends on who's writing the history)
- Bush admits mistakes, sends 20,000 more troops to Iraq (immediately making 20,000 more mistakes)
- Lieberman: I applaud Bush (Senator from Israel also likes blood and genocide)
- 'Mysterious break-in' at Bush library site (Unused coloring books stolen?)
- FOX: Ted Kennedy is 'hostile enemy'
- US faces alliance of the left as Ortega sworn in (Nicaragua)
- Speaker snuffs out bastion of House smokers (A smokenazi besides?)
- PM lauds China's stance on Iran nukes (i.e., he wasn't told to sod off)
- President [sic] Bush's Address to the Nation
- Intensified Combat on Baghdad Streets Likely
- CIA says it cannot reveal interrogation method documents
- US forces storm Iranian consulate in Arbil, arrest five (Obviously several levels of illegality)
- Guant-11;-11;namo inmates driven insane (They are not alone; the techniques are well known)
- Promising Troops Where They Arent Really Wanted
- Different Set of [Ethocs] Rules for Neolibs, Israel Firsters
- British academic pinned to the ground and thrown in jail by U.S. police - for jaywalkig (US is hazardous to everyone's health)
- Iran raid 'will be nuclear disaster'
- US forces storm Iranian consulate (READ)
- Bush's new strategy - the march of folly (You just knew that before the fact)
- Mixed reviews for Bush Iraq 'surge' (from around the world: usual views from the usual suspects)
- Pentagon wants 92,000 more troops (That's pentaese for 184,000)
- Iran? Just had dinner with a ranking Navy Officer from one of our gulf bound Carrier Groups (READ)
- Iraqi Judge: Elements of Al-Mahdi Army Have Settled in Green Zone
- Pro-Israel lobby targets BBC online poll (Not at all unusual)
- Lockheed Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (READ: corpagov)
- War With Syria and Iran = Peace With Iraq? (Calligula was less deranged than W)
- PC World editor slain at California home (Now, all deaths in US are suspicious)
- IDF predicts possible conflict with Lebanon, Syria in 2007 (because IDF will create it)
- THE INFECTION by John Kaminski (READ)
- Darn those Iraqis
- Blood Meridian: Bush's High Crimes of Torture and Wart (READ)
- Supreme Court candidate proposes limiting Law of Return (Too funny)
- Echoes of the past as Vietnam rhetoric resurfaces 30 years on (READ)
- Somalia: New Hotbed of Anti-Americanism
- Let a Thousand Militias Bloom
- Official: Somalia strike missed al Qaeda suspects (So, murdering mere suspects is official US policy - sounds more like Israel)
- Explosions in Iranian port were "mine-sweeping operations" (US can now sweat out what this really means)
- Surging toward the holy oil grail (READ)
- 9/11 theories to be discussed
- New Bush Iraq Plan Fails to Bolster American Confidence (Mostly because it's stupid?)
- Levin: Somalia strike not widening of war (When language has no meaning)
- A Crisis of Confidence (simply in appearances; the facts are worse)
- Victim owed compensation in CIA case, judge told (READ and REMEMBER just what your always criminal government really does)
- U.N. Inspectors Arrive in Iran to Review Nuclear Facilities (Exactly how Iraq started)
- Iraq wants no part of more U.S. soldiers (I wonder why?)
- Iran Arrests a Nuclear Spy
- Top GOP senator [McConnell] 'will filibuster' any Democratic attempt to decrease funding for Bush's new Iraq plan
- Hagel: Bush speech worst blunder since Vietnam
- Bush Sends GIs to his Private Fantasyland (READ)
- Did the President Declare "Secret War" Against Syria and Iran? (Why not? Everything with this criminal corpagov is secret)
- Pentagon abandons active-duty time limit (Destroying our troops is no accident: it's a clear goal)
- US-Kurdish Standoff in Irbil and US Evac?
- Britain to unveil timetable for limited withdrawal
- 3,000 British troops to pull out of Iraq by May (or not)
- Troop Surge Already Under Way (Stuff your damn surge. Is this W's word for the month?)
- Worst yet to come for US [troops and people] in Baghdad (US corpagov, however, will do splendidly raking in profits!)
- Defiance and delusion (W!)
- Bush warns of more troop deaths in last-ditch plan (Having them murdered is a precise goal)
- Condoleezza Rice says Iraqi government is on "borrowed time" (Will no one rid us of this presumptuous whore?)
- Australian government to fund chaplains in public and private schools (Buddhists of course)
- German interior minister seeks to introduce martial law measures (Ooops - here we go. again!)
- Iraqi regime set to hand over oil reserves to US energy giants (HELLO?! What have many of us seen and said for years now?)
- In speech on Iraq escalation, Bush promises more bloodshed, wider war
- Col. Douglas MacGregor: Surge Toward What? (Al-Sadr's Hands do not matter/Surge towards?/Genocide)
- Richard W. Behan: Barrels and Bodies (Oil is not all there is/Genocide/Oil and Empire)
- Dave Lindorff: Blood for Face (Face does not matter either)
- Jeff Lays: The War Widens (and too craftily for W)
- The Profits of Escalation (Oil, Arms and Empire)
- Nancy Pelosi | Escalating War in Iraq Sends Wrong Message (Tripping on her own forked tongue)
- Jason Leopold | The Architect of Mr. Bush's Plan (Frederick Kagan)
- Democrats Aim to Block Funds for Plan (or not)
- Matt Renner | Bush's Speech Sets Stage for Showdown With Congress (or bought capitulation?)
- Somali Capital Awash in Anger at Ethiopia, US, Interim Leaders (Why do the nations so furiously rage together? Greed)
- NOW | Curbing Our Addiction to Foreign Oil (It's far too late for this)
- State Farm Held Liable in Katrina Case (Good Ole State Fucking Farm - I know the Racketeer well - too well)
- Poll: Americans Oppose Iraq Troop Surge (Doesn't matter: W voted/decided)
- Five Years of Camp X-Ray: Why two British Citizens are still Residents in Guantanamo Bay?
- Federal Way schools restrict Gore film
- Crows dying by the dozens (What is corpagov up to now?)
- House Passes Bill for Stem Cell Research
- GOP: Bush Would Veto Medicare Reforms
- Peso-friendly pizza chain gets death threats
- Bush's Best Democratic Buddy (Who else? Lieberbush)
- Dozens test positive in Litvinenko probe
- Guilty plea could get Hicks home (??)
- Pentagon Trains Local Emergency Workers to Respond to WMD Attacks (Lunatics inducing paranoia)
- U.S. Troops Went Into Somalia After Raid
- Somali Capital Awash in Anger At Ethiopia, U.S., [U.S.-Installed] Interim Leaders
- Soldier gets 18 years for murder (We'll see tomorrow)
- National Guard presses Pentagon for reforms
- Troop Surge Already Under Way
- Bush's legacy: The president who cried wolf
- Anti-War Activists Rush to Hold Protests
- Bildt: Bush's Iraq policy inadequate
- Arabs dismiss Bush's Iraq plan
- White House sells Iraq plan as Democratic anger rises (or not)
- Bush War Plan Draws Fire on Capitol Hill
- Rice loves 'her' Fox News anchors (Fauxpussy)
- Blast at U.S. embassy called 'terrorism'
- US troops attack Iran's representative office in Arbil
- US Iraq raid draws Iranian anger
- Bush's tough tactics are a 'declaration of war' on Iran (He's really trying everybody's patience)
- At Fort Benning, a Quiet Response to a Presidential Visit
- JAMA's Fosamax study funded by Merck (That is completely common)
- The "Surge" to screw Iraq out of its oil (It was never if, only when)
- Iran nuke work seems slow, puzzling West (as in, they're not racing to build a bomb?)
- In Baghdad, Bush Policy Is Met With Resentment
- Dennis Kyne: IVAW Deployed to the Gates of Fort Lewis (READ)
- Rice: Dialogue with Iran is surrender to blackmail (No one's swallowing the nuke excuse, so we need more lies)
- Palestine 2007: Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank (Don't forget Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, and coming up, Syria and Iran)
- US air strikes killed over 100 Somalians (who never heard of al-Qaeda)
- Bleak reaction to plan on streets of Iraq
- The Men Who Knew Too Much? NSA Wiretapping Whistleblowers Found Dead in Italy and Greece JOSEPH CANNON / Bradblog 22aug2006
- Sergeant in trouble for Playboy spread (Oh, grow up!)
- Scientific American Lies for the Empire (It has been untrustworthy for years now)
- Neither sanctions nor bombs will end the Iran nuclear crisis
- Military Eases Its Rules for Mobilizing Reserves (What rules? What law?)
- Bush's Prescription for More War
- The 'Surge' Is A Red Herring - by Paul Craig Roberts
- Rocket hits US embassy in Athens (We know who did it; the question is whether Iran or Syria will be blamed)
- Carter Center advisers resign over book (all Jewish, and now obviously zionists)
- This is a US torture camp (Guantánamo)
- European press reacts negatively to Bush proposals on Iraq (Sane people would)
- Democratic Congressman reintroduces bill for military draft in US
- White House Refused to Allow Still Photography at Bush Speech (Next hell only speak from undisclosed locations)
- A president thoroughly in the dark (Guess who?)
- New U.S. Congress Shaping Up to Promote Israel Over All (US is alreadydead. Who cares?)
- Emergency Alert - Federal 'Anti-Hate' Bill Introduced In House
- A voice from Gitmo's darkness
- More guns equal more murders in U.S. states: study (Who paid the whores for this purported "study"?)
- Wes Clark takes on AIPAC! (Stay off planes, Wes, and be that's sugar in the bowl)
- NSA and Microsoft Worked Together on Windows Vista Security (Love your Linux OS more)
- TP: How NSA access was built into Windows (They've done it before)
- US lets ecstasy dealer serve time in israel (The other way around is impossible)
- N.J. soldiers' tour extended
- Recent US actions could signal Iran conflict, despite White House denials; GOPer's bill requires Congress OK on Iran
- Ron Paul: Next President Of The USA? (YES!! - but they would assassinate him first)
- Iran Focus-Iran says U.S. planned 9/11 attacks (It hasn't taken them THIS long to figure that out?)
- At Fort Benning, a Quiet Response to a Presidential Visit (Repression of dissent only makes it stronger, and more explosive)
- NEW COULTER VOTER FRAUD DOCS - Police Report Says TWO Third Degree Felonies, One Misdemeanor may have been Committed by GOP Darling! (ROTFLMFAO)
- Sen. Tim Johnson Out of Intensive Care (GOP in tears of frustration)
- Scientists Reject Administration Chemical Rules (Shall we guess what WH will do?)
- White powder found in Pennsylvania courthouse (Talc or Splenda?)
- Bomb threat called in from plane in Ohio (Is Cheney playing games again?)
- Royal Marine dies in Afghanistan (Shit happens)
- This is a US torture camp (Guess where?)
- Blair pledges increased military spending as he defends intervention (The Alternating Poodle)
- UK 'must continue to fight wars' (to support our looted economy)
- US troops will leave Iraq "in coffins": Sadr aide (Everyone paying attention knows this)
- US won't set troop withdrawal timetable (and never intends to, because there will be none)
- Australian prime minister welcomes US "surge" in Iraq (Wellll - of course he does - woof woof!)
- US forces carry out provocative raid on Iran's consulate in northern Iraq (Will "provocation" replace "surge"?)
- US offensive in Baghdad begins surge of killing and repression (What "surge" is all about)
- Latin America's Real Mr. Danger: Negroponte's Latest Gig (READ)
- Beyond the Surge: Demanding an End to Bush's Wars (Lot's of luck - threaten Olmert's life and you may have a chance)
- Promises, Promises: Playing Politics with Drug Reimportation
- The Secrets in Eli Lilly's Cabinet
- Rogue State, Redux
- How to Avoid an IRS Audit: Become a Millionaire!
- The Case of Venezuela's RCTV: Not About Free Speech (READ)
- Celebrating the "Sum of the World" in Chiapas
- Paul Craig Roberts: Surge and Mirrors
- Laith al-Saud: the Ironies of Bush and Iraq
- William S. Lind: Less Than Zero (READ)
- Bush's Domestic Sex Policy: the Teen Abstinence-Only Crusade (pResidential denial redux)
- "21,500 More Troops": Will America Ever Leave Iraq? (Only when they are dead. Next question?)
- Governors Lose in Power Struggle Over National Guard (Another sign of US demise)
- Matt Renner | Congressman Acts to Revoke Iraq War Resolution (He will be ignored)
- Despite opposition, Bush defiant on Iraq plan
- US officials: No immediate plans to attack Iran (i.e., they've existed for a long time)
- Poll: 2/3 of Americans oppose sending more troops to Iraq
- PM warns army chiefs over lobbying campaign (defending the indefensible)
- Sting in the tale of new Blair 'war crimes' drama
- A road cuts to heart of NATO's troubled Afghan campaig
- As debate heats up Hillary Clinton heads to Iraq(Just what everyone needs - like a hole in the head)
- U.K. must continue to flex its muscle abroad, Blair says (in order to bcome as hateful at the US and IL)
- Witness tells of Saddam's last moments
- POLITICS: Bush's Iraq Plan - Goading Iran into War
- Libby perjury and obstruction trial set to begi
- Robert Fisk: This jargon disease is choking language (READ)
- JURIST - Paper Chase: Padilla terror trial delayed for three months for competency evaluation(whether or not he's been driven crazy)
- DOD official slams US law firms for defending Guantanamo detainees (Bizarre)
- Fox, Snow gang up on Boxer for 'childless Condi slur'
- Brothers found guilty in UK 'fat dog' trial (Utterly Bizarre)
- Clinton pushing for troop surge in Afghanistan (Give her a gun, and send her)
- Unveiled Threats (READ)
- Blair pledges increased military spending as he defends intervention
- Surge and Mirrors: What Bush Really Said (READ)
- Rice won't rule out military actions on Iran
- Bush Authorized Iranians' Arrest in Iraq, Rice Says
- FBI Investigating 8,000 for Terrorism
- Two die of bird flu in Indonesia (or not)
- Iran demands halt in US illegal moves in Iraq
- Carter agrees to speak at Brandeis (Odds of disinvitation?)
- Rabbis throw book at Jimmy (Obviously all zionists)
- Governator Strong-Arms Health Care
- The Baillie project (psychophysical parallelism)
- Goswami (psychophysical parallelism)
- Wilhelm Wundt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Bush vows to 60 Minutes that 'no matter what Congress wants' surge is on
- Judge dismisses NY Times libel case (Not justice)
- Jewish Membership in Congress at All-Time High
- The Raw Story | Olbermann: Bush's 'dangerous, even Messianic certitude' helped create 'a presidency of Cliff Notes'
- Nancy 'Oops, I did it again!' Pelosi and a special exemption to the Minimum Wage Bill (She needs a nice hot cup of Oleander Tea)
- Official Attacks Top Law Firms Over Detainees (Still Bizarre)
- Ramifications of Coming Attack on Iran for Israel (What they have repeatedly asked for)
- Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran over Turkey - paper (Turkey needs to get real about its own real and long term interests; being a zionist lapdog is not one of them)
- Think Progress - Donald Trump: Let's bomb Iran. (Who knew he was such a simpleton?)
- China firm close to signing $3.6b deal for Iranian gas field investment
- Tehran strongly condemns U.S. raid on Iranian consulate (Don't piss on my sneakers!)
- CIA says it cant reveal interrogation method documents (Then we're not telling how we "interrogate" CIA agents. Nya-nya!)
- U.S. Forces Fighting Iranians In Iraq (They're fighting EVERYONE n Iraq)
- US sends warplanes to Turkey''s Incirlik military
- Iraqi children: Picking garbage, killed dismantling ordnance, or sold into brothels (Good Ole 'murikan Demokracy)
- Senators aim to restrict Net, satellite radio recording (Senators need to be beaten regularly, like a rug)
- America Cannot Win the War in Iraq (I already said that 6 years ago)
- George W. Bush: A Symptom of Disease (Birdbrain flu?)
- US strikes on al-Qa'ida chiefs kill nomads (Have to kill nomads because you can't kill fictions)
- The US-Iran-Iraq-Israeli-Syrian War (Who will stay neutral and who will not? Part of globalization is global war)
- Operation Cannon Fodder: Bush's Grand Delusion
- Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer (Nentanyahu: sick motherfucking birdbrain)
- 'No proof' of Iran nuclear arms (No, there isn't. Remember Iraq?)
- China, Russia team up against US (They're left little choice in the face of complete idiocy combined with utter insanity)
- U.S. policies have made Israel less safe, experts say (It's what Israel wants, its own extermination; so shall it be, so let it be written)
- Did AP cover same Bush speech as major papers? (Yes - MSM lies through its teeth every second of every day and needs to be taken out)
- Iranian Jews Reject Outside Calls To Leave (Why?! Because they're Iranians first, unlike US Jews, who are zionoists first!)
- Iranian Jew 'admits spying' (On average, nobody's perfect)
- Instead of al-Qaeda, U.S. Kills Nomads in Somalia (US just loves killing, whom doesn't matter - unless they're israelis)
- NGOs to sue US over WMD claims (Nice - but useless)
- Thinking the Unthinkable: A Sovereign Palestinian State (Israel has never allowed even the concept to exist)
- Military Expands Intelligence Role in U.S. (Contrary to Constitution)
- Warmest December in Italy on record: meteorologists (Enjoy it!)
- Rocky Anderson calls for Bush impeachment (Salt Lake City)
- Iraq will not nationalize oil: White House (Ignore: WH as Israel has signed its own death warrant far too often)
- Hamas softens Israel stance in calls for Palestinian state (Mistake!)
- Future of Iraq: The spoils of war (Oh? You think so? Think again, and be very afraid of the consequences of your own acts)
- ACLU Condemns Administration Attack on Guantánamo Lawyers
- Pentagon disavows comment on detainees (LOL - too late)
- Paris court defends racist provocateurs exploiting plight of homeless (as it should)
- Kyoto's Clean Development Mechanism: global warming and its market fix (Complete scientific nonsense, start to finish)
- Report details spread of [planned] global AIDS epidemic
- Mob attacks Sri Lankan antiwar rally
- Bush's Iraq "surge" met with despair in Britain (Start by throwing Blair into the street)
- Silent protesters harassed, ejected from US Senate hearings (L'età t, c'est moi, il congresse criminà le)
- Iraq escalation heightens political crisis in Washington (The administration needs to be arrested and jailed)
- Six Senators Back Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Cuts (Politicized science)
- Bush's New Iraq Strategy: "The Most Dangerous Foreign Policy Blunder Since Vietnam" - International - SPIEGEL ONLIN
- Republicans on Panel Back President's Plan, Masking Divisionsn (Thieving idiots all)
- Pentagon Intensifies Pressure on Iran (to act against their own interests? Forgetit monkeyboys)
- Shock and oil: Iraq's billions & the White House connection
- After the surge ... what next? (next phase of genocide, of course)
- Arrested Iranians tied to group arming Iraqis--U.S.(or NOT)
- Bush demands critics offer alternative plan on Iraq (You did it; you fixit and pay for the fixing personally!)
- Lukoil set to revive $4bn Saddam oil deal
- Surge: US troops prepare for George Bush's last stand (Then, will he die?)
- Iran Tells Iraq To Stop U.S. 'Adventurism'
- Rice & Iraqi Security Plan (Arrogance & Stupid in one neat package)
- Bush to skeptics: What's your plan? (SOB: there's no way out; that was the plan that was fed him)
- Clinton Doubts Iraqis Can Pacify Baghdad (A stupid bitch who says was sh'e told to say)
- EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Calls Situation in Iraq 'Heartbreaking' (Then sh has no worry of it affecting her)
- Maliki's office warms to Bush plan on Iraq
- Arrested Iranians tied to group arming Iraqis: US (or it's another lying crock)
- Iran, Venezuela shoulder heavy responsibilities: Ahmadinejad
- Detained Iranians Had Insurgent Ties (or it's another lying crock)
- Oil's Vital New Power (Control of it is a weapon; that's very old news)
- Ban on caviar partially lifted (Can US admin get all the beluga caviar they want?)
- Rice explores peace in Mideast (ROTFL)
- China, Russia & UNSC resolution on Myanmar
- US opts for unilateral moves against Iran (All will suffer, except USUKIL regimes)
- Rice set for key Mid-East meeting (How about boarding up her mouth?)
- German high court refuses to hear Motassadeq appeal
- Guantanamo Pro Bono? Atticus Finch Meets Charles Stimson
- Bush administration bashes attorneys for defending Guantanamo detainees
- Has Anyone Noticed That The USA Just Attacked Somalia?
- Bush stands by Iraq invasion (based on a myriad deliberate lies? Of course he does)
- Bush says choices made after invasion eroded Iraq's security (Book him, Dano!)
- Venezuela and Iran seek OPEC oil cut
- Venezuela says will nationalize whole energy sector
- War costs are hitting historic proportions (actually past it, if you're paying attention)
- Former aide criticizes Carter over Mideast book (What are the odds that he's Jewish?)
- Jimmy Carter's offensive against US Jewry (Wrong: it's against genocidal zionism)
- Carter fans [of genocidal zionists] quit over Israel book
- Dershowitz [Lunatic and Genocidalist in Chief] seeks to grill ex-president Carter on Israel book
- INTERVIEW-Dershowitz seeks to grill Carter on Israel book (Why would anyone want to be in the same room with this piece of shit?)
- Jews leave Carter Center board (Yes, exactly, zionists, and that's probably a very good thing)
- Carter's Book Prompts More Resignations (The more the merrier - as they lose points of control)
- Ex-Carter Center director [clear genocidalist] blasts book
- Watchdog refuses to allow hybrid embryos (The species is doomed anyhow, so at this point, who the fuck cares?)
- 7/7 ringleader 'was watched since 2003' (About the time he was hired?)
- Crime lab mishandled DNA results
- Surge: US troops prepare for George Bush's last stand
- Gunboat Diplomacy: The Watch on the Gulf
- Blair rejected Iraq troops plea (He could be made an offer he can't refuse)
- Blair And Bushs Latest Weapon Of War: YouTube (They pollute everything)
- "It is Turkey's decision to conduct a cross border operation to Iraq" (READ)
- Growing calls for large-scale operation in Gaza (Genocide is all IL wants)
- It Is Time to Rebel Against King George (Long past time)
- The Sunday Times: Israel planning to fly over Turkey to attack Iran (and what does Turkey think about this?)
- Opposition to Iraq Plan Leaves Bush Isolated (He's just doing it anyhow)
- Gates: troops should stay even if Iraq plan fails (All of a sudden, he's an expert!)
- Iraqi Sunnis Rebuild Destroyed Shiite Shrine
- Criticism of U.S. swells in Israel (Arrogance & Stupidity are their doom)
- US troops prepare for George Bush's last stand
- Mistakes Were Made - by Gordon Prather (Some details of US criminality)
- We Were Right About Joe Lieberman
- Is the United States a military dictatorship? (Guess)
- The Folly of Total War (This shouldn't have to be explained)
- To: Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon.com
- Israeli Apartheid: a truth known to all
- Shoot the messenger: PM blames media for anti-war mood (Flatulent ingrate!)
- Arrested Iranians tied to group arming Iraqis: U.S. (We're tying them anyhow!)
- Israel, Lobby Pushing Iran War (Israel's Doom)
- Putin's decree lifts export restrictions on Russian diamonds, precious metals (Israel will be furious)
- Land of Enchantment and Impeachment (The sooner the better: he's going to start another war!)
- Duke Case Hurts Prosecutor's Career (It should)
- Pentagon conducting probes in U.S.
- Pentagon accessing bank information
- Cheney: Credit Checks Aren't Illegal (Of course nothing these creeps do is illegal, even when it is)
- Joe Bageant: Somewhere a Banker Smiles (READ!)
- Fury at Arab in Israeli Cabinet (Zionism is racist)
- Lieberman: 30,000 Nato Troops Needed in Gaza (to help finish the genocide)
- The real reason the Bush administration won't back down on Guantanamo (partially)
- Iraqis get all-firing foretaste of Bush's final Baghdad gamble(READ!)
- White House Defends Pursuit of Iranians, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley Defends U.S. Pursuit, Detention of Iranians in Iraq(All this hysterical defending the indefensible is tiresome)
- Deletions in Army Manual Raise Wiretapping Concerns
- Democratic Congressman reintroduces bill for military draft in US (What does he think the people's reaction will be?)
- White House: Can't rule out attack on Iran (Bunk!)
- Cheney says congressional opposition won't influence Bush's Iraq policy
- Bush says Congress can't halt plan to boost Iraq troops (Because he SAYSso, dumdum!)
- Expected Bush appellate nominee at center of Berger document heist
- Case of purloined archives gets stranger all the time
- War Surge May Face Anti-War Surge
- Rising Regional Anger: Middle East Shaking Its Head
- Bush Breaks 150-Year History of Higher US Taxes in Wartime
- Charles E. Anderson | Breaking Ranks: Troops Call for Iraq Withdrawal
- Bush Administration "Aggressively" Expanding Domestic Spying
- Critics Won't Halt Iraq Surge, Bush Says
- Iran's Ahmadinejad Arrives In Nicaragua For Talks
- Ahmadinejad offers Nicaragua help against "common enemies" (Extra)
- Sarkozy wins presidential nomination
- France's conservatives nominate Sarkozy as presidential candidate
- House defies Bush, OK's drug plan
- Cheney: US Will Work With Allies to Prevent Iranian Adventurism (Whose adventurism?!)
- US threatens Iran over Iraq
- Cheney to Congress: Can't run Iraq war by committee (Cheeky jerk)
- Senators to Bush: stay out of Iran
- 60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002
- Bush faces mutiny over extra troops for Iraq
- Opening a New Front in the War, Against Iranians in Iraq
- Kuwait media: U.S. military strike on Iran seen by April
- Bush warns Iran to keep clear of Iraq
- More Hangings In Iraq
- Cheney says critics of new US Iraq plan play into hands of Bin Laden (The dead one?!)
- U.S. and Iraqis Are Wrangling Over War Plans (Another Mess predicted)
- 'Newly revealed orders' issued by Bush show US opened front against Iran in Iraq
- Bush administration provokes open war on Iran (That's no surprise)
- WANTED: One Good Non-Jew . . . (Very close to reality)
- Israel spits in Americas face as Rice visits
- Israel breaks promise to US during Rice's visit
- "Top Dem Wesley Clark Says -11;-11;-11;N.Y. Money People-11;-11;-11; Pushing War With Iran - Forward.(The more strenuously truth is denied, the more obvious it becomes)
- 'If Bush attacks Iran, all bets are off' (and we know will have affected that)
- Russian Admiral Says U.S. Navy Prepares Missile Strike on Iran
- White House: Can't rule out attack on Iran (Piling up the bogus excuses as fast as we can)
- Truthdig - Reports - Petraeus! Is Baghdad Burning? (READ)
- Saddam Execution Rushed to Hide Information Russian Ex-PM (Very Likely)
- Next target Tehran (You know they will)
- Bush administration provokes open war on Iran
- Iran target of US Gulf military moves, Gates says
- Boy Scouts set Utah wildfire (Oh come on!)
- War costs are hitting historic proportions (Obvious)
- Alert system dubbed a 'shambles' (MI5 geniuses at work)
- If I Did It: The JFK Assassination version (A half truth is the worst kind of lie)
- Terror Official: 'We're Going to Get Hit' (Terrorizing the sheeple: that's his job!)
- On the Mideast Escalator - by Ron Paul
- Flier gets $400g in jet flap: Crew mistook him for terrorist (Are we sick and tired of our terrorizing corpagov? Maybe)
- School, teen clash over medieval photo (Offending school "officiousness" should be banned from any school for life: let them flip burgers)
- Why the US Is Not Leaving Iraq: The Booming Business of War Profiteers (Bingo!)
- Israel looking for an extreme makeover (In appearance only, of course)
- Hersh: US, Israel support PKK's Iran wing (US? Israel? Is there a difference?)
- The Prince and the Dissident (READ)
- The Death Of Martin Luther King
- You owe us, Bush says (W's brain worms talking; pay no attention)
- More than King for a Day (READ)
- Housing Crash Continues, Bubble Pops
- Philippine Military Says U.S. Involved In Intell Ops In Troubled South
- Bush and Blair - two dead ducks with nothing left to lose (et ergo, dangerous)
- U.S. GIs fighting in Philippines (But, a war on terror should always start at home, against terrorist corpagov)
- Fairfax County To Seek Funds To Develop Pet Evacuation Plan (Thank you, but my pet evacuates regularly)
- Euro displaces dollar in bond markets (Are we paying attention yet?)
- Presidential Candidate Fears "Gulf Of Tonkin" To Provoke Iran War (READ)
- US comptroller says US taxes would have to double to pay for Bush budget in 2040 (Doubletalk for: US is already irreversibly insolvent, i.e., as good as dead and buried)
- The Pentagon's "Second 911" (READ twice)
- Major investment bank issues warning on strike against Iran (READ)
- U.S. set to announce plea deal with Israeli on drug charges (Only for an Israeli)
- Judge rules agent's lawsuit against CIA can proceed
- Attorneys for Marine ask for leak probe
- Australian government cuts thousands of welfare recipients off benefits
- Final New York ballot count gives SEP Senate candidate more than 11,000 votes
- Bush administration threatens Iraqi prime minister as Baghdad bloodbath is prepared
- Gore Vidal In Havana (READ)
- The Class War's New Map (READ)
- The Anti-Empire Report (READ)
- Kathy Kelly: Umm Heyder's Story
- Paul Craig Roberts: Bush Must Go (READ)
- Morris: Another War the Voters Hoped to End
- Charles E. Anderson | Breaking Ranks: Troops Call for Iraq Withdrawal
- Libby Trial Full of Political Intrigue
- New Law Could Subject Civilians to Military Trial (Then it is illegal)
- Saddam's Half Brother, Top Aide Hanged (How quietly)
- Stacy Bannerman | Iraq Vets Call on Congress to End War
- Bush Leaving Out Important Details on Iraq (Not to mention Negroponte/Israel deathsquads black ops)
- Jury scrutinised for Libby trial
- Outrage as executioners bungle hanging of Saddam's brothe
- Criticism of Iraq hangings grows
- We won't leave, Gates warns Iran
- Germany bids to outlaw denial of Holocaust across continent (Henceforth, thinking about monkeys will also be criminal offence punishable by public flogging!)
- Hamas says will never recognise Israel (If you do, you're dead)
- Saddam aide decapitated in hanging (Um - the drop was too long)
- Accused in London bombing plot planned maximum harm (using - flour based bombs?)
- all Star Game' Taking Shape in Libby's Trial (Justice will likely be scarce)
- Anti-cancer chicken eggs produced (or not)
- Nepal's communist rebels join interim Parliament
- A Rifle in Every Pot (READ: Gun laws work like this every time)
- Bush faces mutiny over extra troops for Iraq
- New Studies Dismantle Big Media Case for Consolidation (READ)
- McClatchy Report: Are Americans Getting Truth on Iraq? (No! Nor on anything else)
- Israel, a Glimmer of Hope in a Darkening World (That glimmer is a burnt out lightbulb)
- New Zealand PM quashes criticism of US military escalation in Iraq (Jumping on the totalitarian bandwagon with all four feet)
- Warriors rally against Iraq war (Asking will do no good)
- Sen. Clinton: More forces needed in Afghanistan (Our national heorrhoid speaks)
- Israels plans to Wage Nuclear War on Iran: History of Israel's Nuclear Arsenal (There is our giant glimmer of despair)
- Are JUDGES now considered fair game for hanging / decapitation ? (Are they any different than anybody else?)
- Major investment bank issues warning on strike against Iran
- Gypsy-haters, holocaust-deniers, xenophobes, homophobes, anti-semites: the RU's new political force
- Once again, Israel hides their crimwes behoind the world's Jewish people. (Endless Whining)
- Iran gets army gear in Pentagon sale (I hope it works; you never know where these things are made)
- Holocaust naysayer ousted in New York (Now this SHOULD be illegal)
- How Israel Manipulated Western Intelligence Agencies (READ)
- Israel linked to Iraq intelligence failure
- Big Brother's new toy: Another bloated gas bag watching you from the sky
- President dubs alleged Pearl killer MI6 spy (READ - Musharref is developing a big mouth)
- We are not leaving, Gates warns Iran as troop surge begins (Then you're all toast)
- What's wrong with this picture? (READ)
- Framing, Death, and Democracy (READ)
- Bush administration provokes open war on Iran (Much learned from "itler" has been used)
- Russian missiles delivered to Iran: Ivanov (More good reasons not to attack Iran)
- Grumbling in the Ranks (More than grumbling is needed)
- U.S. investors send their cash packing (READ)
- The Pentagon as an Energy-Protection Racket (READ)
- Foreign Policy in Focus - A Think Tank Without Walls (READ)
- U.S. Commander Warns of Long Struggle in Iraq (Until all the gullible citizens are dead)
- The Irrelevance of Military Victory - by Ron Paul (READ)
- When will this Nightmare End? (After the government of occupation is taken down)
- Disease alert after sewage system collapses
- Saudi Arabia mulls sending troops to Iraq 'to protect their interests there' (They need to find out how Israel feels about that; maybe it's not allowed)
- U.S. guns pour into Mexico
- Group: U.S. GIs fighting in Philippines
- Pelosi warns Bush shouldn't 'abuse power' on troop escalation ("Now, Bushy, I've told you a thousand times!" - Duh!)
- Congress can't stop buildup, Bush says (They could have you arrested?)
- US to hunt foreign networks in Iraq
- Exiles train to overthrow Tehran
- Iran target of US Gulf military moves, Gates says (lining up the sitting ducks)
- Commander Wants Afghan Tours Extended
- Iraqis will never accept this sellout to the oil corporations
- Paradoxes doom Bushs new strategy in Iraq
- HK confirms dead bird carried H5N1 avian flu virus (or not)
- Russia's anti-terrorist unit warns of attack
- Appeals Court Moves Quran Lawsuit Ahead (Why not? What should an atheist do in good conscience?)
- U.S. embassies in war on [of] terror
- 1,000 U.S. troops urge Iraq pull-out
- Saudis back US Iraq strategy as fears grow over Iran's influence (mistake)
- Iran President Sends Note to Saudi King
- Tehran demands Washington release consular officials
- Britain and US turn screws on Iran (to secure their arbitrary and illegal demands of Iran)
- Iran shoots down U.S. spy drone amid growing U.S. military pressure
- Israeli army chief tenders resignation (For Haklutz is was inevitable)
- Chief of Staff Dan Halutz resigns
- False Witness for the Prosecution
- Jury Candidates Dismissed in Leak Trial
- US Official Apologizes for Guantanamo Remarks (LOL)
- Clueless Cully Stimson
- Law groups want Pentagon official fired
- Naomi Pleads Guilty to Tossing Phone at Maid (New WMD definition?!)
- President Says His Iraq Policy Was Failing (is failing, will fail)
- Bush Chides Iraq Over Recent Executions (given HIS executions and wholesale slaughter?!)
- Israel warns Russia on Iran arms sale (Hello-o?)
- US disappointed over Russian ADM delivery to Iran (Awwwww)
- Libby perjury trial will drag in Iraq policy
- Iran invites IAEA envoys to visit nuclear sites
- On Course for Iran - Council on Foreign Relations
- Olmert to be investigated by police over role in bank privatization
- Iran shoots down U.S. spy drone amid growing military pressure
- Protesters Found in Database
- Sen. Clinton calls for troop cap in Iraq (and she's a MILITARY genius TOO!)
- US commander wants more troops against Taliban surge (I still want a yacht!)
- W.House says Congress Iraq vote could signal split (Damn straight, Moron!)
- US lacks 'explosive' evidence against Iran (More Weapons of Mass Delusion)
- How US is deferring war costs (and actually all costs)
- Terror suspect was terrorized in a Navy brig ('murkins are tuff)
- Despite Charges, No Evidence Iran Sending IEDs to Iraq (US don't need no stinkin' evidents!)
- Cold War was "paradise" compared to modern threats (and modern totalitarian corpagovs)
- NEWS ANALYSIS: U.S. Turns Focus to Iran (Fair analysis, but read between the lines)
- Justice Department Charges 148 Illegal Aliens With Identity Theft
- China likely to become world-11;-11;s top exporter, surpassing US and Germany (That's no surprise)
- Paul Craig Roberts: Attacking Iran (Possible scenario that also a numberof rather different variations)
- Iraq refugee crisis exploding 40% of middle class believed to have fled crumbling nation
- Iraq Edges Closer to Iran, With or Without the US
- Time to leave the illusions behind
- NewsHog: ABC And The IED's From Iran That Were Made In The UK
- FLASHBACK: UK commanders dismiss allegations of Iranian interference in Iraq
- Ahmadinejad: Israel won't dare attack us (Do they KNOW what you have rigged for them?)
- Military judge: objector can't raise questions about war legality (Utterly unconstitutional)
- Pressure mounts on Olmert to resign
- Turkish army gathered on the Kurdistans boarder ready for attack
- Congress to Send Critics to Jail (A clear sign of its criminality)
- Supreme Court Rejects Eminent Domain 'Extortion' Case
- FLASHBACK: Blair: Nuking Iran Would Be Absurd (But then Blair is absurd, and he's still not been gotten rid of)
- Rice to hold three-way summit with Abbas, Olmert (Where's the third?)
- Letter from a U.S. citizen addressed to the world
- Soldiers taunt crippled dog in Iraq - * May be disturbing to some* (US is a very emotionally disturbed nation)
- The Raw Story | Bush 'chain gang' attacked in Memphis; Protesters claim police ignored street scuffle
- Murtha proposes bill to choke funding for surge (Impeach!)
- Blast forces evacuation of Miami condo (very strange treatment)
- Journalist on Hot Seat in Court-Martial Case (being terrorized by a corpagov of occupation)
- Senators introduce resolution condemning Bush troop surge; Believe they have votes to pass (A waste of time and energy)
- The Jones Resolution on Iran (Just impeach them all - NOW!)
- Critics See 'Slippery Slope' in Reintroduced Federal 'Hate Crimes' Law (They see aright)
- Israel ON the Brink (READ)
- What's next -- war with Iran? (There is enough mock paranoia to lead to it; Greenway obviously doesn't know Farsi)
- MovieMantz: Top 10 Films Of 2006 (Critics are useless selfimportant, arrogant and mostly stupid fops - they always have been)
- Gonzales: Judges unfit to rule on terror policy (Speaking of useless, arrogant and stupid)
- Pelosi May Create Global Warming Panel (If she would stop farting, the problem wouldn't exist)
- TJX reports computer system hacked (That's because their stupid)
- U.S. to let people apply to get off no-fly lists (Oh, how super cool!)
- Vast Data Collection Plan Faces Big Delay (How about 500 million year delay?)
- CIA leak case figures reject Cheney immunity (Hmm - He'll lie anyhow: it what he does)
- U.S. ponders more troops for Afghanistan (How about more jailtime for its government?)
- Israel knew of secret peace talks with Syria, say officials (Israel is fuckingomniscient)
- Amid bloodshed, Bush wants a 'thank you' (Oh, that would just figure -sickfuck)
- Australian soldiers under fire in Baghdad (BFD: so are Iraqi civilians, every goddamn day)
- Baghdad ambush kills US aid worker (Aiding what?)
- Spain seeks US soldiers' arrest (We seek US criminal corpagov arrest - lots pf luck!)
- British troops may leave within a year, says Iraqi Vice-President (They may, they may not - who the fuck knows when liars speak)
- Senators Agree on Iraq War Resolution (Useless diversion)
- Dodd Introduces Bill to Cap U.S. Troops in Iraq (Useless diversion)
- Saudis back US Iraq strategy as fears grow over Iran's influence (Yeah, right!)
- Iran invites global organizations to its nuclear facilities
- Gates arrives in Saudi Arabia for talks on Iran (Does anybody really give a shit what this asshole says?)
- US military strike on Iran seen by April '07; Sea-launched attack to hitoil, N-sites (US will rue the day for a century - but it will rid the world of fucking Israel, once and for all)
- White House Says Judiciary Will Monitor Spy Program (Babbling)
- Secret Court to Govern Wiretapping Plan (Secret this, secret that, secret shit, secret slop, ... secret corpagov of occupation in need of snuffage)
- WH Moved Swiftly to Replace US Attorneys (Pay Fucking Attention Morons It's NOT your government!)
- Did Specter Give WH Power to Replace Prosecutors? (What would you expect from slimey sewage?)
- 2 U.S. Attorneys in Calif. quit, critics say Bush forced them out
- Germany: How "Socialist Alternative" blocks the building of an independent socialist movement
- Civilian contractors in Iraq placed under US military law (Construction of a controlled mercenary armed force that would do anything to US civilians without question)
- Washington admits role in illegal war: US troops took part in invasion of Somalia (and so fuckingwhat?! Whadda ya gonna do 'bout it scum?!)
- Two more barbaric state executions in Iraq
- Susan Block: From Snow-Job to Blow-Job (I like this lady!)
- Marjorie Cohn: Stimson's Outrageous Threat
- Colonel Sam Gardiner: Escalation Against Iraq
- Grover Norquist, Christian Conservatives Fight Ethics Bill (That would certainly figure)
- Libby Seeks Jurors Who Trust Cheney (LMFAO! - and a few square circles)
- Renewed evidence suggests statin/Parkinson's link (That these shit medications for a nondisease are poisonous has been known for many years)
- The many faces of Zionism in canada. (READ)
- Bipartisan senators oppose U.S. troop increase
- Iraqi forces need more guns so US can exit: PM
- IRAQ: UN death figures paint a grim picture
- USS John C. Stennis Deploys (Iran is the target)
- US vows to hunt Al-Qaeda fugitives in Somalia (Lying farce)
- Iran offered to cut off Hezbollah in overture to US in 2003: BBC
- Gates signals troop surge in Afghanistan (Another losing proposition)
- Weary of war but ready for action: American soldiers set their sights on delights of Rio(Oh, no; going to bomb that too?!)
- US Commander In Kosovo: Unease, No Violence
- World falling behind on 2015 education goal (What education?)
- Blow to Clinton campaign as effort to win over Iraq critics falls short(They're not quite stupid enough?)
- Analysis: Why Halutz had to go (He's an incompetent asshole. Will that do?)
- POLITICS-JAPAN: Iraq War Gets Military More Teeth (Big Mistake)
- Rice to hold talks with Merkel on Middle East peace (That should be a bloody riot)
- Rice criticises French plans for Iran overture (Kindasleazy having delusions of grandeur)
- IAEA Suspends Some Technical Aid to Iran (Those pamphlets on Newtonian physics?)
- US wins firm Arab opposition to Iran meddling in Iraq (um - or not)
- US should talk to Iran, Syria over Iraq: Kuwait (But - but - we want to bomb, invade and torture! We don't talk too good)
- Israeli troops kill Palestinian W.Bank militant (If he weren't a militant, we wouldn't have killed him - a little maiming, maybe)
- Peretz and Olmert vow not to quit (Oh Joy!)
- 'Israel-Palestinian trade could hit $7b' (Um - but IL kills and destroys and steals all their money)
- Blair And Rice To Discuss Middle East (Another riot in the making)
- Israel close to sending $100 mln to Abbas (that IL stole)
- Olmert, Peretz said to clash over Halutz heir (The three stooges?)
- Iraqi, Syria discuss pipeline (USUKIL whines and IRRUCN lanughs)
- US, Germany relaunch Mideast quartet (Get the feeling there are 4 irrelevancies here?)
- Bush Seizes Control Over State Militias
- Tony Snow: Are War Critics in Congress Aiding Al-Qaeda? (A stupid man)
- An Apology to Detainees' Attorneys (Stimson, a REALLY stupid man)
- Gitmo Defense Counsel Stand Accused (by the REALLY stupid man)
- 2 U.S. Attorneys in Calif. quit, critics say Bush forced them out
- Scientists recreate 1918 flu virus (Yes, and this is VERY old news)
- Scientists Recreate 1918 Flu and See Parallels to Bird Flu (i.e., "Bird Flu" is to be the cover for recreating and releasing 1918 - got it?)
- Army kills militant linked to al-Qaida (or maybe his uncle's sister's son'e cousin - anyhow, we killed him!)
- Cancer deaths drop for 2nd year (or the stats have been fabricated)
- Senate Readies Anti-War Resolution ([Yawn])
- Bush gives ground on domestic eavesdropping program (He won't do it between 3:00AM and 3:01AM?)
- The End Of Warrantless Wiretaps (not in THIS country)
- AP: Court is now monitoring 'domestic spying program' (Oh, sure - right - I'm just soooo relieved!)
- Microsoft tries to spread Vista far and wide (with FBI/CIA backdoors?)
- 1918 flu a sly killer, according to UW scientist, others
- 1918 Flu Pandemic Virus Overwhelmed Lungs: Study
- Spanish Flu in Monkeys Causes Uncontrolled Immune Response (Governments are slavering over this)
- A downside to heralded HPV drug: Cost, access (and it makes you quack like a duck)
- It's 11:55 pm on the 'Doomsday Clock' (and fundies are slavering over this - it's a sick species)
- Apocalypse standard time (Yoohoo! Apocalypse means "a revealing" not global High Noon, asshole)
- Hillary Clinton yet to announce she'll run for president (Maybe her tongue will rot and fall out first)
- Somalian lawmaker tied to Islamists loses post as speaker
- US criticizes Somali's ouster of dissident parliamentary speaker
- Somalis Must Reach Out for Unity, US Official Says (ROTFLMFAO! - unnamed, speaking from an undisclosed location)
- Attack on Sadr will widen war in Iraq (US has discovered "anti-strategy")
- The attacks on Jimmy Carter continue (Talking it up increases the sales!)
- U.S. to let people apply to get off no-fly lists (A crack in its arbitrarily punitive nature?!)
- U.S. Navy halts Lockheed job on new coastal waters warship
- ACLU Report Shows Widespread Pentagon Surveillance of Peace Activists
- Condis Middle East Junket; a new dose of cynicism (as Israel continues the genocide)
- US housing bust getting worse, warns Goldman (what were you thinking?)
- Bush's Canadian 'Clone' in Jeopardy (There is at least SOME good news)
- FBI Accuses Two National Guardsmen of Selling Military Gear on EBay (or not)
- Why Time is not on Bush's Side
- Zionism in the Cinema: Part One (READ)
- Democracy: Everywhere and Nowhere (READ)
- The Real Reason I Can't Stand Obama
- The Steady March to War on Iran
- Protest From A Bad Cripple
- Claim: Bin Laden Told Hamza Al-Qaeda Not Behind 9/11
- Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers (or not)
- Domestic surveillance activities now subject to FISC supervision: Gonzales (Do we believe an ever lying corpagov?)
- US law deans 'appalled' by Stimson criticism of law firms for representing detainees (What took them so long to be appalled?)
- Bush is winning in Iraq (Yes! READ)
- Partisan dispute derails ethics reform (Zionist lobby also helps derailment)
- Foreclosures Up 35% from '05 - '06; Subprime to Blame (It ain't gonna get better)
- Give us guns and troops can go, says Iraqi leader (Good solution)
- Voters use Internet more, big role seen in 2008 (Was this a secret?)
- Mainstream Media to Bloggers: Bug Off. (LOL - Likewise, I'm sure)
- Israel minister calls for harsher Iran sanctions (Shitty little people running the shitty little country)
- Dubai skyscraper on fire (Will it collapse - or will demolitions be needed?)
- How Israel Manipulated Western Intelligence Agencies (READ)
- Israel Warns, Threatens Russia On Iran Arms Sale (Shitty little people with delusions of grandeur)
- Union Leader - As trial goes on, he hunkers down - Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007(READ)
- Atheist Richard Dawkins on 'The God Delusion'
- Ahmadinejad be damned (It would be a pity to lose him)
- Vindicating Larry Franklin (Um - not by a long shot, dumdum)
- Strikes on U.S., Afghan forces up fourfoldr (Don't expect it to get better)
- Muslim Women Files Complaint with DOJ Against Israeli Lobby!!! (How appropriate)
- The War Becomes More Unholy
- Ramallah Online - The Lost Palestinian Exhibit
- Israel rewrites history with impunity, but Iran is vilified for discussing it
- Iran: Pieces in Place for Escalation
- A blanket ban on Holocaust denial would be a serious mistake (Far beyond serious)
- The Architecture Of Consequences (READ)
- Bush tries to keep budget promise (Nonsense)
- Authorities Shut Down Cellular Stations in Moscow Metro After Terrorism Alert (Russia also is infested with Israeli agents)
- Governors lose in power struggle over National Guard
- Gonzales, live: "The Constitution does not say that every citizen has the right to habeas corpus."(Nothing these criminals say amazes anymore)
- US headed for "fiscal crisis," Bernanke warns (He's just figured this out? Boing!)
- Smearing Jimmy Carter (READ)
- U.S. officials say rumor [that we started] of Iran strike not true
- New Pentagon detainee manual could lead to executions based on 'hearsay evidence'
- War on Iraq: As Bush's War Strategy Shifts to Iran, Christian Zionists Gear Up for the Apocalypse
- McCain's Popularity "Tanking" In New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada... (Why? Just because he's a lying feckless idiot?)
- Pardons For Drug Dealers, Jail For Border Patrol Agents (Hmmm)
- Simplify, then exaggerate:the neo-cons' route to disaster
- Blair faces Rice after Hain outburs (LOL!)
- Iranian president mistranslated (Regularly, but this is very old, and routinely ignored news)
- Neocons Blocked 2003 Nuclear Talks With Iran (Of course)
- Iran discovers new onshore oil field (A certain shitty little country is pissed)
- US condemns China 'space weapon' ("We should do it, but you can't!")
- Bernanke warns of threat to US prosperity (We're all toast; we know that)
- FBI Launches E-Mail Alerts on Public Website
- Panel grills Gonzales over spy program
- Sudan says U.S. troops raid, search Baghdad embassy (Diplomatic what?)
- Hussein's aides were tortured by executioners, defence team claims
- Lawyer tried over detainee leak (corpagov of occupation)
- Ex-Guantanamo Navy officer arraigned on charges of passing secrets
- Gonzales warns judges not to meddle (or he'll have them and their children boiled in oil?)
- Pentagon sets rules for detainee trials (When is a set of rules, no rules?)
- U.S. considers Guantanamo to imprison non-terror suspects (This says more than it says)
- Britain: Leaked report details plans to cut jobs and pay in National Health Service
- China's defence report highlights growing dangers of war
- Volkswagen workers in Belgium end their strike and occupation
- The significance of Venezuela's and Ecuador's nationalizations (READ)
- Australian PM outlines indefinite military agenda in South Pacific
- UN report: More than 34,000 Iraqi civilian deaths in 2006
- Bills on Climate Move to Spotlight in New Congress (Another waste of time)
- Democrats Target Royalty Breaks for Oil Firms (and will get nowhere)
- US House Takes on Big Oil (Yeah, right!)
- ElBaradei: Sanctions Could Escalate With Iran (READ)
- Methodist Ministers Launch Petition to Stop Bush Library at SMU
- Resignations at Federal Election Commission Raise Concern (READ)
- Pentagon Rules Allow Coerced Detainee Testimony
- Pelosi Gains With Public as Democrats Get High Marks for Agenda (Horseshit)
- Rice cites strong encouragement for Middle East peace agreement (She lies)
- Condoleezza Rice ends Middle East tour with modest results (Nothing, which is what zionist neocons want)
- China downs satellite with ballistic missile (Cool!)
- 'Star Wars' missile test heralds new arms race in space
- Bushs Plan to Secure Baghdad (Nuke it?)
- Anti-War, Anti-Surge or Anti-Funding (impeachment would be better)
- Maliki hits out at lack of US backing
- US sets terrorism trial rules (Wacko Nation)
- Miami Beach Wants to Outlaw Private Parties (Wacko Nation)
- Pelosi Won't Block Iraq Funding to Stop Troop Surge (Get rid of her)
- Truth is Speaking. Is Power Listening? (Only the choir)
- Bush fights to quash vote of no confidence
- Morocco acquits five former Guantanamo inmates
- Those ingrate Iraqis (READ)
- Where Is the Consistency in the War on Terrorism? (Consistency is in the only real terrorism being that of corpagovs on their captive peoples)
- Connecticut Teacher Convicted of Endangering Kids With Pop-Up Porn (Terror by stupidity)
- Bomb Found on Truck Of Posada Witness
- Stop the Next War - by Justin Raimondo (READ - Support HJ Res 14 & HR413)
- N.Korea: Deal Reached in U.S. Nuke Talks (maybe)
- Federal Employees Owe $2.8 Billion in Income Tax
- Retired Generals Slam Bush's Iraq Plan
- Internet as political force grows, poll finds
- U.S. 'knew damn well' Arar would be tortured: senator (Leahey)
- "We want nuclear programme; rules in region have changed" (Jordanian King)
- Casey: 'Surge' could go home by summer (Which Summer?)
- U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne quick-reaction force faces possible problem:
- "WIPED OFF THE MAP" - The Rumor of the Century (No matter what zionistliars say)
- Holocaust Now: M.A.D. R.I.P. (READ - carefully)
- Diary of a Guant-11;-11;namo Attorney
- George Bush's Crusading Scorecard (2001-2007)
- 'The Root Cause' (Government of Occupation)
- Terror and starvation in Gaza (Continuing Genocide)
- The Law That Never Was -- The Fraud of Income & Social Security Tax
- Woolsey takes up President Bush's Challenge on Iraq
- An Impartial Interrogation of George W. Bush
- Ban [Ki-Moon] turns down Bush Iraq request
- The Fastest-Growing Humanitarian Crisis in the World: Iraq's Refugee
- China begins to define the rules
- The great games over Iraq
- Lobbying backlash could hit bloggers ($100,000 perannum?!)
- Mass US Rejection of War Increasing
- Dollar falls as data show U.S. investors buy abroad
- Feinstein claims White House using Patriot Act to oust prosecutors
- Pyongyang: 'CIA is Printing Supernotes; America Blames Us'
- Study: Little Jewish property returned (Is there no end to this?)
- Palestinian girl dies of wounds from Israeli fire (Is there no end to this?)
- Wife makes a deal; husband digs in (READ)
- Zionism in the Cinema: Part Two
- Bush Blinks on Illegal Spying - Don't let him off the hook
- Jimmy Carter Doesn't Tell the Half of It (READ)
- U.S., not Pakistan, hit village
- Flexing Muscle, China Destroys Satellite in Test
- Flight discrimination settled
- Blame criminals, not the guns that stop them
- Aide to British Premier Arrested (Is Blair next? That would be funny)
- Prosecutor says presidential recount rigged in Ohio county (No! Really?)
- Concern over China's missile test (Get a grip)
- US congressmen seek Iran block
- Senators Demand Details on New Eavesdropping Rules
- Lockheed awarded $135 mln CDC terrorism preparation contract (For viral delivery system?)
- Invisible RFID Ink Tatoos For Cattle, People (in concentration camps)
- Detainee DNA may be put in database (Just another act of state terrorismwith no other reason)
- Gonzales Questions Habeas Corpus (Impeach him too)
- North Carolina Lawmakers Want SBI to Probe Alleged CIA Flights
- Australia: Labor refashions industrial relations policy to suit big business (Corpagov)
- Japan establishes first postwar defence ministry
- Rice's Middle East tour: Arab regimes back US war drive in Iraq and Iran (or not)
- Bush administration gets secret court's sanction for illegal spying operation(occupying corpagov by smoke and mirrors)
- House Rolls Back Oil Company Subsidies (Hmmm)
- Senate Passes Democrats' Ethics Bill (Hmmm)
- House Democrats Beat 100-Hour Clock
- Iraqi Budget Loaded With Divisive Expenditures
- Iran: Butter or Guns
- Ex-Ohio Congressman Ney Sentenced to 30 Months (That's it?!)
- White House Shifting Tactics in Surveillance Cases (not really)
- Minnesota Daily Launches Series of 9/11 Truth Columns
- "McCain Lines Up N.Y. [Jewish] Money Men..." (He's always been a lying oportunistic scumbag)
- Taxes Aren't Beautiful: James Blunt Moves to Switzerland to Avoid British Taxes
- China space missile row grows (get a grip people)
- Family sues radio station in Wii contest death (Can such a stupid species survive?)
- US forces detain key al-Sadr aide (Could be a large mistake)
- Motorola 4Q profit plunges
- Israel releases Palestinian funds (with interest?)
- 'US bomb used' in Pakistan raid
- U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne quick-reaction force faces possible problem: Full deployment
- US not obliged to stay in Iraq: Pelosi (As bad as Kindasleazy)
- 100 Saddam regime officials to be tried (by kangaroos)
- Blackwater USA countersues attorney representing estates of employees killed in Iraq (This is frivolous, and the court will see that yes?)
- U.S. plans envision broad attack on Iran: analyst
- Gene Expression: The slippery slope is real (This doesn't DARE go to thebottom line)
- Parallels to Iraq in US strategy on Iran anger senator (Calm yourself: senators are notoriously slow in understanding anything)
- The battle to save Iraq's children (A plea to the Grand High Fuck, Blir)
- EXCLUSIVE !!! John Klars Taxing Issue (READ)
- Liebermans Iraq Strategy (I just don't ever want to hear or read another word from this living fuckwad ever again)
- Prosecutor: Ohio county rigged recount (OF COURSE, YOU MORON!)
- Bush Orders More CIA Activity in Venezuela (Will Chavez put successive prices on the heads of the entire US corpagov of occupation in order of presidential succession?)
- NY court: FBI might have violated First Amendment in efforts to take down conspiracy film (HELLO-O? "might" have violated the law?!! What kind of goddamn moron JUDICIAL conclusion is this?! Die, M'Fker)
- Reisterstown [Israeli] man pleads guilty to counterfeiting
- US ZIONIST Senate bans lobbyist travel except for Israeli agrandizement
- No 10 clashes with police over aide arrest (Arrest Blair and jail the war criminal)
- Marine Corps will ask thousands to come back (to be murdered)
- Southern Iraqi Tribes Joining Armed Resistance ( to occupation)
- Genocidal Racist Zionist Troops kill peace activists 10 year old daughter
- Bribed USUKIL tool, Abbas admits Hamas may win (again) in early elections
- Show Me The Intelligence (But, it's fabrication)
- Ohio poll workers indicted for fudging 2004 recount (How about hanged?)
- European Storm Worm [by corpagov hackers] hits computers
- Iran masses troops along borders with Iraq (You should see how their missles are aimed)
- US and British companies can expoit Iraq oil reserves for 30 years under new law (So this is what all that horror, blood and death is worth?)
- Ukraine PM's top aide shot dead in hunting 'accident' (Where is Deadeye Dick?!)
- New winter storm stalks Southern Plains (If your fucking government offers help, walk the other way)
- The Grand Jury (READ!)
- Israel sinks deeper into cesspit of defamation, denigration and denial
- Lebanon opposition to stage national protest strike (Fed up are they with their goddamned government)
- Fox smears Sen. Obama, says he 'covered up' Muslim past (Obama is a shit, but this is both shit and moronic)
- Daily Kos: Bush ramps up to attack Iran, Reid can't stop this scenario as China fires a timely warning ....(His lunatic zionist masters don't care)
- Bush Proclaims Sunday "National Sanctity of Human Life Day" in honor of his works in Iraq and Afghanistan
- FLASHBACK: Agents of Influence (READ)
- Militant Tax Evader [i.e., PROTESTOR] Prepares for Raid
- U.S. copter down in Iraq; 13 aboard dead (READ)
- Huckabee left computers, fund gutted
- Redford lands left hook, criticizes Bush policy (READ)
- Intelligence and Security Committee
- UK admits prior knowledge of secret CIA prison network
- Tribe: U.S., not Pakistan, hit village (as I said)
- 29 tortured bodies found in Iraq (Who is really doing this?)
- U.S. helicopter crashes near Baghdad
- 20 U.S. service members killed in Iraq
- Insurgent TV channel turns into Iraq's newest cult hit
- Labour must admit Iraq errors, say ministers (Now, about their war crimes?)
- Britain: New crime bill flouts presumption of innocence
- Thai junta under fire over economic policies
- The coronation of Nicolas Sarkozy French interior minister named Gaullist presidential candidate (mistake)
- The war in Iraq and American democracy
- Round Up the Usual Experts: Make Them Live on a Dollar a Day
- New Push For Social Security "Reform" (Oh Shit!)
- Gilad Atzmon: One Hundred Years of the Jewish Solitude
- Newton Garver: Evo Morales' First Year (a good one on the whole - READ)
- Alexander Cockburn: First Bomb Carter; Then Nuke Teheran! (READ He's gotten this right)
- Leading Senator Assails President Over Iran Stance (Rockefeller)
- Protesters Will Urge Congress to Stand Up to Bush
- McCain Hires Bush's Media Team (Lying opportunistic slime)
- Iraqi Draft Law on Oil Revenue Appears Close
- Cost of Iraq War Skyrockets to $8 Billion a Month
- Iran to Conduct Missile War Games
- EU FMs meet to focus on Mideast issues (useless trash)
- Iran vows not to bow to UN resolutions
- The Unhived Mind -> Secret Instructions of the JESUITS
- Was Iraq War a `Blunder' or Was It Treason?
- Chinese premier unveils financial reforms (Hmmmm)
- Speech hints at US monarchy
- At least 24 Americans died in Iraq Sat. (A surge that W didn't feel)
- Bring Ahmadinejad to Justice!! (and all zionists for committing genocide)
- FBI: Gang Members Joining Military (That should be an improvement)
- Carter Not Deterred By Criticism Of Book On Israeli, Palestinian Conflict
- Kissinger Teams Up with the Neocons (Was he ever unteamed?)
- Israeli Holocaust trustee blasts Hebron settlers (READ)
- THE U.S. CRIES "FOUL" (National US mentality that of a petulant 2 year old)
- Iraq violence follows spike in U.S. military death toll
- Follow The Money To The 911 Players (READ)
- Union motion to debate Israel brings 'hate into the classroom': B'nai Brith head (attempting silence exposure of Israel's genocide of Palestinians)
- Watada backers indict Iraq war (READ)
- Clinton a "true friend of Israel" (No presidency for that whore)
- Looking for a Gulf of Tonkin-like Incident (That was fabricated, remember?)
- Defense official says Pentagon hid unspent funds in accounts (and Rabbi Dov Zackheim's missing $US 3 TRILLION?)
- School bars director from taping Carter (??)
- Ex-PM Netanyahu Calls on World to Stop Iran (which does nothing while Israel is still committing genocide)
- Palestinian PM says U.S. aims to topple his govt (and he's quite right)
- Obama leads Clinton in New Hampshire (Poison X or Poison Y ?)
- Pa. man's letter brings Secret Service (another national harrassment service)
- How Congress Can Stop the Iran Attack or be Complicit in Nuclear War Crimes
- Cameras in fire engines ... the new way to spy on motorists
- Islamists: Israel "Secretly Excavating" Temple Mount (Yes, and it's old news)
- Ex-US official (Richard Perle): Bush would approve Iran attack
- Ben Bova: Has the Internet made our speech a little too free? (He redefines use of the "stolen concept" to make absurd arguments)
- Deborah Lipstadt is less popular than Chicken Manure (Nobody's perfect)
- Israeli Knesset passes law to revoke citizenship of \\\'unpatriotic\\\' Israelis(READ)
- Teachers Union Defends Right to Freedom of Speech (Who are the hateful racists?)
- Official blasts Guantanamo inmate's lawyers (Another corpagov hemorrhoid)
- Guantanamo fails to meet basic British standards-lawmakers (Just a minor understatement - perhaps?)
- US prison is 'threat' to Geneva treaties (Geneva and various constitutions have already been trashed to hell - Wake Up, Dolt!)
- Website offers whistleblowers chance to go global (Beware corpagov infiltration)
- Richardson Joins Presidential Pack (Who knows - will the jews buy him?)
- America's Last "Long War" Offers Lessons for Iraq
- The Second Looting of New Orleans
- Help US close Guantanamo, say MPs (How clueless can they get?!)
- Clinton out in front with 24-point lead (The Drug Queen with support from the Jewish Lobby!)
- US Toll in Iraq Is 27 for Deadly Weekend (Is there perhaps a message here?)
- Turkish prosecutor says teenager confesses to journalist's killing
- He believed his love for his country would save him (Stupidity will never save you)
- Palestinians hail 'progress' in unity talks (Babbling)
- Drinker survives 16-storey hotel plunge (So, it wasn't a corpagov murder?)
- Plan kills rising rates (The insurer racketeers will not be happy)
- Will 2007 be a kinder, gentler year? (NO! Next question?)
- US issues subpoenas to banks on online gambling (Farce)
- Gas Price Down About 14 Cents in 2 Weeks (BFD)
- Bush to Propose Tax Change to Penalize High-Cost Health Plans (You know this is a fundamental fraud)
- Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu Case Confirmed In South Korea (or not)
- Netanyahu Speaks Against Iran (Fucking psychopath)
- Iran motivated by fear (Israel is motivated by evil, theft & greed)
- Iran President defiant in face of critical MPs
- * Beijing restates its stance in talks with the Vatican (Why would Chinagive a rat's ass about Vatican? Think banking)
- Blair likely to quit if aides charged in loans inquiry (There is always hope)
- Israelis prepare public for conflict with 'genocidal' Iranian regime (Psychopathic Israel prepares for suicide)
- US troops surge into Iraq as death toll mounts (and you expected what, exactly?)
- Report exposes police collusion with paramilitary killers (Criminal government)
- Litvinenko exclusive (READ)
- Andrea heeded America's call, and paid with her life (Blame US corpagov)
- Chavez to U.S.: 'Go to Hell, Gringos!' (Appropriate)
- Police Printed Flier Warning of Activist (Criminal corpagov)
- Terrorism no laughing matter for Australian airline (W as terrorist is no joke, assholes!)
- Prominent lobbyist Perle: U.S. will attack Iran if it obtains nukes (It's great to know we have an Israeli zionist setting US policy)
- MP says Iran bars 38 atomic inspectors: agency (Not allowing what they did to Iraq)
- Intelligence vs. Evidence - by Justin Raimondo (READ)
- US plans attack on Iran
- ZioPedia: All There Is To Know About Zionism - An Open Word About Anti-Semitism (READ a good overview)
- Federal Workers Owe Billions in Unpaid Taxes
- Man may sue Qantas over Bush T-shirt ban (Good, may he take home millions)
- Czechs give go-ahead for US 'son of stars wars' base (Big mistake)
- Pentagon struggles to get safest vehicles for troops (i.e., more troops set up to be killed by zionist death squads?)
- 250,000 Palestinians fenced in, says reports (READ)
- Netanyahu says Israel should overthrow Hamas government (How about the other way around?)
- US under secretary of state: We won't allow nuclear Iran' (Blathering)
- Revenue Streams That Feed The Barracudas (READ)
- Texan Poker Bluff and Persian Chess Moves
- Israel: 2007 'decisive' on Iran (and Iran likely then decisive on Israel)
- Groups seek records on warrantless mail surveillance that Bush authorized through 'signing statement'
- GOP leadership bristles at five-day Capitol Hill work week (With what salary?)
- CIA fails to finish new intelligence assessment on Iraq
- Fears over oil and acid on stricken ship
- More U.S. states consider erecting barriers to Wal-Mart's banking plans
- Court Rules Against Sentencing Rules in Calif.
- Companies Refusing to Reveal Biotech Research
- Parliament protester's legal win (The occasional good news)
- SAS unit moves to London in terror fight (Oh Joy: more state terrorism)
- Turning the tables on Washington, Cuba says US harbours terrorists (Yup: W. Cheney, Rice, ...)
- Canada making enemies, Hamas warns
- U.S. Plans Missile Bases in Europe
- Carlyle Group mentioned in UK nuclear subs yard talks
- Details Emerge About Possible Terror Threat (Fabricated hogwash)
- U.S. Toll in Iraq Is 27 for Deadly Weekend
- Bombs Kill at Least 100 People in Iraq (in success of "surge")
- Iraqi PM told Bush to withdraw US troops from Baghdad
- The Gates Foundation and the rise of "free market" philanthropy (READ the REAL meaning of "Free Market")
- Prisoners continue hunger strike at Canada's Guant-11;-11;namo
- Pentagon official witch-hunts Guant-11;-11;namo detainees' lawyers
- US auto union tells members to "expect sacrifices" in new contracts
- Support Jimmy Carter in Boston!
- Ramzy Baroud: The Things We Take for Granted
- A Fool's Errand in Baghdad
- Amira Hass: Life Under Prohibition in Palestine (Israel's concentration camp rules)
- Paul Craig Roberts: Only Impeachment Can Prevent More War
- George McGovern: Get Out of Iraq (READ)
- Iraq War May Intrude on Libby Trial
- Case Workers for Wounded Laid Off (Despicable government)
- Pentagon Linked to Illegal Military Sales to Iran (Scumbag government)
- Global Warming: The Final Verdict (These people have no idea whatsoeve worth having)
- Senators Seek Support Against Iraq Surge (You have to be faster than this, guys)
- Warner Leads Second Resolution Criticizing Bush's Iraq Plan (Useless! Impeach, instead)
- Top Senate Democrat Concerned About Bush and Iran (On second thought, arrest the whole lot of the criminals)
- The Nonsense of Global Warming (READ)
- Facilitating Genocide:The Reporting of Abir Aramin's Death
- Probe into Guantanamo detention of German Turk focuses on Foreign Minister
- Guantanamo Pro Bono? Atticus Finch Meets Charles Stimson
- Stimson should be forced to resign
- Al-Qaeda claims it shot down US helicopter in Iraq (Fabricated)
- Iran tests missiles as fear of attack grows (Booga booga booga! Get a grip, fools!)
- Sen. Edwards discusses Iranian threat (Another town is missing its idiot)
- Arabiya TV office in Gaza damaged by bomb: police
- Olmert, Peretz agree on choice of Ashkenazi as IDF chie
- Tuna on the endangered list (So should humans be)
- Istanbul hosts symposium about Syrian-Turkish ties
- Syrian FM arrives in Tehran
- (DV) Sheehan: Hillary for President?
- at-Largely: Is this bad reporting or propaganda? Update
- The Raw Story | After query, AP says nuke watchdog didn't respond to after hour calls on Iran nuke claim
- Pro-life marchers converge on DC (to stop the killing?!)
- Serb elections complicate Kosovo issue
- Israeli defence minister: Hamas can be peace partner (Roundup) (Until tomorrow)
- Pfizer to cut 10000 jobs, shut 5 plants
- 'Altruistic' brain region found (but not in politicians)
- Insurers have own ideas on coverage (You bet their slavering mouths they do)
- Chavez Roars, Verizon Snores (READ)
- Police 'let informers go on murder spree'
- Loyalist gang murdered up to 15 while working for police
- Collusion 'went to top of force'
- Chinese Satellite Missile Test Not Meant as Threat, US Says (LOL)
- General Staff document: Large rise in number of rapes in IDF
- -11;-11;Babylon-2-11;-11;: On US-Israeli Plans For a Nuclear War
- Soldier aquitted of beating Iraqi suspects in Basra (Why?)
- US brings in new passport rules
- The EPA Closes Its Libraries, Destroys Documents
- The Invisible Enemy in Iraq
- Winter Patriot: Bring On The Horse Manure, It's Time For Another SOTU
- Delegitimization of Israel rising among US elite
- Israel Builds Synagogue Under Al-Aqsa: Palestinians
- Aqsa foundation: IOA digging secret tunnel under the Aqsa Mosque
- Gonzales: There Is No Express Grant of Habeas Corpus In The Constitution (Scarey guy)
- Chief Rabbi of Tzfat: Prepare to Return to Gaza
- Hybrid flu virus in near-miss escape ("We'll make that damn birflu thing jump to humans by hook or by crook, damnit!")
- Crashed US helicopter 'shot down' (That was clear)
- Protests paralyze Lebanon
- Ted Haggard Says Evangelicals Have the 'Best Sex Life' (HE's certainly had an interesting one)
- OPEC Dumps $10.1 Billion of Treasuries as Oil Tumbles (READ)
- Wired reports US unwittingly evolved superpathogen in Iraqi combat hospitals ("UNWITTINGLY" ??)
- Libby Jury Picked -- Includes Retired 'Wash Post' Reporter
- Lobbyists search for new ways to offer a free lunch
- Thousands in Germany, Italy are told they will be deploying in mid-2007 (They need all to say NO)
- Gates sees military power as a means to making negotiations effective - (We us another idiot!)
- Israeli billionaire Saban biggest donor to US politicians
- Hours before State of Union, Bush approval drops to low of 28 percent (an optimistic number)
- Hillary Clinton and the Israel Lobby (A regular love fest)
- Bush Continues to Unite the World... Against Him
- The Pentagon vs. Press Freedom
- Report faults FBI for mishandling page scandal
- Strike plunges Lebanon into chaos (could we have one too please?)
- Israeli president to be charged with rape (which country is it this time?)
- Iran says still cooperating with IAEA
- Scant evidence found of Iran-Iraq arms link (So, who are the liars - again?)
- West left in the cold in Arctic oil boom (READ)
- Gunmen storm empty Gaza beach site (Al-Kaidy? I don't think so)
- Twice Displaced: The Plight of Palestinians in Iraq
- U.S. warns Iran to back down (Why? - I mean a sane reason)
- U.S. drafts Holocaust denial resolution (Not in MY name goddamn you!)
- Clashes as opposition protests paralyse Lebanon
- Sanctions under the shadow of war (READ)
- Why the 'big push' sounds horribly familiar (READ)
- A blueprint for chaos in Iraq
- Activists Trying to Shut Down Climate Debate, Skeptics(of Jerk Science) Say -- 01/23/2007
- Lower Taxes Take Backseat to Secondhand Smoke (More Jerk Science) in New Jersey
- Israel May 'Stand Alone' in Years to Come, Professor Says (If at all)
- Gun Control Advocates Heading to Washington (Jerks)
- 'Scientist' Group's Funding Comes with Liberal 'Strings Attached' (Bizarre)
- Prosecutor says Libby destroyed Cheney memo
- Liz Cheney - Retreat Isn't an Option (Sign up, deploy and take the kids)
- Bush twins in no hurryto defend United States
- Petraeus says 'tough days' ahead in Iraq (Another government genius!)
- Travel to U.S. off 17 pct since 9/11 (Who would want to come to this loony bin?)
- Russia warns US - 'use of force in ME unacceptable' (Is this clear enough for our doodyheads?)
- U.N. climate panel to project wrenching change (Full blown Jerk Science)
- Wal-Mart Accused of Mislabeling Organics
- Knesset members call on president to resign
- Israel's President to Be Indicted on Rape, Abuse of Power Charges
- Judges cannot add years to prisoners' sentences, high court rules
- UK police arrest 5 men under the Terrorism Act (WHAT did they say?!)
- Suicide bomber kills 10 in Afghanistan
- U.S. mulls putting more money, men into Afghanistan (Send the administration, and their children)
- Escalation Forces Bush to Resort to Recruiting Convicts (Oh Boy!)
- Soldier aquitted of beating Iraqi suspects in Basra (Righty-o!)
- U.S. helicopter crash caused by hostile fire: report
- Blackwater USA helicopter down in Iraq (Our mercenary death squads)
- Bush to seek Congress support for Iraq plan (and they'll give it too)
- George Washington's Blog: The REAL Plan for Iran (Ultimately a greater disaster)
- Russian Admiral Says U.S. Navy Prepares Missile Strike on Iran
- Germany: War, social cuts and the role of the Left Party-PDS
- The Trial of Tony Blair: What would it take to put the prime minister in the dock? (A touch of truth, perhaps?)
- Somalia: African Union force agreed
- US occupation turns 3.7 million Iraqis into refugees
- On the eve of State of the Union speech US political crisis mounts over Iraq war escalation
- Uri Avnery: Israel and Apartheid (READ)
- Pelosi and Iraq: Blunder or Treason?
- Turning Silence into Gold: Hillary and Israel Lobby
- Miami: a Place of Refuge for Anti-Castro Terrorists
- The Politics of Cheap Oil
- Lebanon on the Brink of Civil War, Again
- Bush to make green speech to nation (More abject nonsense)
- General Says New Strategy in Iraq Can Work Over Time (A few millennia?)
- US commander calls Iraq dire (and just WHY is it that way, numbnuts?)
- Lebanon is 'shut down' in struggle for power
- 3 Killed, Scores Hurt In Lebanon Clashes
- Israeli President Katsav to Step Down as Indictment Nears
- Cheney aide tells trial he is fallguy for Rove
- Obama Launches 2008 White House Bid; But Is America Ready? (NO!)
- Clinton Confident in Her 2008 Prospects (She's not too bright, either)
- Protests bring Lebanon to a halt (Sick of their useless government)
- China weapons test shakes up world view (of morons)
- Lawyers Paint Libby As Sacrificial Lamb
- Libby Trial Opens With Simple Tales and Complex Plots
- Jimmy Carter's 'Peace' Mission To Brandeis
- What Bush's health plan means to you (You're screwed?)
- State of the Union 2007
- History News Network - The Price of Hipocrisy (Kindasleazy in Egypt READ)
- General: Bigger Army will cost $70 billion (Is that national or mercenary?)
- 81-Year-Old Liberals Now Terror Threat (READ)
- 82% of Germans think Bush worst US President ever!
- Libby Was `Scapegoat' in CIA Agent Leak
- How Iran is planning to deal with Americans (READ)
- With support gone, Bush stumbles on
- 28% and Counting, the Disintegration of a President (isn't fast enough)
- Beatings reportedly accompanied by ethnic slurs at Guilford (This is a result of Bush and his ilk. READ and be very afraid)
- The postwar photographs that British authorities tried to keep hidden (READ - Look familiar?)
- Israel faces nuclear Holocaust warns Gingrich (of their own arrogant and suicidal making; they WILL have it)
- Iran: Israel, US will soon die (That's probably true)
- Edwards Pledges Allegiance (To Israel, That Is)
- Smears for Fears (Smearing Wes. Clark for almost getting to the truth)
- The Empire Turns Its Guns on the Citizenry (as has been carefully designed)
- Reporters Gain Support in Resisting Court Martial Testimony
- U.S. launches new air strike on Somalia: report (US war on Islam)
- Bush Speech Terror Claim Debunked A Year Ago
- He Still Doesn't Understand the War (The disasters are designed to be irreparable)
- CNN Debunks False Report About Obama
- 4 Americans in Iraq crash shot in head
- Ex-dictator Noriega to be released Sept. 9 (and allowed to live?)
- Reviews Roll In (Reality check on Bush's State Of the Union)
- Blair rejects call for Iraq withdrawal (But, of course)
- Beer commercial -11;-11;-11;leaves sour taste-11;-11;-11; (January 18, 2007) (Enough is never enoughcontrol with jews who wallow in their victimhood)
- 'There is no war on terror' (but a State War On Citizens - Sir Ken could get Wellstoned for telling such truths)
- Navy can keep using sonar for two years (to cause ever more marine destruction)
- Passport applicants find they're not Canadian (Bizarre laws)
- Off the Rails: Big Oil, Big Brother Win Big in the State of the Union Greg (READ)
- Jewish Like Me (READ!)
- U.S. generals - Iraq hurt ability to fight elsewhere (They need to "privatize" the army; that need has been set up)
- McNerney Calls on Bush to keep State of the Union promises (Babbling)
- Land of Enchantment and Impeachment (READ)
- Key 9/11 survivor in Lancaster (READ)
- 'CIA and Mossad are Behind the Hrant Dink Murder' (READ)
- Al-Qaeda Run PR For Bush Before Union Speech (Al-CIAMI6MOSSADA)
- Microsoft offers cash for Wikipedia edit (MS has always been a racketeering operation)
- US helicopters strike high-rises in Baghdad battle (Waging genocide is hard work)
- Alter: A Powerful Response (READ)
- Lizzie Cheney - The Pride of Lockheed Martin - Speaketh (pathetically)
- Senators eye rejection of Bush war plan (Lame (bought) fucks)
- Tax breaks sidetrack minimum wage bill (Babbling)
- The debt we owe to Deborah Lipstadt (READ)
- Pakistan fumes as Nato troops kill soldier
- Senate Panel Votes Against Bush on Iraq (Criminal bought Congress)
- Prosecutors Want DeLay Charge Reinstated
- U.S. not scared enough of bird flu, Senate told ("They will be when we can make it jump species - or use 1918 and call it 'bird flu'")
- Brazil: The WTO and Lula's "struggle" for the G-20
- European Union announces new energy strategy
- Musharraf's reform of Pakistan's rape law-a cynical manoeuvre
- Iranian president faces mounting internal opposition
- Observations on Washington-style democracy
- Bush's State of the Union speech highlights crisis of US ruling elite
- James Brooks: Out of Europe, Out of Time (READ)
- Ron Jacobs: SOTUS Quo
- Heather Gray: Surviving in War (READ - just for the hell of it)
- Two Americas: the Grunts and the War Profiteers
- Sharon Smith: What's Wrong with Health Care Reform (READ, weep and understand corpagov: why it must be annihilated)
- What Can be Done in Iraq? (Nothing, but leave a mess with profound apology - and reparation)
- Mexico: Corn Feeds Discontent (READ - and WAKE UP, dumdum!)
- Contractor Helicopter Down in Baghdad (The more the merrier)
- Watergate Conspirator E. Howard Hunt Dies (So many reptos remain)
- Educators Assail No Child Left Behind (Um - where have they been? NOW, they complain!?)
- Senator Webb's Response to State of the Union Address
- Prosecutor Seeks Conspiracy Charge Against DeLay (How about Racketeering and Treason?)
- Gore Film Gets Oscar Nomination (Liberals also love Jerk Science)
- US Continues Bombing of Somalia (Genocide and general destruction)
- Former CIA Official Testifies Against Libby
- Senate Panel Votes Against Bush on Iraq (NONBINDINGLY?! BFD!)
- Howard Davies in Davos: Whatever you do here,
- Bitter Fruit (A dream of reality)
- Bush enters final two years with subdued tone (Don't believe a word)
- Iran: Signs Political Elite Moving To Restrain President (When anything Iranian is in London, fuck it, kill it, ignore it)
- Robert Fisk: Fear climate change, not our enemies (As a scientist, Fisk makes a believable moron)
- Davos uncovered (Apparently, Warner has never heard of Bilderberg - idiot or manipulative liar?)
- High-fibre diets - Can the cut Cancer? (No, Asshole! Next question?)
- Israel raises nuclear stakes with Iran (The Evil of Israel will utimately destroy itself - and possibly all human life in the bargain)
- Inside Baghdad: A city paralysed by fear (The essential question is, why?!)
- Blair backs down over gay adoption law (Blair needs to drop dead)
- Bush's 'clean fuel' move may cause more harm, say environmentalists ( which is the exact point of Bush's bullcrap)
- A Speech about International Defeat (Would that all nations (corpagovs) would be defeated and leave people the fuck alone)
- France welcomes amendments to Iran's economic policie (More levels of lying than can be counted or analyzed)
- U.S. to pledge nearly $770M for Lebanon (for them to buy US armaments - FUCK the people)
- Neil Clark: They've got it wrong again (Too stupid to bother reading)
- Old rival tests Ahmadinejad's nerve (LOL Big A, has good nerve)
- Israelis aren't 'racist' - they're worried (No, genocidal, paranoid schizophrenic criminals)
- Foreign Ministry looks for silver lining (The only silver lining is death)
- Results Of "Vahan Tekeyan" and "Ara and Maral" Contests Summary
- Zawahri calls Palestinian president a "traitor" (and he's about right)
- News Analysis: Against odds, U.S. pushes forward on Mideast peace talks(LMAO: babbling)
- Israel PM urges Katsav to quit before legal battle over sex crimes allegations (What makes him different from any other Israeli?)
- Five charged in murder of Turkish-Armenian author
- Denmark wants EU constitution in place by 2009 parliamentary elections (Tough shit, assholes)
- UK law ministers seek judges' help to stem prison overcrowding (How about corpagov overcriminalization?)
- U.S. eyes heat-beaming weapon by 2010 (but rather require complete lobotomies)
- Israeli President Denounces 'poisonous' Rape Claims (LOL - took him long enough)
- Insurers want Bush's health plan to be considered (So, you KNOW it's criminal)
- China to overtake US in Internet population size within 2 yrs (Could be - interesting - devestating - ...)
- US, Iraqi forces work to tame 'Sniper Alley' (Why, exactly?)
- Rice: US to pledge $770M to Lebanon (The bitch needs to fuck off)
- US pledge for Lebanon rebuilding totals almost $770 million (My ass!)
- Panama to jail ex-leader Noriega if he returns home (Guess where he won't go)
- Insurers want Bush's health plan to be considered (Criminals do love criminals)
- Dow Hits Record, Its 26th Since October (An isolated wonderland of nonsense)
- BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Call for ban on 'child rape' film (How about banning the goddamned government?)
- 300 QEII passenger and crew ill (Have they unleashed 1918?)
- Blair vows to keep troops in Iraq, avoids debate (hides his willy and puts his finger up his ass)
- When it comes to a debate on Iraq, Tony Blair goes missing (like his brain)
- Ray gun makes targets feel as if they are on fire (Cool! Use it on all of corpagov!)
- Putin comes calling to India
- Election staff convicted in recount rig (How about tried for treason, and shot to death?)
- Cheney downplays Iraq violence; Not 'terrible situation' (Won't the evil SOB just die - quickly?)
- U.S. extends combat tours in Afghanistan (Get out, and leave them alone too - and leave us alone also while you're at it)
- Carter Wins Applause at Brandeis
- Cheney's annual State of Delusion address (Dying would be his greatest service to humanity)
- Rep. Keith Ellison Should Drop in on the Christian-Jewish Party in the House of Representatives (READ)
- Senate committee repudiates Bush on Iraq (Fuck War Criminal, serial mass murderers BushCheney and the treasons they rode in on)
- State of the Union Address: Making Up Goals (and other massive fictions)
- No man is above the law - except Cheney
- Survey Finds Mercury in Fish in West (Corpagov poisoning you)
- Israel raises nuclear stakes with Iran (Israel and its death wish)
- Detention extended for two terrorism suspects (i.e., for any two arbitrarily chosen people)
- Scientists tighten security over germ terror threat (Oh - we'll be infected when the criminal governments are ready)
- Rumsfeld 'transition' office in Pentagon raising eyebrows (You KNOW the SOB is still up to no good)
- Talking-point heaven (LOL)
- Dropping like flies: Resignations of U.S. attorneys raise suspicion of politically motivated Justice Department purge.(READ)
- Ford Posts Loss of $5.8 Billion, Worst Since 92 (What economy?)
- The World Agrees: Stop Bush Before He Kills Again (Put him in an asylum for the criminally insane)
- Israel's image hits nadir (No, no - just wait)
- ISN Security Watch - US seeks Persian Gulf allies against Iran (They would have to be completely crazy)
- USA may impose sanctions against Russia for selling 29 Tor-M1 complexes to Iran (against Russia?!) LMAO!)
- Jewish settlers vandalise West Bank village (It's who they are)
- Israeli Holocaust Official Likens Jewish Settlers To Nazis (Sounds right)
- China's Hu vows to "purify" Internet (Just ditch the spammers please)
- Love Jesus or Burn Forever in Hell... You're Basic "Love Me or I will Kill You" Religion(Your basic 'murikan political spirituality)
- Bush's War on the Republic (on humanity, and on the planet itself)
- Senator Feinstein's Iraq Conflict (READ - nothing new)
- Russian smuggled nuclear-bomb uranium, officials say ("in a plastic bag in his jacket pocket"?! Gimme a break!)
- Another Media Expert Nobody Has Heard Of (READ!)
- Foreclosure rates up big in December
- Martyrs of the Republic (READ)
- Kuwait May Abandon Dollar Peg to Protect its Economy (It would be crazy not to)
- Pentagon will need new beret supplier (What economy?)
- At least one dead in Lebanon clashes (Where were these gunmen when Israel was attacking?)
- FBI Details Threat From Gangs In The Military (Great material for the mercenary death squads)
- Coming Iran Attack for Israel
- Political tension on rise in Kirkuk
- The Second Amendment: "No longer necessary?"
- Depleted Uranium Poison Explosions Target US Citizens (READ)
- Winter Patriot: The "Chilling Plot" To Scare New York Senseless (READ)
- Russia bans dual citizens from gov't (Smart move!)
- Russian influence worrying US: Putin (Undoubtedly true)
- US losing ground as "best place to live" (READ)
- The Maid is Not Coming in Today and Neither is Jesus - You'll Just Have to Work It Out Yourselves
- US to spend additional $9 billion in Afghanistan (Is any of this true in a sane world?)
- Justices Defend Florida Recount Decision (Why are the dissenters and their opinions left in the dust here?)
- The American Way of War (Is such abject stupidity possible, or is the result what was desired?)
- Existing Home Sales Plummet in 2006
- Palestinians in Gaza suffer record poverty: Abbas (READ - Israeli torture with genocide)
- Gulf states seen shifting away from U.S. assets (Surprised that it wasn't sooner)
- Zicam Maker Settles Lawsuit Over Users' Loss Of Smel (READ)
- Escalation of US Iran military planning part of six-year Administration push (Should you be accepting this?)
- U.N. climate report will shock the world - chairman (Because it's a complete crock of shit?!)
- Pelosi Says She Wasn't Consulted On Iraq (OTOH, she lies a lot)
- Maine revolts against digital U.S. ID card (Bravi!)
- Germany's former SPD-Green government blocked release of Guant-11;-11;namo prisoner Murat Kurnaz
- After Stephen Colbert's performance in 2006: White House press corps learns its lesson (READ - and remember)
- European Union demands speedy formation of unity coalition in Serbia (We just love hyperbolic demands, don't we, dear?)
- Western powers accuse Iran and Syria of masterminding Lebanese general strike (as well as fictional global warming and several earthquakes and hurricanes)
- A warning from Senator Webb: Democrat cites danger of deepening "class lines" in America (READ)
- Falling Dominos and Failing Presidencies
- Cuba at the Crossroads?
- Why Bush is Arming Fatah: When in Doubt, Start Another Civil War (READ)
- Iraq Reconstruction Failure (Because it was a hoax and lie to start)
- Paul Craig Roberts: Bush's State of Deception (READ: there is not one word untrue or wasted)
- "Hearts Ruptured with Sadness:" Protesting Gitmo
- Our Mercenaries: Blackwater, Inc and the Privatization of Bush's War Machine (that will freely turn on USians)
- Mexico Under Calderon: Fake Left, Rule Right (READ)
- Patrick Cockburn: What's Really Going on in Baghdad (NO, it is NOT beyond the comprehension of George Bush and Tony Blair! What ARE you allegedly thinking?!)
- Gore Film Gets Oscar Nomination (How perfectly stupid)
- US Continues Bombing of Somalia (Chaos! More chaos!)
- Bush's Oil Stockpile Plan Could Raise Prices (Cheney slavers, repto eyes agleam)
- Kerr-McGee Is Found Liable in Lawsuit Over Oil Royalties
- Senate Panel Votes Against Bush on Iraq (Meaningless garbage, waste of energy and time - stupid bastard bought Congress)
- Kerry Rules Out 2008 Run for President (Now stick to it, dumdum)
- Executive Order Expands Presidential Power Over Agencies (Arrest the bastard!)
- Election Staff Convicted in Recount Rig (More, more, more, ...)
- New Orleans Not Part of Bush's Speech (Isn't that a surprise, boys and girls?)
- Military Plans Troops Build-Up in Afghanistan (mercenaries)
- Top US Surgeon in Iraq Killed When Helicopter Shot Down (What did he know?)
- Carl Bernstein: Bush Has Done "Far Greater Damage" Than Nixon (No Shit, asshole?!)
- NOW | The Woman Who Made Global Warming Cool (Stupid, ignorant bitch)
- Pelosi Hits Bush for Failing to Consult on Iraq Plan (Yeah, right!! [yawn])
- US Soldier, 26 Iraqis Killed in Separate Blasts (Another lesson in reality)
- Matt Renner | "Perfect Storm" for Peace Movement (Overly optimistic)
- Huge Anti-War Protest Outside National Mall Planned For Saturday
- Teenager Dies After Struggle With Residential School Staff (Drive our children crazy - then murder them for being crazy - the 'murkin way)
- U.S. Says It Has Evidence To Prove Iranian 'Involvement' In Iraq (just like that there WMD in Iraq evidence)
- After News Of Somali Air Strike, Pentagon Says U.S. Has Been Working In Africa "For Some Time" (You betcha! - as in planting the AIDS virus)
- Hundreds Deported In L.A. Illegal Immigrant Crackdown (How about an illegal corpagov crackdown?)
- Former Duke Lacrosse District Attorney Faces Ethics Charges (He shouldhave his license revoked permanently)
- One In Ten Female Students At U.S. Military Academies Was Sexually Harassed (It's the 'murkin way!)
- Former Black Panther Members Arrested For 1971 Police Killing (Deliberate foment?)
- New Report Says NYC's Hold On The World's Finances In Jeopardy (Barking up the a diversionary tree: the $US is tanking, stupids!)
- TSA To Begin Tracking Rail Shipments Of Hazardous Materials (Like putting infants in charge of scalpels)
- Sen. Hillary Clinton Announces New Health Insurance Legislation (Couldn't she just die, and spare us all her unbridled evil?)
- Biden: China Space Missile Test "Provocative" (Get a grip, Joe!)
- American Commander: Iraqi Troop Withdrawal Could Happen in Summer (What garbage)
- Secretary Gates Returning Home From 6-Day Trip Abroad (His return is of doubtful value)
- President Bush Appoints New Commanders To Oversee Army, Iraq (who are as stupid and ignorant as he is?)
- U.S. Nuclear Submarine Commander Relieved After Two Sailors Die (We are just SURROUNDED with massive competence!)
- Democrats Warning Bush Against Invading Iran ("The avalanche has started; it is too late for the pebbles to vote.")
- TSA Says "No Fly List" To Be Cut In Half By February (How would anyone verify this?)
- Secretary Gates Says Iranians Wrong To Think Iraq Will Weaken The U.S. (Moron)
- TSA Director Says Screening All Incoming Cargo "Not Feasible" (Duh-uh!)
- Clinton Wants Troops Out Of Iraq 'Eventually' (How about a total lobotomy, Babe?)
- Vice President's Credibility Among Jurors Factors In To Jury Selection (Only a jury of morons and psychopaths is possible)
- Republicans Likely To Mount A Real Effort To Unseat John Kerry (Who needs him?)
- Cheney Lashes Out At War Critics (He needs a public spanking)
- POLITICS-US/IRAQ: Bush's Three-Front War Blunder (But the object is the destruction of the US)
- US Official & Iraq Reconstruction Strategy (is nonexistent)
- Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group to Surge Deploy (Impressive sounding garbage, isn't it?)
- POLITICS-US: Mideast Strategy Increasingly Targets Iran (with more and more bullshit)
- Iran ready to launch a satellite into space: report (just to be delighfully irritating)
- UN nuclear agency asks Iran to back off on rejection of 38 inspectors (These were exactly those who attempted to plant "evidence" in Iraq)
- ElBaradei Says Attack on Iran Would be Catastrophic (Good call)
- Fatah militant shot dead in north Gaza in apparent factional feu (or another Israeli assassination)
- U.S. condemns worsening violence in Lebanon (Oh, shut up!)
- Four dead, 35 wounded in Beirut violence
- Robert Fisk: Money can't close the sectarian divide in Lebanon (It is NOT a sectarian divide)
- Report: Listening posts in Syria track IDF movements
- JURIST - Paper Chase: Lay and six other Enron defendants dismissed from class action shareholder suit
- Italy moves towards criminalizing Holocaust denial (Fuck!)
- JURIST - Paper Chase: Israel parliament grants Katsav temporary leave as sex crimes charges loom
- Senate GOP Leadership Tries To Eliminate Federal Minimum Wag
- What's With that Stubborn One-Third of the American Public?
- Cheney's office 'sought Plame leads' before Libby 'leak'
- The Raw Story | Escalation of US Iran military planning part of six-year Administration push (READ: another conspiracy if ever there was one. We don't need theories)
- Bush authorizes troops to kill Iranian operatives in Iraq (READ: that's kill, as in murder)
- NY Times: 'Bizarre secrecy' in domestic wiretapping suits
- Gonzales Appointment of U.S. Attorney Challenged
- Military Builds Robotic Insects
- US military looks to 'black ice' (How wonderfully clever!)
- U.S. invasion was "idiot decision"-Iraq vice president
- Iran undeterred by psychological war: officials
- Iran attack possible, says Cameron (With these bozos, anything is possible)
- Israel tries to cut off Tehran from world markets (The world already despises Israel for good reason)
- Germany does some soul-searching on detainee
- US Forces Massacre Iraqi Civilians, Pregnant Women (READ)
- Planned media job cuts up 88 pct in 2006 (READ)
- Venezuela May Ask U.S. Envoy to Leave (should have kicked him out long ago)
- Iran attack possible, says Cameron (For what sane reason?)
- Report: North Korea bans use of foreign currency
- Pentagon: Domestic troops low ("military's response to domestic crises"?!)
- Secrecy is at issue in U.S. suits opposing domestic spying(So is the charade we call law)
- Stop the Iran War Before It Starts (READ)
- Tehran's Influence Grows As Iraqis See Advantages
- Film calls Nanjing massacre 'hoax' (Anti-Sino-Tibetanism! :-)
- IDF builds fake Muslim city to prepare for war (outside IL; they be in for a whupping surprise)
- Leaked Israeli document gives frightening glimpse of apartheid (READ)
- 9-11 Research: Flight 93 Crash Site (READ)
- Cheney held up Iraq probe, senator says
- Netanyahu in London: Ahmadinejad must be tried in Hague (And where shall we try Netenyahu for real, as opposed to imaginary war crimes?)
- Jewish Shoah conference participants banned from Israel (Illegal?)
- US sitting on credit 'volcano' (You betcha!)
- Antiwar protesters target Congress
- In Ex-Aide's Testimony, A Spin Through VP's PR (READ)
- Death and Taxes
- Local news coverage of Oklahoma City bombing (VIDEO)
- Senate Intelligence chairman quietly 'fixed' intelligence, and diverted blame from White House over Iraq(Criminal Congress)
- Why do people question the holocaust? (Guess!)
- 2006 home sales drop biggest in 17 years
- French find car of Israel defense official
- White House uses secret memo (that may have been secretly fabricated) to fight court order
- Pentagon: Domestic troops low (A draft only when they are ready for domestic insurrection)
- Troops Died After, Not In, Sneak Attack (Your always lying government)
- War of words halts Iraqi Parliament
- Mother and Sister of Entrapment Victim Released; Father Still Detained Without Charge or Hearing (Your Monstrous Government)
- U.N. nuke chief warns against Iran strike (READ)
- Candidates for 2008 courting Jewish support (Let's hear that a few more times before reports of IDF torturing and murdering children READ)
- And Mahdi Army Makes Three Fronts in Iraq (READ)
- Cheney: Senate Resolution "Won't Stop Us" (Because, by design, it has no force of law: Criminal Congress)
- Strategic Errors of Monumental Proportions - by Lt. Gen. William E. Odom (Ret.)(READ)
- Iran Must Get Ready to Repel a Nuclear Attack
- Villagers helpless in face of settlers' land grab (why the world despises Israel)
- Childhood poverty comes at great cost to U.S. economy (somebody's makingthe money in this excuse for an economy)
- California Latinos fearful after immigration raids
- Pakistan pulled firmly into US camp (A very dicey position to be in)
- US missile system to counter Iranian threat (Um - what Iranian threat?)
- Gates: Iraq resolution 'emboldens' enemy (i.e., US citizens)
- israel prepares to 'go it alone' (That is, of course, impossible. READ)
- "Hillary the Favorite in Race for Jewish Donations" (Israel Ueber Alles!)
- Joe Wilson Vindicated (It's about time)
- Republican: Scripts need reviewing (Why are Repugs always so terrified of sex?)
- Discovery Channel beats CNN to TWA 800 scoop (READ)
- The hidden cost of free congressional trips to Israel (READ)
- Spiked Study Leads to New FCC Query (READ)
- NSA electricity crisis gets Senate scrutiny ("national catastrophe"?! LOL - no, a boon rather)
- Federal judge dismisses charges against NSA protesters
- Canadian government to apologise to Arar
- Hicks' men Cuba-bound but lack belief they will be seen
- Guantanamo conditions said worse
- 'Europe was aware of secret CIA flights and abduction of suspects'
- European Parliament Involved in CIA Actions (EVERYBODY knew exactly what was going on, and have lying about that all along)
- Italians Seize Ex-CIA Chief's Villa
- AP: Military gives police free equipment (run up to causing domestic insurrection)
- More US troops for Afghanistan (i.e., for mercenary murderers and destructors of everything in sight)
- Soldiers killed in Karbala were first abducted
- Iraq crash killed key U.S. officers
- Senate confirms Petraeus as US military commander in Iraq (We drown in genius)
- Feingold Pushes Plan to Cut Off War Funds
- Top generals tell Congress 'surge' won't end soon (Did they be sure to tell Pelosi?)
- Iraqi General: U.S. Can Withdraw by 2008 (But, naturally, will not untilUS dissolves in a pile of shit)
- Chalabi has key role in Baghdad effort (Ah! The convicted embezzler)
- Iran demands UN nuclear inspector removed from country (We know what they did in Iraq)
- Iran Set to Try Space Launch (LOL Big is ROTFL, when nobody is looking)
- Bush: 'I'm the decision-maker' on Iraq (Oh Rapture and Joy!)
- US: Threadbare "college affordability" bill passes in the House (It's useless, of course)
- Britain's senior prosecutor: no such thing as a "war on terror" (He's got that right)
- In the face of mounting opposition, Australian government backs new Guant-11;-11;namo courts (Criminal Government)
- German chancellor assures Bush of "broad support" (Stupid bitch)
- Global poll condemns Bush administration on Iraq war and global militarism (Many Criminal governments in conspiratorial collusion)
- Cloned Food: From Designer Hens to the Transgenic Omega-3 Pig (Martha disses Jerk Science)
- Inside the Criminal Mind of George Bush: He Thinks; Therefore, It is So
- Eli Lilly, the Habitual Offender
- Haiti Struggles to Defend Justice
- The Three US Armies in Iraq: Grunts, Contractors and Laborers (READ)
- Phil Donahue: Get Sarah Olson!
- Paying for Health Care and Not Getting It
- Mengele in Mesapotamia (READ)
- Lina Massufi, Iraq; "I cannot stand the constant military raids in my home."
- Taken for a Ride by the Israeli Left A Response to Uri Avnery (READ)
- Jimmy Carter Apologizes for Telling the Truth
- My Tears Are Like Those of Iraqi Mothers Maribel Permuy, mother of cameraman Jose Couso, killed in Baghdad on April 8, 2003, speaks with Granma.
- Our mercenaries in Iraq (READ)
- Jim Webb's Barnburner (READ)
- War crimes & huge infant deaths (READ)
- Will Rove Testify? (Sure, and lie)
- Rockefeller: Cheney applied 'constant' pressure to stall investigation on flawed Iraq intelligence
- Iraq in Talks With Chevron, Exxon
- Few Takers For Rice's Call On Afghanistan (They know a swindle when a known liar speaks)
- US warns of bloody Taliban spring fightback (US will lose again)
- Bush says aggressive Iran stance 'makes sense' (only to stark raving genocidalist)
- Bush Says Troops to Counter Iranian Agents in Iraq (Update2) (Most call that bullshit, for good reason)
- Bush OKs Countering (i.e., Murdering) Iranians in Iraq
- Potential New Evidence of Iran Providing Weapons to Iraqi Insurgents (Given that NO OLD evidence never existed?)
- US troops told to counter [nonexistent] Iran threat
- Bush denies preparing attack against Iran (So, you know it's true)
- Brain injury tied to halt in smoking (or not - but infantile physicians will play anyhow)
- UN plan for Kosovo promises independence, with strings (Another disaster coming up)
- FBI Probes Guilford College Melee; Parents Speak Out (Federal Bureau of Idiots not needed)
- Gates Defends Casey, Rebukes US Lawmakers on Iraq Resolutions (Stupid is forever)
- A weakened president seeks one more chance (with an electorate that hates his guts?)
- Dollar up vs. euro after durable-goods report (Babbling)
- Google and YouTube: A Catch-22
- Experts Wary of Bush Healthcare Proposal (Should be: he's not only stupid and criminally deranged, he's also a pathological liar)
- Russia accuses Georgia of smear
- Libby trial pulls back White House curtain (not far enough)
- Kommentare zum Pentagon-Anschlag
- Yeah, Right, George Youre Some Decider!
- Burns warns Iran against pursing additional centrifuges (Delusional)
- Russia warns US against further unilateral sanctions against Iran
- Brave New World War (Every act has many consequences, some, a priori, unseen)
- Russia may emerge as top oil producer soon-first deputy PM
- Israeli warplanes intrude on Beirut airspace (meaning they didn't the day before?!)
- Bush's backdoor attack: Iran via Hizbullah (Watch the unintended condequences from this stupidity)
- Blair told to resign before bringing ignominy on himself (He did that already, years ago)
- Nobody's buying the plan (Gee - I wonder why?)
- Education: House votes to require Holocaust lessons in high school(Thereby instituting the US Holocaust)
- DC anti-war rally on C-SPAN today at 8:15 AM PT/11:30 AM ET
- Bush Is About to Attack Iran - Why Can't Americans See it? by Paul raig Roberts
- Turkey mulls 'invading' Iraq (to protect itself from the US made mess)
- "Surge" or "Involuntary" Military Conscription: The Neo-Conservative Architects of Military Escalation (This NOT be popular)
- Blast rocks Green Zone in central Baghdad
- Bush Urges His Private Death Squad To Speed Up The Slow Rush To War With Iran
- Prosecutors want Holocaust denier jailed (Every time you say 'I don't believe in the Holocaust', a Zionist falls over dead.)
- Ex-Cheney Aide Shares Media Manipulation (Oh YES, READ)
- Italy's high court rules that file downloading not a crime if not for profit
- Chlorine in the bathwater is linked to cancer (Jerk science)
- Go take a hike, Senate
- Tens of thousands in D.C. protest against Iraq war
- US warns Iran of global wrath if it cranks up nuclear capacity (I think he has it bass ackwards)
- Libby jury is told Cheney 'obsessed' (Deranged would be more accurate)
- Lawyers probe Fleischer's immunity deal
- U.S. Troops Plan to Attend Iraq Protest
- Afghan government rejects poppy-spraying program
- Europe resists US pressure to boost presence in Afghanistan
- U.S. rebuffs Canada to keep Arar on terror list
- ID cards for foreigners under new immigration rules (Orwellian UK)
- Justice Wants Spying Lawsuit Dropped (READ)
- Sanctioned for 'Disrespect' (Courts are always properly motivated, by definition!)
- Toll Road Giant Buys Newspapers to Silence Critics (That's one way)
- Diebold Compromised Its Own Voting Machine Security
- A Sorry State (of Bushco)
- Judge Rules Against Bush EPA Policy
- Le Carr-11;-11; points to looting of Congo by mining corporations
- Top Volkswagen executives on trial for corruption in Germany
- The background to the murder of Turkish journalist Hrant Dink
- The struggle against war requires a break with the Democrats (Indeed)
- Pam Martens: America's Money Honey Does Davos
- Peace-In Politics: Localizing the Anti-War Movement (READ)
- The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine: Ilan Pappe and the Nakba Deniers
- Murdering Journalists in Latin America
- Bernard Chazelle: Bush the Empire Slayer (READ)
- Children Without a Country: Maryam Ibrahim Remains in a Texas Jail
- Patrick Cockburn: Slaughter in Baghdad's Bird Market
- Do We Really Need an International Criminal Court? (With international corpa gov, what do you think?)
- Brother Wins Arrest in '64 Case
- US Warns of Bloody Taliban Spring Fightback (They are sick and tired of USUKIL, and so is everybody else)
- Thomas D. Williams | Why Did the White House Reverse Course on Domestic Spying?
- Hagel Ponders White House Run as War Criticism Raises His Profile
- Privately Over 70 Senators Would Oppose the Bush Escalation (So, why ...?)
- AP: Military Lied About Soldiers Deaths (Duh-uh? Governments lie. The always lies, about everything, and always have)
- Karl Rove Subpoenaed to Testify in CIA Leak Trial (A something, or a nothing? - odds are on nothing)
- President's Actions Could Lead to Impeachment (They should have, with conviction of treason, years ago)
- Chris Floyd | Radar Love: Robbing the Cradle to Pay War Profiteers
- Dems May Try to Revise Authority House Gave Bush on Iraq (They may also acquire spines; don't count on it)
- DAVOS-McCain seeks Iraq benchmarks as 'last chance' (Senatorial noise pollution)
- The gathering storm over Iraq
- Rebuke of Bush's war plan gathers more steam
- More journalists face jail in privacy crackdown
- Japan confirms bird flu outbreak (or not)
- John E. Wolfgram: How the Judiciary Stole the Right to Petition (READ)
- Pakistan bombing kills 14 people
- Israel planes dump "suspicious green balloons" on southern Lebanon
- yayacanada: PHOTOS: "Stop The Surge" Rally in Ottawa, Canada
- Report: Bush may fault Israel on cluster bomb claim (What's the probability of that happening?)
- Bush defiant in face of anti-war demonstrations (He's the deciduous one)
- US attempts to shed unfriendly image (Who could ever believe these lying bastards?)
- Drums of War and Orchestrated Hysteria about Iran (READ)
- Even GOP cringes at Cheney: Veeps credibility a lost cause
- Kerry Backs Up Iran's N. Rights (develops a brain AND a spine?!)
- IMF gold trading rule changes set to boost the gold price (READ - how it gets to do this is another matter)
- McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/28/2007 | Should America return to the draft? (The opening sentence is blatant lie)
- Iran condemns Bush's order as 'terrorist act' (US is a terrorist)
- US calls Iran demands "outrageous" (LOL)
- World ignores signs of civil war in Lebanon (which may be just as well)
- Israel "may have" violated agreement as to use of cluster bombs
- "Waste, Fraud, and Abuse: Another Day at the Pentagon"
- Fake Terror: Jose Padilla, not so dirty after all - Updated
- World War III has already begun, says Israeli spy chief (which excuses anything they do?)
- Holocaust Now: M.A.D. R.I.P. Part 2 (READ)
- Olmert: Israel "won't let the world be indifferent" to calls for Israel's destruction (See preceeding link)
- U.S. helicopter shot down in Iraq (Another one in return surging)
- Diggers upgrade war on terror (Babbling)
- Chevron holds talks with Iraq to build facility (Isn't that worth the hundreds of thousands dead and maimed?)
- Nuclear plans in chaos as Iran leader flounders (READ)
- Barack and Hillary: Can Israel rely on either?(Author needs to go to Israel, and stay there)
- Israel may have broken US arms export laws (and that will be ignored and hushed)
- Rangel and Others Condemn Bush's Medicaid Plan
- Manipulating the Oil Reserve
- White House Plays By Its Own Rules Again
- While you were sleeping (Bush took over the Government) (READ)
- Jewish body denies Palestine genocide (so, you know it's true)
- US admits nuclear weapons employees could get cancer (It's a start, but not near the truth yet)
- ABC warned over blogger shutdown
- Bush to help "Iranian mothers raise children" (Just imagine the results!)
- WHY are all these nations so TERRIFIED of this shitty little country?!
- U.S. Says Air Passenger Data Needed (Do we really WANT to shut down the airlines?)
- Democrats (AU) call for end to Hicks' detention
- U.S. Missiles in E. Europe Opposed by Locals, Russia
- Iraqi Authorities: 250 'Extremists' Killed (We certainly allow 'Extremists' to live)
- US confirms helicopter down in Najaf fighting
- Battle for Baghdad: City braces itself for US surge (of terrorism)
- Death squad chieftains flee to beat Baghdad surge (Hilarious Fabrications)
- US plea to Britain: 'Don't abandon main Iraq base'
- Thousands join bicoastal war protest
- Israel to assist U.S. in efforts to boycott Iranian bank ventures (and show how much on international banking is controlled by Israel)
- Iran begins big nuclear build-up (More hilarious fabrication!)
- Report: Iran denies centrifuge work (a policy of ambiguity, perhaps?)
- Iran condemns U.S. raids against its operatives (US is the world's major terrorist)
- Cheney: U.S. carrier to Gulf sends "strong signal" (to Russia and China, that they should pay attention)
- Army probes war contractor fraud (Criminal corpagov hires criminal corpas. This is somehow odd?)
- US military: Afghan leaders steal half of all aid (US corpas steal the other half)
- Thousands may be involuntarily called for tours
- US urges scientists to block out sun (Fucking Goddamned Lunatics)
- Silence over airport security scare (Maybe another fabrication)
- Pirates Stick by Whales (Japanese criminal corpagov in action)
- It Has Unraveled So Quickly (The unraveling was engineered)
- John Borowski | Who Will Hold Science Teachers Association Accountable? (NSTA happens to be correct, and this fool author is advocating Jerk Science)
- Greg Palast | Off the Rails
- Arlen Parsa | Iranians Oppose US "Pro-Democracy" Efforts
- William Rivers Pitt | The Tiniest President (READ)
- Robert Parry | Reverend Moon's Anti-Obama Agit-Prop (READ)
- Bob Herbert | Your MasterCard or Your Life (READ - and weep)
- Lockheed to Support CDC Terrorism-Response Effort (i.e., black ops terrorism attack)
- America 'poised to strike at Iran's nuclear sites' from bases in Bulgaria and Romania (Doesn't matter; Israel will be turned to toast - good riddance)
- In Iowa, Hillary is welcomed as a teen pop idol ("sic fux")
- Critics Say Bush's Insurance Proposal Would Favor the Wealthy (What a surprise!)
- Saudi king urges Palestinians on talks
- Palestinians agree to Mecca talks
- Pelosi, Karzai discuss new aid (along with Donald Duck and Porky Pig)
- Football Players Accused of Beating Palestinian Students
- Two more football players facing charges in racially tinged fight
- Bush seeks to renew authority to fast track trade deal (He shouldn't even have authority to move or open his mouth)
- BA Talks With Cabin Crew to Continue
- Leader: Stuck on the runway
- BA resumes talks in bid to avert strike
- Vista's beauty lies in layers of organization, security (LOL!)
- Rivals slam Vista on antitrust grounds
- Vista under fire in Europe (It's always been a racketeering operation)
- Microsoft faces new antitrust clash with Vista
- Israel's 'Sweet Mud' tops at Sundance (Apparently untrue)
- Sundance Films `Manda Bala' and `Padre Nuestro' Win Top Honors
- Sundance jury honors 'Padre,' 'Manda Bala'
- BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Latin American films top Sundance
- Israel gets first Muslim minister (Ruse will not work)
- 'Cluster bombs used in self-defense' (LMAO! - I'm not as stupid as you look)
- Iranian Reveals Plan to Expand Role in Iraq
- Contractor deaths in Iraq nearing 800 (That's not near enough to dissuade them)
- Injury count in Iraq disputed (50,000)
- Clinton, in Iowa debut, stresses experience (Sure, spread your legs again for Israel, honey)
- Iraqi, US forces kill several hundred fighters
- Israeli use of cluster bombs unjust (A War Crime, actually)
- Australian State to Recycle Drinking Water (Shades of Soylent Green)
- Meet the CIA's New Baghdad Station Chief (But not in a dark alley!)
- The Historic, First Ever DC Massive Impeachment March No-one Reported On
- Egypt says Iran has no role in ex-diplomat assassination
- Fierce battle near Iraqi holy city leaves 300 militants dead
- Russia to Complete Iranian Nuclear Plant on Time Official
- Pentagon Understates Wars Human Cost Among Soldiers
- Bush Hates America: US Troops Face 'A Circular Firing Squad' In Iraq (READ)
- The Apathetic FBI
- Israel on the brink of civil war (in occupied Palestinian terratories)
- Cementing Israeli Apartheid: The Role of World Bank (READ)
- Chalabi Surfaces to Take Inappropriate Credit for Iraq's "Reverse Course"
- Baghdad Is Key
- Turning a UK University into a Yeshiva
- Davos Notes: John McCain Bites My Head Off
- Israel is the real winner of America's War on Iraq and Iran (If attacked)
- IRS Grounds Prize Winner from Trip to Outer Space (It's illegal, of course)
- Israel has EXPANDED settlements it said would be evacuated
- Abdullah Says Malaysia Has Shifted Reserves Away From Dollar
- Israel intends to buy thousands of advanced "smart" bombs from the United States
- Lt. Ehren Watada (READ)
- Caring for America's health (READ)
- 'Bizarre' secrecy in domestic wiretap lawsuits
- Edging Impeachment Back Onto the Table
- Kucinich offers plan to end war (Dennis is back!)
- Mysterious falling chunk of ice smashes Tampa car
- Russia finds H5N1 bird flu strain in southern yards
- Russian scientists 'alarmed' as millions of birds begin falling from world's akies
- National Security Whistle Blowers: The 'Undead'?
- Terrorism threat lurking like Jaws, says new police chief (Orwellian UK)
- Dutch Citizen Arraigned On Charges of Terrorism Conspiracy Against Americans In Iraq (crazier by the day)
- CLP leader rebukes Govt over Hicks case (AU)
- Potshot at Guantanamo lawyers backfires (READ)
- Libby Trial Exposes Cheney's Lies
- Fleischer: Libby talked of CIA officer during lunch
- Ex-Bush Aide Contradicts Libby on C.I.A. Agent
- Germany preparing for likely air warfare (mistake)
- Cluster bombs wound two Belgian soldiers in southern Lebanon
- Israel 'broke US arms deal terms'
- Veteran peace protester sent to jail despite prisons crisis
- Guardsmen find 'torture house' on Iraq patrol
- Italian court considers trial against CIA agents in rendition case
- Troop surge paves way for wider war Bush authorizes shoot-to-kill policy against Iranians in Iraq
- Galloway's Indictment of Blair
- Dave Lindorff: The Missing Word at the Anti-War Demo (Impeachment!)
- Our Fire, Congress's Feet
- "We Are All Victims of the Occupation"
- Peril in Bush Health Proposal
- Palestinian Rivals Welcome Saudi Talks to Halt Violence
- Hundreds Die in Clash Near Shiite Holy City
- Women and Children Joined Battle in Najaf
- Police Detain Nine in Capitol Hill Anti-War Protest
- The true history of Palestine - which zionists try to delete
- Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working On News At CNN?
- US plans to 'fight the net' revealed
- Bush Directive Increases Sway on Regulation
- Outsourcing IT jobs to India - What economists don't tell you
- $Billions To Israel Because Israel Slaughtered Lebanon?
- UN Adopts Resolution Condemning Holocaust Denial (Surrounded with thoughtnazis)
- The Unraveling of Dick Cheney
- israel destroys Earth, claims self-defense
- Texas newspapers sold to Australian interests
- Watada lawyer says military dropping two charges
- Threat level raised for Super Bowl (Yeah! Right!)
- EU wants to keep limits on U.S. passenger data use
- 'It's like a Nazi camp': Hicks
- Bush Signs Directive to Increase His Power at U.S. Agencies
- China announces Feb. 8 date for next round of N. Korea talks
- China rides the Africa Express
- Hu begins eight-nation African tour
- The Ba-Da-Boom Crew
- Is It Too Much to Expect NPR to Ask Follow-Up Questions?
- Watada Agreement Means Journos Won't Have to Testify in 'Antiwar' Case
- Bush signs landmark executive order increasing power over federal agencies
- Smoking Is Healthier Than Fascism
- Torture works on 24, but not for real (READ)
- Yahoo Hosting German al Qaeda Website (Wow! Al-CIAMI6MOSSADA has a German branch too)
- What if Osama bin Laden Dies? (What if Julius Caesar dies?)
- 'Inconvenient Truth' Producer Pens Kids' Global Warming Text (The world has far too much jerk science already)
- Microsoft Vista off to slow start... (A POS like any MS Sware)
- US has no strategic interest in united Iraq-Bolton (We certainly KNOW that)
- US must abandon Iraqi cities or face nightmare scenario, say experts (is also a blueprint for completing the US genocide of Iraq)
- With Iran Ascendant, U.S. Is Seen at Fault
- Forget your brats and beer: Tailgating is banned at the Super Bowl
- Back from Iraq - and suddenly out on the streets (You are nothing but a cash cow a useful meat to your government - don't get over it)
- FBI turns to broad new wiretap method (READ)
- $10b deal between Shell, Spain's Reposal and Iran may spark US sanctions
- I Was a Cybercrook for the FBI
- Lord Levy arrested for second time
- Anti-War Marches Draw Hundreds of Thousands
- Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers (What's the scam?)
- AQ Kahn and The Libby Trial?
- Here We Go Again - Pentagon leaks 'proof positive' against Iran (READ)
- Congress can stop Iraq war, experts tell lawmakers
- Israel's Flag Is Not Mine -- Reader's Digest -- 1949
- Bush 'spoiling for a fight' with Iran (Duh-uh - yep - just figured it out?)
- Chavez a threat to democracy, US intelligence chief says (LOL!)
- Feingold Bill Would Cut Off Iraq Funding After Six Months (Needs to be cut off yesterday)
- Specter: Bush Not Sole 'Decision-Maker' (No, there are his masters and handlers)
- German investigators want arrest warrants for 13 CIA operatives
- In Senate, Allies of Bush Work to Halt Iraq Vote
- Wielgus collaborated with Stalinist secret service Poland: Archbishop's resignation exposes crisis of Catholic Church
- Record losses for US automaker Ford
- Japan's defence minister strikes an anti-US posture (Whoa!)
- Violence escalates against students and teachers in Iraq (Now who would cause that?)
- Libby perjury trial puts spotlight on US Vice President Cheney
- The Logic of Withdrawal: There's Nothing Precipitous About It (READ)
- Mike Whitney: The Mother of All Bubbles (READ)
- Pariah: An Iron Curtain is Descending (READ damnit!)
- Franklin C. Spinney: Embedding Without Blending
- Uri Avnery: If Arafat Were Alive ... (READ twice: a good man, an optimist for whom the alternative is too horrible)
- 146 US Levees May Fail in Flood (Your corpagov, doing what it does best)
- Utah Residents Rail Against Divine Strake Test (So should all)
- Economic Policy Changes With New Latin American Leaders (READ)
- Part I: An Atomic Threat Made in America (READ: government science)
- Baker Agrees Reluctantly to Testify on Iraq
- Congr. resolution on Armenian genocide to be introduced Tued (Will then Armenians also whine interminably?)
- Pakistan says Iran has right to nuclear technology
- We're whining, others are dying
- The neocons have learned nothing from five years of catastrophe(That is exactly their nature)
- GOC Central Command clamps down on illegal settlements(What a joke)
- Lieberman pushes Israel to join EU (An absurd lunacy)
- US 'victory' against cult leader was 'massacre' (Najaf)
- Judith Miller and the Bloodbath in Iraq
- Anti Israel sentiment rising; wondering why? (READ)
- FLASHBACK: Saddam Hussein Did Not Commit Genocide (READ)
- FLASHBACK: Claims of Saddam's Genocide Far from Proven (READ)
- Hezbollah's star on the wane? (I think not)
- What exactly happened in Najaf? The true story
- More questions about the official Najaf story
- Lebanon Crisis Fails Mediation, Plays into Israeli Hands
- Never Again ? (READ and pay attention)
- Chavez to assume powers to remake Venezuelan society by decree
- Libby Trial: Judy Miller's Memory Mess
- Reporter contradicts Libby about meetings
- Scientists: Government doctored our climate work (GOVERNMENT SCIENCE!)
- White House interfered in climate change report, lawmaker says
- Key charge against Padilla reinstated (Criminal Government)
- Rift looms as Europe resists US call
- Is MS new "Vista" both garbage and dangerous? (Yes, next question?)
- War Crimes (Images)
- US money is 'squandered' in Iraq
- From Local Police to Occupying Army, or LESO: The Greater of Many Evils (Because you have alwayd been the enemy)
- AMERICAblog.com - Comments (READ)
- A case for impeachment (READ)
- Rogue U.S. Troops Knowingly Bombed British In Iraq
- Al-Qaeda deputy 'mocks Bush plan' (Black ops babbling)
- Once again Israels fooling the International Community
- White House and GOP allies want filibuster of anti-escalation resolution
- Soldier's Death Strengthens Senators' Antiwar Resolve
- AIPAC operative Wolf Blitzer's 'Situation Room' program trying to link theKarbala attack on five soldiers in Iran
- Iran involvement suspected in Karbala compound attack (Horseshit!)
- 8 arrested in alleged kidnapping, beheading plot (Do we believe one word of this?)
- The Raw Story | Report: FBI conducting sweeping Internet wiretaps that mirror warantless NSA surveillance (READ)
- The Iraqi Holocaust-Part I (READ)
- MS Vista Exploit Allows Myspace Sites to Control Your Computer (Ooops)
- Tightening the screws, again (READ)
- Accounts of weekend battle leave questions
- Iran Blame Game Shifts into High Gear (READ)
- VISTA security by the NSA
- Iranians Allegedly Killed Five US Troops? (Um - sure - or was it the tooth fairy?)
- Tampabay: Police jail rape victim for two days (Crazy, abusive nation)
- U.K. study: Western boycott of Hamas pushing it closer to Iran
- US Army Investigating New Torture Allegations (READ)
- US plans to 'fight the net' revealed - Bloggers and Netizens beware (Optimism)
- All Eyes On Iran After False Flag Attack In Karbala (READ)
- Camco rabbi admits stealing $86,000
- Our generation's Gulf of Tonkin is about to drag us further into endless war (READ)
- Windows Vista Hacked Within Hours Of Launch (That's HOW it was designed!)
- israel moves wall 5km east - into Palestine (what were you expecting?)
- Prank Call to Arms (READ: Your unbelievable armed forces, so desperate)
- Lawmakers hear of interference in global warming science (But it's still ALL Jerk/Thief Science)
- Feds' new flu plan to raise fear factor (Believe it!)
- University goes to war on Bush legacy (Nobody wants the evil SOB)
- Bush Is Not Above the Law (We know that; he doesn't)
- Gonzales will turn over secret wiretapping documents (or not)
- U.K. Terror Police Arrest 9 Over Alleged Kidnap Plot (Fiction)
- Nine held over terror kidnap plot (Fiction)
- German Court Seeks Arrest of 13 C.I.A. Agents
- Guant-11;-11;namo lawyer says captive fears guards
- Military to begin filing new charges against Guantanamo detainees this week (ANYBODY can be subjected to this fucking shit - yes, YOU, whoever your are)
- Iraqis' Endless Nightmare Petition
- Senate seeking expanded say in Iraq (Hmmm - maybe they are, and maybe it's a lying charade)
- US official: US not winning in Iraq (Another master of the obvious)
- Investigators: Millions in Iraq 'aid' wasted
- Pentagon stops F-14 parts sales amid Iran concerns
- Shell defies US pressure and signs -11;-11;5bn Iranian gas deal
- U.S.-Iran tensions could trigger war (Oh wow! Where have you been sleeping, honey?)
- Joshua Frank: What America Really Needs to Hear (READ!)
- The Judge, the Reporter and the Secret Zyprexa Documents
- A Hawk in Drag: Dershowitz and the Iraq War (Ah, yes - that fucking berserker)
- William Johnson: Worker Resistance at Smithfield Foods (1937 Redux - US Devolvement)
- James T. Phillips: Flashbacks de Jour (READ)
- CounterViews: a Conversation with Dr. Susan Block on Sex, Politics and Liberation
- Molly Ivins, 1944-2007 (The world is made poorer yet again)
- US May Have Botched Training of Iraqis (on purpose)
- Jason Leopold and Marc Ash | Cheney's Handwritten Notes Implicate Bush in Plame Affair
- In Iraq, Bush's Rent-an-Army (The mercenary army has always been the point, and few saw or see it)
- Senators Assert Right to Block Bush on Iraq (But will it be done? Time's awasting)
- Iranians Worry about a Possible American Attack (They should: zionist loonies are running the show)
- Frank Rich | Hillary Clinton's Mission Unaccomplished
- Chris Hedges | Christianists on the March
- Keith Olbermann | Bush Shoots for "Jaws," Delivers "Jaws 2"
- Senate resolution called 'disgrace' (which, of course, it is exactly, but for exactly the wrong reason)
- Salazar: Bush isnt listening to advice on mess in Iraq
- Democrats Back Republican Warner's Resolution on US Troops ("nonbinding"? THAT'S the disgrace)
- 'Suspicious' blinking light devices found in SE suburbs (et ergo, nuke all police cars?)
- Cancer vaccine proposal dropped in Md. (There's a good idea)
- Chavez granted rule by decree (Maybe he's earned trust?)
- Berlusconi's wife forces him into a public apology (Which one is sicker?)
- Fed sees progress on inflation (That which it creates?!)
- Bernanke Marks Anniversary With Faster Growth, Slower Inflation (He's an idiot)
- Ready or not, Vista's here (Like a periodic influenza)
- It's not a revolution, but Windows Vista grows on you (Like ring worm)
- Air pollution is killing women, says study (Jerk science)
- Son of dead 9/11 cop presses Bush on health funding
- Analysis: Ex-minister convicted over kiss (Actually, who cares?)
- Mexicans protest as tortilla crisis hurts Calderon (whose election was rigged)
- 75000 protest tortilla prices in Mexico
- Hysteria at Herzliya
- Windows Defender Lets Spyware Slip onto Vista PCs
- Big Brother: Watching, Listening, Shouting And Firing X-Rays (Bizarre science)
- Truth Videos Surge Into Google Top 100; Terror Storm at Number 11
- Big Island, Maui fear invasion of 'big boxes'
- Ad campaign causes Boston alert (They won't do that again soon)
- U.S. workplace not family-oriented (It's always been anti-family)
- Bio Weapons Spurned by Hitler Were Tested on Adventists
- Rabbi calls for annihilation of Arabs (Is Rabbis related to Rabies?)
- WTO raps US over online gambling law
- ExxonMobil Sets Record for Annual U.S. Company Profit, at $39.5 Billion
- Israel and Reality: Olmert thinks Israwl was "victorious" in Lebanon
- Ex-Cheney Aide Details Media Tactics
- President: Iran serious in defending absolute nuclear rights
- All 4 Beaver County bridges reopened after bomb threat (Another manufactured outburst of paranoia)
- Dave Lindorff: Missing Black Boxes in WTC Attacks Found by Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
- Religious right misleads its followers in massive email blitz about weekend peace march
- An Army of Thousands More: How PR Firms and Major Media Help Military Recruiters - Center for Media and Democracy (READ)
- FBIs full-pipe surveillance may be illegal (With no law, what does illegal mean?)
- CNBC's Maria Bartiromo problem is one of its own makin
- Labour 'falling apart' as MPs turn on Blair (FAR too late)
- Balfour Buys Prison-Builder Centex to Expand in U.S. (READ)
- Official Lies Over Najaf Battle Exposed (READ)
- Mexican Economy Seen As Heart of Immigration Problem
- US fighter jets to patrol Iran-Iraq border, report says (and wander into Iran ait space?)
- Halliburton Hiring Democratic Party Lobbyists (Theft prevails!)
- Israeli troops kill three Palestinians in West Bank (READ: not your everyday murders)
- Key senators agree on Iraq resolution (which is as useless as the Senators are)
- Israel's Economic Stranglehold a Silent Killer (READ)
- Chirac Strays From Assailing a Nuclear Iran
- Two Iraqi generals suspected of complicity in attack on US GIs
- Attention Impeachment Supporters: 9/11, 9/11, 9/11! (READ)
- U.S. delays report on Iranian role in Iraq (The lies haven't been determined yet)
- Certain Oils Linked to Breast Growth in Boys (or not)
- The Crime of the Century - by Paul Craig Roberts (READ)
- Google: Disabling the Politically Incorrect
- Politically Correct Apostate: Substance vs. Presentation.
- Breaking: Double the Troops in "Surge" (and next week's splurge?)
- VISTA users already trying to go back to XP. (MicroShit scores another triumph)
- CHENEY BEING TARGETED FOR IMPEACHMENT (Yeah? I'll wait for the movie)
- U.S. Cautions Europeans to Avoid Oil, Gas Deals With Iran - (Too late)
- European bank urges US to clarify snooping activity
- Justice Expands on Spy Program Details
- Libby Judge Shows Doubt on Defense's Scapegoat Argument
- Libby Judge Allows White House Tapes
- Libby Lawyers Pepper Cooper About Rove
- Savings At Lowest Level Since Great Depression
- Engineers: 122 levees at risk of failing
- Fla. governor looks to replace touch-screen voting in 17 counties
- New bird-flu plan advises when to close schools (Well after the 1918 has been distributed)
- Al Gore nominated for Nobel Peace Prize (Barf)
- Global Warming 'Very Likely' Man-Made (Bullshit)
- Seas rising faster than U.N. predicts-study (or not)
- Panel: Global warming makes stronger hurricanes (or not)
- Global temperature set to rise between 1.8 and 4 C by 2100: UN panel (They have no fucking idea about anything)
- Britain has second warmest January on record (Cool!)
- The hedgehog with 'global balding' (Get a grip morons)
- Deadly house fire in Petersburg, Virginia: the human cost of social inequality
- Who runs Germany? The intersection of politics and business interests (Corpagov! Just like the old fascist times!)
- Desperate manoeuvres give Sri Lankan government a thin majority
- Britain: Members of Blair's inner circle arrested in "cash for honours" inquiry (and Blair's genocidal war crimes?!)
- Steny Hoyer at the Brookings Institution House majority leader lays out Democratic position on Iraq (Well paid whores)
- Stepped up US preparations for war against Iran
- Free Gary Tyler! (READ)
- Corporate Crime Reporter: Jailing the Artists, Not the Executives (FIRST, we jail ALL the executives!)
- Art Panic Hits Boston! (READ)
- Die, TV! (What a wonderful idea!)
- Rannie Amiri: The Day Joe Biden Threatened to Kick My Ass (READ)
- Our Founding War Profiteers (READ)
- Bush Targets Iran: Cruise Missile Diplomacy (READ)
- An Army Thousands More: How PR Firms and Major Media Military Recruiters
- Journalists Threatened With Loss of Embed Over Iraq Images
- Bill Quigley | Grandmothers for Peace Get Federal Prison Instead (Such a WONDERFUL Corpagov!)
- Judge Shelves Gitmo Detainee Cases
- An Answer To The Israel Lobby - Ponerology
- Updated: The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bombers (READ)
- Risk factors mark out Britain as terrorist target (Boogaboogabooga)
- Hunt for clues in (fictitious) beheading plot
- Nuclear-armed Iran would not be very dangerous, says Chirac
- Chirac says nuclear Iran not risky, then retracts (after Israel told him what he'd damn well say)
- US jury acquits two men of Hamas conspiracy (Another trumped up case slapped down)
- Al Franken bid for Senate cited (George Galloway will split a gut laughing)
- Binge Eating Tops Other Eating Disorders: Survey (or not)
- Army Corps releases list of 122 'risky' levees
- Federal review shows 37 California levees badly maintained
- Blair in fresh row over 'secret' cash-for-honours police meeting (Why isn't the criminal SOB in jail?)
- Scientists offered cash to dispute climate study (also to create one)
- Dig Yields Surprising Find at Ground Zero
- In outbreak drill, CDC readies for the 'Big One' (A mind is a terrible thing to waste)
- No 10 kept Blair's questioning by police secret for a week
- Judge: Doctor Can't Treat Terrorists (Loopy judges)
- 11th-hour bid to halt Iraq war revelations (Just loopy)
- Report: 81 Journalists Killed in 2006
- Senate edges closer to confronting Bush (No, it is not; pay attention)
- U.S. Says Iran Meddles in Iraq but Is Delaying Release of Data (because they don't exist)
- Huge Force Readying Crackdown (i.e., murder and maim) in Baghdad
- Bush to request hefty Iraq war funds [sigh]
- Climate scientists surer than ever: Man's to blame (Babbling)
- US issues guidelines for flu crises (How about corpagov crises?)
- Hamas attacks presidential guard camp (Do we believe this?)
- Video undercuts Libby's defense
- Israel escalates operations in W. Bank, killing three
- Sen. Clinton: Iran is a threat to Israel (Sen. Clinton & Israel are threats to the US people)
- FLASHBACK: US relied on 'drunken liar' to justify war
- Iran Clock Is Ticking
- Who Will Be The Next 9/11 Truth Superhero?
- Iraq at Risk of Further Strife, Intelligence Report Warns (No shit?! It's been fabricated this way!)
- Brzezinski: Bush Seeking Pretext to Bomb Iran (Another genius reporting in)
- Exxon Mobil sets US profit record (I wonder how that came about?)
- How PR Firms and Major Media Help Military Recruiters (To think, this shit still works?)
- Cost of troop surge already higher (Wastn't that perfectly expected?)
- Army division orders departing soldiers to stay put (for splurge)
- Hillary Clinton calls Iran a threat to U.S., Israel (Hasn't her breathing license been revoked?)
- Mel Brooks' National Intelligence Estimate (READ - just for emotional catharsis)
- Sailors at Lemoore air base ship out on short notice to USS Reagan carrier. (Can we spell f-u-c-k-e-d?)
- Congress sells you out... (Always, always, my dear. Now, grow up, and deal withis appropriately)
- 9/11: The Case Isn't Closed (The Goddamned case hasn't even been allowed to be properly opened!)
- Shiite-Sunni conflict rises in Pakistan
- The Kissing Israel's Butt Competition Kicks Off (Again. or yet?!)
- Drug company 'hid' suicide link (It's Corpagov! Get fucked!)
- Get to know Marc Rich Mossad selling drugs and kids (READ)
- Montana moves to reject Real ID Act (Bravi!)
- China's Space-Weapon Test Could Endanger Astronauts and Satellites (Get a fucking grip, assholes!_
- Arms race fears as Putin attacks missiles plan (Anyone who fears the insanity of the US zionist banking corpagov starts to have a grip on sanity)
- Bush's Trash Talk About Iran (and that's exactly what it is)
- Palestinians: 'Ethnic cleansing' in Iraq (Shall I start screaming, now?!)
- Lasseter from Baghdad: U.S. 'Surge' Might Only Help al-Sadr (Would you like to start beating your own head - or should I help you?)
- Pictures of dead Saddam used to 'stimulate' Hicks (Yes, it really can get sicker - wait!)
- Two from 'NYT' Threatened With Loss of Embed Over Images from Iraq (Ooooo!)
- RUMOR IS, "U.S. TO ATTACK IRAN ON/BY FEB 24th...." (I was expecting this a year ago)
- The U.S Congress Democratic Caucus president would be Israeli military intelligence officer (READ: United States of Israel)
- FLASHBACK: Two Israelis Are Detained in Mexican Legislature Building after Behaving Suspiciouslu and found to be carrying Arms
- Ten-year old girl brain dead after border police shooting
- Ahmadinejad defiant on nuke program ("defiant" is not at all the right word)
- Famed Computer Scientist Missing at Sea (Jim Gray READ Watch this one - at least he wasn't a microbiologist)
- Origin of pingo-like features on the Beaufort Sea shelf and their possible relationship to decomposing methane gas hydrates (Global warming morons. please pay your 5 possible seconds of attention)
- The REAL Bush "cover-up" (If the trivial can be globally concealled, ...)
- Hillary fails to 'perform' for pro-israel crowd (Didn't spread her hairy legs wide enough)
- U.S. not planning for war with Iran, Gates says (But, seriously folks, ...)
- Minn. farmer charged after chasing thief (This is your country, remember - or is it?)
- Students accept Carter challenge (How fast will this disappear?)
- Judge Gives Rationale for Tossing Hatfill Suit Against Times (rationale = excuse)
- Commentary: Zionist Crimes in Lebanon (Bravo!)
- Tighter airport security hurts US tourism (Don't come or go: kill it all faster than US banking corpagov intends)
- Iran allowing UN surveillance: official (except for the "evidence" planting criminals - just like US police)
- Ex-advisers offer revised Iraq plans (Just a porcupine of a different color)
- Bush Wants $245 Billion for War Effort (Chimpo Wants the Universe!)
- Britain: Government seeks compromise with Church over same-sex adoption (Why?)
- Australia: Police officer faces charges for killing Aboriginal prisoner
- India's judiciary seeks to burnish its reputation with some belated guiltyverdicts (It's worth shit, like any other purported "judiciary")
- Germany: Wide divisions among Christian Democrats (Some insane and stupid, some not)
- Big oil companies post record profits for 2006 (Do we not know how this was created?)
- Why is the US press silent on Brzezinski's warnings of war against Iran? (He's just another diversionbary pig in the sty)
- The Libby perjury trial and the Washington media establishment (Both need delousing)
- Listen Gore: Some Inconvenient Truths About the Politics of Environmental Crises (More excrutiating babbling by morons discoursing on science of which they know absolutely nothing)
- Ronald Bruce St. John: Apartheid By Any Other Name (Pseudointellectual babbling)
- Why the Family Farm is Good for Rural America (Do we need arguments for completely obvious?)
- John Feffer: Picturing the President (i.e., 'murikans are fundamental fasicists, and always have been)
- Pam Martens: America's "Money Honey" as Corporate Matchmaker (The psychology of infants)
- Cutting the Schools-to-War Pipeline (READ)
- The Meanest Industry (Meatpacking?! Moron! It's Banking-Insurance-Securities and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about)
- Intelligence Estimate on Iraq: "US Has Little Control" (The less on anything, the better)
- Death Penalty: Abolition, a Capital Issuez (The STATE has no such right - period)
- Panel Sees Centuries of Warming Due to Humans (Panel of morons, asshole, governmental whores, liars - just like the other side)
- US Congress Debates Rebuke for Bush on Iraq (Oh, don't bore me, imbecile!)
- Thomas D. Williams | Report Says Bush Downplays Costs of Troop Increase (Of course he does - he lies, all the time)
- Renewables Can Turn the Tide on Global Warming (Another idiot chimes in)
- Final Report: Humans Caused Global Warming (OMG! the corpagov whore: Scientific American - scienttific? You should be so lucky - let it die)
- Gaza clashes shatter ceasefire (Israel induced)
- 'Potter' preorders soar at Amazon (I guess few care he's starring in Equus; that's ONE sign of human health)
- Texas Is First to Require Cancer Shots for Schoolgirls (WTF?!)
- Kosovo says Yes to UN plan but Serbia says No (i.e., Serbia gets fucked)
- Chopper crash brings total to 4 in 2 weeks
- Intelligence study reports a bleak outlook for stability in Iraq (Geniuses at work - It was designed that way dumdum!)
- Iraqi forces deficient, [deficient] intelligence report says
- Bush proposes big budget increase for US Army to ease war strains (Stop his continuing genocides - yes that's plural)
- Bush to Seek Record $716 Billion for Defense Spending (DO YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THIS?!)
- Basketball legend throws support behind Obama (How fucking cool!)
- Joe Biden's Obama drama (Ditch both and the rest of the criminal congress)
- Gabe Pressman's View: Biden's Loose Tongue (and Pressman's loose brain)
- Gen. Casey: Shinseki mistreated (No shit! The man actually had a brain - a rare thing these days)
- Romney calls Hillary 'timid' on Iran (alpha-idiots now performing)
- Seven bombs go off in Kirkuk in further Iraqi violence
- What am I bid for this here politician?
- U.S. can't prove Iran link to Iraq strife
- Bush, Pelosi plan joint (unipartisan) news conference Saturday
- Little Georgie Wants More Money For His Excellent Adventures
- Bush Budget Hikes War Funding
- Justifications for attacking Iran on shaky ground (Nonexistent, actually)
- Iran: A War Is Coming
- The Lebanese Dilemma: A Primer - by Antoun Issa
- Blackwater, Inc. And The Privatization Of The Bush War Machine (READ)
- Lethal bird flu hits Britain, consumers told it's 'safe to eat' (OR, are they lying, as usual?)
- Bush promised Lavrov not to launch war against Iran (with fingers crossed behind his back)
- ABC News: New York Sen. Clinton Says Iran a Threat (The Great Whore of Israel)
- Carbon dioxide rate is at highest level for 650,000 years (or not)
- Al Gore: Silicon Valley can save earth (Such an asshole)
- Bush to cut $1.3bn from levee protection in Louisiana (So outrageously evil)
- Unworthy of consideration (Imagine who and what that phrase covers)
- Cloneburgers Won't Come With Warnings (Abandon all hope ye who enter ...)
- Bird flu outbreak on English farm is H5N1 (or it didn't happen)
- Fatal bird flu virus confirmed in Britain (Who says?)
- Emergency measures put in place (State Terrorism)
- Perry Orders Pre-Teen Girls To Get HPV Vaccine (With or without Kool-ade?)
- Number of People Stopped by Police Soars in New York (Totalitarian State)
- Super Bowl Security a Massive Effort (Policed Totalitarian State of Terror)
- 'I won't quit and I won't plead with anyone over my integrity' (The ever hubritic Tony Teflon)
- Chinese Official Publishes Rebuke of Bush (When does he apologize?)
- Depleted Uranium, Diabetes, Cancer And You (READ)
- Pakistan Admits Security Forces Allowed Taleban Raids
- More UK troops for Afghanistan
- Looters still ransacking Afghanistan's treasures, experts warn
- Travel Logs Aid Germans' CIA Kidnap Probe
- Murder charge filed against Canadian in Guantanamo (Fabrication)
- US drafts new terrorism charges against Hicks (More fabrications)
- Judges Pose Questions on Bush Detainee Policy
- Defense Official Resigns Over Detainee Remarks (He should be disbarred)
- Baghdad market bomb 'kills 121'
- Report says Iraq could be torn apart
- Bush says budget will limit non-defense spending (READ)
- Care for U.S. veterans could cost $662 bln: study (which US is already refusing to provide)
- Mercenaries are second largest force in Iraq: UN (which will replace US armed forces)
- UK guilty of sending 'child soldiers' to Iraq
- Republicans Plan to Block Iraq Debate
- Iraq in Fragments
- "These Drugs are Poison to Some People" (READ)
- No More Rebukes or Non-Binding Resolutions
- The Government Blinks: Freedom for the Ibrahim Family
- Conn Hallinan: The Vishnu Strategy (READ)
- The Iraq War Hits Hawai'i: the Stryker Brigade and the Watada Case
- Diana Barahona: How to Turn a Priest into a Cannibal (READ Haiti)
- Space Missiles Away!: the Irony of Bush's Indignation
- Dying Well: Why Killing Saddam Backfired on Bush
- A Symbol of a Timid Congress (If you say it's timid, then you are alsoBOUGHT)
- Who Can Stop the War? (No one, asshole!)
- Pentagon Alters Casualty Figures (LMAO! Is this somehow UNEXPECTED?!)
- (Clueless) Fatah, Hamas agree to renew Gaza truce (while Israel continues the genocide)
- Bird flu is the price of your -11;-11;5 roas
- Faster global warming alarms policy makers (The created farce suits their manipulative state terrorism)
- UN study spurs call to fight warming (Lying babbling horseshit)
- Iran invites visitors inside nuclear fuel plant
- US developing 'all kinds of contingency plans' for Iraq (You betcha! The genocide has had too many unintended consequences)
- US intelligence: Iraq situation is in sharp decline (US "intelligence" is nonexistent)
- Fineman: Dem Candidates Come Out Swinging (for Israel!)
- The Obama revolution (Fuck him!)
- Breeding ground for a new cynicism? (If any "new cynicism" is possible, you just have NOT been paying attention)
- Viacom wants its content taken off YouTube (Hmmm - the question is, why is it there?)
- Boston scare case could be hard to prove (Prosecutors would be morons to try - but, this country is FILLED with morons)
- Turner Takes Full Blame for Marketing Scare That Snarled Boston
- Turner to pay costs of Boston scare
- Should you change to Vista? If so, at what cost (It is far too great a cost)
- Could California Ban the Bulb? [sigh]
- Cancer vaccine price, insurance problems limiting patient access (All insurers are criminals and wrecketeers)
- Proposal requires vaccine for girls (with or without poisonous Thimerisol?)
- In Drill, CDC Practices For Influenza Pandemic (This IS a joke, right?)
- Blair, Facing Calls to Quit, Calls for Party Unity (Maybe he's just die?)
- 'Ten files of evidence' submitted in cash for honours inquiry
- Focus: So just how bad is it, Tony?
- Security forces 'foil another terrorist plot every six weeks' (as they are created in the state terror factory)
- Muslim anger rises over alleged terror plot raids (Hello corpagovs! Terrorising and pissing off people can get out of hand when least expected: then you are DEAD, literally)
- Killer flu recreated in the lab (1918 flu - Remember?)
- H5N1: The deadly strain of bird flu is here. But we're told: Don't panic
- World braced for huge surge in bird flu cases (which will really be released 1918 flu)
- Poll shows Britons believe Blair should quit now (But, phony Tony isn't having it)
- British fear gung-ho Americans (Somebody's wising up)
- Strategist calls for counter-terrorism institute to be set up (Just think of all the terrorizing BS it can create!)
- Iran showcases nuclear facility to visiting diplomats, journalists
- Iranian nuclear scientist 'assassinated by Mossad' (That would be in character)
- In Washington, Contractors Take on Biggest Role Ever (Corpa part of corpagov sucks up the blood money)
- Bush's signing statements examined (Don't hold your breath)
- George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House
- Loss for Holocaust hoax site (On selfproving theorems)
- Bird Flu Outbreak Coincided With Drill
- All Along the Watchtower: The Firestorm of New War is Almost Upon Us - Chris Floyd
- Please spare me the word 'terrorist' - Robert Fisk
- Egypt uncovers spying ring operating for Israel
- We Can't Make It Here Anymore (READ)
- How AIPAC warps US policy - Walt and Mearsheimer in Action (READ)
- Soros on U.S. war on Iraq: -11;-11;-11;We have to go through a certain de-Nazification process-11;-11;-11;
- ISRAELI EMBASSY IN NYC A RADIATION HOT SPOT (Who needs missles with nukes planted in world's major cities?)
- U.S. Set to Begin a Vast Expansion of DNA Sampling
- Baghdad offensive to begin: U.S. officers (Offensive, at very least)
- Global suicide? : Melbourne Indymedia
- Iranians find cure for AIDS!
- Sen. Robert Byrd: Bush War Plan: Blind and Improvident (and clearly illegal)
- Neocons to Iraq: Screw You - by Justin Raimondo
- Bush sends Congress $2.90T spending plan (Lunatic!)
- Senate Republicans successfully block debate on Iraq resolution (as expected)
- New Fort Detrick BioDefense Laboratory May Reflect a Bush Germ War Effort (As in "bird flu" as cover for 1918 flu release)
- What 'Israel's right to exist' means to Palestinians (READ)
- IDF: UNIFIL enabled planting of bombs (How many nukes has Israel sequestered in how many cities of the world?)
- Israel restricts access to al-Aqsa
- Jimmy Carter's book on Israel and Palestine touches a raw Zionist nerve (More on self proving theorems)
- Paul Craig Roberts: The Real Failed States (READ)
- The Genocidal Namesake of the Hastings School of Law (READ US History)
- Quarantine USA: Bird Flu Panic and Profiteering (READ)
- In DC, Contractors Are the "Fourth Branch of Govt." (Corpagov)
- A Battle Over "Powerful Evidence" at Libby Trial
- In Orlando, a Law Against Feeding the Homeless (Land of the Free!)
- Watada lawyer frustrated as judge narrows defense
- 'Friendly fire' video unearthed
- Clinton, Edwards and Obama: Strike Iran (Invalidating all 3 of them)
- Bush budget to sharpen tax collectors' teeth
- It's Official: Jewish Progressive Criticism of Israel Is Now a Movement
- US immigration cavity search ends in agony (Nation of morons run amok)
- Clinton Promises American Jews To Back Israel (Great Whore of Tel-Aviv)
- The Bush Torture Memos (READ)
- portland imc - 2005.04.11 - ISRAELIS were 9-11 short sale stock buyers, betting on WTC terror strikes, story killed...
- Editing Chavez to Manufacture a Slur
- Israeli government destroys Moroccan Gate and parts of Al Aqsa Mosque area amid outcry
- Army made video warning about dangers of depleted uranium but never showed it to troops
- Establishing U.S. Africa Command (Hello?)
- Political Power and the Rule of Law by Ron Paul (READ)
- Waste in War: Where Did All the Iraq Reconstruction Money Go?
- The Bush administration's campaign of lies and misinformation against Iran
- America's Secret Air War in Iraq
- Audio clip on JFK Jr. flight released
- Shooting erupts on Israel-Lebanon border
- Mistrial in war objector case
- Bush Targets Iran
- Bush's uncle tangled in options probe
- After many denials, US Army confirms private security contract in Iraq
- Iraq water deal illuminates murky world of secret contracting
- Officials indict 5 in Iraq contract scam
- Russert testifies in Libby perjury trial (Cheney's buddy)
- Remote Polish airstrip holds clues to secret CIA flights
- Prodi, Berlusconi won't testify over CIA 'kidnap'
- U.S. moving ahead with plans to train Palestinian security forces (WHAT?!)
- Bush calls for eliminating food program for seniors (Let them eat cake!)
- The Quiet Plan to Kill Medicare
- Did Your PC Try to Bring Down the Internet Last Night? (No!)
- Wal-Mart launches video download service (Beyond the pale)
- Wal-Mart brings muscle to movie download market (It will destroy the internet)
- IDF will respond to any attack in north, senior officer says (Israel has already attacked)
- Anna Nicole Smith has died after collapsing at hotel (End of the wierdness)
- American's complacent, obedient slaves (READ, be ashamed)
- HSBC warns over US mortgage bad debt (Geniuses report in!)
- PM to U.K.: Enact law prohibiting IDF officers' arrest in Britain (Wil no one rid us of the meddlesome, shitty little country?)
- Israel, U.S. begin discussions on renewal of foreign aid package (Tired of whining zionists: tell them all to fuck off!)
- Why Was the Palestinian Mother of Eleven Murdered? (The world has given permission for it - figure it out)
- BA to charge $470 for an extra bag (Don't fly!)
- Israel still top recipient of US foreign aid (How much tribute to the Israeli empire do other nations also pay under threat of IL's forward deployed nukes?)
- Will War Criminal Feith Escape Justice?
- Palestinian breakthrough on unity government (Israel will kill it)
- Iran arrests 100 Iranians spying for US, Israel (As CIA engineered against Iran's prior democracy)
- Pentagon sets its sights on Africa (READ)
- The Watada Mistrial: Here's What Really Happened (US negates entire concepts of sanity and law)
- Iraq airstrike reportedly kills civilians (i.e., US airstrike ON IRAQIS - and this is a daily occurance)
- Bush Wants Funding Jump for Anti-Drug Ads Rated as Useless (criminal US corpagov is certainly less than useless)
- Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: Was Israel Tracking the Hijackers Before 9/11 Attacks? (READ)
- U.S./Israel: The dual-loyalty question is being mainstreamed
- Thank You Lt. Ehren Watada - West Point Graduates Against the War
- France urges UN Council to "react" to israeli/Lebanese border clash (It is already USUKIL v. World)
- Police Chief forges documents, steals house -- gets probation
- It's Bush vs. America - and Bush wins | Jerusalem Post (Who controls the US Congress?)
- Ground Zero EMT: We Were Told Building 7 Was to Be "Pulled"
- Hacker breaks into website of Canadian nuclear agency (Who cares?)
- Rice confronted over Iran evidence (Ron Paul is one of 2 congressmen who actually should be alive)
- The Raw Story | Pentagon: Pre-war intelligence not illegal (making the pentagone, along with the rest of US corpagov, illegal)
- Senator calls report 'devastating condemnation' of Office of Special Plans (Illegal corpagov)
- Thirty-Six Sure-Fire Signs That Your Empire Is Crumbling
- Rice Denies Seeing Iranian Proposal in '03 (But, being a psychopathic liar ...)
- Wolfowitz Warns of 'Surprise like Pearl Harbor' Months Before 9/11 Attacks (The criminal US corpagov perpetrated 9/11 - have you got that yet, assholes?)
- Army Says It Will Withhold $19.6 Million From Halliburton, Citing Potential Contract Breach (Believe that, and you'll be told another one)
- Iraq Minister Funneled Millions to Militia for Sectarian Attacks, Violence Targeting Civilians (as dictated by US misadministration of illegal corpagov)
- Iraqi official allegedly gave millions to insurgents (Oh yes - "allegedly")
- New York will sue Exxon, others over Brooklyn oil spill (Shit happens?!)
- Birmingham raids: Five charged with terror offences (Orwellian UK)
- 'The government has contracted out oversight of contractors to contractors.' (Are you out of your league in logic yet?)
- Iraqi insurgents offer peace in return for US concessions (They would have to be bonkers)
- Democrats back massive hike in military spending (What did you expect, morons?)
- Iraq and Darfur: the politics of war crimes
- Countdown for Iran
- Mexico at Davos: the Split with Latin America Widens
- Watada Beats Government (You think it's over?)
- Filibuster to End the War Now! (In your dreams: Israel rules!)
- Trish Schuh: The Salvador Option in Beirut (READ)
- Brzezinski: Iraq War a Calamity (an understatement)
- NOW | New Bankruptcy Laws Make It Harder for Working Americans to Start Over (How many years too late is this?)
- No 10 rejects police state claim (For once he's not lying: UK is police state for EVERYBODY)
- Thelma and Louise Imperialism: Over the Cliff with George and Dick?
- Official's Key Report On Iraq Is Faulted
- Israeli police confront worshipers at Al-Aqsa
- Is Bombing Iran Bush's Call? (No, but Congress will not prevent)
- IP Blocks Used by US Terrorist Surveillance Program
- DoD Report Appears to Confirm Downing Street Memo
- US think tank [CFR] urges retreat from Iraq
- students have no constitutional rights in RI (?!)
- Pentagon Report Finds Killing Over 600,000 Iraqis (For Israel) "Inappropriate" But Not Illegal(Even logic is tortured here)
- Bush budget: billions for greedy, bones for needy
- U.S. mortgage lenders rattle markets
- Gonzales' sacking of US Attorneys like a 'coup d'etat'
- Worldwide events mark Israeli Apartheid Week
- Israel, US sign homeland security pact (They already run our Congress!)
- Russia flexes Mideast muscles with Putin visit
- Bush Can't Spin Way out of Hellish Conditions in Iraq
- Iranian negotiator calls off Europe trip to discuss nuclear crisis (It'sa waste of time & energy)
- More Ground Zero Heroes On The Record: Building 7 Was Deliberately Brought Down
- As Predicted: Global Warming Skeptics Linked With Holocaust Denial
- 'Just compensation' unjust by any name (So typically 'murikan)
- James Petras' New Book: The Power of Israel in the United States
- "Surge" or "Involuntary" Military Conscription: The Neo-Conservative Architects of Military Escalation
- Was There an AIDS Contract? [Morrissey] (READ)
- 'Noah's Ark' seed vault unveiled (small light at end of hell of corpagov globalism)
- New York will sue Exxon, others over Brooklyn oil spill
- House Republicans take to the airwaves (Fecalation)
- Canadian, U.S. and Mexican officials held secretive meeting on integration
- Mystery notes, bombs threaten US financial firms (or not)
- Big rise in Russian military spending raises fears of new challenge to west
- Hillier orders full inquiry into treatment of detainees (Blah, blah, ...)
- Oil Prices Spike on Iran, Cold Weather (over $60 barrels)
- Gates: U.S. Can 'Prove' Iran's Iraq Role (Meaning it can't be done)
- Pentagon to Extend Troops in Afghanistan
- Coleman: Senate should be 'ashamed' for failure to vote on Iraq (Asshole)
- Blackwater admits shooting
- Reconstruction Official on Iraqi Billions: "What Difference Does It Make?"
- Pentagon unit defied CIA advice to justify Iraq war (Aren't we at treason yet?)
- Nuke detectors to ring New York, official says (as stupid as it gets - so far)
- Police Probe Alleged Homeless Dumping (The meaning of Bush's US)
- Paraplegic allegedly 'dumped' on skid row
- Israel intensifies flights over Lebanon border (i.e., they've been doing it all along)
- Criticism of Israeli Actions in Jerusalem Continues as Israeli Army Attacks Worshippers)
- Hezbollah slams Israel for construction work near Jerusalem mosque
- Yitzhak Laor: Under the Steamroller
- Newton Garver: Politics and Apartheid
- Nikolas Kozloff: Bombing Venezuela's Indians
- Gary Leupp: Charging Iran with "Genocide" Before Nuking It (READ)
- Conn Hallinan: The Najaf Massacre, an Annotated Fable (READ: NYT continuing treason)
- Windows Everywhere? (A death knell of the Internet)
- World leaders hopeful Fatah-Hamas agreement will bring peace (They lie: IL will not allow it)
- Iranian MPs ready to talk with US senators: daily (It doesn't matter)
- Alternative Intelligence on Iraq Called Dubious (Synonym for known lies)
- Brain scan can read your intentions: study (Believe that, and they will tell you another one)
- Anna Nicole Smith was drinking heavily (or not)
- Anna Nicole's cause of death still a mystery (or she was poisoned?)
- Gossip, legal fights don't die with Anna Nicole (Exactly: Qui bono?)
- Fears grow that bird flu virus has entered food chain (They certainly want fears to grow: "fear is the mind-killer")
- 1 in 150 Children in US Has Autism, New Survey Finds (Thimerisol?)
- Sen. Clinton: I didn't vote for 'pre-emptive war'
- 'NYT' Reporter Who Got Iraqi WMDs Wrong Now Highlights Iran Claims (Congenital liar Gordon)
- Putin Blasts U.S. for Its Use of Force
- The NY Times returns to pre-Iraq-war "journalism" (i.e., Lying loudly)
- More bloodthristy propaganda on the way
- Target Iran: US able to strike in the spring (Where are all Iran's missles set to go?)
- Criminals Control the Executive Branch - by Paul Craig Roberts
- Helping Israel Die (It now needs no help to die, niether does US)
- ElBaradei fears chain reaction to Iran conflict
- Counterfeiting Money - Crime or Good Economics? (READ)
- Feith and Franklin (READ)
- Senator calls report 'devastating condemnation' of Office of Special Plans
- America: Freedom to Fascism (READ)
- Israeli Forces Storm Al-Aqsa Compound, Many Wounded
- Pentagon lies with stats
- Trial exposes White House crisis machine
- Putin: U.S. policies create arms race
- Hundreds protest U.S. jets in Japan
- An explosion of disbelief - fresh doubts over 9/11(What we who have paid attention have known for 6 years)
- Congress Finds Ways to Avoid Lobbyist Limits (The Ever Criminal Congress)
- Lack of affordable housing has deadly consequences Tornado strike kills 20 in Central Florida
- Russian President visits India to reinvigorate Indo-Russian alliance
- Britain: Failure to suppress video of "friendly fire" killing of British soldier by US pilots
- Pentagon report admits fabricated intelligence used to justify Iraq war
- Blaming the Iraqis: A new cover-up for American militarism
- Jennifer L. Turner and Juli S. Kim: China's Filthiest Export
- Greg Moses: The Words of Mohammad, an 11 Year-Old Prisoner (READ)
- Barack Obama: Not a Bold Bone in His Body
- Till the Cows Come Home: How the West was Eaten
- Gabriel Kolko: Israel, Iran and the Bush Administration
- US prepares for failure in Iraq surge
- I was scared. Who would believe the Israeli president raped me?' (Who would believe a US president would rape his own country?)
- Deadliest Bomb in Iraq Is Made by Iran, U.S. Says (Michael R. Gordon, who sold you the Iraq invasion is at it again)
- U.S. weighs divulging Iran-Iraq 'proof' (wondering whether the lies will work again)
- Al-Qaeda praying for Obama win, says PM (Now, WHO told him to say that?)
- Defense bigs ask '24' to cool it on torture (Completely bizarre)
- US presidential hopeful McCain warns Europeans on Afghanistan (Another congenital wacko)
- Putin says U.S. wants to dominate world (the zionist neocons sure do)
- Government Seeks to Halt Telecom Spying Suits
- Montana House Votes To Deny Federal ID Act
- BP's Texas refinery 'largest emitter of carcinogenic toxins in US'
- U.S.-led forces show evidence of Iran weapons in Iraq (Cranking up the lie machine)
- Iranian bombs have killed 170 Iraq coalition troops: US (Fabrication)
- Bush may bypass Congress on Medicaid cutbacks
- US to present its evidence of Iran's meddling in Iraq, wary of past intelligence blunders - International Herald Tribune ("News" is as transparent as the sick, criminal lying machince called US)
- Elections chief in Ohio's largest county resigns (an unindicted treasoor)
- Don't ignore a million angry voices, Mr Blair
- US fabricating evidence against Iran (It's always been the 'murkin way)
- Israel urges international rejection of Palestinian unity deal (Israel's theft of the world cannot be had peacefully)
- U.S. domination threatens globe, Putin claims in harsh speech
- Rep. Hoyer: Vote on Iraq will be limited (Limited to uselessness)
- Cheney Pushing for Iran Attack (As Olmert dictates)
- DOJ says Iraq terror suspect ruling hinders executive power to wage war (Treasonous DOJ delenda est)
- Squandering billions in Iraq while U.S. suffers (That is exactly then designed point!)
- Security prisoners consume more water (the utterly depravity of the zionist entity)
- War: It's just a pretext away (READ)
- Bush: 'Every fallen soldier's family will get a new SUV' (Barf!)
- U.S. Launches Artillery Into Pakistan (Oh?)
- The 9/11 Solution: The Big Clue Everyone Missed (READ)
- CIA doubts didn't deter Feith's team
- Foreign spies should stay out (READ)
- HATE CRIMES LEGISLATION BACK (Ooops! Kill it, quickly!)
- Radioactive New York (READ)
- Anti-Semitism talks start amid storm ("Anti-semitism" is a lying, thieving farce)
- Arab League blasts Temple Mount dig for 'altering features' of Jerusalem
- Soviets Razed Churches, Spared Synagogues (I wonder why?)
- UN cameras set up in underground Iran nuclear plant
- An experiment that hints we are wrong on climatechange (Thank you! Someone with a brain on the subject!)
- Pentagon blames Iran for 170 US deaths (Nonsense)
- Apartheid Denial Humor ("The Fixer" is not all that funny)
- If The Bush Administration Lied About WMD, So Did These People (READ)
- FLASHBACK: Bombs From Iran...Umm, Made In Uk...
- FLASHBACK: ABC And The IED's From Iran That Were Made In The UK
- Waxman Raps Ex-Iraq Chief Over Aid Funds
- Bush cuts health care to pay for war
- Bush budget plan revives forest sale scheme
- War tax sought as US Congress debates Bush budget (Fucking Lieberbush)
- US should weigh war on [of] terrorism tax - Lieberman
- U.S. military: Iraqi lawmaker is U.S. Embassy bomber (Now, this is real irony)
- Iranian Diplomat Kidnapped in Baghdad by Iraqis With Official ID
- Pace: Not enough equipment for surge (You've surged enough)
- Portugal probes alleged CIA flights
- US handling of Hicks poor: PM (Now, speaks another poodle)
- S-11;-11;gol-11;-11;ne Royal unveils far-left economic campaign platform(FR)
- Portugal to legalize abortion, conservatives shaken
- Scientists Find New Genetic Explanation For Type 2 Diabetes
- Target Tehran: Washington sets stage for a new confrontation
- Ex-Bush Iran official: US seeks pretext for conflict with Iran (He wouldn't kid us, would he?)
- Report: Cheney to snub Japan defense minister for calling Iraq war 'mistake' (One of our national reptos)
- Fabricating the Case Against Iran
- Russia's Putin Makes Historical Visit to Saudi Arabia
- Windows Vista Destroys Photo Metadata (The usual M$ shitware)
- Washington sources: Israel in race for more aid (Would they every want less?)
- Monsanto Dumped Toxic Waste in UK
- 'Wash Post' Joins 'NYT' in Trumpeting 'Anonymous' Claims on Iranian Weapons in Iraq (Controlled lying MSM)
- Surging Into Catastrophe in Iraq (That's the design)
- "Explosively formed penetrators" rebranded UK shells, and not Iranian? (Fabricating the evidence again)
- Tair's Palestinian peers (READ)
- Canadian government forming pro-Israel lobby
- Feith calls prewar lies 'good government' (Neocon zionist mass murderer wacko)
- Obama to Howard - 'Put up or Shut up'
- Who Do You Think Is the Worlds Worst Dictator? (None of the above)
- Deadly dirty work in the Philippines
- Propaganda Extravaganza (Equally true for 6 years)
- General: Bin Laden trail has 'gone cold' (Because he's dead, asshole!)
- Ohio food stamp usage increases 71%
- Warming climate blamed on cosmic rays (and a few hundred other things)
- Zimbabwe inflation nears 1,600%
- Blast Reported Near U.S. Base in Japan
- No 10 backs US claim over Iran arms (Soap to wash his mouth out)
- Lebanon, Again - by Justin Raimondo
- Record numbers in Michigan seek food stamps, other assistance
- Paul Craig Roberts: How the World Can Stop Bush (READ)
- Gen. Pace Refuses To Back Claims On Iran
- Bush's New Iran Policy - No Evidence for IED Charge
- FBI guns and laptops go missing
- 'Consumer Watchdog' Website Faces Complaints, Lawsuits
- States fund antiabortion advice
- It's English or no welfare benefit in UK
- Passing the Buck on Health Care
- White House urges road fees, charging drivers to use highways (He's already selling the roads!)
- Mystery Ailment Strikes Honeybees
- Costly NSA initiative has a shaky takeoff (Lunatics)
- Bush plans consecutive budget cuts for veterans (Criminal)
- Hundreds of Taliban massing to attack dam: official
- NATO's Afghan mission in trouble: Canada's Senate
- US to remain in Afghanistan for long time: Gates (Fabricating realities)
- Journalist Says Fleischer Was Source of CIA Leak
- Reporters Deny Official Leaked Name to Them (LOL)
- Iraqi leading Baghdad crackdown forced from home (Mene mene tekel ufarsin)
- Hussein vice-president sentenced to death
- Concurrent Resolution on the President's Escalation Plan (Useless wheelspinning by design)
- House Democrats Unveil Measure Denouncing Iraq Buildup (Now, tell the truth, NYT)
- Iran Claims New Stealth Drone That Can Attack US Gulf Fleet
- Too late to halt Iran's nuclear bomb, EU is told
- Iraq bombs from 'Iran' were created by UK security services
- CNN: Bush-Backed Shiite Group Receiving Weapons Shipments From Iran
- That's interesting Dixie Chicks sweep Grammy Awards
- Police stops skyrocket in New York City (A totalitarian state in itself)
- US Senator Barack Obama and the war in Iraq (Right: he's no different from the others)
- The historic decline of the United States and the eruption of militarism Part two
- Russian President Putin lambastes US foreign policy
- Bush administration concocts a "dossier" for war against Iran
- Twisted: Sex and Torture in America
- The Kervorkian Administration: Are Bush and Cheney the Biggest Threats tothe Existence of Israel? (Wrong question, and Israel has always been the greatest threat to itself: its existence is founded on genocide)
- Acting in Bad Feith: Inappropriate Behavior and Impeachment
- The Frame-Up That Fell Apart: Jury See Through Another Botched Federal "Terrorism" Case (They have ALL been lies and complete concoctions)
- Greg Moses: Crossing the Lines of Human Decency (US corpagov point is to terrorize EVERYONE in this country)
- Dr. John Carroll, MD: What Next for Haiti's Cite Soleil?
- Wolfowitz Emerges as Key Figure in Intel Manipulation
- Libby Trial Sheds Light on White House
- Told to Wait, a Marine Dies
- US Sending Third Carrier Strike Group to Persian Gulf
- Congress Accuses White House of Homeland Security "On the Cheap" (On the nonexistent would be better)
- Bush tries to dampen speculation on military strike against Iran (But the, he lies a lot)
- Star Character Witnesses at Libby Trial (Wacko Dana Milbank)
- Bill Gates, others buy Four Seasons hotels (To give the same level of quality service as Micro$oft)
- Siestas May Cut Heart Disease Risk (They also correlate with a generally less stressed life, idiots!)
- Larry Franklin was with Ledeen! Connect the dots
- Marine charged with war crimes revokes guilty plea
- US trade deficit breaks new high in 2006
- Bush plan would cut VA funding (Support Our Troops!)
- Spanish Left Wants US Bases Out (Still so very loved)
- Russia Demands Explanation as U.S. Defense Secretary Not Sure of Future Relations
- US and Europe set for meltdown over Iran
- Warmongering Top Neocon Daniel Pipes Testifies in Congress
- Venezuela Contends US Interference
- How Gaza Offends Us All (The continuing unspoken genocide by Israel)
- Skeptics Doubt U.S. Evidence on Iran Action in Iraq (anyone with at lest 1 firing synapse)
- In pictures: US Iran evidence (This is evidence?! LOL)
- No one can prevent nuclear Iran, top defense official says (Duh-uh)
- Fox News: Run by Al-Qaeda operatives? (LOL)
- Fallon to recruit Arab nations for help (in finishing the genocide and destruction US is intent upon)
- Child beggars rampant in Baghdad (Should not be a surprise)
- Iraqi insurgents using Austrian rifles from Iran (So, let's nuke Austria?)
- Donald with his hand in the cookie jar (The reason for power is theft)
- Top Cheney Aide: 2007 Is The Year Of Iran, U.S. Attack A Real Possibility
- Tentative Nuclear Deal Struck With North Korea (tenative is a good word)
- Iraq says to close borders with Syria, Iran (Why?)
- U.S. financial aid to Israel supports apartheid, threatens world peace (and it's been going on for over 60 years)
- Pentagon Caught Red Handed in an attempt to Frame Iran: Iran Does Not Manufacture 81MM Mortar Shells (Have you got the Pentagon nature yet?)
- Iran: Anatomy of a Lie (Governments LIE! They always have. Are we payingNO attention to reality?)
- CNN's Nuke Plant Photos Identical for Both Iran and N. Korea! (Figure itout, dum-dum)
- If It Ain't Islamic Then It Ain't Terrorism (READ)
- FLASHBACK: The Iraqi tanks that were not there (As criminal US corpagov has done before)
- Felicity Arbuthnot: The Contract Interrogator (READ)
- Retraction: Iran Does Make 81mm Mortar Shells (READ)
- Rafik Hariri and The Salvador Option in Beirut (Israel on murderous march again)
- Soldiers Back From War Fight Different Battle (READ, and then try to love your goddamned fucking corpagov)
- MK asks El Al why it refused to fly body of Israeli Arab woman
- Steer Clear of Windows Vista Basic (The worst of all M$ shit)
- Enron case rolls back investor safeguards (Purpose of government is to to rape the governed)
- Former top CIA official, contractor indicted (small fry sacrificed)
- U.S. Government Readying Massive Cybersecurity Test (Babbling)
- Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007 (Interesting idea)
- Ex - CIA Contractor Sentenced to Prison (and this will make all the boo-boos go away)
- Taliban seize second district (or not)
- Howard challenges Rudd over Iraq (Some people do need killing)
- World Bank to provide $500m loan to Iraq (to pay Halliburton)
- Israel ready 'to confront Iran alone' (We could only hope they try - Faboom! No more Israel!)
- Our Friends at Antiwar.com Need Your Help
- Columbia Coalition Against the War: Why We Are Striking (Good, but antiwar is no longer sufficient)
- Empty Vessels: Gen. Patraeus and Other Hollow Men (READ)
- Iran Bashing Goes Prime Time
- Fool Us Twice? From Iraq to Iran
- When Wall Street Whines (You Know They're Making a Killing)
- Targeting Tehran
- Uri Avnery: The Method in the Madness (that is a lethal madness nonetheless: bye bye Israel)
- Five Ousted US Attorneys Received Positive Job Evaluations
- North Korea Agrees to Nuclear Disarmament (until tomorrow)
- Pelosi Leads House Debate on War (couldn't lead anything; ditch the btch)
- Tenet Fires Back at Rice in New Book (Puffed Rice with shrapnel, and a sorry piece of trash)
- Representative Norwood Dies From Lung Disease, Cancer
- Libby Defense: Cheney Won't Testify (i.e., is relieved of committing perjury)
- Interpreter who fled Iraq ends up in Cyprus jail
- 18 members of Iran's elite guards killed (Al-CIAda?)
- Study ties drop in deaths to a little nap after lunch (Correlation does NOT imply causality)
- Iraq war debated in House (BFD)
- Romney enters White House race (Useless turd)
- Chimp "Stone Age" Finds Are Earliest Nonhuman Ape Tools, Study Says (Beyond stupid)
- Sept. 11 Ills Cost New York City $400 Million a Year (Another product of Bushco)
- Truth and Credibility (are dead)
- Daimler Considers Sale, Partners for Chrysler Unit (More looting)
- The Duke and the Hookers (Shades of Roman Republic)
- Israel again proved its lack of respect for Muslims
- You cant oppose the war & fund it at the same time
- American money to the Palestinians? Not so fast (READ)
- Chrysler To Cut 10,000 Jobs
- Problem With A Dictator? (Some wise words)
- Its not about the "Holocaust" you government-educated morons
- FLASHBACK: State Granted Access to Moving Company's Storage Facility (Yes, THOSE movers)
- Anti-American Cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr Reportedly Flees Iraq for Iran (o not)
- The Voice of the White House for February 12th 2007 (Psychopath VP)
- Teacher Convicted in Porn Case (stupidly)
- Why is the Iranian Ammunition Industries Group's webpage in English?
- Computer problem delays deployment of new US fighter jet (M$ at work?)
- 2003 Memo Says Iranian Leaders Backed Talks
- 'Gutless' Howard gags debate (Howard, the poodle, is a criminal liar, and he knows it)
- Israeli Arab couple petitions High Court after residency denied (ot that Israel is rewcist, or anything)
- Conservative radio host blasts leak trial; Wilson 'big fat lying sack' (Slavering reptos can't defeat reality)
- The new Bush strategy: Secure Baghdad and attack Iran
- Military Accepting More Ex-Cons
- Israel 'ready to confront Iran' (may be in for a big surprise)
- US Briefing on Iran Discredits the Official Line
- The Road Map to Despotism
- In northern Iraq, another war looms
- Six Lies You Shouldn't Believe About Iran
- Radio Station Cries 'Enough' -- Won't Quote From Certain News Stories Relying on Unnamed Officials (Bravo!)
- APARTHEID BEYOND THE GRAVE (Israel, of course)
- The Raw Story | Bush on Iraq civil war: Hard to give assessment 'living in this beautiful White House' (Nothing this git says should be paid attention to)
- Powell tried to push Iran talks in 2003 and was rebuffed, former official says (Powell is still a lying, criminal piece of shit)
- Iran 81mm Mortar Story: Twists, Turns, and Eating Crow
- Cheney asks manufacturers to push free trade (i.e., "corpatheft")
- Senate Panel Blocks Biggs Nomination (Delaying US annihilation)
- BP lands in more trouble on Caspian pipeline
- Declassified, But Still Unavailable (Another new official category "unavailable")
- Latest VA Data Breach Worse Than Initially Reported
- RFID 'Powder' - World's Smallest RFID Tag (All government should be denied all technology)
- Threat Detection System Will Monitor Your Every Move (That's why!)
- Legislators protest Real ID requirements
- French police in 'terror' swoop (A crock)
- Al-Qaeda group wants US oil sources hit (Al-CIAda playing games yet again)
- Memo: Stop teaching evolution (Devolved 'murikans)
- Not in our name: campaign launched against Trident (UK)
- Secret new US spy base to get green light (in AU)
- EU accused of role in secret CIA flights (Not mentioning 9/11 collusion)
- EU nations 'concealed' CIA flights (Yes, the collusion and conspiracy is larger than you think)
- Bill Would Restore Habeas Corpus, Define 'Enemy Combatant' (May be more of a horror than not)
- Official tells Senate Australia could not send psychiatrist to Guantanamo Bay
- Bush order allows Guantanamo trials to proceed (Sieg Heil!)
- Vermont Becomes First State to Call for US Troop Withdrawal from Iraq
- Bush urges Congress to pass spending needed to pay for war (They will, the criminals)
- U.S.: Crashed Copter Was Shot Down in Iraq (that which was lied about)
- Mahathir backs militants
- Iraqis Announce New Crackdown Across Baghdad (Gov cracks down on citizens while occupying US murders more of them)
- Colonel and three of his men cleared over abuse of detained Iraqis (Righty-o ! What's all this then?)
- Iraqi Insurgent Leader al-Sadr in Iran, Say US Officials (so it's probably another lie)
- Doubts raised on linking of Iran to US deaths in Iraq (No shit?)
- Bush: 'I intend to do something' about Iran presence in Iraq (Don Quixote had similar fantasies)
- Clinton to Bush: Do not strike Iran without congressional approval (Because the Rotten one said so, Dude!)
- 12 Republicans Break Ranks on Iraq Resolution (Oh yes, the sterile rebuke)
- Afghanistan under occupation: An assessment--Part two
- The strange case of the Australian PM and the American Senator (Howard & Obama - it's notariety and diversion)
- Is there a Bush pardon in Lewis Libby's future? Cheney aide abruptly ends defense in perjury trial (Of course)
- The implications in Iraq of Bush's military "surge"
- US "diplomacy" on Iran: thuggery and threats of military aggression
- At White House press conference, Bush escalates war threats against Iran
- Chrysler cuts 13,000 North American jobs (What economy?)
- Hybrids, Biofuels and Other False Idols (READ)
- The Press Bites, Again: a Word of Caution on Those Iranian Weapons
- The Democrats and Palestine: New Chairman, Old Rules (Israel first!)
- The Plot Against Mexican Corn (READ)
- Paul Craig Roberts: Cracks at the Pentagon (Never thought I'd pray for a military coup)
- Christopher Brauchli: The Perils of Charity (READ)
- Medical Apartheid in America
- Dick J. Reavis: The War Without a Name (READ: your depraved corpagov)
- Democrats' New Strategy: Force Slow End to War (Stupidity)
- Military Confirms 7th Helicopter Was Shot Down
- California and Iowa Approve Resolutions Against Iraq War
- WTO on the Wrong Track with Agricultural Policy (but the right track & right results as WTO sees it)
- US Military Tells "24": Cut Out Torture Scenes ... or Else!
- Bush Contradicts Sunday's Briefing on Iranian Weapons (He's a little dim)
- Testimony Ends in CIA Leak Trial
- Bernanke Pitches Slower Inflation Without Harm to Employment (Living in lala land)
- Creationists defeated in Kansas school vote on science teachin
- Fed sees soft landing for economy (In your dreams)
- The Raw Story | Bernstein: Bush administration's disinformation, misinformation 'something I have never witnessed before on this scale'
- US prison population to add 200,000 convicts by 2011: study
- In Congress, Opposing the War but Doing Nothing to Stop It - by Ron Paul (READ)
- FLASHBACK: Tons of Iraq explosives missing
- Israel Razes Bedouin Huts in West Bank
- U.S. one of worst places for kids (worst places for any human being)
- BBC 9/11 Documentary Likely Hit Piece
- NM Impeachment Resolution Officially On Agenda for Friday around 9:00 AM
- U.S. to shun all members of Palestinian unity govt (Israel says we have to)
- Zundel sentenced to 5 years (Outrageous!)
- Neo-Nazi rally was organized by FBI informant (Corpagov terrorist)
- Russia may scrap U.S. arms control treaty
- A Greater Israel (READ)
- An accident waiting to happen in Iran
- Iraq invasion plan 'delusional'
- Brandeis Donors Exact Revenge For Carter Visit
- US Foreign Aid to Israel
- Foreclosures rip neighborhoods
- Arab law student denied entry to Sharon Mall (Racist Israel)
- Air Force strips Playboy poser of status (Hmmmm)
- Vulture funds stealing from the debt relief of 3rd world country
- The State Murder Of Gordon Kahl (READ)
- Unhinged and unfit for office (every one of them)
- Man Arrested For Allegedly Teasing Dog (Loony nation)
- Zambia loses 'vulture fund' case
- Giants meet to counter US power
- Report: Nevada Governor Facing FBI Probe
- Four More Years for Keith Olbermann
- Armed police for London hot spots
- State, local officials to get security data
- Senators introduce bill to restrict use of cluster munitions (It doesn'tmatter)
- Experts fear Afghanistan could become the next Iraq (Geniuses!)
- Britain shamed over CIA flights (as shameless as any other government)
- EU nations censured over CIA 'torture' flights (BFD)
- CIA sounded-out Italy about "renditions" in 2001
- Governor: Don't send Iraqi refugees to Ohio
- No One's Drinking Bush's Kool-Aid on Iran
- Bush Declares Iran's Arms Role in Iraq Is Certain (Certainly yet another lie)
- Bush backflip on Iran bomb claim
- Murtha Seeks to Prohibit Action in Iran (or not: can't be trusted)
- Revolt over Bush's Iraq plan wins converts
- Murtha wants to block Iraq 'surge' (or not)
- Biden looks to revoke Bush's Iraq authority (can't be trusted)
- Reid: The Senate Will Vote on Iraq This Saturday
- Navy Phone Bill: $4 Billion
- Auditors say billions of dollars wasted in Iraq
- Senate U.S. Attorneys List (READ)
- Egyptian terror suspect to go free
- Two Democrats explore choking Guantanamo funds (Oh - sure)
- Seattle elementary student dies with flu-like illness
- Flu Outbreak Closes N.C. School System
- Afghanistan under occupation: An assessment--Part three
- Canada transferring Afghan detainees to "self-confessed torturers" An interview with Dr. Amir Attaran
- Canada's Afghan intervention-11;-11;-11;three probes launched into prisoner abuse
- The Bush administration prepares for war against Iran Part one
- US and UK worst places in developed world to be a child (just worst places to be)
- US-North Korean nuclear agreement: clearing the decks for Iran
- They Want You to Eat Cloned Meat--And They Don't Want You to Know It
- Dave Lindorff: The Co-Dependent Congress (Why is Jewish Lobby not mentioned?)
- Kevin Zeese: A Congressional Kabuki Show
- Evelyn Pringle: More Zyprexa Postcards from the Edge (READ)
- Stephen Lendman: The Rules of Imperial Management (READ)
- Saul Landau: How to Obsess Your Enemies
- Patrick Cockburn: Who is Muqtada al-Sadr?
- Chairman Kennedy Carries the Ball
- Ex-Aide Says Rice Misled US Congress on Iran (She always lies)
- How Feds' Top Environmental Prosecutor Built Home With Big-Oil Lobbyist
- Bush Orders More Troops Into Afghanistan
- MI6 And The Media - Manipulators Of The Mind
- ConAgra pulls peanut butter (Salmonella)
- Spaceship finds hard evidence of water on Mars
- Black admits to felony in federal court
- Push grows for flier 'bill of rights'
- Tale of Marooned Passengers Galvanizes Airline Opponents
- U.S. 'likely' to seek second Iran resolution: Rice (or not)
- Case shines light on how war contracts are awarded
- Drop in capital flow to U.S. poor dollar omen (Nothing unexpected)
- Was Jose Padilla tortured by US military? (What is it really good at?)
- Pentagon Red Tape Keeps Medical Records From Doctors of the Wounded (READ)
- Dubai deal to sell U.S. ports may fall apart
- Gulf States Plan Weapons Buying Binge (Good thinking. Buy from Russia and China)
- US housing starts drop to lowest level since 1997
- Iran accuses U.S. of backing terrorists who killed soldiers
- Pelosi: Bush lacks power to invade Iran (implying he won't?!)
- BBC Pressured to Air 9/11 Hit Piece? (READ)
- More proof the Israelis were shadowing the 9/11 hijackers (who were themselves israeli actors playing hijackers)
- Field Day for Iranian Militarists as Standoff with US Continues
- Dems' Caucus President Rahm Emanuel: Israeli Intel (READ)
- Limit Muslim migration, Australia warned (by Jewish expert)
- Yahoo endorses end to copy protection
- Who do they think they-11;-11;-11;re fooling? (READ: from Iraq to Iran)
- Not in Kansas anymore (Endless line of pseudoreligious wackos)
- White House Is Reported to Be Linked to a Dismissal
- Breaking! UCSB Students Protesting Iraq Shut Down Highway 217!
- Fatah, Hamas deal muddies waters, says Rice (Mistress of Dumspeak)
- Idiocracy on your AM dial
- Sen. Obama: U.S. must support Israel's right to self defense (Obama is just another whore to Israel)
- U.S. officials tell Abbas they'll shun future Hamas-Fatah coalition, aides say (to keep away from any "two state solution")
- Anti-China bills follow U.S. trade deficit (Fools)
- Al-Qaida releases 'Holocaust of the Americans' (Believe it, and they'll tell you another one)
- Why I admire Ernst Zundel
- Defendants Are Dealt a Blow In AIPAC Case
- Z-11;-11;ndel verdict: 5 years in a German dungeon
- Canada Is Set to Allow Expiration of 2 Broad Antiterrorism Laws
- Judge Restricts New York Police Surveillance
- Balloons to float above Pentagon to test defenses (Spare me!)
- 31 Stand Trial in CIA Kidnapping Case
- US releases (fabricated) details against Hicks
- US refused EU investigator permission to visit Guantanamo
- Iraq Troop Boost Erodes Readiness, General Says
- House Votes to Rebuke Bush (Useless)
- Tim Rinne: StratCom and the Coming War on Iran
- Vermont Legislature Says: "Bring Them Home Now!"
- John W. Farley: The Press and Stephen Hadley (The spreading of corpagov delusions)
- Marching on the Pentagon: Then and Now
- The Terror of Suzi Hazahza: Why Her Family Must Be Freed
- Powell, Rice and Obama: Putting Black Faces on Imperial Aggression
- Turning Point: Veterans' Voices Trigger Response
- White House Is Reported to Be Linked to Prosecutor's Dismissal
- Pelosi Backs War Funds Only With Conditions (each more stupid than the the other)
- Democrats Push Economic Policy to Better Serve Poor, Middle Class (Article as delusional as Dems and Repugs)
- Vladimir Putin Wants to Offer an Alternative to Washington
- Appeals Court Refuses to Overturn US Army Medic's Detention
- Rice Faces an Uphill Battle for a Mideast Breakthrough (Babbling)
- Rice: Palestinian Unity Deal Complicates Middle East Mission (Babbling)
- Men on trial in Madrid bombings deny role (Al-CIAMI6MOSSADa?!)
- Obama candidacy is a step forward (For medacious idiocracy)
- DaimlerChrysler shares rally on reports of talks with GM (Chrysler has already been looted)
- Yuan soars after China sets higher mid-point
- Red hot chili peppers played first gig 6000 years ago
- Smithsonian Scientists Report Ancient Chili Pepper History
- Putin Hints at His Successor
- 2nd bombing in 3 days hits Iranian city (Al-CIAda?)
- conspiracy phobia on the left (READ)
- U.S. friendly fire kills more and more innocent people
- Protocols of the Learned Elders Makes a Comeback
- George Monbiot joins the anti-9/11 truthers (What's the pay?)
- Russia to support Palestinian national unity government (pay attention)
- Woman Becomes Quadruple Amputee After Giving Birth (Unfuckingbelievable)
- BBC vs 9/11 Truth: The Smear Begins
- Foreclosures surge 42 percent in 2006
- Silencing critics not way to Middle East peace (Way to ME pot roiling)
- Tammy Duckworth's husband being deployed to Iraq (It's 'murkin way - figure it out)
- DoD Deploys 1,000 Troops As House Passes Resolution Condemning Troop Surge (LOL!)
- Marine Apologizes in Iraq Criminal Case (I am so verry touched)
- U.S. Deploys Stealth Fighters to Okinawa (Useless squandering)
- DoD Deploys 1,000 Troops As House Passes Resolution Condemning Troop Surge
- Insurgents push north out of Baghdad, making fight more deadly for U.S. forces
- U.S. Deploys Stealth Fighters to Okinawa (HMMM)
- Russia to support Palestinian national unity government
- Corporate spin can come in disguise
- US rejects visit by Swiss to Guantanamo Bay
- Obama to Haaretz: U.S. must help protect Israel (So much for Obama)
- Documents show new secretive US prison program isolating Muslim, Middle Eastern prisoners
- Bordering On Insanity: Bush Continues to Call for Open Borders With Mexico (What happened to the big wall and vigilante patrols?)
- Jim Carrey goes undercover in israel
- U.S. patrol ship on alert in gulf (Um - there are two carriers there!)
- Hiding Polio quotes (READ)
- Rice Grilled on Extra Funding Sought for Iraq, Afghanistan (More fake videos)
- AIPAC defense just got hammered twice hell yes!
- Report: Weapons used in attack in Zahedan, Iran come from U.S.
- Russian-U.S. ties hit new low
- Bomb Explodes in Tehran (Al-CIAMI6MOSSADA)
- Bush and Olmert Get That Peace Process Hoodoo (READ)
- Inside Israels apartheid state (READ)
- Mexican Slowdown May Drive More North
- Cheney son-in-law used revolving door to stop chemical security regulations
- Blackmailing Bush; how the "Dear Leader" duped "The Decider" (READ)
- The Forgotten Families (This is NOT accidental)
- Les Roberts: Iraq's death toll is far worse than our leaders admit (Theyalways lie)
- Antiwar Anger at 02 Vote on Iraq Follows Clinton (Hound her out of existence)
- Where your income tax money goes
- Wolf Blitzer former AIPAC employee promoting Zionism.
- The hate that (used to) dare not speak its name (READ)
- Italians march in US base protest
- Brzezinski "US will create false flag to attack Iran" (Obvious)
- Evolution memo prompts call for apology (Gasp! LOL!)
- Dick Cheney's Dangerous Son-in-Law
- Tests confirm H5N1 bird flu strain in 2 suburban Moscow districts (or not)
- Bush Expected to Name Industry Lobbyist to Head Consumer Safety Agency
- DOJ Denies Access to Eavesdropping Documents
- House Dems back federal shield law (posturing)
- Switzerland Approves Probe of CIA Flight
- Italian judge orders first 'rendition' trial of CIA agents
- CIA agents must be charged over 'kidnap and torture', says judge
- Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration At Army's Top Medical Facility
- Tens of thousands protest at plans for US base in Italy
- Jailed 2 Years, Iraqi Tells of Abuse by Americans
- US troops kidnap six-year-old girl to force Resistance fighter father to surrender
- Ex-envoy says Iraq rebuilding plan won't work (It was planned not to work)
- GOP blocks Iraq resolution in Senate (Criminals)
- Senate votes against debating Iraq war rebuke (Criminals)
- Planning Seen in Iraqi Attacks on U.S. Copters (Oh - I thought they were accidents)
- Taliban warns of 'bloody attacks' (I would tend to believe)
- Pakistani official: Taliban insurgency becoming 'liberation war'
- Weapons used in attack in southeastern Iran come from U.S.: report
- UK government steps up assault on asylum-seekers
- The Bush administration prepares for war against Iran Part two
- EU conference in Dresden German Interior Minister Sch-11;-11;uble advocates police state measures (Will they never learn)
- Britain's cash for honours scandal nears end game
- Is the Bush administration behind the bombings in Iran? (Yes, next question?)
- After House vote on non-binding resolution: Democrats won't cut Iraq war funding(It was a criminal swindle from the start)
- David Swanson: What Lincoln Really Said
- Democrats Keep Ohio Refugee Free: "No Iraqis in Our Backyards!" (Bizarre)
- Mitchel Cohen: Storming the Pentagon
- Iran: the Proxy War?
- "Death Row is a Web That Catches Only the Poor"
- Uri Avnery: Facing Mecca (READ)
- The Undertaker's Tally: the Tragedy of Donald Rumsfeld (Would that it were his)
- Jeffrey St. Clair: Dark Mesas in an Ancient Light
- Gary Leupp: Iran, a Chronology of Disinformation
- WP: Battling system at Walter Reed (READ: criminal corpagov)
- Britain's Blair says bad planning not cause of violence in Iraq ( It was the GOOD planning)
- Olmert threatens to boycott Palestinian Authority (The old zionist ploy)
- Retired general: Turkey warns US with Putin speech
- American senators to visit Israel (Why not visit the US?)
- Spokesman: US seeks hegemony over Middle East energy to promote Israel's security
- Commercialization and Future Access to the Internet Highway (READ)
- Impeachment of Bush: Vermont takes the lead and calls for U.S troop
- Attack On Iran Will Hit India Most - Scientist
- UK: Labour will force everyone to give fingerprints at ID card interview (Fuck UK Labour)
- The Unwanted Refugees Of The Iraq War Palestinian-Born Iraqis Lived Well Under Saddam, Now Many Are Homeless, And Politically Untouchable
- Army and police desert beleaguered Mugabe (He's history)
- MPAA Hacks Torrentspy
- Fake drug, fake illness -- and people believe it! (They believe all sorts of stupid shit)
- US Senators to arrive in israel for indoctrination
- Obama Set For Big Jewish Push
- The Voice of the White House (Feb 18, 2007)
- BREAKING: NM Senate Rules Committee Passes Bush-Cheney Impeachment (The Criminal Congress now either obeys, or must be arresteds - all of them!)
- Global Vaccine Market To Top 23 Billion Dollars (Speaking of frauds)
- Killer flu recreated in the lab (READ)
- US Army lab rats
- Bird flu outbreaks blamed on rats (LOL!)
- Bird flu outbreak near Moscow might be act of bio-terrorism - veterinary official
- War On Terrorism: Protect them from us
- 6 of 7 Dismissed U.S. Attorneys Had Positive Job Evaluations
- Report: Weapons used in attack in Zahedan, Iran come from U.S.
- Eight U.S. Troops Killed In Afghanistan Chopper Crash
- Security plan blow: Baghdad car bombs kill 56
- Troop reduction in Iraq delayed after pressure from US
- Reid: Iraq war 'worst foreign policy mistake' in U.S. history
- Clinton urges start of Iraq pullout in 90 days (Make her go away)
- Senate Democrats promise 'relentless' flood of anti-war legislation (LMAO! Frauds!)
- Obama Set For Big Jewish Push
- Making Martial Law Easier (A goal in sight)
- Demands grow for release of Australian Guant-11;-11;namo prisoner, David Hicks
- China's economic rise destabilises world capitalism
- Italian judge indicts CIA agents for illegal kidnapping
- Ecuador Stands Up to US
- Liberal Icons and War: Bi-Partisan Empire-Building
- The Peace Process Industry (is a fraud)
- The Mecca Agreements: the Future Remains Bleak
- Gary Leupp: Romney Joins Iran's Hysterical Accusers
- Paul Craig Roberts: Economists in Denial (The nature of "governmental economics")
- Governors Oppose Bush's Troop Escalation Plan
- Again, GOP Thwarts Senate Debate on War
- Obama Says US Ready for a Black Leader (But NOT him)
- Eight US Troops Die in Afghan Copter Crash
- Attack on US Base in Iraq Kills Two GIs, Injures 17
- Iran Says Sunnis, Using Pakistan as Base, Planned Fatal Bombing
- Snow: Politicians Warning Of Iran War May Be Trying To Protect Iran (M'fucker just says that to raise the bloodpressure of anyone with a functioning neuron)
- National Guard Troops In War Zones Await Late Pay (What did the Roman army do when it wasn't paid?)
- Prostitution bill gains support (Congress has always been a bunch of whores)
- At the morgue (READ - if you have the stomach for reality)
- Republican calls for email and IM monitoring (The Reptofucks would,,, wouldn't they?)
- New York plans iPod ban (How about just making movement of any sort illegal?)
- Debunking the BBC's 9-11 Conspiracy Files (This is what it has been, all along)
- Rice to Haaretz: The year is not 1938, Iran is not Nazi Germany (BUT! Israel is!)
- Missiles could reach Europe if Kremlin wanted: general (But Israel's missles are already THERE!)
- Japanese scientists grow teeth from single cells (US grows its lawyers and politicians from them, BFD)
- Angels singing caught on tape? (LMGDFAO! Wacko Nation)
- Iran center of US-Israeli talks (Really? But,why? Isn't Israeal - where ever the fuck that is - the ceneter of the goddamned universe?)
- US Navy denies reports of offensive military build-up in Gulf (also denies that water is wet!)
- Bush compares Revolutionary, terror wars (This prettling moron is actually tolerated?)
- The New Iraq sounds an awful lot like the Old Pine Ridge (READ - and develop something resemblong a mind)
- More than a year after death, man found in front of his TV (It's called modern US "culture")
- Lead-laden lunchboxes OK'd by government (A corpagov, toxic in all possible ways by its intent and design)
- Activist sentenced for anti-wall protest tells judge: Please jail me (Fucking Israel)
- Security forces (CIA!) rob Baghdad academics
- Accused Terrorist Is Big GOP Donor (YES indeedy!)
- The pessimist was right (READ: the pessimist usually is right)
- Big Brother IS Watching YOU !!!! (READ)
- US 'Iran attack plans' revealed (Israel, kiss your ass goodbye; Palestinians, be someplace else)
- Russia raises stakes over US plan for missile shield
- Russia may target Poland, Czech Republic
- Research: Genes That May Contribute to Autism (or it's a crock of shitscience)
- Cholesterol boosts womens stroke risk (Whole article is pure Horseshit)
- Voters' hunger for change threatens Republican dream of eternal power
- Gary Younge: Once George Bush has got hold of a bad idea he just can't let it go
- Mission imperial
- Bush links terror war to U.S. independence war (King George should be careful about that truth)
- One-third of Iraqis live in poverty (Not different from the US)
- Bush, U.S. Hated Around the World (Then, the most hated person who has ever lived)
- George Monbiot: 9/11 fantasists pose a mortal danger to popular oppositional campaigns (Monbiot's unfettered mental derangement posses mortal danger to entire planet - needs to commit suicide, immediately)
- BakuTODAY.net - Europe considers missile defence system: German minister
- Iran's nuclear capability nears industrial scale (give me a break!)
- New footage of JFK in Dallas released
- Shame on the Washington Post, Again
- US housing starts slide, consumer confidence dims (Old news)
- German Bible Goes Politically Correct (Amusing)
- ANALYSIS: The summit - a slap in the face to the Palestinians (Exactly as could be counted on)
- Al Jazeera English - Middle East
- US 'will retaliate if ships are targeted' (by a false flag operation)
- Guantanamo detainees lose court case (Sick)
- Iran claims U.S., Britain involved in attack
- The true inside facts about the 7/7 London bombings
- Police abandon district in western Afghanistan, officials say
- "Knesset-Congress-Senate" committee considers military option for Iran (United States of Israel)
- Producer Struggles to Defend Flaws & Bias of BBC Hit Piece (It would be a struggle)
- Australian Gun Control Update (Just what you would expect, historically)
- Senator Kyl Bows To AIPAC And Israel (United States of Israel)
- Ahmadinejad to West: We'll halt uranium enrichment, if you do (:-)
- Hundreds who suspect lies about 9/11 to meet
- De Menezes shooting officer promoted (That's the pattern)
- Bush: Bin Laden is in Pakistan (ROTFL)
- Terrorists Chip In (More infants with scalpels)
- The Colonial Stag in Rutting Season (READ)
- An interview with media professor Cees Hamelink on fear, terror, 9/11 and Iran (READ twice)
- Texas expected to approve shooting first in self-defence (Hmmmm)
- An Orwellian solution to kids skipping school
- Venezuela Preparing for 'Asymmetrical' Showdown With U.S.
- Kindly take that apology and shove it (READ)
- Ready to attack, American preparations for invading Iran are complete
- Shuster: 'Prosecutors still looking for ways to pursue Cheney' (You think?)
- How Do You Know You've Lost a War
- North Dakota Child Support Enforcement Turns To Debtors Prison (Brilliant!)
- 911 Accountability: Strategies and Solutions Conference - February 23-25,2007
- Bush to write letters against 'genocide resolution'
- Cuba government to go open source
- Muqtada Sadr office bombarded
- The Unwanted Refugees Of The Iraq War, Palestinian-Born Iraqis Lived Well Under Saddam, Now Many Are Homeless, And Politically Untouchabl
- Military amputee uninvited from Bush event because the press would see him with no legs
- House GOP fired Veterans-friendly committee chair in order to "save money" (?!)
- Real Estate Blog - Lender Nightmares continue ---- the mass exodus ~~~~~
- Kraft says up to 8,000 jobs cut
- Blair to announce Iraq troop withdrawal (or not)
- Thousands Get Tested For Bird Flu In Moscow (State terrorism)
- Stop & Shop reports credit data was stolen
- Supreme Court throws out Philip Morris verdict
- Merck suspends lobbying for vaccine (How about punishing them anyhow?)
- Voters' hunger for change threatens Republican dream of eternal power (It needs to destroy BOTH parties)
- London Mayor Signs Oil Deal With Chavez
- Control orders 'necessary' to reduce terrorism (AU state terrorism)
- Terror suspects put on control orders 'should be prosecuted' (It's just that there's no evidence of anything)
- Report finds U.S. terrorism statistics inaccurate (i.e., fabricated)
- Court Backs White House on Detainees (Fucking judges)
- Court: No habeas corpus for Guant-11;-11;namo captives (Criminal judges)
- Howard a 'risk to national security' (Another risk to all living creatures on thos planet)
- Prosecutors in CIA Leak Trial Charge Libby Lied During Investigation
- Taliban fighters ambush Canadian convoy
- Six U.S. soldiers wounded in Afghan hospital blast
- Occupation drops 2,000 bomb on Taliban insurgents (Which is pretty much of a rude war crime)
- Car bombs kill at least 11 in Baghdad
- Bomber strikes funeral in Iraq
- Bombing of chlorine gas tanker kills 9 in Iraq
- New Zealand government to introduce cheap labour scheme for Pacific Island workers (A reverse of outsourcing)
- Jakarta's flood exposes government neglect and indifference
- China's economic rise destabilises world capitalism Part two
- US "coerced" India over Iran Former Bush appointee boasts
- Portrait of an "antiwar" Democrat: Former Feith aide makes radio reply to Bush (READ - and pay attention, damnit!)
- US troops terrorize Baghdad in "Operation Law and Order" (It's was US corpagov of terror does - and about all it does)
- Setting Sun: The Diverging US-Japan Relationship
- Carl G. Estabrook: Common Sense About the Recent Past (READ. "... a colonial was cannot be fought with a conscript army" Hence, a mercenary (privatized) army)
- Corporate Crime Reporter: Exposing SAIC (READ)
- Werther: How to be a Washington Expert (READ)
- Structured Cruelty: Learning to be a Lean, Mean Killing Machine
- Bush Admin. Has "No Strategy" to Protect Patients' Privacy
- Inside Walter Reed's Mologne House
- Trial Spotlights Cheney's Power as an Infighter
- Gareth Porter | Rove Said to Have Received 2003 Iranian Proposal
- The Death Of Habeas Corpus
- UN Readies Rare Rebuke for Tehran (UN becomes truly useless as US lapdog)
- Rice holds meetings in Jordan Who does she think she is - anyhow?)
- Leadership blamed for shabby Army hospital building
- Top military hospitals under fire
- Pro-war McCain launches scathing attack on Rumsfeld (Fucking lunatic)
- Episcopalians react to new directive (Humans v. Reptos: this round, reptos seem to win)
- Many Episcopalians Wary, Some Defiant After Ultimatum by Anglicans (But,wait!)
- Some US Bishops Reject Anglican Gay Rights Edict (Does anybody know this is merely a greedy economic battle?)
- Civilians killed as fierce fighting returns to Mogadishu
- Heavy fire in Somali capital kills 12
- Terrorism as tourism
- Card holders charged for being in credit (Definition of sickness)
- Cheap solar power poised to undercut oil and gas by half (or not)
- Demonising Dissent, a comment by Paul V. Rafferty
- Yet another tale of Vista upgrade woe (Microshit has always been a racketeering operation, and is probably a CIA front)
- Audit: Anti-terror case data flawed (Corpagov is the only real terrorist)
- Britain and Denmark to start Iraq withdrawal (or not: wake me when the lying has stopped)
- Cheney vows no retreat in Iraq, backs Japan on NKorea (He's a Dick. Whatdo you want?)
- Tony Snow and White House Reporters Slam The Hateful, Polarized Blogosphere (Sticks and stones ....)
- Israeli airspace violation prompts Lebanese army to open fire (It's about fucking time!)
- Judge keeps spying documents sealed
- What Would You Do If Bush Declared Martial Law? (You don't want to know)
- Why impeachment is urgent (Is explanation actually necessary?)
- BUSH ASKS FOR $2.9 TRILLION (Does the number even matter?!)
- FBI Translating Over 1,000 Wiretap Conversations a Day (The assholes need to get lives)
- BBC Discredited; Retractions on 9/11 Hit Piece Forthcoming?
- Bush Surge Accelerates Assault on Iraq Academics
- Iran - Ready to attack (No, ready to be attacked)
- Affidavit: McVeigh had high-level help
- Industrial espionage case reads like spy thriller
- Post-Sept. 11 security rules force Lodi Nut to shut down its gift shop
- Huge Fearmongering Billboards Urge Preparedness for A Terror Attack on 11/09/09
- Civilians killed as fierce fighting returns to Mogadishu
- 439,000 snooping requests made
- Britain to cut Iraq troop levels to around 5,000 (or not)
- Cheney's Famous Last Words (errrrrghhoofff?)
- The west may yet come to regret its bullying of Russia
- Helen Thomas Moving Back After 46 Years Down Front
- Priest jailed after nun's death in exorcism (The Dark Ages have never left us)
- Second US carrier arrives off Iran (Are we redy for the black op trick now?)
- Safety alarms raised at nuclear weapons plant (scalpels in hands of infants)
- war-starting stunt Bush planned.
- Iran drones 'can attack US ships'
- Prosecutors seek OK to create phony files (Bizarre)
- The Coalition is Collapsing - Italy Gives Way (Maybe)
- OKC Bombshell Implicates Feds In Murrah Blast (READ)
- Hijack Suspects Still Alive & Well in 2007 (Known for years now)
- Judge Sentelle Strikes Again!
- "Overstating"; the new euphemism for lying to start a war
- Blair sounds the retreat in Iraq (or not)
- Prodi quits after Senate defeat
- US puts on brave face and vows to complete mission 'with honour' (Too sick)
- South Dakota Senate committee kills abortion ban bill
- 9/11 attacks 'an incident'
- MPs attack plan to give police access to ID card database
- U.S. Official Admits to Big Delay in Revamping No-Fly Program
- US judge orders domestic spying cases to proceed
- 2 Illinois Men Accused In Terrorist Conspiracy (Another fabrication)
- North By Northwest (READ)
- Aznar Grilled Guantanamo Detainees
- Aznar Sent Spanish Spooks to Guantanamo
- Seven More Gitmo Detainees Arrive
- Canada-Afghanistan detainee agreement allows torture: rights groups
- MPs fear election backlash over Hicks
- Hicks to 'keep rotting'
- Guantanamo inmates denied trial
- Italian PM hands in resignation
- Former DOD civilian guilty of taking bribe
- Jury Deliberations Begin in CIA Leak Case
- Involvement in Iraq has increased terrorism threat, professor says
- "Hard landing" chopper actually shot down (#8)
- At least 78 Iraqi media professionals killed in 2006
- U.S. soldier pleads guilty in Iraq rape, murders
- Top Sunni official fired after calling for investigation into rape allegations
- Out of step: now Howard backs Britain's pullout from Iraq (Like a poodle barking)
- White House Says British Plan Good News (LOL)
- Report: Denmark to announce plans for Iraq withdrawal
- Thousands of troops to stay in Iraq as Blair dashes hopes of speedy exit
- US politicians spar over UK troop move
- Judge Dismisses Posada's Bid to Be Freed
- UK 'aims to weaken' treaty on bomblets
- Italian Premier Quits After Policy Loss
- National Guard May Undertake Iraq Duty
- Iraqi PM advices Mahdi Army leaders to hide in Iran, leaked letter (or forged letter)
- U.S. Official Overstates Iran's Meddling In Iraq
- Crackdown on Cheney violence (READ)
- Libby perjury hearing casts cloud over Cheney
- US wants tougher Iran sanctions (Bonkers)
- Google bug could have let hackers (like CIA FBI MI6 MOSSAD) into PCs
- Iraq WMD War Timeline
- US has no intention of attacking Iran: Rice (ROTFL!)
- Attorney Challenges Income Tax Law Constitutional History in the Making
- US lashes out at Kremlin over missiles (I'm sure they are awed shocked and cowed by the bull)
- Russia warns U.S. on Iran moves (What is Russia preparing for the global bad boys?)
- US commander fears miscalculation by Iran (How US explains its own black op scheme)
- The retreat from Basra
- Blair refuses to accept blame over Iraq war
- 'Food insecurity' rampant in West Bank, Gaza
- Skepticism, Ideology and the 9/11 Controversy (READ)
- Update on the Empire
- Ally's Timing Is Awkward for Bush
- What the World Trade Center Building Designers Said: Before and After 9/11
- State loses $2B with Bush budget
- Chain up Cheney! Bring Hicks home!
- British withdrawal a blow for Bush (if it ever happens)
- President Bush has increased terrorism (The world's greatest terrorist)
- Another US helicopter down, British bases bombed
- Soldier Avoids Death With Plea Deal (Hmmmm)
- Half of Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza malnourished
- Cluster bomb opponents push for ban at Oslo conference
- Blair says he knows of "no plans" of future military attack on Iran (Were his fingers crossed?)
- The Howard government, RAMSI, and the April 2006 Solomon Islands' riots Part 2
- What is behind Russia's delay of Iran's nuclear reactor?
- Rice's Middle East visit: Bullying and intimidation dressed up as diplomacy
- ISSE exposes hypocrisy of Australian Labor politician at campus meeting
- Russian, Chinese, Indian foreign ministers meet on US war threats against
- Cheney's trip to Japan and Australia: the preparation for new war crimes
- Corporate Crime Reporter: Why Hillary and Obama Oppose Single-Payer Health Care(READ)
- The Second Great Depression
- Evasive Diplomacy: Bush Adm. Shuns Middle East Peace Talks
- Margaret Kimberly: America the Stupid (Yes, [sigh])
- Showdown Over Texas Immigrant Prisons
- Sharon Smith: Inside the Imperial Budget
- The Clintons: the Art of Politics Without Conscience
- Leak Lawyers Close on Credibility Issue
- Mission Imperial: Life in the Green Zone (Part I)
- The People vs. Richard Cheney
- 25 in Congress Criticized Escalation but Voted for It Anyway
- Prince Harry of Britain to Serve in Iraq (Stupid on several counts)
- Philippines vows to put end to killings after UN probe
- Welch calls for probe into vets' health care (after how many years?)
- US jobless claims fall 27000 (A mendacity in need of explanation)
- Washington Post
- Toll Brothers' profit hit by write-downs
- No sign of housing rebound, says Toll
- Texas gov. firm on cancer vaccine (Criminal)
- FDA: Tell patients about risks of ADHD drugs
- Egyptian blogger gets four years for insulting Islam, president
- Anoushabour
- Ararat_home_kadaiyif
- Armenian Cooking - Karabakh (A metalist of sites of recipes)
- Nichols Fingers FBI Agent Directing McVeigh in OKC Bombing By Name
- In Iraq, Anyone Can Make a Bomb
- Texas Governor Perry took Merck money before mandating cervical vaccine
- New OKC Revelations Spotlight FBI Involvement In Bombing
- FLASHBACK: Why Did Bill Clintons NSA fund BATF Research on ANFO Bombs?
- If you want your America back
- An accident waiting to happen (Iran - READ)
- Psychiatrist says US terror suspect has Stockholm syndrome (Padilla)
- U.S. Says It Found Chemicals at Iraqi Bomb Factory (No shit!)
- Attorney: Ashcroft Gagged Nichols From Exposing McVeigh's OKC Bombing Conspirators
- US Iran intelligence 'is incorrect' (Slipup? Exaggeration? How about LIE?)
- Carter says majority in U.S. support views in book (Probably right)
- Hookergate, Iran Contra, & 600 Dead American Soldiers
- Google-ized
- Bush Gang Swore Saddam Was Behind 9/11 In Lawsuit
- Democrats Seek to Repeal 2002 War Authorization (Unnecessary wheel spinning)
- FLASHBACK: Double-Dealing Over Iran -- Monday, Feb. 02, 1987
- Attorney: Sealed Documents Indicate OKC Inside Job
- 216 Million Americans Are Scientifically Illiterate
- Military Commissions Act Headed for Supreme Court
- The Second Great Depression (READ)
- US keeps 'all options' open concerning Iran: Cheney
- Iran Must Get Ready to Repel a Nuclear Attack [Voltaire] (READ)
- Bush Contaminating our Drinking Water: Withholding Funds, Leadership to Fix Leaks in Underground Storage Tanks
- Britain to send more troops to Afghanistan - reports
- "All Candidates are pro-Israel" (And most of populus is fed up w/ Israel)
- President Bush's victory is a defeat for American honor
- U.S. Missile Scheme Threatens Return of Cold War (Or not so cold)
- New Democratic Strategy Calls For March 2008 Pullout (TOO LATE!)
- US poll: Israel alone named 'vital friend' (A crock of fabricated lies)
- Iran and the Energizer War Bunnies (READ)
- Shell, Repsol, Total, Defy U.S. to Seek Iran Deals
- Israeli leader draws hard line against Syria, Iran, Palestinians (Everybody just LOVES Israel!)
- Political bloggers fear publicists will infiltrate sites (As they should fear such trolls)
- U.N. Commissioned Report Compares Israel to Apartheid in South Africas (which is why Israel is SOOO loved)
- WTC7, Professor Jones & Thermite (VIDEO)
- America tortures (yawn) (READ)
- Revealed: The true extent of Britain's failure in Basra
- Uruknet passes Google News in significance and becomes the main net Information site on the the war in Iraq, Afghanistant and the Near East (READ)
- Homeland Security Funding 'Pork' Under Fire
- Cheney on Global Warming (Our most brilliant scientist speaks!)
- Pentagon Abandons Big Bomb Test
- AWOL soldier sentenced to 7 months in prison
- Raytheon Gets $300 Million Army Contract
- Bell officials studying helicopter crash
- US soldier sentenced to 100 years for rape, murder of Iraqi girl (How about Bush, Cheney, Rice, ...)
- Shiites: U.S. Held, Freed Leader's Son
- The British Retreat from Iraq Brings Peril for US Troops (unless they also get out?)
- Iraq worst disaster for US foreign policy-Albright ("It was worth it" Madeleine changes her stupid tune?)
- Lieberman Says War Vote Could Prompt Party Switch (Heil Lieberscheiss!)
- Democrats plan bill to limit U.S. war mission (LMAO - um - sure)
- WH Stands Behind Cheney's Claim That Democrats Are Helping Al-Qaeda (Loonies, all)
- 300 troops could be sent to Afghanistan (AU)
- Taliban 'in control' in Helmand
- Iran has speeded up N-plans, says UN (Who's provoking whom, and why?)
- British Officials Fear US Attack on Iran (Israel should be shaking with fear)
- Cheney hints at Iran strike
- Australian government prepares to introduce de facto universal ID card
- Gaullist presidential candidate Sarkozy allies with Italy's post-fascists Show me your friends, and I will tell you who you are
- Massive security blanket for Cheney's Australian visit
- Cheney's speech in Sydney: An ominous silence on Iran from the US vice president
- If Bush is a War Criminal, What About the Troops?
- Chris Dols: The Case for Keffiyehs (READ)
- The True Extent of Britain's Failure in Basra
- Jonathan Cook: Watching the Checkpoints (READ)
- Franklin C. Spinney: Is This What We Have Become? (READ)
- Divine Strake Canceled (Hubris rescheduled?)
- Is Cheney Next?
- High Court Asked to Explore Contractor Liability for Deaths in Iraq
- For Guard Units, A Sooner Than Expected Return to Iraq
- States Are Running Out of Health Dollars (Um - US has been insolvent for years!)
- Families Behind Bars: Jailing Children of Immigrants (The true nature ofthe US)
- Clinton's Iraq Vote Haunts Her on Campaign Trail (It should: goddamn weaselbitch)
- Millions of Americans Living in Severe Poverty
- AP: Nearly 800 Iraq Contractors Killed (Not even nearly enough; all of them would be better)
- Wolfowitz May Bring Bank Back to Iraq (not if they can stop it)
- Anti-Semite? Moi? (READ)
- Psychics 'hired to find Bin Laden' (I see - I see a cemetary ...)
- Blair Blinks... (dying would be better)
- The Rising Prevalence of Severe Poverty in America: A Growing Threat to Public Health)
- Iraq violence could end "within weeks" of foreign troop withdrawal
- Deadly flu is two mutations away from spreading among humans (LMAO! - they're still working on it)
- Any U.S. strike might not destroy Iran nuclear sites
- The US psychological torture system is finally on trial
- American armada prepares to take on Iran
- Israel seeks all clear for Iran air strike (like Lebanon)
- Army refiles charges against soldier (Watada)
- Bachmann: I am sorry if my words have been misconstrued
- The High-Fivers:More proof the Israelis were shadowing the 9/11 hijackers
- Voice of the White House February 23, 2008 (Spying on Israelis?)
- Life in Baghdad
- Scott Ritter - "We're on the edge of the abyss...."
- Russo: Rockefeller Revealed Elite Agenda During Friendship
- Israel Preparing Broad Gaza Operation
- US defiant on cluster bombs
- Canada's top court strikes down anti-terror law (READ)
- The Next Pat Tillman-Style Cover-Up?
- Critics: Army holding down disability ratings
- U.S. economy leaving record numbers in severe poverty
- NEW: Clear Channel earnings drop 54%
- The Indypendent : The Plot Against Mexican Ma-11;-11;z: Big Biotech Takes Advantage of Corn Crisis to Force Farmers to Buy GM Seeds (READ)
- Anger mounts in Zimbabwe as crisis nears
- Scramble for Iraq's oil begins as troops start to pull outt
- Troops withdrawn from Iraq 'could be sent to Afghanistan'
- Cheney renews US warning on Iran
- Winter Patriot: Former Federal Prosecutor Publishes Indictment Of Bush And Other Administration Officials
- Bill strips immunity from drug companies
- US airport debuts controversial X-ray scanner
- 34 States Align Against National I.D. Card
- U.S. to test government's response to IED attacks (Cranking up phoney terror)
- White House Conducts Bomb Drill (What, no "nookulars"?)
- Justice Department Fires 8th U.S. Attorney (State Terror)
- Kelly death not suicide, says MP (Obvious from day one)
- No end in sight to cameraman's imprisonment at Guantanamo
- President asks Prodi to stay on and face vote of confidence
- British U-turn brings global ban on deadly cluster bombs a step closer (Doesn't matter: US/IL will do as they damn please)
- Blair in talks with Bush to site US defence shield in Britain
- Pressure mounts on Blair for inquiry into mistakes in Iraq (This shit is already years old)
- 1,000 join Bin the Bomb protest
- Thousands protest against Iraq war
- Cheney Defends Iraq War, Attacks Critics (and he's STILL lying)
- U.S. military defends arrest in Iraq (Do as we say,,, or we'll kill him)
- Iraq president chides US over "uncivil" detention
- Fuel tanker bomb kills 40 in Iraq (US terror)
- More than 20 loud blasts rock southern Baghdad
- Israel launches Golan war games to learn Lebanon war lessons
- Peace talks with Syria? 'Dont even think about it' says U.S.
- Sneh: Israel not planning to attack Iran (Oh no, no not us - no more than Lebanon and Syria)
- American armada prepares to take on Iran
- U.S. developing contingency plan to bomb Iran: report (contingency?)
- UK military experiments with ESP
- 1,000 fresh troops set to shift balance to Afghanistan from Iraq
- Lawyers launch Hicks bid
- Chain up Cheney! Bring Hicks home! (Sounds good to me)
- Plane carrying Vice President Cheney diverted for unspecified reason
- Cheney's plane diverted (A Rendition so he can be tortured?!)
- Diplomats say U.S. intelligence on Iranian nukes is thin (It isn't even intelligent)
- US generals 'will quit' if Bush orders Iran attack (and this will help how, exactly?)
- US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran (CIA SOP - nothing new)
- Egypt: Wildcat strikes and protests continue
- Padilla suffered brain damage during captivity, experts say
- What the New York Times doesn't say about the court ruling on habeas corpus
- US Vice President Cheney menaces Iran with military aggression
- Who is David Sentelle? (READ)
- Can Hillary be Trusted? (To be a repto? Yes! Next question?)
- Criticizing Israel is Not an Act of Bigotry (How many times need itthe obvious be said?)
- Dave Lindorff: Breaking the Dam in Olympia (READ)
- Iraqi Labor vs. Big Oil
- FBI Hunting Dead Panthers: Can John Bowman Ever Rest in Peace?
- Ken Couesbouc: The African Card
- Kevin Wehr: Liberal vs. Radical Enviros
- Two Million People in "Maximum Distress"
- Larry Portis: Zionism and the United States, the Cultural Connection
- Afghanistan in Winter: Where Death Comes Cheap
- Jeffrey Blankfort: A Debate on the Israel Lobby
- Saul Landau: Rev. Haggard Cured! (READ)
- Gary Leupp: AIPAC Demands "Action" on Iran
- R. T. Naylor: Inside Islamic Charity (READ)
- Israel Wants to Fly Over Iraq to Bomb Iran
- Attack Kills Dozens at Baghdad College
- Iranian FM urges 5+1 group to take bold decision
- US Government Pushes Ahead With New Meat Inspection System (finding ever new ways to fuck everyone everywhere)
- Iran Claims Launch Of First Rocket Into Space (Nice timing)
- Rat film takes the Yum out of family restaurant (VERY fast food!)
- Drug May Counteract Down Syndrome (Don't hold your breath)
- Israeli troops raid West Bank city, put under curfew (continuing genocide)
- Edwards: Israel not a threat to world peace (LMAO)
- Colombia political scandal imperiling US ties
- Iraq President Falls Ill, Flies to Amman (Mysteriously?)
- Questions Your Pastor Will Hate (Oh, go ahead, give him apoplexy)
- Global warmers getting desperate
- Fake Terrorism Is a Coalition's Best Friend
- Will America Face the Truth About 9/11?
- Cartels grip a border city (READ)
- Miami Church Brands Members With '666' Tattoos (Cool! Where's the Koolaid?)
- Jesus: Tales from the Crypt (Lots of fun!)
- UK doubles naval presence in Persian Gulf (That's UK, not US)
- Fear Stupid Acts - by Charley Reese (By all means)
- Israelis Dressed as Arabs Nab Top Terrorist (and have MANY other naughty things - like play 19 hijerkers)
- Easter is canceled! (LMAO Fuckin A!)
- Yet Another Famous Victory (of Chimpo)
- Hundreds of Iraq Vets Are Homeles
- Don't ignore Putin's warning
- Rice Says Bush Won't Abide By Legislation to Limit Iraq War (He IS THE LAW!)
- Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' wins documentary Oscar (Piss on it)
- US 'plans to bomb Iran', despite denials
- Gov. auditor says fiscal outlook is 'spiraling out of control' (We don'tneed to wonder why)
- Pressures on Guard Concern Governors (Government does NOT exist for your benefit)
- Dollar Falls as Reports May Show Housing Slump Slowing Economy
- Rice: Bush will not abide by legislation to limit Iraq war (Arrest him right now)
- Olmert: Prepare for war with Syria (Israel delenda est)
- Record number in U.S. relying on public aid
- Al-Jazeera Cameraman Still at Guantanamo
- Pakistan Fed Up With U.S. And Allies On Afghanistan (Many are fed up with USUKIL)
- Talking Points for the Next War - by Michael T. Klare and Tom Engelhardt
- America's Alliance With bin Laden: Justin Raimondo
- Taki's Top Drawer: Mutual Assured Damnation
- Israel, U.S. to discuss new annual aid program (An obscenity)
- With full-body X-ray, a closer look at air travelers (Don't go near airports)
- Establishment Media Blacklists Nichols' OKC Revelations (READ)
- Lt. Watada-an American Hero (YES)
- Iraq under anarchy
- Progress :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq
- In US, record numbers are plunged into poverty: report
- Glimmers of Hope in Iran Report? (It will just be ignored)
- Hersh: U.S. Funds Being Secretly Funneled To Violent Al Qaeda-Linked Groups (which are in fact Al-CIAMI6MOSSADa assets)
- Libby judge dismisses juror
- The US, the world's hedge fund (READ carefully and understand)
- Scientists switch focus to security (which is not science)
- 'Inside the wire' (Poetry threatens US national security? Nation of sick fucks)
- ABC News: New England Town Prints Up Its Own Currency
- Meet Jerome Hauer, 9/11 Suspect Awaiting Indictment
- 5 Western governors agree to work on greenhouse gas emissions (idiots)
- Taking back the FDA
- Why Have So Many U.S. Attorneys Been Fired? It Looks a Lot Like Politics
- Bush to Warn Pakistan to Act on Terror (et ergo against the US?)
- Blast hits Baghdad ministry during VP's visit
- Iraqi VP Escapes Apparent Assassination Attempt
- Rice: Congress Shouldn't Micromanage War (i.e., interfere with idiocy)
- U.N. calls U.S. data on Iran's nuclear aims unreliable
- Reporter: U.S. planning Iran bombs
- Gulf countries: No air space for Israel (Will not stop zionist pigs)
- Fabricated charges dropped against East Timor's former prime minister
- Guardian claims report clears London police chief of lying about De Menezes shooting (Do we believe anything here?)
- Four Sri Lankan workers beheaded in Saudi Arabia (Sri Lankan gov is like all others: stinking garbage)
- Italy: Communist Refoundation gives Prodi a blank check for right-wing policies (READ)
- US war drums beat louder after Iran fails to meet UN deadline (expected in the obvious, sick farce)
- Egyptian Law Student Jailed For Blogging: Free Kareem Amer!
- Mike Whitney: Doomsday Dick and the Plague of Frogs
- How Democrats Are Buying the Iraq War
- Paul Buchheit: The Income Gap
- The Bush Administration is a Threat to Our National Security (a threat to all life on this planet)
- Calling All Carriers
- US Israel Lobby Targets Lebanon's Jihad al-Bina
- Greg Moses: Suzi Hazahza in Haskell Hell (Good ole USA)
- Ex-Ney Aide Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy
- Cheney asks Musharraf to fight al-Qaida (Prez M. has already told him to fuck off)
- Allies pressure Iraq to hand over oil
- Iraqi Cabinet Approves Draft Oil Law
- Cheney Pushes Pakistan to Fight Al-Qaida (Fight the CIA?!)
- Concern over al-Qaida & Taliban regrouping (Such a load of shit)
- UN court rules Serbia did not commit genocide in Bosnia (Only Jews have genocide! They have both copyright and patent!)
- Israeli troops search for seven militant leaders in West Bank city (Continuing genocide)
- US Speaker Pelosi backs new Iraq war authorization (Having sworn allegience to Israel, she would)
- Analysis: Democrats grasp for Iraq plan (Yeah, the Bush-Israeli plan)
- Bush Warns US Congress Against Touching His War Budget (He'll have them assassinated?)
- Utilities back national approach on pollution over regional plan (Now THERE'S a surprise)
- Schwarzenegger forges alliances with states (Diversionary terminator)
- New defeat for Texans at modern-day Alamo (Texans to be savagely fucked)
- Did this casket contain Christ's bones? (Poppycock)
- Retarded mice get smarter with drug (Now try all politicians)
- Digital IDs face opposition among states
- Israel to ask U.S. for more military aid (and to condone its multiple genocides)
- Outcry as duty to help Hicks denied (All governments are filth)
- Failure to help Hicks illegal, court told
- Transport chief's terror warning (Terror mongering)
- Calling extremists: a cyber sting awaits (Governments as sick jokes)
- Baghdad Plan Has Elusive Targets (US terrorizing)
- US: Secret CIA Prisoners Still Missing
- Taliban offensive awaits British troops (Will this teach them a lesson?)
- Bombing at Iraqi Ministry Wounds 2 Top Officials
- U.S., Italy ambassadors hurt in Sri Lanka mortar attack
- Suicide bomber strikes base during Cheney visit
- Cheney OK after bomb blast (Another arranged "event"?)
- GOP drops candidate over Jewish remarks (that are obviously true)
- Korean comic author: Jews rule U.S.
- Risks of tainted food rise as inspections drop
- Dollar dives as Iran tension mounts
- How Long Can The U.S. Count On Foreign Funding?
- 'Trigger happy' US worries Putin
- After This Fiasco, How Can We Trust Anything They Told Us About 9/11?
- Chavez signs decree to nationalize foreign oil companies
- Investors using margin debt hits $285.6 billion record in NYSE-listed shares
- Brzezinski: On The Path To War With Iran
- V-I Day is Close at Hand: New Oil Law Approved in Bushist Baghdad. - Chris Floyd
- Baghdad Hospital Childrens Ward (READ)
- Israel wants their spy back and American Jews have a mission
- Hatfill Settles $10M Libel Lawsuit
- US mortgage crisis goes into meltdown
- Criticizing Israel is not an act of bigotry
- US durable goods orders plummet
- Central banks cutting holdings of U.S. dollar (This started several years ago)
- Bombing at Iraqi Ministry Wounds 2 Top Officials
- Dick Cheney 'targeted'
- U.S. stocks dive on Cheney assassination attempt, Iran saber-rattling (Has nothing to do with Biggus Dickus)
- Senior lawyers accuse Australian government of war crimes over Guant-11;-11;namo
- London: Demonstrators express grave concern over Iran
- Britain: London antiwar demonstration downplays threat of war against Iran
- Shutdown of Chrysler plant hits Newark, Delaware
- Congressional Democrats rule out Iraq war fund cutoff (The filthy criminals are bought)
- Ramzy Baroud: Who is Really in Control? (READ)
- Anne McElroy Dachel: The Really Big Lie About Autism
- Airline Bankruptcies, Mergers and Profits
- Israel's Cluster Bombs: Made in USA, Ground-Tested in Lebanon
- Hugh O'Shaughnessy: Grenada, an Invasion Revisited (READ)
- Jeff Nygaard: Howard Hunt and the National Memory System (READ)
- Oil Grab: the Secret Scheme to Split Iraq
- Uri Avnery: The Next War (READ)
- America's Crusaders: Santorum and Lieberman (Dangerous wackos)
- The Khyber Impasse: the Case for Withdrawal from Afghanistan
- Wall Street takes a beating
- BBC Response to the early report of the WTC7 collapse. (Squirming)
- Home Prices in Across the Board Decline
- Virgin Mary on a Pizza Pan? (Rohrschach had no idea where it would go)
- Some Americans sorry Cheney survived (Why would that be?)
- Poll: Attachment of U.S. Jews to Israel falls in past 2 years
- Confusion over Iraq soccer explosion - US carried out blast - 18 children dead
- Norwich porn case may be delayed (State terrorism through ignorance)
- Drivers face -11;-11;600 bill for an in-car road pricing black box (UK State Theft)
- Terror: Is Tehran Targeting New York? - Newsweek Periscope - MSNBC.com (Rubbish)
- Steep dip as Asian markets open (Babbling)
- Asian markets follow China plunge (More babbling)
- Pentagon's number two suggests terror war will end in Oct. 2008 (as it begain, by convenient fiat?)
- Iran Plans To Nuke Europe, US - Sanctions Urged (Idiocy)
- Bush in reversal, OKs Iran, Syria talks (in order to discredit)
- SE Asia stocks-Markets stage biggest falls since 1997 crisis
- 2 brigades to skip desert training in rush to Iraq (Troops aren't worth shit, and that's how they're treated)
- Walter Reed patients told to keep quiet
- Time Stamp Confirms BBC Reported WTC 7 Collapse 26 Minutes In Advance (The noose tightens)
- Bush in reversal, OKs Iran, Syria talks (or not)
- Israel is guilty of occupation, apartheid and colonialism, top UN lawyer reports (He forgot genocide)
- The totalitarian streak in the US
- Mexican Prez Slams US Border Wall (for all the wrong reasons)
- CIA: Bin Laden in Pakistan Establishing New Camps (Dead men make no camps)
- Hypocrisy in the Middle East - Ron Paul
- More Fuzzy Evidence On Iran (Almost amusing the things the US turdbrain corpagov will say with straight face)
- San Diego diocese files Chapter 11 (The nature of religion is the same as gov)
- Iraq's Superbombs: Home Made? (Yes, next question?)
- From the guys who gave you the Iraq war, another fine idea
- Attack near Cheney called sign war failing (But, they missed!)
- Friends stunned by spy charges (Bizarre)
- Bureaucrats add to crime victims' pain (Et tu Canada?)
- At 180 a day, January attacks on coalition hit highest level
- The Bushes: Delusional, Out Of Touch Puppet Theatre (READ)
- A Bad Investment Goes South
- Israelis disguised as Arabs kill 3 in West Bank
- New-Home Sales Plunge 16.6%
- Gas pumps running dry in Quebec
- Bird flu vaccine linked to 18 teenage suicides in Japan (The lying poisonous corpagov)
- BBC reports on WTC7 collapse 20 minutes before it collapsed!
- informationliberation - Another Smoking Gun? Now CNN Jumps the Gun: On 911 CNN Announced WTC 7 "Has Either Collapsed or is Collapsing" Over an Hour Before it Fell (READ)
- U.S. Warns Against EU's CIA Flight Probe
- US 200-year porn sentence stands (Bizarre)
- AP Entertainment Editor Institutes Ban on Paris Hilton Coverage (LOL)
- Gov't estimates 754,000 homeless people (Now, multiply by 10)
- HAMAS leader finishing visit to Moscow, heading to Iran
- Climate Panel Recommends Global Temperature Ceiling, Carbon Tax (Senseless idiots)
- New Light Shed on CIA's 'Black Site' Prisons
- U.S. won't extradite CIA agents to Italy (As if this would be surprising)
- Gates Downsized War-Crimes Trials Locale (ALL of Guantánamo is ridiculous)
- Laser weapons are getting closer to reality (in the haneds of evil infants)
- Democrats Back Away From War Fund Plan (Lying, fucking, filthy whores)
- US Afghan base on red alert (Vengeance is at hand)
- Cheney Denies Aiming to 'Beat Up On' Musharraf (Meaning it's absolutely true)
- Australia: Long-delayed "terrorist" hearings to commence in Sydney
- US Army to retry war resister officer (US Army is filth)
- France: Socialist Party attempts "left" re-packaging of S-11;-11;gol-11;-11;ne Royal
- The Bush administration's new strategy of setting the Middle East aflame
- Global markets slide after China sell-off
- William S. Lind: The Non-Thinking Enemy (READ: a touch of irony that shows the unavoidable future)
- Harvey Wasserman: The Sham of Nuclear Power (READ)
- License to Torture
- Mark Wilkerson: Standing for a Soldier's Right to Conscience
- Is Lt. Watada an Isolated Case of Military Dissent?
- Why the Boumediene Case on Gitmo Detainees and Habeas Corpus Was Wrongly Decided (Because judges are filthy, bought, lying, pathological, black robed goddamn thugs?)
- The Shanghai Crash: Take the Money and Run
- A Conversation with Francisco Letelier
- Peter Linebaugh: An Amazing Disgrace (Is there ANY governmental act act that is NOT an UNAMAZING Disgrace?)
- Edwards: Treaty With Iran Possible (What would an moron know?)
- Schwarzenegger Forges Greenhouse Gas Alliance With US States (Bought fascist morons all)
- Iraq to Bomb Iran (Insurgency be prepared to to balst them into the next galaxy)
- Global Warming: Enough to Make You Sick (The idiocy of it is)
- Welfare State Growing Despite Overhauls (Now, why might that that be? Duh-uh)
- Iraq Crackdown "Doomed to Fail"
- The Politics of the Man Behind "24" (If your stomach can stand the sickness)
- Law Passed to Distribute Iraqi Oil Revenues (Surprise! NOT with people!)
- Monsanto Merger Sows Fears Over Skewed Seed Market (YOU ARE FUCKED!)
- Ex-GOP Aide Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy (He'll be paid handsomely for this minor inconvenience)
- Rove Received and Ignored Iranian Peace Offer (BFD - obvious - wknewthat)
- Rushed by Bush, Troops Sent to War Without Training (They are useless dead meat)
- Honeybees Vanish, Leaving Crops and Keepers in Peril (The plexus of corpagov evil)
- Honeybees Vanish, Leaving Crops and Keepers in Peril (Annihilation by corpagov)
- The Israeli Army and Mossad Disagree About Syria (only about the methods of genocide)
- Wall Street Adds Climate Change to Bottom Line (It's too late, and they are idiots besides)
- The Iraq Effect: War Has Increased Terrorism Sevenfold Worldwide (All planned and perpetrated by USUKIL)
- Dow Industrials Plunge More Than 400 Points (PPT will restore the illusion)
- Baghdad Sees Resurgence of Bomb, Mortar Attack Deaths (Perpetrated by USUKIL)
- States Work on Proposals to Make Voting Easier (Yeah - right!)
- How the War on Terror Made the World a More Terrifying Place (Isn't it obvious?!)
- Soldiers at Walter Reed Told Not to Speak to Media
- Democratic Leaders to Finalize Iraq Plan (Lousey Fucks need to be tortured forever)
- New Light Shed on CIA's "Black Site" Prisons\
- Walter Cronkite: Iraq War a "Disaster" (So says a CFR member)
- Aspects of Padilla's Treatment Confirmed
- Republicans Threaten to Derail Anti-Terror Bill Over Union Rights (Sounds good to me - jump on it)
- Russia Warns U.S. Against Striking Iran
- Woman Colonel Urges Troops to Refuse Orders if US Attacks Iran
- Rice the gracious hostess of Bush's supper of contrition (Oh give me a bucking freack)
- Scandals mount for Israeli cabinet's newest member (Bitch)
- ACLU ex-president charged in child-porn case (In US corpagov frameup)
- BBC MEDIA MANAGEMENT POLICY: (READ, Re BBC latest pack of lies on WT7)
- Take out the batteries ! (Or refuse to own a cell phone)
- Meet the New Congress ... same as the OLD Congress (Lying goddamn criminals - as usual - book 'em Dano!)
- The Words None Dare Say: Nuclear War
- US commanders admit: we face a Vietnam-style collapse (Pure genius!)
- McCain to Formally Announce Bid in April (Imbecile psychopath)
- Iran to Attend Iraq Talks in High-Level Contact With US (or not: NYT usual stupid babbling)
- Airbus to cut 1600 jobs in Britain
- Latest food scare in the US hits Hollywood party scene (apres peanut butter)
- Castro speaks live on radio
- UN chief deplores Sudanese government aerial bombings in Darfur (Soon he'll realize that his babblings mean nothing)
- NH lawmakers voting on Iraq resolution
- Justices Weigh Right to Sue Over Church-State Separation (Let's guess what the criminal court will do)
- Supreme Court hears defense of faith-based initiative
- Markets on recovery trail after global slide
- Traders agog at screens during armageddon (Just fucking wait! This is just a rehearsal)
- TREASURIES-Bonds retreat as US stocks bounce back (PPT at work)
- Fed chairman says markets working well (Moron)
- Fed Chief's Confidence Stirred, Not Shaken (REAL Moron)
- James Cameron Finds Jesus, Controversy (I'm thrilled everybody is irritated LMFAO!)
- Scholars Prepare Systematic Debunking of 'Tomb of Jesus' (ROTFL)
- Docu-film: Jesus was married (Who?!)
- Israeli troops mount new raid on largest West Bank city
- Dow pulling back from opening slump (PPT in action)
- Sex Slavery - The Growing Trade in Israel
- Lou Pearlman aka Louis J. Pearlman aka Svengali
- Boxed Vista not as popular as XP - study (It's even greater crap)
- Democrats wimp out again (Arrest the Congress and send it to Abu Ghrai w/ families for an attitude adjustmnet)
- Top Ten Tonkin Scenarios (READ)
- The BBC's 'WTC 7 Collapsed At 4:54 p.m.' Videos (READ)
- Obama at AIPAC This Friday (To fall on his knees and pledge his life to Israel)
- US: There will be no bilateral talks with Iran or Syria (unlike yesterday, but until tomorrow, when maybe, ...)
- US to sell Taiwan 421 million US dollars worth of missiles (Just to irritate the Mainland)
- Cow Crap! (READ Who writes laws and who benefits?)
- Bill would mandate nicer term for illegals ("sweetie pie illegal alien"?)
- Ahmadinejad in Sudan: 'Zionists are the true manifestation of Satan' (Sounds about right to me)
- New Zealand forces complain at US treatment of Afghan prisoners
- Swiss court clears suspected Al Qaeda members of all charges... (Yet another crap frameup falls)
- Ahmadinejad blames U.S., Israel for wars (Takes no intellect to figure that out)
- Israel threatens strikes in Lebanon, Gaza (Again, and as usual)
- Obama to offer pro-Israel views at Chicago gathering (Pandering panda poop!)
- Defense workers exposed to chemical agents develop cancer(IL)
- Illegal Numbers Outnumber US Job Growth By 7,000,000!
- Americans Have Lost Their Country - by Paul Craig Roberts
- IRS goes after eBay, wants info on seller earnings (kicking the doors in, in the middle of the night?)
- Chinese scientists control flight of pigeons using microelectrodes (Something sick for every day)
- Israel can deal with Iran alone, Lieberman says (but can't deal with the retribution alone?)
- Supporting the Troops: "Shut Up and Suffer"
- Does the Israeli Tail Wag American Dog?
- Dow Tries to Recover From 209-Point Drop
- Body [Mark Sykes as in "Picot-Sykes"] in lead coffin may hold key to fighting pandemic
- Dead Aristocrat May Hold Key to Bird Flu (They haven't recreated 1918 Flu yet?! No wonder we have no "pandemic" yet then)
- Ga. Reconsiders No-Knock Warrant Rules (Ditch them altogether?)
- Kucinich Introduces HR 1234 to Immediately End the U.S. Occupation of Iraq (He'll be ignored)
- White House: U.S. won't talk to Syria, Iran directly (Are you confused yet?)
- Israel to sell armored vehicles to US troops in Iraq (That's not confusing)
- US representatives approve cooperation with Israel (in destroying the US)
- US 'will not hand over CIA agents to Italy' (because they're quite guilty)
- Ex-'Enemy Combatant' Competent for Trial (Still pounding on Padilla)
- Details of men held in CIA jails demanded
- US: Secret CIA Prisoners Still Missing
- U.S. Knew of Threats as Cheney Visited Base (Meaning that it was another calculated show)
- New Zealand prime minister "abstains" over Iraq occupation
- Britain: Blair seeks to deepen military alliance with Washington
- US soldiers detain prominent Iraqi ally: a warning to governing parties to toe the line
- Cheney huddles with Musharraf and Karzai US faces mounting crisis in Afghanistan
- ISSE meeting in Richmond, Virginia: "Iraq, Iran and the eruption of American militarism"
- Airbus workers in France, Germany strike against massive job cuts
- Market Meltdown: the Dead Hand of Greenspan (READ)
- Haiti's Poor Under a State of Siege by UN
- "Tough on Crime" is the Problem, Not a Solution
- Tina Richards: Demoralizing the Troops? (READ)
- Christopher Brauchli: Bush's Theater of the Absurd (READ)
- Paul Craig Roberts: The Tragedy of a Dozen Evil Men (READ)
- Walter Reed Hospital Officials Knew of Neglect for Years
- Soldiers Move to Small Posts in Baghdad's Most Violent Areas (The easier to get them killed, my dear)
- Saudi Arabia Confronted With an Outburst of Jihad
- Colorado to Use Inmates to Fill Migrant Shortage (A slave society, one way or another)
- Disgrace At Walter Reed -- Commanding General Fired
- Head of Walter Reed Hospital Relieved of Command
- Nicholson calls Walter Reed situation "absolutely unacceptable"
- Bush: 'There is hope' on the Gulf (SOB)
- Diplomacy is Now Us? (Don't hold your breath)
- Italian Prime Minister Wins Vote of Confidence
- Berlusconi offers Prodi support (The Age of Implausibility?)
- Ex-warlord put forward to head Russia's torn province of Chechnya
- EU warns Microsoft of possible further fines
- McCain Says He Regrets Iraq Comment (TOO LATE, LYING MORON)
- Two-year international polar project launched (What a waste)
- US files terrorism charges against 'Australian Taliban' (Insanity for all)
- Windows XP vs Vista (Both are M$ corpagov shit)
- Don't downgrade to Vista (Good advice: M$ just gets worse)
- First bank failure in years happens in Pittsburgh
- 1,800 evacuated after bomb threat phoned into Columbine High School (So which FBI agent made the call?)
- Top Army General Relieved of Command at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (Maybe the UScorpagov fucked troops will get better care?)
- Markets calm after the storm (PPT: mission accomplished)
- Al Qaeda's manual for making a nuclear bomb (LOL)
- Kucinich introduces bill to immediately end Iraq occupation ... (Will he be Wellstoned?)
- Media Blacklists BBC Fiasco (Telling you something)
- New computer virus threatens biz nets (Who, exactly, owns Symantec?)
- BBC, CNN Employ Magical Psychic News Announcers (Amazing, isn't it?)
- The Illegal Alien Conquest Of Los Angeles County (Conquest by the slaves of Agrabiz?!! Guess again asshole! Prisoners will now be the forced labor)
- Why No One Could Have Predicted The Collapse Of WTC 7 (i.e. the Beeb in particular)
- Vista is no panacea for security (but a good way of getting fucked)
- Falling into the Vista trap (M$ is pain: it has always been a racketeering operation, and it really is out to get you)
- U.S. jobless claims rise to year-plus high (Except by standards of your lying filthy goddamn corpagov)
- Africa Where the Next US Oil Wars Will Be (Yes, but don't forget the near east - that's not near over)
- The GOP - the only viable choice (There are NO viable choices, and you are all DEAD! Get over it!)
- 9/11 in Perspective Flight 93 & WTC7 (READ)
- USDA Backs Production of Rice With Human Genes (Gives me the willies)
- U.S. forces pursue Taliban into Pakistan (and this no longer seems unusual)
- Tornadoes kill at least 20 across U.S. South (Our National Guard will help - No?!)
- U.S. vows to continue missile defense plans (i.e., your children get less food)
- Swiss Accidentally Invade Liechtenstein (This is how all invasions should work)
- Shortages Threaten Guard's Capability (Now, why would they be?)
- Ground zero rebuilding agency stops pointing Webcam at WTC site (OK - what are they hiding?)
- Bedouin girl shot in head; IDF suspected (Who else?!)
- Russia wants Israel to join NPT - FM Sergei Lavrov (LMAO)
- Insider-Trading Ring Bust May Fuel Hedge-Fund Concern
- US, Israel begin talks on new 10-year aid plan (Say it isn't so!)
- Israelis at Abu Ghraib? (Yes, intensively; it's provable and proved, next question?)
- Former FBI Director Calls For New OKC Bombing Investigation
- National ID Card Rules Unveiled
- The Pentagons Power to Arrest, Torture, and Execute Americans
- BBC clips to be shown on YouTube (except those "lost WTC7 tapes")
- Mortgage defaults start to spread (No, spreading further)
- Feds bust major insider trading ring (How about those 9/11 puts?)
- The Iraq War Crash - by Justin Raimondo
- Antiwar.com Blog -11;-11; Sen. Carl Levin Calls for Hitting Syria (Another patient in our national asylum for the criminally deranged)
- New signs of US-Syria thaw as senior official sets visit (or not)
- BBC strikes Google-YouTube deal (BBC cover up of WTC7 videos)
- What, Exactly, Are We Dying For? (Questions to have asked before going)
- Russia suspends meat imports from five nations
- Alameda Artist's Display Alarms Secret Service (Three cheers for Michael McDonald)
- French FM calls for all-out expansion of ties with Iran (There's a good idea)
- The 911 Script and the Age of Terror (READ)
- Why the towers fell: Two theories (Bravo!)
- Illinois Congresswoman gets "Ally of israel" award (We are so thrilled we could shit!)
- "Anti-Semitism," the Provocative Accusation (Besides being a stolen concept)
- Site Hacked to Keep BBC 911 Anniversary Video Off Web
- Cheney's New Front in War on Reality (READ and PAY ATTENTION)
- Livni: Israel cannot accept Arab peace initiative in current form (Israel can NEVER accept Arab peace, not matter the form: only genocide will do)
- Wonkette, 9-11 and the BBC tapes (READ)
- China demands US cancel planned missile sale to Taiwan (Interesting)
- Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us (Reality is flux, but lies are still lies)
- OKC 'Third Suspect' Gary Land - Fed Provocateurs Identified? (Ooops!)
- Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says (Finally! Not all alleged scientists have brains - or necessarily tell the truth)
- BBC tries yet again to extricate itself from the mess (What jokes these mortals be)
- GOD DAMN YOU, DICK CHENEY!!! | Wake Up From Your Slumber
- Marine with Brain Injury refused treatment by VA
- GOP House Minority Whip To Aid Group Seeking Nuclear War, Holocaust (Gov sicker than nation)
- Immoral Lack Of Care (READ)
- Scientist's Commentary on Global Warming (READ)
- Is Digg Rigged?
- Attorney General halts BBC probe (Pukey Judges)
- US war wounded scandal grows as Bush vows review (what a sick joke he is)
- FLASHBACK: New York City's anti-terrorism efforts go high-tech - 1999
- Top judge charged with exposure (More pukey judges)
- Climate Change Impact More Extensive than Thought (or not)
- U.K. has the second warmest winter since records began (Good for them! Fuel is expensive)
- Futures Market to Predict the Next Flu Pandemic (Terror mongering shitbags)
- Think Progress -11;-11; Coulter: I Would Talk About Edwards But -11;-11;-11;You Have To Go Into Rehab If You Use The Word -11;-11;-11;Faggot(Edwards may be an opportunistic shit, but Coulter needs to be in an asylum for the criminally insane)
- Bush aides tied to Denver 3 case
- Sources: GOP lawmakers tried to influence federal investigation (Nothing new)
- Feds select new nuclear warhead design (Pink with frilly edges?)
- British diplomats kidnapped in Ethiopia
- Hicks 'won't receive justice' (Weknowthat)
- Aussie Guantanamo inmate faces 'made-up charges' (Weknowthattoo)
- U.S. appeals court dismisses CIA torture lawsuit (Judicial terrorism)
- Afghan opium 'hits record output' (Al-CIAMI6MOSSADa is elated!)
- New UN sanctions on Iran to be "incremental": US (or nonexistent)
- Obama blames Bush for stronger Iran (2 lying horses asses)
- Democrats move to require approval before any strike on Iran (Oh yeah, right - sure!)
- Bolton Says U.S. Should Seek 'Regime Change' in Iran (World should seek regime change in US and good number of other countries held hostage by their corpagovs of occupation)
- Bombing Targets Shiite Cleric in Iraq (Success will be an even bigger mistake)
- 'Surge' needs up to 7,000 more troops (This need has no bound)
- Cheney: Hasty U.S. pullout from Iraq could spread Muslim militants to Afghanistan, elsewhere(He's almost made it a self fulfilling prophecy)
- Iraq 'inconvenient truth' of (bogus) war on terror: Cheney
- White House Backed U.S. Attorney Firings, Officials Say
- India's Congress Party suffers major election reversals
- NSW state election campaign: Morris Iemma, Bob Carr and the "war on terror" (i.e., Iemma is a lying fuckwad)
- Sri Lankan government exploits attack on foreign delegation to intensify war
- Prominent French intellectuals rally to presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy (Et tu France?)
- Army Secretary resigns, soldiers gagged Washington tries to quash scandal over neglect of wounded troops
- The Wall, Apartheid and Mandela
- David Rosen: To Cut or Not to Cut? (Interesting)
- Who Let North Korea Get the Bomb? (Take a good guess first)
- Bush and Walter Reed Hospital: Praise the Care, Slash the Budget (Grrrrr)
- Who is He This Time?: Kerry's Strange Call to Filibuster the War
- Robert Bryce: The Ethanol Scam (It's about time - READ)
- Phil Gasper: Prisoners of Ideology (READ)
- Roger Morris: Cheney's Bagram Ghosts (READ - and understand)
- Kennedy Insider Schlesinger Dies at 89
- Kucinich Comes Back for '08 (He'll be ignored - again)
- Film of Israeli Raid Raises Questions (An evil and criminal nation)
- House Eases Rules on Union Organizing (It doesn't matter)
- Poll Shows Majority Back Health Care for All (Corpagov interests are nt your interests)
- Panel Slams Treatment of Guard, Reserves (It will not matter)
- Democrats Send Out First Round of Subpoenas (Posturing)
- Waxman to Force Walter Reed Ex-Chief to Talk About Problems, Contract (Lots of luck to a semi good guy who doesn't accept or know the evil of Israel)
- YouTube to Add Three BBC-Branded Channels (Now tell us all WHY!)
- Giuliani, Romney Court Conservative Base (Long time psychopath)
- Measuring Democratic impact on America (They are also bought)
- Danish police battles protesting youths, 100 held
- Kuwaiti court acquits 2 ex-Gitmo inmates
- US Attorney David Iglesias Fired After Failing To Break The Law For Republican Lawmakers
- Bolton wanted Iran to kick out Arms Inspectors, he tells AIPAC
- Russia Blog: Russian Astronomer Cites Global Warming On Mars, Doubts Man-Made Climate Change on Earth
- China warns Negroponte on Taiwan arms sales
- Asian Stocks Post Worst Weekly Drop in 7 Months; China Slumps
- U.S. urges caution on subprime loans
- France says Iraq close to partition
- Day-Care Democracy (READ)
- Iraq poised to hand control of oil fields to foreign firms (Giving thr store away)
- Israel hardens its peace terms ahead of Saudi Arab summitt (Disinvite them?)
- Two oil giants plunge into the wind business (What's the scam?)
- Condi Picks Neocon Cohen to Make Her Decisions
- Wall St. braces for more turbulence after worst week in 4 years
- The War on Terror Is the Leading Cause of Terrorism (It IS the terrorism)
- Trusting Rudy Giuliani on Social Issues Is Not Sensible (Understatement)
- DU in Hawaii
- Montana Just Says, 'NO!' (READ)
- Obama to AIPAC: Won't rule out nuking Iran
- Nice work, Obama, you just lost my vote.
- DC Madam To Sell 10,000 Phone Records Of High-End Clients
- Bush Administration push for privatization may have helped create Walter Reed 'disaster'
- Julie Amero Defense Fund (READ)
- Guns Don't Kill People, Gun Control Kills People
- Borrowing from China to give to Israel
- Washington trembles as madam threatens to sell phone records (LOL - but a diversion)
- Felicity Arbuthnot: Some Mothers' Daughters - The Silence (READ)
- Essjay - Wikitruth (READ)
- Internet Archive Authenticates BBC Video (READ)
- Monsanto biotech alfalfa lawsuit ratchets up
- FDA Rules Override Warnings About Drug (READ)
- Children of 11 to be fingerprinted for secret database (UK Totalitarian State)
- UK govt blasted over terrorism curbs
- A New Mystery to Prosecutors: Their Lost Jobs
- Wounded Troops: Bush's Second Katrina
- Panel slams treatment of Guard, Reserves
- Prodi confirmed as Italian prime minister
- U.S. claims on North Korea come under scrutiny
- Pakistan: U.S. forces not allowed across border
- CIA torture victim denied his day in US court
- US court backing for CIA
- KBR billing dispute widens
- Halliburton sees Iraq contract awards in 2nd qtr
- Iraqi general kidnapped in Baghdad
- Al-Qaeda group posts execution video (Do we believe one word of this?)
- Iraq PM flags cabinet shakeup
- Expert on Soviet Intelligence Shot in Adelphi
- Judge Orders 2 Papers to Remove Stories from Web Sites
- Saudi Arabia king meets with Iran president
- McCain tells chatshow he will run for president (Spare us all another embarassment)
- Saudis funding insurgents in Iraq
- Saudi Arabia and Iran spoil israel's fun
- 16 dead in U.S.-Afghan militant violence
- Bombshells, Blackguards and General Breakdown (READ)
- Military Able to Draft Within 13 Days After Attack on Iran
- Bush impeachment calls gather momentum (Not fast enough)
- International aid agency: 80 percent of Gazans now rely on food aid
- If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine
- FDA poised to approve cattle antibiotic despite warnings
- Bush Prods Congress on "No Child Left Behind." (More disaster!)
- Israeli and U.S. officials meet on stepping up sanctions on Iran
- A Jew Posing As An Arab, Advising..Arabs..
- The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel's Founding Idea
- No Agreement on UN Sanctions for Iran (I wonder why?)
- A Nation of Stupid Children, Who Refuse to Give Up the Lies
- Sects slice up Iraq as US troops 'surge' misfire
- Iran says has received US 'proposals' for Iraq talks
- MK Orlev presents updated list of mortal enemies of Israel
- 2007 German horror tale (READ So far - worse than in the US)
- American Troops In Kosovo May Lose Their Combat Status
- ScienceDaily: Programmed For Obesity: Early Exposure To Common Chemicals Can Permanently Alter Metabolic System
- Iraq: New Martial Law Powers Threaten Basic Rights
- Hicks lawyer faces removal from case
- Wikipedia: Jimbo Wales backpeddles from EssJay scandal
- Global warming is human rights issue (Not at all an issue of science)
- Lawmakers ask US govt to clear stand on hot pursuit (But Pakistan doesn't think so)
- US Threats against Iran: War Plans and Pretexts in Place
- A New Mystery to Prosecutors: Their Lost Jobs
- Case of the Disappearing Article (READ!)
- Internet Archive Authenticates BBC Video (There it is as to predesign and preknowledge of 9/11)
- George Washington's Blog: How Did They Know? (READ)
- I am not a state secret - Los Angeles Times (READ)
- Sy Hersh: Neolib Disinfo Operative? (Is Kurt Nimmo having a brainfart?)
- US soldier deletes AP photographer's photos, threatens violence
- US triggers $11bn HSBC fall-out
- Sick people used like laboratory rats in GM trials (READ)
- Justice Department takes aim at image-sharing sites (or anything else it can get its slimey claws on)
- U.S. Army Veterans Scandal Widens
- Walter Reed gave five-year, $120M contract to IAP, run by former Halliburton official
- U.S. forces enter Sadr City in first major push of Baghdad security drive
- Arabs want U.N. timetable for U.S. withdrawal
- How Much Embassy Is Too Much?
- Lieberman Says US Must Spend More on Military Medical Care (Yeah, for Israel)
- Army scrambles to clean Walter Reed (Vet hospitals have ALWAYS been dumps)
- American delegation of peace activists arrive in Tehran
- Deal or no deal, Lebanese politicians have no more time to waste
- Ahmadinejad and King Abdullah reject sectarian strife
- Treasury Secretary: US Economy is Healthy (LMAO! Nonexistent is more like it)
- Obama, Clinton converge on civil rights shrine (Both struck by lightning?)
- Chinese market gold rush goes on
- No tax on stock market earnings, Chinese official says
- On Advertising: BBC creeping toward commercialism
- Woman dies from bird flu in Laos (or not)
- US wants China to be open on spending (LOL)
- Body Parts Delivered to Michigan Home (Absolutely NOTHING works)
- Israelis caught on film using human shields (It's what they do [yawn] weknowthat)
- Not oil but Israel (Neither: it's empire)
- The Great Global Warming Swindle (and it IS a swindle)
- How Barack Obama learned to love Israel (The paid for votes - is that difficult to understand?)
- Obama: US should never dictate what's best for Israel (Ah - but the inverse!)
- Unpaid taxes equal $2,680 per household (Let no taxes be paid)
- Jimmy Carters book stirs a critical debate. (Too many people are fed up to their eyeballs with goddamn Israel)
- Dump the Democrats and Unite! (Sounds good to me: Dems are bought and not worth their own shit)
- (Jewish) Groups Fear Public Backlash Over Iran (Believe it!)
- U.S. Military Kills 16 Civilians in Afghanistan (It's what the US does: it's been a criminal nation for over 150 years)
- Afghan journalists say U.S. soldiers deleted photos, video after bomb attack and shootings
- State Department promotion sends Iran war signal
- Attacking Iran could speed up nuclear programme (makes little sense)
- Global markets extend dive
- 'It Is Just Not Walter Reed' (and the orders come from the WH - they know very well)
- Diebold Weighs Strategy for Voting Unit (Confession of all would be good)
- Russia to Counter US Buildup
- Would Israel attack Iran? Depends who you ask (Yes, next question?)
- Correction: this could become a crash after all (It's been long in the making and designing)
- High-ranking cabinet official in charge of $47 billion funds organization he started in his kitchen
- Afghan Media: U.S. Troops Deleted Images
- 10 False Flags that Changed the World
- Buried Alive (READ: unreported surge in Israel's genocidal program)
- Outrage Over Israeli Killing of Captured Egyptians
- 'Global Warming Is Lies' Claims Documentary (which is mostly true)
- A Horse of a Different Color - by Justin Raimondo
- From Serving in Iraq To Living on the Streets - washingtonpost.com
- BBC's 9/11 Yellow Journalism Backfires
- Dan Rather says WTC collapses look like demolitions (VIDEO)
- FCC Destroys "Blogger" Webcasters
- Russian Journalist Dies in Suspicious Fall From Window (#14 and counting)
- Jewish coalition calls for open debate on Palestine (Jews fed up with Israel multiply)
- US troops accused of deleting journalists' films
- Russian stock market plunges on Monday opening
- From Texas cell, Canadian, 9, pleads for help (READ)
- Jews In Europe - 1938: 8,039,608 - 1948: 9,372,668 (?!)
- US asks us to pick up litter while city is in ruins, says mayor of Baghdad
- Arabs to re-offer Israel peace deal
- Iran: Can a military strike work? (Define "work")
- The Lost Tomb of Jesus: Discovery Channel (Garbage Channel)
- Lieberman's 9/11 police state bill on Senate floor today (The crimes of Senator Hasswurst)
- AIPAC can't stand the Light of Day (being an evil creature of filth and darkness)
- Extremist rabbis call for return of animal sacrifice (little Arab boys?!)
- PeaceMaker - A Video Game to Promote Peace (I'll bet it will not be very popular)
- Lebanon uncovers European-run spy network (that is actually Mossad - READ)
- Holt wants hearings on FBI anthrax investigation (More diversionary hocus pocus)
- Supreme Court Debates Lawsuit Against White House's Faith-Based Initiative (Oh, this should be fun)
- Mineta's Testimony CONFIRMED (READ)
- Debunking the Suicide for 72 Virgins Myth (YES! - READ)
- Did No. 10 leak 'killer' e-mail?
- Two FBI Whistleblowers Confirm Illegal Wiretapping of Government Officials and Misuse of FISA
- 9/11 Truth Has Already Won the Debate (READ - and keep reading)
- It Doesn't Matter If Hillary Apologizes for Her Iraq War Vote (Hilary does not matter)
- 60,000 Marriages Broken by Iraq, Including Mine
- Bad Vista! (READ)
- Bush's Director for U.S. Attorneys Mysteriously Resigns
- Green Acres Is the Place for Many (READ)
- Google erases British bases in Iraq (on the basis of fabricated "evidence")
- Huckleberry-picker prison? (National asylum for mentally deranged at work)
- Israeli hands are drenched in the blood of Egyptian soldiers
- Forced software upgrades can add up for Vista users (M$ Mafia at work)
- 59 things that would have stayed secret (UK)
- NASA can't pay for killer asteroid hunt (Interesting)
- IAEA: Iran may have halted nuke program (There are more important things?)
- 31 Questions and Answers about the Internal Revenue Service (READ Lots of fun)
- High court affirms Colo. redistricting plan
- Experts urge big effort to make pandemic vaccines (to fight corpagov pandemic)
- House Passes Bill Using Technology to Fight Terrorism (Our nation asylum for terrorists)
- CIA Rushing Resources to Bin Laden Hunt (Santa Claus arrested for molesting Easter Bunny!)
- Israeli minister postpones Egypt visit over war crimes allegations (Fuckwad should stay home)
- Bush funding paramilitary gangs in Colombia, seeks $3.9B in more 'aid' (That's just normal Bushwork)
- Katrina victims evacuate FEMA park (READ)
- Report: Walter Reed Management Outsourced (Corpagov at its best)
- US airstrike in Kabul kills nine members of same family (Murder is our most important product)
- Riots After NATO Bombing Kills Family of 9 In Afghanistan
- Israelis to supply vehicles for Iraq
- Iraqis Caught Torturing Prisoners Inside Gov't Building
- Basra Raid Finds Dozens Detained by Iraq Spy Unit
- No U.S. Backup Strategy For Iraq (There never was)
- White House Likely to Update War Request (Insatiable lust)
- Cheney treated at hospital for blood clot (Do I give a rat's ass?)
- Privacy Board Clears U.S. Spy Programs (Projectile vomiting anyone?)
- new US strategy to fund the enemy of the US troops (It's been a long tern policy)
- Nine 'plotted Sydney jihad' (Horseshit)
- Guantanamo defense lawyer threatened with charges of 'contemptuous words' (This government is beyond contempt)
- Los Angeles hospitals investigated for "dumping" homeless patients (Again?)
- Australian state election: Socialism and the struggle against US militarism
- The March 26 Quebec elections and the Canadian elite's turn to the right
- Wall Street drools over prospect of capturing Iraq oil wealth
- Raiding Nablus: Israel's Hot Winter Offensive
- Dave Lindorff: The People of Washington vs. Pelosi, et al (READ)
- Sen. Barack Obama: Israel and AIPAC (Fuck this moron SOB)
- The Rice Crisis in East Timor (That's food, not the US idiotbitch)
- Conscientious Objector Faces Court-Martial: the Case of August-11;-11;n Aguayo
- US Nuclear Hypocrisy and Iran (Does this really need explaining?)
- James Petras: Bush Versus Chavez (READ)
- Exodus of Iraq's Ancient Minorities
- Global Warming Is Human Rights Issue: Nobel Nominee (Psychosis becomes Nobel material - you know you're in deep shit)
- Voter Turnout Among the Young Still Lags (They know it doesn't matter?)
- Antiwar Caucus Wants to Be Heard Now (Right - and I want a yacht)
- Lawmakers Squabble Over Anti-Terrorism Bill (Their committing suicide would be more useful)
- Military Faces Growing Ranks of Bereaved (and royally fucked)
- US Forces Begin Sweep of Sadr City (wherein, they will die and be maimed)
- Report: DOE's Missed Deadlines on Appliance Efficiency Cost Billions (It's government science)
- Independent Reporting Drew Army Coverup, Secrecy, Delays (READ)
- UN nuclear watchdog to ratify Iran aid cut (Does Iran need "aid"?)
- The Long Fuse on Ann Coulter's Bomb (Could we watch her head explode?)
- Cheney has blood clot in his leg (but is a blot clot in the universe - Is this another fiction in the wake of the Libby results?)
- Microsoft patches Xbox 360 (M$ needs to die)
- Britney tries to hang herself at rehab! (If at first you don't succeed, ...)
- 'Antichrist' Britney 'attempts suicide' (Too much BS)
- Ibuprofen Best for Kids with Acute Musculoskeletal Pain (Nope - it's poison)
- Bush to visit Latin America, Chavez's backyard (LMAO)
- Bush heads for Latin America to counter appeal of Ch-11;-11;vez (ROTFL! Stalin v. Gandhiji)
- Microsoft Hit By U.S. DOT Ban On Windows Vista, Explorer 7, and Office 2007 (Ooops)
- Bush spy rules OK'd (also genocide rules, torture rules, ... - are you feeling so much safer now?)
- Sen. Joe Biden Calls Iranian Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 'Madman' (Biden has always been an asshole)
- Decoding the 39 Ingredients in a Twinkie ( I've never eaten one in my life)
- U.S. Court Allows CIA Kidnapping and Torture l (It's soooo 'murikan)
- The Housing Bubble Starts to Burst (There are levels of bursting; this is just the next one)
- Without Health Benefits, a Good Life Turns Fragile (Like when your dearly paid for insurer, State Farm, e.g., fucks your ass)
- Kremlin: Russia to revise military doctrine to respond to growing role of force in world
- Wikipedia hit by identity crisis as student admits posing as professor (How about killing him?)
- Olmert calls special cabinet session over Iranian nuclear threat (Would an enema help him?)
- Pentagon to implement global DVR-like surveillance? (The sickest nation ever to exist)
- A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection (Speaking of sickest, this isn't too funny either)